by Robert Wilkinson
Today we'll explore the astrology of what just happened, and is happening, in the disaster zone we call the city of New Orleans (NO). In Mundane Astrology, a.k.a Political Astrology, we examine the chart of the nation, the state, or the city using the same rules as those we use in assessing birth charts. In the case of a governmental entity, like a city, it's usually when the city was chartered or incorporated, though there are exceptions, like Los Angeles, where we use the chart of the first Spanish settlement. For New Orleans we use the first incorporation chart of February 17, 1805, set for noon, giving NO a Sun at 29 Aquarius, Ascendant at 13 Gemini, and Moon conjunct Saturn RX and Uranus RX at 17, 16, and 21 Libra respectively. There is a Mercury-Venus conjunction in Aquarius at 3-4 degrees, Mars is RX at 3 Leo, Jupiter is 5 Sagittarius conjunct Neptune at 29 Scorpio, and Pluto is 9 Pisces. The North Node is 26 Capricorn. With this info, some of you have already seen the main drivers behind this disaster. Welcome to the perfect example of Uranus conjunct Pluto in Pisces, where revolutionary forces beyond our control come to meet widespread devastation and annihilation in the sign of the ocean!
This disaster is weather related, so we must use some basics of Meteorological Astrology, a.k.a. the astrology of weather prediction. While this is not my specialty per se, I do remember just enough about it to offer some comments on this hurricane-induced hell on Earth. This article will be more about the technique of evaluating the various factors involved than any subjective interpretation I might offer, since nature itself has already interpreted events for us. That said, it seems that the primary factors in weather astrology are the lunations, the New Moons and Full Moons and eclipses that precede a given period. So let's start there.
The previous New Moon at NO showed an ascendant at 30 Pisces, which as I've noted, is the sign of the ocean (or sea). Saturn is the exact degree of the NO Mars, afflicted by Mars at the degree of "A widow at an open grave" which also afflicts the NO Mercury and Venus. Neptune is exactly trine NO Moon-Saturn, a perfect example of the fact that trines do not always promise good things, just "ease of flow," certainly the case here. That the trine is in Air signs shows a harmony of wind, but with the South Node exactly conjunct the NO Moon-Saturn it would be an unfortunate "harmony of wind." A class 4 or 5 hurricane could be described this way. Chiron, the wandering wounded healer, is at 30 Capricorn, conjunct the NO North Node, showing the wandering and need for healing in NO.
And of course, Neptune was afflicted by the New Moon and Mercury retrograde, creating tensions in the collective consciousness and bringing back into focus old business that should have been taken care of before. That the Corps of Engineers has been stiffed the last 20 years in their efforts to strengthen the levees and walls holding back the lake and river surrounding NO is common knowledge, as it has been discussed many times that should this type of hurricane hit NO (an inevitability) it would lead to exactly what we're seeing now. This was a perfect Mercury retrograde storm, and is still setting off recriminations that won't go away soon. The previous Full Moon at NO put the ascendant at 19 Scorpio, a sign often associated with death, decay, and the elimination of old things. The ruler Mars afflicted by Mercury and Neptune created a wide but significant Grand Fixed Cross. As you know from previous articles, this cross will persist for months, so buckle your seat belts, as it's going to be a wild ride for everyone. In the Full Moon chart, Saturn continues to afflict the Leo-Aquarius oppositions in the NO chart, the South Node continues to sit on the NO Libra stellium, Chiron continues to conjunct the NO North Node, and Uranus continues to sit exactly on the NO Pluto.
The main influence, as I see it, is the Full Moon degrees of 27 Leo-Aquarius closely aligned with the NO Sun at 29 Aquarius, ruler of the NO 4th house, and square the NO Neptune at 29 Scorpio. Though Jupiter was conjunct the Moon-Saturn of NO, again, this is another example of a conjunction from Jupiter leading to massive excess. Excessive wind (Air), excessive fear, restriction, limitation and deprivation (Saturn) and anarchy (Jupiter conjunct Uranus.)
Noting the previous eclipses in April 2005, we find that in the Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2005, the ascendant is 30 Leo, very close to the Full Moon preceding the hurricane. Chiron was conjunct NO Mercury-Venus, Uranus was exactly conjunct NO Pluto, Saturn exactly squared NO Uranus, the South Node was conjunct NO Uranus, and the degree of the New Moon conjunct Venus eclipse was 20 Aries, squaring Saturn and opposing the NO Uranus. This T-square threw the tension into Capricorn, NO 8th house of loss, death, and regeneration, as well as insurance.
