by Robert Wilkinson
Since this extraordinary woman looms large on the current political landscape and she recently had a birthday, I thought we could take a new look at this force majure in our nation's government. In this article we'll examine some elements in her astrological chart so we can better understand her personality, and as election 2008 draws closer, we'll revisit her progressions and transits to see what the future holds for this Senator from New York.
Before we examine the birth chart of this very complex woman, we have a problem with conflicting birth times. Hillary has stated she was born at 8 pm. However, her mom states she was born in the morning. I have run into this before, and it does make a significant difference in the Ascendant, or rising sign. I'm not clear how Hillary knows her birth hour other than from her mother, but it is possible that her information is in fact more accurate than her mom's.
In the 35 years I've been doing astrology, my experience is that occasionally parents and even birth certificates can be incorrect. Sometimes parents can get mixed up about which child was born when, and often they simply don't remember. In these cases, I try to find out if there is a baby book available with the time, or maybe a relative who can remember when they first heard that a person was born.
The birth certificate is often incorrect due to hospital personnel rounding the birth time up or down. Other times they get it totally wrong. For example, my mom told me that the first birth certificate the hospital issued on me stated that I was a girl with red hair born in 1950 when actually I was blond, obviously a male (I HOPE the doctors and nurses knew how to figure that one out!), born 1951. While I understand getting the hair color wrong, I would think it is very difficult to get gender and year wrong. Go figure.
The birth time determines the Ascendant, or rising sign. The Ascendant gives indications of the self image as well as the physical appearance. If she was born at 8 pm, then she has 30 degrees Gemini rising, whereas a chart done for 8:02 am sets her Ascendant at 23 degrees of Scorpio. Based on thousands of charts I've done, she has the facial features of a Gemini, and there are other reasons why I prefer the Gemini rising chart. And since we aren't certain, I'll examine the chart considering factors that have nothing to do with her Ascendant sign.
That said, here's Hillary!
Anyone with a Moon in Pisces should take care that in their sensitivity they don't pick up negative or unfortunate corrosive emotional thoughtforms from the collective consciousness. With her Pisces Moon, Hillary feels things in the environment that others don't notice. The strong Scorpio-Pisces combination shows that she has a strong need for a private, sacred space where she can retreat to process her powerful and deep feelings.
Scorpio is a Warrior-Guardian. It is an intense sign, does not suffer fools gladly, and has no problem digging deep to find what they need. They have a talent that enables them to get down to the nitty-gritty of things in a hurry, but occasionally they go too far and end up emotionally crashing. Scorpios need to learn how to dance on the edge without going over the edge, and also when and how to back off from a challenge so they live to fight another day. If they can learn to simplify things, they'll enjoy life more while staying clear about boundaries and values.
Hillary Clinton also has a major conjunction in Leo involving Mars, Pluto, and Saturn, which is an extremely intense stellium. These planets are in challenging aspect relationship to some of her Scorpio planets, indicating a powerful ability for practical assessment of situations and people, but also difficulties in figuring out the right means to her ends without trivialities deflecting or distracting her. From time to time she is hindered by narrow minded advisors and getting too pessimistic if the information, communication, or insight is too rigid or inflexible. This can be corrected if she cultivates her strength in establishing a "spiritual rapport" with those with whom she can be more easy, natural, playful, or creative.
Her sense of irony is strong, and helps her communicate through cutting to the chase. With strong Leo, caring for and defending children is very favorable. She should cultivate her pioneering, trail blazing instincts, as well as communication systems and a sense of having others close at hand to achieve true long-term security.
The Venus square Pluto indicates that when she gets deflected or isn't able to get the results she wants or cannot bring things to a successful conclusion, it's because weird, dishonest, coercive, or peculiar people are interfering with her ability to achieve her goals. When that's happening, she needs to focus on simple steps to achieve the tasks, and be more friendly so her allies can see a bigger picture and the greatest good for the greatest number. She also has a great ability to mediate between different competing interests, and knows how to relate them to shared goals, desires, or common ends.
