by Robert Wilkinson
In a follow up to yesterday's post, I thought I'd give you the Pluto positions of the years leading up to the American and French Revolutions, and how they correspond to our current times. Students of history may be intrigued by parallels in the excesses by King George III and Parliament, and some interestingly similar arguments going on at key years leading up to the revolution, with our current national political and economic dialogues. Expect dramatic things to come, as I believe much has just begun to heat up.
In 1755, Pluto was between 14-17 Sagittarius; in 1756, between 16-20 Sag; in 1757, between 19-22 Sag; in 1758, between 21-24 Sag; in 1759, between 23-26 Sag; in 1760, between 25-28 Sag; in 1761, between 27-30 Sag; in 1762, between 30 Sagittarius and 2 Capricorn; in 1763, between 2-4 Capricorn; and in 1764, between 4-6 Capricorn.
In our modern times, Pluto was between 14-17 Sag from late 2000 through Jan 2002; was between 16-20 Sag in Spring 2001 and from December 2001-December 2003; and was between 19-22 Sag from January-June 2003, October 2003 through February 2004, May through December 2004, and August-September 2005.
Pluto was between 21-24 Sag from November 2004 through February 2005, and from May through December 2005. Pluto was between 23-26 Sag from December 2004 through August 2005, October 2005 through February 2006, and will be May through November 2006. Pluto has been or will be between 25-28 Sag from February through May 2005, December 2005 through January 2007, and June through November 2007. Pluto will be between 27-30 Sag from February through May 2006, December 2006 through January 2008, and June through November 2008. Pluto will be between 30 Sagittarius-2 Capricorn from January through July 2008, October 2008 through January 2009, and June through November 2009.
So in terms of echos of the past, 2001-2005 paralleled 1755-1760, while 2006-2007 will parallel 1759-1762. Things are obviously in ferment, preparing for major developments when Pluto enters Capricorn, bringing forth similarities with the years from 1762-1778. Giving you a couple of brief hints about the hot zones, Saturn squares Pluto November 2009 through March 2010, and again July through October 2010. Uranus in Aries will square Pluto in Capricorn between May 2010 and August 2010, and from March 2011 through April 2017. The obvious zone of max intensity is when the Uranus square Pluto is exact; this will occur between June 2011 and October 2011, occurs exactly between May and October 2012, is again exact between April 2013 and June 2013, September 2013 through May 2014, November 2014 through April 2015, and finally December 2015 through March 2016.
Of specific note are the Jupiter quincunx Saturn May 2012, Jupiter square Neptune June 2012, Mars' exact T-square opposed Uranus square Pluto with Jupiter quincunx Pluto in July 2012, Saturn quincunx Uranus November 2012, and the Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus Yod, or Finger of God, in December 2012. To pull it together a little, 2012 will be similar to 1765-1767.
Robert, I have never found a satisfactory answer to my question that what is Pluto's going out party going to be like for late November sages ? Its all been about transformation for the longest time and I do tip my hat to myself that I can still recall those sweet memories from childhood and do know what makes me truly happy once again but I wonder what Pluto will leave me with and what he will take and when will that process begin...
Love !
Posted by: abacus | February 12, 2006 at 03:00 PM
Well, it'll be as intense as ever if you have a planet in late Sag. As it is, you've been hanging out with Uranus squaring your Sun, and will have to contend with Saturn squaring your Sun in about a year and a half to two. Maybe Saturn in Leo trine your Sun can strengthen your heart, your connectedness, your youthful enthusiasm anew. And Pluto never takes anything away except impurities no longer able to be lived with. It does represent the "transpersonal transformative" principle, pretty much working on mass levels, so you really can't take it personally.
Posted by: Robert | February 12, 2006 at 04:08 PM
" longer able to be lived with" are the key words. thanks.
Posted by: abacus | February 13, 2006 at 08:52 PM
Yes, well, as one with Pluto rising, I've never been far from its absolutely transformative influence. Tends to work whether I want it to or not and whether I like it or not. And yet it leaves me cleaner, if feeling somewhat stripped of any pretense. It certainly is a purifier who will take you to the underworld, show you around, and expel you in the next season. Sometmes what we can and cannot live with operates on levels beyond our comprehension or ability to manipulate.
Posted by: Robert | February 13, 2006 at 11:39 PM
What great information you share....these strange, weird otherwordly feelings I have been intensely experiencing all make sense now and the connection to 2012 is very interesting if not a bit this going to be the start of the golden age like the mayans say...what are the aspects for the predicted date of december 21, 2012 besides the transit of venus??? and the pluto aspects i have just read....thanks for this amazing website!!!!Aries martian....stranger in a strange land!
Posted by: jeanette | December 13, 2006 at 08:22 PM
Hi jeanette - You're welcome, of course. I'm not sure we get a "golden age" in 2012 as a major shift in focus about what it will take to live well on planet Earth in harmony with the Earth, its plants and animals, and each other. It'll be very rough for many, but it's already rough for many. Time to start cooperating and bring forth the promise of this "Third Stone from the Sun" as an amazing Sagittarius once put it.
Posted by: Robert | December 14, 2006 at 08:08 AM
I am a medical doctor born 10th november 1961 at 10:45 am in hyderabad pakistan,( I have also spent 35 years studying astrology),On the 24th of jan 2008 I have a hearing that will review the decision of the junior court , in which my prayers were turned down, every lawyer that I met has said , the decison is wrong, any way I dont have a lawyer and I will be fighting the case on my own.My sun sign is scorpio and moon sign is sagitarius, and the ascendent is capricorn.
On the day of the hearing the full moon will trine pluto and all three signs will be influenced,and the next day pluto rumbles into capricorn , is there any hope that since I have challenged the government and some top nothch guys , I stand any chance of winning.
i believe it is a favorable aspect.
Thanks and truly
Dr Ajmal
Posted by: Dr ajmal | November 20, 2007 at 03:34 AM
Hi Dr. Ajmal - I trust you know some legal procedure regarding evidence and testimony, what is and is not relevant and allowed, since those are the keys to winning in the courts. I assume your planetary sign positions are Western rather than Vedic. If so, then you are blessed by Jupiter as well as the current Mars RX. As for any further in depth assessment, I just don't have enough info and things like this should not be determined by what is said in a comment stream.
That said, understand the inner nature of what is happening, and perhaps a pardon is in order. Do not allow your inner center of gravity to be disturbed by externals, and remember that words alone cannot awaken faith in anything. I would think too much talking would not be good. Take trouble over the details, be extremely cautious, expect success in small matters, and prepare for a transition. Be alert, watch the pressure since the elements are unstable, use clarity, foresight, and be prepared. Recognize the moments that bode danger and banish it through timely precautions.
Posted by: Robert | November 25, 2007 at 02:36 PM