by Robert Wilkinson
Our current Prez, George Bush, was born with a Sun in Cancer and Moon in Libra. This combination is insecure and always seeking a better picture of their world, but not very sure about how to do it. The lights in these signs makes him an interesting combination of introvert and extrovert, and his vitality is not very constant. With the square of his Sun and Moon, he often approaches life with the feeliing that to attain one thing he desires he must give up another thing equally desired, and his past and future don't mesh very well in the present.
He knows how to compartmentalize parts of his life to keep one area from interfering with other areas, but he's often very ambivalent as he tries to sort things out. He wants to please others, but he also is so theoretical that he idealizes things in ways that are not very realistic. He's definitely touchy, and would rather play defense than offense.
His Sun in a Water sign with his Moon in an Air sign shows he's heavily emotional but tries to package it through his idealistic self image. Usually the Moon in Libra shows pleasing social skills and an early home life that is very interactive due to the Air quality. Here I'll note that both his parents are Air signs, and probably insisted on superficial forms of perfection. His Leo Ascendant gives him lots of Fire, though with Pluto rising he tends to bring out the extremes in others which is often difficult for his idealistic and image-driven Moon.
Someone with a Libra Moon is usually fairly independent despite needing lots of human interaction, but with a Cancer Sun this is blunted somewhat. Bush needs an active social life to feel like his needs are getting met, though again, he's apt to want things to serve his image. With his Sun in Cancer, he's primarily intent on finding and maintaining security around his intense emotional needs. This is made more extreme by his Pluto rising in Leo.
He's very sensitive, and likes to flatter others and be flattered by them as well. Cancers are very self-protective, and have a need to let go of the old "shell of personality" every so often so they can grow. And like their symbol of the crab, as they are trying to find or grow a new shell they go through a time of extreme insecurity due to feeling vulnerable. At these times Cancer can make things more difficult than is necessary through unproductive and restless discontent.
Cancer and Libra are Cardinal signs. All Cardinal signs take initiative, start things, move on their own instinct. They usually don't wait for permission to act, and seldom need others to tell them what to do or how to do it. A Sun in Cancer with Moon in Libra shows someone seeking a more perfect picture of their own inner world, mirrored outward through circumstances. At times very tender, other times temperamental, this Sun-Moon combination can become so subjective and abstract in their feelings that others can feel pretty disregarded.
Grant Lewi was one of the true masters of astrology. In the section describing this Sun and Moon in his masterwork Heaven Knows What, he writes "You are a little afraid of your own emotions - afraid of being hurt, afraid of being fooled, for you are somewhat suspicious. Once you have been disappointed by being too trusting (which you have been), you develop a high degree of self-protectiveness. This is all right, as far as it goes, but it makes you an elusive person in romance; and your admirer is likely to feel like a fly under a microscope, having his reactions analyzed, while you yourself are untouched."
His Bowl configuration shows he is very self-contained, and his entire orientation toward the world is one of division and a sense of what he possesses versus what he does not or cannot possess. He has something he wants to offer to his world, but needs to develop a sense of humor which can protect his feelings while he searches through the areas he feels excluded from. Because Uranus, the revolutionizer, leads the pattern, he's a renovator who occasionally explodes sideways through temperamental outbursts which don't help his self-image. He knows how to synthesize many things in new ways, and other factors in his chart show that he decides first, thinks secondly, and feels last of all. This makes for very insecure feelings, and indicates that when his emotions come out, they are usually very strong, even exaggerated. He is a bit of a taskmaster who runs roughshod over other people's feelings, and is so subjective he usually is not aware of how his feelings are affecting others.
His multiple conjunctions in several signs indicates he is always dealing with multiple internal awarenesses, and nothing is simple to him. His inner complexity gives him more than one imput in every activity, and with a strong Gemini presence in his chart, he has a need to examine different points of view without being too detached from what he's saying or thinking. With his strong Leo planets and Ascendant, he is somewhat of an extremist, occasionally self-destructive and often subject to forces beyond his control. He's sensitive to the slightest things, but not very concerned about his impact on others.
I'll update his progressions and transits in the near future, since he's just been through his Saturn return, and now it's camped out exactly on his Mercury-Pluto-Ascendant conjunction. This has major implications for the entire United States, and therefore the world. He's probably depressed right now, not feeling very vital or strong, and depleted of ideas and the strength to move out of his old patterns and into new ones more appropriate to who he is.
Our chief executive is not a happy camper. His brain, as well as the men behind the curtain, are about to be indicted, and he's a lame duck whose administration is on the verge of being discredited for all time. But then again, he has brought it all on himself, since Saturn never brings you anything you didn't participate in. He'll be lucky if he makes it through his second term due to factors too extensive to discuss in this article. I'll write more in other articles to come.
(Originally published July 23, 2004)
Expert analysis...when you get time, mosey on over to my blog and see how much great minds think alike! :-) Wrote a piece today on his transit Saturn conj Pluto and progressed Pluto opp Uranus 4th to 10th. Keep up the wonderful writing,
PJ Starr
Starrscapes Astrology Blog
Posted by: PJ Starr | October 19, 2005 at 09:46 PM
Hi PJ - Checked out your blog, and it was excellent. Didn't have time to sign up to comment; you may want to change the requirement about anonymous posters. Thought what you had to say was very good. Interesting note re: his parents early 2006. Also agree with your assessment regarding his health. Wrote something about that in an article a while ago. You're spot on.
I'm not looking forward to Tecumseh's Curse, since it's bad whatever does or does not happen. As an aside, where in AZ are you located? It's one of my old stomping grounds.
Posted by: Robert | October 20, 2005 at 12:40 AM
Hey Robert,
Thanks for checking in...sorry to be so long in replying! Pluto is creeping up on my Sun and Uranus keeps hovering near my Ascendant...(Neptune + Pluto=Dense fog. Translated in the body to pnuemonia...arrrrggghhhh). Am in the far West Valley of Phoenix, out Wickenburg way. No astrology community beyond the western edge of Glendale these days. I have always lived where there were lots of Astrology 'heads' and also taught Astrology in adult community ed in several towns. Despite having an astrology school, plus the presence of Noel Tyl and the AFA in Arizona, it is still a 'Red' state....very tough for the less conservative!
The Earth Changes have been going on for about 20 years, actually, and will continue to accelerate until about 7 degrees of Pluto in Cap, I think. I would look for a huge 'event' about that time. Let's keep in are an awesome astrologer. :-) Warmly, PJ*
Posted by: PJ Starr | December 03, 2005 at 09:09 AM