The unpredictable factor in the chart is her retrograde Uranus in Gemini. This makes her a forerunner of the future, and harbinger of change, here to free herself and others from obsolete security anchors. Very few will ever get close to this extraordinarily complex woman, as she wants a little distance between herself and others. This can frustrate her Scorpionic need for more intense connectedness with others and activities that make life more robust. She'll always have many acquaintences, and throughout her life she's been extraordinarily independent, brilliant, high strung, and curious, always looking for new ideas and information which often is not very organized. Pluto is now in a long term opposition to her Uranus, so she's begun several years of fairly dramatic developments that will become more intense as time goes by.
She has no use for superficial people or thinking. Her take on things is so deep and incisive that she can get frustrated when she can't find the exact way to communicate the image or idea she sees. She needs to realize that when others don't get what she's communicating she should value her unique take on what she sees, and focus on the useful but overlooked information that completes the picture. Her strength is in understanding the nuances. With Uranus and Mercury both retrograde in her chart, what she sees and what she hears will never be all there is to explore, know, or communicate.
Her whole life she has had to unlearn the opinions and attitudes she collects from others. She is most unhappy when she is trying to make her life fit a role or idea that she's already transcended, or has become meaningless. No single role will ever satisfy her need for diversity and variety in exploring the unique discoveries she finds, and she needs to remember that if she's unhappy, it's a challenge to embrace a greater or larger role unique to her abilities and process. Also, since she's not bound to the usual forms of logic, order, and discipline, she shouldn't feel like she has to make sense to others, but instead appreciate her unique insights.
She's more sensitive than a lot of people think, and notices things in the physical and psychic environment that others are not aware of. She is highly sensitive to activities at a distance due to her advanced intuition, but needs to grow more detached in how she communicates, and how she perceives others do or don't comprehend. If she wants to achieve her goals quickly and with maximum effectiveness, she should envision the goal as precisely as possible, then work backwards, hopscotching through various steps back to her present position. If she works from A to Z to M to R to B to X to C and so forth, she will find that she has a plan that will help her not get deflected by a lot of irrelevant or tangential elements and issues.
Her affairs progress quickly when she doesn't cling to obsolete ideas and ideals or cling to information no longer up to date. Her charts indicates that she decides first, feels second, and thinks last of all. She harmonizes her process when she gets new and timely ideas, perpectives, and interpretations, and her illumination involves encouraging cooperation through building community structures that though particular to one are celebrated by many. She is also illuminated through shared social or collective values and resources that assist a deep communion between her and others, and provides a powerful emotional magnetism so others can retain and value the experience.
She must learn to rise to unusual or unique opportunities that take her by surprise, and be direct in deciding how to respond to demands on her unique abilities. She has a talent for knowing what has broad general appeal to others, and should maintain simplicity, efficiency, and flexibility while cutting through inertia and indifference. She's been through a productive and stable time, and things are now taking a major turn due to Saturn's influence, which is an article in itself. Let's just say this is a major turning point where she's realizing what she can live with and what she can't, and determining what her next 30 years are all about.
i read confusion in the sub text, am anyways sceptical about a woman leader whose husband brought so much shame to her and she still stood by him, life's too interesting coz of her but,
Posted by: abacus | September 08, 2007 at 06:59 PM
I don't agree with a gemini rising for Hillary. Her first impression is definitely one of a scorpio. I met her in a small Vermont town years ago and privately, not with others around. We had only a short while together, so I could only go on first impressions. They definitely did not conjure up Gemini. Scorpio would be my pick.
p.s. being a mother of a 22 year old, I still remember the birth as if it was yesterday, right down to the time of day I first saw that miracle put onto my chest!
Posted by: dprimmer | November 16, 2007 at 12:10 PM
Hi dprimmer - Well, Hilary IS a Scorpio, so that impression would be natural. Having been married to more than one woman with Scorpio rising, to me she doesn't have the physiotype to be a Scorpio rising, but she looks like quite a few Gemini rising people I've known. Glad you can remember your child's birth so vividly. I've known thousands who did, and thousands who didn't. My own mom didn't remember if it was 1:14 am or pm when I was born. Go figure.
