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« Ralph Waldo Emerson - Enlightened American | Main | Galactic Center Conjunctions by Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto - the Newest Influences What's Coming in 2012 »




Thank you writing more about the galactic center and Pluto transits to it. It will be most interesing to see what transiting Jupiter in Sag "inspires" when to crosses the galactic center in late 2007.



Hi Pepper - Well, I figured there was some interest out there, having looked around and seen there's a buzz about Pluto on the Galactic Center. The fact that Pluto hits two stationary points on that exact degree is significant, and creates a "hot spot" for transits. It's about time the world and humanity got back to center, since we've gotten pretty far out there in the past century. Forgotten "who brought us to the dance," so to speak! Thanks for inspiring the article.



I have been thinking about the originating zero degree Capricorn/Cancer axis for the Galactic Center. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and the Moon rules Cancer. Interesting choice for the building of civilizations and all that it entails, isn't it? Saturn is material, paternal and seeks reason and structure. The Moon is materal, nurturing and emotional. But reason/science cannot function in a vaccum. Each culture very much needs its arts, theatre, and music. Again, there is that perpetual need to find balance through opposites. So would the placements of these two planets, Saturn and the Moon, hold any obvious significance in mundance charts? So if the cosmos is speaking and its is transpersonal, would these energies be speaking to the leaders of men or simply more of a confluence of engeries that influence the collective will?

On a side note, I was looking at earlier. I quickly noticed James Van Praggh horoscope shows his natal Sag Moon conjunct Saturn in the 12th house. His natal Saturn is at 19.06 RX and the Moon at 25.54 Sag. Hello transiting Pluto. Anyhoo, his rising sign is shown at 0 Capricorn. He would be most interesting to talk to about shifts in energies.



Hi Robert,

If you understand french, i suggest to you this reading about the conjunction:



Hi Lionwood - Unfortunately, I don't speak or read French. I know some Spanish and German, but not French. If you care to, you could summarize what is published on that site and put it here in the comment stream. Thanks for checking in.


Here is a direct link of a google translation of that article from french to english:


Looks like the translation URL got cut off.
Here is a tinyurl:


Hi Anonymous - Thanks.


Hi Robert,
Thank-you for this wonderful piece of work.I am a little edgy
about this pluto transit. I have saturn at 28'sag conj my sun at 1' cap in my 10th house.
I'm just don't know what to expect only that I am sure it will be unforgettable and life transforming I'm sure Anyway thanks for helping me see a little more


Hello Robert,

Curious. How can GC conjunct on December 28 affect progressed charts? If so I have the progressed Sun, Mercury and Par Fortune conjuct at 25 Virgo. Mars 26 scorpio and Lillith 27 Taurus and my progressed ascendent is 27 Gemini. Oh and you were right about the "weirdness" of this week. It's been weird with a capital W!


My natal Chiron is at 26:50 Sadge with natal Moon three dgrees away -- the comment about the Pluto SR in March '06, WHOA!! If that was the first indication of what is to come, and then adding Joy Boy Jupiter to the mix at the end of '07, I am beginning to have this warm glow of renewed hope.


My natal planets are in critical positions: South node (25 Sag in 8th house)is conjunct the Galactic Center. Then, Mars (28 Leo 4th); Saturn (28 Aquarius 10th); Mercury (21 Scoprio 6th); Jupiter/Ascendant (22 Taurus in 1st)--these are all being hit by Saturn in Leo. Also Venus is at 02 Libra in the 5th house. Could you please tell me just how bad things might be in the coming year? I am especially worried about the S Node conjunst the GC. Thank you very much for your articles which have helped me understand astrology.


To all - Sorry it took me so long to respond but I've been moving!

Hi Debilee11 - Pluto is purifying your sense of purpose and showing you the seeds of your dominion over your life and affairs. It also shows that forces beyond your control are challenging you to be willing to claim your power in the world, and if you don't get defensive or reclusive, could come to greater effectiveness in the times to come. When Jupiter goes over your Saturn and Sun late in 2007 the adventure begins!

