A reader commented "I have read that when we don't live consciously, things then 'happen' to us as fate. I have also read that the outer planets (Uranus, Pluto) bring situations into our lives that are (seemingly) out of our control. Or do we attract these situations into our lives? How much control do we really have?"
In my experience, we have tremendous ability to control our responses; we have no control over when we will have to confront the need to rise to an occasion, as these are set at birth by the timing on our birth chart. We also must live within the larger configurations that affect us all. That said, we can shape what happens and how long we will be maneuvering through the rapids of life by what we do, feel, and think in any given moment. We can get beyond certain problems fairly quickly, but we cannot escape our need to keep learning all we can to BE our Highest Self.
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