Posted by: Robert | November 16, 2007 at 05:18 PM
Been reading the good article about Senator Clinton and if she has a Gemini
Asc or Scorpio....I teach Astrology here in Seattle Washington and for the last 4 years we have a group of astrologers that get together and read many charts of celebrities etc etc and we watch the Celebs do their lives in real time..
As the campaigns and primaries have been exposing MORE character and tendencies..
We agree that Senator Clinton's chart probably is Scorpio Rising with the Sun
in the Twelfh House and Moon in the 4th...Yes she is an advocate for children, the elderly and making sure we are fiscally responsible...and she is an INTENSE
woman and human being .....She LOOKS like a Scorpio talks like one and walks
like one as we would say......Now the problem if that be the her 7th HOUSE husband Pres Bill Clinton the ruler of the house of husband is in her 12th house sometimes good sometimes your undoing....we will be watching....
thanks for allowing this forum...
Arlene Tognetti
and Astrologer's Forum
Kent Washington
Posted by: Arlene Tognetti | January 28, 2008 at 10:09 PM
Only someone who has never given birth could postulate that a mother could ever be less well informed about time of birth than the child. (Even if drugged or in a coma, a mother would have learned and instantly memorized that information post birth). Unreal. But Hillary says she was named for a mountain climber who only achieved the summit of Mt. Everest several years after Hillary Clinton's birth, so it's entirely possible that her own mother -who was there at the time, duh- is just wrong!
Posted by: KL | February 08, 2008 at 02:42 PM
Hi Arlene - While there is much speculation about Hillary's rising sign, I do not believe she is a Scorpio rising, due to my experience with hundreds of Scorpio ascendant people. She just doesn't have the physiotype in my experience. Having been married to two Scorpio rising people, with my stepdaughter and godson both Scorpio rising and my wife's daughter Scorpio rising (to name but a few), Hillary physically doesn't look like it. Of course she SHOULD have many Scorpio traits, since that's her Sun sign, and with Gemini rising, her Sun would rule her 3rd house of communication and expressions.
Hi KL - Well, as I stated earlier, I've known hundreds of women who had no idea when their child(ren) were born. I guess my mom memorized the time but couldn't figure out whether it was afternoon or the middle of the night. As for Hillary claiming to be named after Sir Edmund, well, that sounds like an urban legend, and I doubt such an intelligent attorney would make such a claim, given how it could be quickly discredited. Sort of like the many children I knew growing up claiming to be descended from Robert E Lee. If they all were, the general would have been a very busy man after the war!
Posted by: Robert | February 11, 2008 at 07:19 AM
Has anyone progressed her chart to see if she will win?
Posted by: Brenda | February 18, 2008 at 12:13 PM
I agree on Hillary's Gemini rising. Lots of quick hand movements, sharp features, can come across as chatty and breezy on the surface of all the Scorpio intensity.
I remember my son's birth time because I'm the one who looked at the clock and called it. However, I myself was born by emergency c-section and my mom didn't see me until the next day. My birth time on the certificate was listed as an even 9:30 p.m., and only after years of not feeling or looking like a Gemini rising (and getting that corroborated on an astro-lookalike forum where you posted a picture for people to guess your sign, and I was guessed Pisces or Cancer over and over) I became convinced that my birth time was no earlier than 9:50 p.m with Cancer on the ascendant. Once I realized this, a lot of life events and characteristics snapped into place for me.
Posted by: Jessica | February 18, 2008 at 12:56 PM
Hi Brenda - I guess some have done so, except the progressions are more about her evolved inner self, whereas transits show the gestalt of the moment, which for her isn't going so well, due to inner limitations resulting from buying into a system that doesn't favor women to begin with unless they start acting like men. I would advise her completely differently than her inner circle, but then again, I'm merely an astrologer.;-)
Hi Jessica - Glad you found your real time and didn't just accept whatever random assumptions were out there. I also agree that her "breezy" attitude is a symptom of Gemini rising, while the underlying intensity of Sun in Scorpio drives her boat, packaged in the Piscean mutability of feeling how to move whichever way the wind blows. She needs more starch in her spine, more genuineness and less aggressiveness and slick maneuvering that her husband is legendary for but which has backfired as the public atmosphere has changed these past 15 years. I like Bill, but he IS a political animal and therefore as instinctive as a lizard.