Hi Chickie - Well, it's an emergent point relative to your progressed self. The progressed Asc where it is shows you're finishing up an old set of ideas about yourself, and are being freed from old pressures you should not be carrying at this time in your life. And of course, the planets in early Sag are quintile your progressed Virgo planets, good for unique gifts appropriate to this point in your life.

Hi Sunny - You'll go through a lot of wandering, healing, learning about higher things followed by renewed confidence that will open many doors for you beginning late Summer 2007. Your healing is in a larger view of what has been and what could be, organizing that vision into a center of personal power through organized nurturance.

Hi ab - Don't worry about SN conj GC. Not something to worry about. Pluto is helping you dump old scattering energies, or demonstrate through the larger era of transformation what you already know how to do easily. Though you have a Grand Fixed Cross, the real problem time is past. You went through the toughest period between September 2005 and February 2006 when you were forced to drop everything that would be a drag on your line into the future. Pluto is favorable to your Mars and Saturn, Jupiter is favorable to your Saturn all year as well as you Mars, except for the biseptile around 10-12 Sagittarius, which will be an important turning point for you resulting in long term good. Saturn is challenging you not to do a slow burn on things, but to eliminate everything that hassles you unnecessarily. Get your energies organized, be patient and mature as you plan the next stage of your evolutionary unfoldment, and get ready for when Saturn opposes your Saturn this Summer, which is a very important point of emergent power for you. Let go of old chains, accept the wisdom of your experience, and open to new ideas and points of view.


Robert -- Thank you for taking the time to respond, that was a pleasant surprise. The word "wandering" caught my attention - Uranus just blew over my MC and I just took a new job in an industry I have never worked in........the Universe is setting something up on a major scale and presenting me with a double gift - going back to the corporate world (job) and "healing" from the last corporate job that I allowed to basically destroy me. Here is a little bonus in all this celestial activity -- progressed Chiron actually crossed into a new house house of partnerships - and I have been searching for a business partner for over a year. Toss in the gorgeous trine from transit Saturn and that is the energy source for balance and stability. Now here is where it gets really good.......low level bi-polar for years, took myself off prescription drugs about five years ago, went the natural path, plus huge change in diet and thankfully, I have always been very physically active......BUT, heavy suicidal tendency.....until this last year. Sure, it crosses my mind once in awhile, then poof! Now it is trying to make up for lost time.....being a part of the living, not the living dead. An amazing journey.........and everyday brings a new adventure, a new person, a new learning experience. Robert, I haven't felt this good in years! Thank you and may your holidays be joyous!


Hi Sunny - Glad you've been able to "break on through to the other side," and that your life and your name are accurate descriptors of each other! One should never allow a job to destroy one's sense of well being, since it has been said that no one on their deathbed ever wished they had worked more or harder! Very happy you're doing so well and feeling so good. That's a wonderful thing. And of course, a Merry and Happy to you as well.


Hi everybody,

I am Lionwood the author of the french article. It is indeed a hard work to translate it all in english, too long for me and I am not good enough in english. What I can do is to review the french text so the google translator could propose a better translation.

What i can feel now as we are in the middle of the conjonction are, for me personally:

- a kind of magical healing
- a kind of resynchronisation between all my bodies, the link between Earth and Heaven is resynchronised, which gives me a profond inner peace and harmony, which wasn't the case before, as i have been in a kind of spiritual crise/transformation.

Very Short Summary of my article:

The conjunction corresponds for me to a new descent of the Spirit on Earth, preparing the earth for a new 250 years cycle GC/pluto, a new seed, a new resource which will develop during the next 250 years cycle GC/pluto. The applicant conjonction (+/- the last 5 years) corresponds thus to the end of the previous cycle, during which we have been forced to reajust/realign ourselves through required deep transformations, descent/ascent rites/initiations. The appliquant conjunct asked thus to render our soul to God, in a sense, to be prepared to resynchronise our divine part with our human part at the exact conjunction.