The Lunar Eclipse of April 24 was no better. Uranus continued its exact conjunction with the NO Pluto, Mars was conjunct the NO Sun (the Moon of the most recent Full Moon preceding the hurricane), Chiron was conjunct the NO Mercury-Venus, Saturn still squared NO Uranus, and the South Node still conjuncted the NO Uranus. The most striking feature of this eclipse, though, is that it occurred at 5 degrees Taurus-Scorpio, the "widow at the open grave" degree of the Mars in the New Moon preceding the hurricane. Students of astrology will note that Mars is the trigger for most events in our world, for good or ill. In this case, 5 Taurus was activated back in April by the eclipse, and Mars' transit over that point in the recent lunation threw everything into motion.
The final factors to consider are the NO progressions and the transits of the event itself. NO is having a Saturn return by progression that aggravates the natal Moon-Saturn sesquisquare the NO Sun. The NO progressed Ascendant at 1 Sagittarius exactly semisquares the NO Moon-Saturn, which again emphasizes the crisis factor. The progressed nadir (IC) is conjunct the NO Pluto and progressed Pluto, not a good thing! By progression, NO has Neptune at 26 Scorpio and Jupiter at 30 Scorpio, points extremely afflicted by various eclipse and lunation factors mentioned above. We also note that the progressed Jupiter is still within a degree and a half of its conjunction with the NO natal Neptune in Scorpio. I have found that when aspects closely separate they are the most dramatic in their effects.
As for the transits, the hurricane hit with late Leo rising, again aggravating the same factors mentioned in the previous sentence. The South Node is still conjunct NO Saturn, the Sun exactly squared the NO Jupiter, the Moon in Gemini occupied NO first house, and Mars was in the very difficult quincunx to the NO Moon-Saturn. The hurricane hit at the time of the exact transitting Mars square Neptune, having been strengthened by the Fixed T-square with Mercury the previous few days and the Moon in Gemini opposed Pluto the previous day. As I wrote, "The end of the month shows us "the inadequacy of past knowledge in times of crisis" as well how to confirm the new values, resources, or conditions we'll be dealing with through January 2006." There were also two major quincunxes occurring at the time of the hurricane, those being Mars quincunx Jupiter and Venus quincunx Mars. These always deal with health issues, and force hard adjustments.
All these factors add up to the gigantic mess we're seeing today.
Hola Roberto:
Thanks for your excellent article that evaluates the various factors involved in the NO chart leading the the overwhemling destruction that nature recently unleashed. It's amazing how the astrological aspects, transits and points all coincide the reality of this unfortunate event.
Is it possible to analyze the US chart and see how the NO event may be connected to factors in this chart. No doubt Katrina will have profound effects at the political, social, economic, health, environmental and spiritual levels which will reverberate through out Norte America for many years to come.
Gracias y saludos,
Felipe Gonzales
Posted by: Felipe Gonzales | September 02, 2005 at 02:26 PM
My sympathy is extended to all you Americans on your recent disaster. It's unfortunate, we as humans have to encounter such forces of nature. There is a huge rippling effect even after the storm has subsided. To families, communities, towns, cities, states,nations and the world. The most impacted of course are the one's that have lost loved ones, memories, and strength of power. I am humbled and grieve your losses. I can only hope that other nations assist you as you have assisted so many other nations in there moments of grief. I am Canadian and I support you!
Good Luck to All.. CJ
Posted by: colleen | September 02, 2005 at 11:09 PM
Robert, please research the New Orleans chart further. New Orleans was founded in 1718. It was a French city first, then Spanish, then American. The actual "founding" of the city was its claim by French explorers Iberville and Bienville. They claimed a spot on the MIssissippi River and Christened it "Pointe du Mardi Gras."
Specifically, New Orleans was selected as a city because "it was a rare bit of natural high ground along the flood prone banks of the Lower Missippi and was a adjacent to a Native American trading route and portage between the river and Lake Ponchartrain via Bayou St. John (what is called mid-city today). A communitiy of fur trappers had existed along the bayou in what is now mid city for at least a decade before the official founding of the city. New Orleans became the capital of French Louisiana in 1722, replacing BILOXI in that role."
Don't you find all that interesting? Biloxi was also devastated in this hurricane. And the city was chosen for its relationship to water.
"In 1763, the colony was ceded to the Spanish Empire. Some of the early French settlers were never quite happy with Spanish rule, and repeatedly petitioned to be returned to French control.
The Great Fire of 1788 destroyed many of the existing structures in the city. As a result of this fire, and a subsequent fire in 1795, much of 18th century architecture still present in the French Quarter was built under Spanish rule, and demonstrates Spanish colonial characteristics.
In 1795, Spain granted the United States "Right of Deposit" in New Orleans, allowing Americans to use the city's port facilities. Louisiana reverted to French control in 1801 after Napoleon's conquest of Spain, but in 1803, Napoleon sold Louisiana (which then included portions of more than a dozen present-day states) to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase. At this time the city of New Orleans had a population of about 10,000 people.