Posted by: Robert | February 18, 2008 at 08:33 PM
Hi Robert.
I quote you:
"The unpredictable factor in the chart is her retrograde Uranus in Gemini. This makes her a forerunner of the future, and harbinger of change, here to free herself and others from obsolete security anchors. Very few will ever get close to this extraordinarily complex woman, as she wants a little distance between herself and others".
In which ways can we read differently this Gemini Uranus function if is in natal direct motion or, as it is the case, if is in a retrograde one?. I can figure out that the "distance" of Hillary is a Gemini generational/transpersonal trait (talking about Uranus), not a personal trait by itself.
Anyway, I hardly can oversee a more clever -perhaps in high risk of truth distorion- combination than that between the Fixed Scorpio Water intensity -deep emotional perceptions/fixations for good or ill- and the Mutable Gemini Air that expands that inner water storm with eagerness and emotionally-detached aims.
Really,, a Scorpio ASC Gemini could be Mata-Hari...ha ha!!.
Blessings dear net-family.
Posted by: Henry | February 18, 2008 at 09:27 PM
Hi Henry - The differences in how a RX vs direct outer planet works could fill a book. And yes, the intensity of Scorpio moving in several different directions all at once could yield hectic manifestations. I'm sure right now she's like a chameleon on a Scotch plaid that cannot figure out what pattern to show, since all of them are leaving her burned.
Posted by: Robert | February 20, 2008 at 02:15 PM
Hi everyone,
I just came across this section and wanted to make some comments about Hillary's Asc whcih nobody seems to have addressed. In fact, I ahve not even updated my own website yet but will rigth after writing here!
Hillary Clinton in my opinion is about 27 deg Taurus rising! Eventhing fits it seems. Thsi woudl give her a little bit of Taurus and mostly Gemini in the first. She is definitely not fickle in anything like a Gem rising. She has that Taurus stocky figure and is beginning to show the glandular features her throat.
Give the reasoning why you jsutify an Asc not just an opinion based on the personlaity.
1- When she met Bill Clinton, her future husband, Jupiter was in Sag in her 7th (he was studying law like here!).
2- When Chelsea was born, Saturn was in her 5th (restrictions due to children) and Jupiter was also transiting her 5th (lucky for having children).
3- In 2008 she raised more millions than in anytime in her life, guess where Jupiter was transiting? In her 8th of course!
Moon in Pisces in her 11th is the volunteer work etc that she is involved in (almost similar to Neptune in 11th with Scoripio rising).
5- Elected a senator when Satrun touched her 1st house (new responsibilities).
Saturn is starting to rise in her chart and Jupiter wil lbe on top in the 10th in 2009, indicating she is on her way to being involved with a lot of charities and issues pertaining to the welfare of the people but not a VP as Saturn is still below the 7th (in her 5th in fact).
What accounts for Mars Saturn and Pluto in 4th? Fights at home and arguments even when she was in the Whitehouse. Her fame was not for herself but when was at the WH entertaining heads of diferent countries. Saturn is not in her 3rd but a Saturn sq Mercury will also make her left handed, which she is.
When she foudn about her husband's tryst, Moon was in Aries going into taurus in her 12th house.
Her open enemy would be her 7th house (Scorpio on 7th) which makes sense even though Bill Clinton helped her a lot, it was because of him and his enemies like that stupid Kenn Starr who wasted $40 million) that brought her a lto of humiliation.
Bil Clinton has Aries and Taurus his 7th, and her personality will have the Taurus shown in his chart. Taurus rising is also one of the most dependable signs along with her Venus in Scorpio (in terms of her marriage).
You are welcome to comment or write your emails to me withyoru astro reasoning, not just I think she has this asc or that. Regards
Posted by: Hassan Jaffer | July 05, 2008 at 03:10 PM