What is interessant to notice, is the previous Neptune/GC conjunction in 1968 (Youth revolution in france). During that period ( the hippies period), we rendered also our soul to God, but in a neptunian way, here and now, we render it in a plutonian way.

During the separating conjunction, a new kind of spirituality, a new kind of mankind should emerge, more aquarian age oriented. So, let's wait and see.

What is for sure for me it that the conjunction partipates activately to the ascensional movement of the Earth and Humanity, towards the aquarian age.

I wish you all a Happy Christmas and New Year!


PS: Hope my english is understandable


Hi Lionwood - Welcome, and of course your English is fine! Certainly better than my French! ;-) Thanks for posting what you have, since we are seeing aspects of what you describe in various ways. My experience is the resynchronization between the bodies is affecting many relationships, as well as how people regard what they do for a living versus what they would like to do to manifest their Higher Self. Pluto would unleash the seeds of whatever the GC means when it conjuncts that point in space. Many realignments these past few years for everyone I know, some greeting them, some kicking and screaming that the old is done.

And of course, may you have a very Merry Holiday season, and thanks for posting.


A new rising sun is slowly emerging. THat's all i feel and it is real beauty.

I have sun in 26 lion (a rainbow after the storm). It takes a full meaning to me now. Rudhyar says for this degree the rainbow means the spiritual link between Earth and Heaven, which can only be made after a crisis. It is also the link between the sub and supra ego.

People who have worked well during the crisis are reaching a magical point of stabilisation of spiritual openness and inner peace here, thanks to their works, their audacy and acceptance to go beyond their destabilisation and fears, but also thanks to the GC and pluto!!!!


"People who have worked well during the crisis are reaching a magical point of stabilisation of spiritual openness and inner peace here, thanks to their works, their audacy and acceptance to go beyond their destabilisation and fears, but also thanks to the GC and pluto!"

Thanks so much for this comment, it is EXACTLY what i have been feeling, and I am now alerted to the impact the Pluto-GC conj is having on my Jupiter-conjunct-Venus (both in Sag, 23 deg and 24 deg, 2nd house) trine Uranus in Leo (19 deg 46"). I basically became a hermit for the past two years, creating a different kind of foundation for being on this planet in a balanced, joyous, grounded way - and now i am truly feeling it!
What concerns me a bit is my North node is squaring this Pluto-GC conjunction, at 26 deg 13", 11th house in VIrgo. Is this more refinement? (if so.. I can't imagine it!) Could it have to do with how I should go about my current task, which is creating the infrastructure necessary for positive global change? I love Pluto as I'm driven by a true scorpionic identification (moon conj ascendant conj Neptune, all at 9 deg Scorpio)... but really how far and how fast should i take that intensity? Are humans ready for it, and if so.. when? All i can say is.. so far, being fearless WORKS.

Hope your move has gone well.. sending good energy to your excellent endeavors :)


Hi Valor - Don't worry about the Pluto square your NN; shows that larger transformational forces are at odds with your line of evolutionary development, but it's so vast you can't do anything about that. Keep creating structures for positive change, and yes, fearlessness works wonders over time. Keep playing out the wave that should have started the adventure when Jupiter transited your Scorpio stellium, as I believe you'll make progress late this year into the next, when Saturn is also favorable to your Scorpio and Jupiter is sextile and quintile same. Thanks for your good wishes.


Hi Valor,

I am pleased to hear what you write !

I have jupiter like you in 23 sag (24 sabian, keyword: Chance!), which makes us feel joyfuly the conjunction and the GC more in particular, as jupiter is conjunct the GC in our natal. Jupiter there makes us feel the conjunction as a karmic retribution.

Karmic retribution is more important in your your case i feel, as this point you say is squared your nodes. At these 2 opposite squares from the nodes are what we call the Belly(stomach) and wings of the dragon. There represents 2 important karmic challenges as they form a grand cross with the nodes axe.