I have heard many astrologers refer to New Orleans as a Scorpio city. Personally, I feel like it has always lived and breathed like a scorpio city. Very sensual. Very dark. Very promethean. Very cultural. And very water. Not air. Everything about the city is water, from its commerce and life force to its resistance to change and (banana republic) politics.
In my heart I do not feel that New Orleans is an Aquarius city. But if your excellent interpretation is built on the 1800's "charter," I would respectuflly disagree about the date, as the city was there and functioning way before 1800. It has a strong multicural influence. Its architecture (and city engineering) is both French and Spanish in derivation, but certainly way before 1800. As a matter of fact, I believe there may have been some initial French engineering to protect the city from the Mississippi River - which, interestingly, withstood this hurricane. It was the later (American) engineering of the city as the city grew away from the French Quarter into the outerlying areas that created the problem it has now. The levee system that protects the city from the northern Lake Ponchartrain - and the water that flows into the Lake from spillways all the way to the Gulf of Mexico is what flooded the city during this hurricane.
With all that is going on right now, it would certainly make sense to me that it's a Scorpio city and not an Aquarian one.
Posted by: Charles | September 03, 2005 at 04:28 AM
My elation seemed so out of place in the face of all this devastation here. Believe me, my heart is with all those people, and my daughter is working with them.
God is with all those people, no matter how it may seem. And my mind can't help turning to the fact that New Orleans was a sin city. No judgement on it, just what I've seen, and never wanted to go there. Was this another fulfillment of prophesy?
May all the ones touched by this be blessed in huge ways because of it. Amen
Posted by: Karen | September 03, 2005 at 05:42 AM
Wow. Thanks for all of you checking in. I have already composed Monday's post addressing the points made by Charles, who is right on the money, historically. However, that's not all there is to the story of the NO birth chart.
As for it being Scorpio, well, the sign of Aquarius does have Scorpio on the 10th house, which is why Aquarians often seem to have knowledge of deeper things, so to speak. And the 1805 chart shows Pluto in Pisces in the 10th, also an indicator of the murky, dark energies of the town.
Personally, being familiar with history, I doubt the powers that be would have waited until November to declare that swamp a city, so most likely it has Scorpio rising or Moon or ruler of the Ascendant in Scorpio. No planet was in Scorpio other than the Moon until late October that year, with the exception of Saturn. It was in early Scorpio through late March, spent the spring and summer in Libra, and re-entered Scorpio around the Autumnal equinox in late September. NO could very well have Capricorn rising with Saturn elevated in Scorpio if it was founded early in the year, or it could be Cancer rising with Moon in Scorpio in the fifth house of partying and affairs and so forth. Moon in Scorpio in the 5th opposed Neptune in Taurus would certainly show as "sin city."
Just for fun, I set a chart for March 12, 1718 1:10 pm, and got Moon conjunct Jupiter in Cancer with Cancer rising, and Saturn in Scorpio in the 4th. March 18-20 would put the Moon in Scorpio ruling the Ascendant with Jupiter in Cancer rising. There are, of course, many other possible combinations, but I suspect they formally declared it a city in the early Spring. Monday's post will elaborate on some of this.
Posted by: Robert | September 03, 2005 at 09:40 AM
Um, just as the undesignated representative for the astrologically impaired I've got to say that I can't make head or tails of what this article or thread "means". Especially about how it fits in the context of our country and its evolution, where it's going, etc. Is there any chance everyone was wrong about when the mercury retrograde was? Given the 'communications problems' in Louisiana and Mississippi, and me still scratching my head after asking the same question essentially 3 times here, I'm just wondering.
Posted by: Caleb | September 03, 2005 at 09:43 AM
Sorry Robert, I didn't see your comment to me about posting more in the near future until after I posted the above. Sounds good. Will be looking forward to it. :-)
Posted by: Caleb | September 03, 2005 at 09:45 AM
Where does the Scorpio city reference come from, does anyone know? I've always heard New Orleans is Scorpio, but it seems none of the dates match up. I do know that Iberville "discovered" the area on Mardi Gras, March 3, 1699, but that's not a Scorpio date. So what is the basis for Scorpio? The state of Louisiana is Taurus.
Aquarius? I think not. New Orleans is in no way a city ahead of its time as an Aquarian place should be. Nor is it technologically advanced. No. Not Aquarius.
Posted by: Alexa | October 05, 2005 at 05:54 AM
Well, Alexa, there is much confusion as to when NO was actually founded. The Aquarius comes from the date of incorporation. It seems historically it was not founded on Mardi Gras, according to Blake Ponchartrain who writes an "urban legends" type of column in NO (or used to). I did a follow up post at this link. It seems that it was founded in late Summer, 1718, though I still haven't received an email corroborating that day asserted by only one website with no documentation. I believe it has a Scorpio rising, or Cancer rising with Moon in Scorpio.
Posted by: Robert | October 05, 2005 at 06:34 AM