If your NN is round 26° virgo, the squared point in sag is thus in the dragon's wings. This point is the upper point of the lunar orbit above the ecliptic. It represents a karmic retribution we are required to uplift in this incarnation, by fetching, unburying, developing the resources in the Belly, the downer point below of the lunar orbit below the ecliptic plane, the opposite point (here in gemini). So check the exact opposite point, the sabian symbol, planets, and asteroids there that would talk to you, etc.

I have NN in virgo (4th) like you, but in 15° virgo, the GC is thus not in the wings in my case. But I have a karmic cross with juno and mars, which represent my 2 karmic challenges in this life.

The building of the karmic cross goes at the rythm of the black moon in transit



Curious about a uranus squaring pluto aspect that myself and others around me will be experiencing starting, for some starting as early as January, and lasting till June/July for most of us. Would this be more of a global influence or a 'dreaded?' personal? Apologize if this was already addressed but couldn't find anything related in your previous entries. Thank You & Happy New Year to All!


Hi Lionwood - Perhaps with Jupiter conjunct the GC you are here to explore, learn, and share a wide view of the infinite possibilities of a galactic perspective. Remember, the GC cannot work as a local manifestation, though many local manifestations derive from the GC influence. Only those receptive to a galactic perspective, rather than a solar systemic perspective, will tune into the vast influence of the GC. It really is nothing personal, per se.

Again, in my years of observation, a square to the Moon's nodes is only important when the natal, transiting or progressed Moon is also involved in an aspect, since they are in fact an axis of influence involving the Moon. Other planetary Nodes would be more important when their particular planet is involved, for ex: Jupiter's Nodes would be very important for any Jupiter influence within its own larger evolutionary pattern in a birth chart. Jupiter relative to the Moon's nodes would only activate when the Moon was also involved in the pattern somehow. It may be that there is a trigger effect, where the influence is dormant or potential until activated by a transit of the Moon or some such thing. It seems what you described above could be attributed to the on-going Pluto square to Valor's nodes, activated at times through transits. I am glad to meet another who has intensive research involving voids, Sabian symbols, etc., since they also are my field of focus these many years. I'll continue to contemplate what you said.

Hi Barbara - Yes, it's more of a generic transpersonal influence than personal, though it will impact everyone personally through forces larger than their individual lives. For many, a dynamic release of forces that will usher in dramatic change. Those of us with Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto prominent in our charts will no doubt be directly influenced by these larger changes accelerating in our world. The Uranus square Pluto will last quite a while, and at present are closer to where the quintile meets the binovile than the square approaching down the road. Check out this article which may clarify.


Hi Robert,

I have been considering what you say about the connection with the moon for the squares to moon nodes. I examinated several charts with planets square the nodes and the moon position. It is difficult for me to see exactly what you mean. Considering what we did in our previous life, as i could see in regression ( I regressed to 2 previous lifes), could see mines and also some of others persons, who have planets square to the nodes. For me, the points squared to the nodes, not especially planets squared to the nodes, represent a karmic challenge, considering what we did in our previous life. That challenge becomes stronger and thus more visible if we have planets there. For any person to go more smoothly from SN to NN (this axe is an opposition), it is required to experiment, develop and integrate these 2 points. In a sense, it is a chance if we have planets there, which will force the challenge, and thus help us. I could see it in significant relationship with the 2 nodes axes forming a cross between the 2 persons. Of course, some people take the challenge, some other not, some try and can't, and so on. Maybe what you say about the moon position could be a reason, i don't know, i need to consider it better. But what I remarked is one can't find a real inner peace and harmony until this challenge is undertaken successfully, and it takes a lifetime. What i know is that this challenge is particulary uplifting, but long, difficult. This karmic cross, as any cross, is a crucifiction, never easy. This challenge is, sure, activated by transits, progressions, synastries in significant relationships and so on


Hi Lionwood - I'm just off the road after over a thousand mile drive. Will have to answer this one later. Namaste.



Just curious what having Pluto conjunct NN on the GC in the 5th means. I also have Natal Saturn conj my SN, so it's opposing this conjunction at the moment.

I feel like I'm at my wits' end. Like I don't know who to be or what to believe or what to strive for.


Hi Alex - I assume you mean transiting Pluto is conjunct your NN. This means the cosmic purifier is now showing you your line of greatest evolutionary development. I also have Saturn conjunct SN, and that's what's easy for you. If Pluto is opposed your natal Saturn, that's a challenge to transform your fears, limitations, assumptions, sense of purpose into something vaster and wider, less scattered in a thousand lesser perspective and go for the wider view. Go for higher truths and vast philosophical spiritual purposes, let go of allowing your concrete mind to dominate.

Diana C. Nelson

I need some help from a professional astrologer. Transiting Neptune at 21 Aquarius is opposing my natal Pluto at 22 Leo. What does this mean? I have an idea, and I see it being worked out in my life....but I would like an expert opinion.

Thank you for your help!
Diana C. Nelson


Hi Diana - It's a long range generational influence that works in terms of Force Majure, and is nothing personal per se. Neptune dissolves and/or idealizes, while Pluto purifies, eliminates, and shows the seeds of things to come. I'll probably do an article on it in the near future.


i have pluto conjunct NN in the 5th opposite Saturn in 11th
How do you think Saturn conjunct SN will show itself.
or SN opposite transiting Pluto.


Hi DAPHNE - I'm not sure whether you're discussing transits or natal or mixing the two. If natal, I have Saturn conjunct SN in my natal chart, and it seems like I default to taking responsibility. Also, in Virgo, it's easy for me to analyze and criticize almost anything, but I've grown more through practicing Pisces traits, my NN. By what you describe, you will develop more through Pluto than Saturn, though Saturn will be how you express what you learn.


Your Highness,

I have made an interesting discovery, at least I think it's interesting. I did my progressed chart, which is something I've never really paid attention to until I came across this article. First I am a Leo,
Aries rising with a Scorpio moon.

My progressed ascendent is 28 gemini and the DC has my moon and pluto conjunct. My sun is sextiling mars from Virgo to Scorpio at 26.

These are in the GC neighborhood, However the AC and DC Conjuncts are the most interesting to me. I wonder what your thoughts would be on that.I have a feeling it has something to do with


Hi Chickie - Well, it would seem that the Grand Transfigurator is changing your evolved way of seeing yourself, your relations, and what you want from now on that is different from what has been. Solar sextile to Mars leads to great effectiveness, though again, Pluto has also been square your P Sun, showing your need to find true self confidence in the midst of chaos, and use your deep insights to pioneer in some aspect of humanness. The T-square between P Asc, P Sun, and Transiting Pluto throws everything into late Pisces, which is why your Spring was all over the map clearing out stuff in the public arena preparing you for power when Jupiter goes into your 10th. Your big shift will be when your P Asc enters Cancer, as then your P ruler will no longer be Mercury, but your purified Moon.


When you say "purified moon," would I translate that as my emotions will be in order? I hope so, cuz I KNOW I work very hard on that part of me. But what about the moon/pluto conjunct on the Sag DC. That is a powerful conjunct all by itself I would think. Is that an aspect that assists me in dealing with friends and family in a more positive way?


Hi Chickie - You've been working for a while on getting your Moon in Scorpio to function at a higher level than the usual. I believe they'll be easier to deal with as a result of these Cancer RX periods present and future. With the Moon/Pluto on Prog Dsc, it shows your focus is on the nature of your relationships as you have evolved to this point in time, some of which are life altering. They're all tinged with Pluto for good or ill, and you trigger very personal emotional transformations in the others you interact with. It's positive only in that you instantly know the most effective emotional response to their needs or Pluto issues. You also trigger primal emotions in others, as well as their angel or devil, depending on which one dominates their personality. Pluto on the angles is like that.


Your Highness,

I'm sorry I'm taking up so much space...chalk it up to the Grand Irrationality, ok?

You are a gem, and I have been blessed to have found you!

I've walked with a double edged sword all my life. This fricking Plutonian moon squaring my sun has been an albatross all my life. Talk about balance! I've either scared the b'Jesus out of people or they need to crawl up into my womb for protection. I want so much to get it right..and now I weep as I write


Hi Chickie - Well, at least Scorpio is in your past, whereas your Eternal Light is Leo! And of course, with Leo rising, a Leo daughter, married to a Leo who also has a Leo daughter, I happen to think Leos are a wonderful tribe! (My cat just came in and objected, as he's an Aries and his superior awareness refuses to acknowledge any sign but his as being the best!) Just remember to be clear re: wants v needs, frame things as "both and" rather than "either or" and use your ability to compartmentalize your life departments to keep one from messing up any of the others. Also, look to your Mars to deal with your Moon. Change your Mars and your Moon expression will change pdq. Your square is great for learning dispassion and contentment, friendliness and enjoyment. As for "getting it right," that changes with time and tide, and ultimately no one's keeping score but our ego....


Your Highness.

When you say change my mars, are you speaking of mars in Libra 19 in the 7th or mars that rules my Aries 19 ASC?

Nevermind..I'm gonna assume both. So you know what Im gonna do? I'm gonna call my hairdresser and go Platinum.
That's the ticket! Maybe I'll snatch up a date...forcing me to decide what I really want/need!

You see you should never have told me about the Grand I. cuz when I "pick up" I tend to blend. Isn't today scorpio luna?

LOL..I feel much better now. Whats "pdq?"

p.s. Lord Goddess, how do you handle all those leos! My dad was an Aries "Mr first sign of the zodiac and of course I'm smarter than all you people" and he always threatened to divorce his leo daughters.


Hi Chickie - Mars is Mars, so both. Mars rules your Moon, so change your Mars and the Moon will follow. pdq? Pretty d(arn) quick and variations thereon. Some of us Aries are very smart, while others are too blockheaded to be called smart. I mean really, how smart can some of them be to keep beating their heads against the wall over and over and over and....


Hi Robert, don't you agree that those with Aries Sun, Leo rising, Mars in Aries, Moon in Aquarius or Scorpio are the best!?

I am just having a nice Sunday after swimming all day in a warm Atlantic ocean. ;-}


Oh Larissa

I LOVE you!! Im in a hot desert..not a drop to be found



Hi Larisa - Well, Sun in Aries with Leo rising can be out of touch with mere mortals, but we do bear and endure ;-) At least when we crash and burn, it's spectacular! Looking back, my Mars in Aries (while helping me get things done quickly) also has gotten me into trouble quickly as well as given me the speed to get back out again! And swimming in the Atlantic is wonderful! Out here it's COLD!!!! But I don't miss the toxic algae blooms.....


Robert, I read your work frequently in my searches. Well done. The 2nd Pluto pass (Retrograde) approaches on the 16th. The 3rd I get in my Solar Return. Was your Dec. 18th move a major transformation? I do not believe in coincidences. I also don't see your chart anywhere. I'd love to see it.


Hi Robert

Firstly I would like to say how much I love your website and I don't know how you find the time to write such detailed and accurate information of the current astrology trends! I am very interested in the Galactic Centre as it seems to be an area in astrology that there hasn't been much research on. I realize that planets conjunct or opposite it can be greatly affected but I wondered what your thoughts are on planets that are trine it? The reason I ask this is that I have Sun in Aries at 26 degrees and my Mars and North Node in Leo at 26 degrees also. Do you think the Galactic Centre would affect my Sun, Mars and North Node? I would be very interested to hear your thoughts.



Hi Reality - Sorry to delay my response, but sometimes there are so many comments some of them drop off the screen before I can answer them. Especially since I've been on the road since early July! Don't know about the December move, but the recent one was major! Moved the library and the base of operations to my new post in the high desert. To answer you, I was born about 1:13:30 pm, April 1, 1951, in the suburb of Chester PA known as Upland. Lots of oppositional awareness and 9th house pioneering Fire energies and a Mystic Rectangle with Pluto rising! Difficult chart, but as it is said, "to whom much is given much is expected"

Hi Julia - Well, it helps to know how to work a keyboard! ;-) There are many areas of astrology that need more research, with the GC being one of them. Lots of misunderstanding, usually because we try to fit everything into an Earth-based perspective, and galactic anything usually doesn't fit into something that limited. Trines usually show understanding, though understanding doesn't necessarily mean that will be harmonious. Your Sun may understand the GC whenever a transit triggers it, and your Light/Life is probably aligned with it, but again, it's a vast perspective dwarfing our Earthly affairs. Usually aspects to the Nodes are only active when the Moon is involved, since they are the Nodes of the Moon. You can catch glimpses of the GC affect in your life when the Sun makes exact aspects to your Sun, both harmonious and frictional.


I've been thinking about it - could the transiting, now 20 Aquarius Rx Neptune opposite a natal 22 Leo Pluto be a sort of humanistic crusading force against the...well...Plutocracy in the U.S.? If this is generational, then a lot of people are reevaluating their relationship to the corruption that has been going on. Yes? No?

Julia Savage

Thanks Robert for your comments. I currently have Pluto transiting my Sun so maybe I should feel something now? I know that I have made some big changes the last year or so but I think that is more to do with Pluto than anything. I will watch out for the Sun transits to my sun and see what happens. As for the moon nodes..aren´t they the relationship between the Moon & the Sun so do I really need to have aspects to my moon to notice this? My moon is in Taurus (19 degrees) and has no aspect to the GC.


Hi Georgia - Yes, that's a generational influence allowing all of us with Pluto in Leo to bring to surface our deepest heart power and commitment to a better world. It may be that the corruption is so self-evident that we know instinctively we must awaken, and throw off our chains. More to come as Jupiter trines our Plutos, sextiles and quintiles our Neptunes, and opposes the Uranus in Cancer of most born in the 50s.

Hi Julia Savage - Pluto on the Sun is a long range purification of the Light of our Heart. Can awaken the sleeping giant of Eternal Absolute Consciousness forever! As for Moon's nodes: they are related to the Moon's eclipse cycles, and are most evident and influential whenever the Moon forms aspects to them. The natal Moon's relationship to the GC may or may not be important according to other influences (such as the progressed Moon). Right now your natal Moon is primarily and significantly influenced by aspects from transiting Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Christopher Reynolds


I just found your work on the Pluto/Galactic Center Conjunction. I am
coming at this from a different place, but I think you have the interpretation
of the times spot on. The shift from the single guiding light to the Many is
an aspect of our culture's collective renewal.


Christopher Reynolds

one of my songs with a video:


Hi Christopher - Great site. You're right in that we approach the end of "the heresy of separateness" as one enlightened Master of the Wisdom put it. We are all "merest specks in the ocean of life," as I once wrote in a song many years ago, and far more interconnected with each other and "ALL-THAT-IS." The end of the Age of Pisces and the advent of the Age of Aquarius will move us from belief in Saviors toward an acknowledgment that we ALL are friends within a larger group work, members of one Sangha helping and being helped toward Self-realization by each other and the Mystery Itself. Thanks for checking in. Being married to an educator, I know up close and personal that your profession is one of the best!


Hi Robert,

I'm looking at the interesting combination of Pluto transiting my natal Saturn at 0Cap56Rx and Saturn transiting my natal Pluto at 3Vir57. Any comments?

Also, Chiron and Neptune are in loose opposition later this summer to my natal Sun Uranus conjunction at 18Leo22 and 16Leo47 respectively. These planets are in the 9th house. I have 02Sag rising. Natal Sun Uranus conjuntion is square Moon 19Sc24 Jupiter 22Sc53 conjunction.

Any insights would be appreciated.



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