by Robert Wilkinson
This grew out of a conversation with a friend a while ago, and it's more relevant today than ever. If you're wondering why things are so weird right now, and there are many people and situations that don't make a lot of sense, well, it's been that way for a while, and will be for some time to come. The trick is to learn how to function effectively within the great weirdness without losing our balance and perspective. There are many I know who because of irrational or compulsive behavior on the part of others have had to radically re-evaluate which relationships are really working right now.
We can chalk a lot of it up to the Grand Irrationality and the current weird zone in time, so if you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed by the constant pressure in more than one area of your life, a good on-going meditation is needed so you can learn to live within the quickened situation. In fact, these are the times to rely on our meditations, Tai Chi, Ji Gong, or whatever practice we have that keeps us on our equilibrium. This is a long-term pressure in the collective atmosphere that will transform us, but it's not going to feel comfortable, since there's a lot that won't make sense for a long time because humanity and the Earth are in dynamic transformation on every conceivable level.
That's part of the pressure, since our global mind-based culture supposedly values rationality above individual experience (except in the case of local religious superstitions), and yet irrationality prevails, and has for a while now. The rational constructs of our reality are being challenged by some very screwed up illogic. It is as though humanity has lost its collective bearings, and is embracing some very extreme and non-rational views. It is easy to see how some of our brothers and sisters have lost their perspective and are living way out of balance.
In just one example, there is the battle in the arena of public education to reintroduce a garbled form of creationism as a viable argument against evolution. While I can easily accept there is a Creative Source beyond our comprehension that participated in the thoughtform bringing forth the Cosmos and our Milky Way galaxy, as well as redwoods, kitty cats and butterflies, to say that the evolutionary timeline of millions of years between the molds, dinosaurs, primates and modern humanity doesn't exist is very irrational. We really should not be rearguing old superstitions.
Another irrational argument posits torture as a viable thing to inflict on each other. We have no business believing torture is acceptable under any circumstances. What would the other intelligences of our galaxy think of our barbaric way of relating to each other? Or for that matter, Christ, Krishna, Buddha or Kwan Yin?
So we confront problems of adapting to and living well within a great long-term pressure changing our world through illogic and violence. That affects all who feel, even if we aren't directly impacted in material ways by what's happening. It can be overwhelming at times, so it helps not to take a fixed view about the changes. Be sensitive to the shifts in the rhythms of what must be done and what isn't getting done, and stay balanced amidst the changes.
This is the time to examine our best way to do our being, and not take responsibility for that which we didn't create and have no ability to influence. Many old ways, things, and people have left our lives and continue to do so, and it is up to us to find new ways to deal with new challenges without losing our cool because of the "traffic jams" and "firestorms" that appear unexpectedly.
In the larger time frame, it doesn't matter if others do not respond as we hoped they would, or what expectations we have or have not lived up to. We are all being taught through the weirdness to live in the NOW, and not be attached to our own or others' perceptions. Freaking out is not of much help in dealing with the present irrationality. Just do what you have to do and stay mindful that others probably cannot provide much stability or comfort either. This period challenges us to separate from the toxic or non-productive behaviors of our lower nature, and attempt to bring forth our Higher Self and a more compassionate view of what is and isn't, was and will be, from an impersonal view.
We're learning to overcome an old form of human separateness based in being too attached to perceptions about material things, including perceptions themselves, and finding ways to experience a deeper connectedness with all of life. We are on an evolutionary path that is leading us to see that we are one part of a much greater Life, and that we have responsibilities to manage our part of the play with less violence and separateness than we have demonstrated up to now.
Collectively, we're breaking free from fear and superstition; maybe that's why the fearmongers have to do their thing. And when this fever of totalitarian thinking passes, we'll eventually see the dawning of a new collective reality and ways of regarding our Earth, the creatures and plants, and each other that won't look anything like the strange illusions we are putting up with during this very weird "Grand Irrationality."
This is for the long haul, folks, so try to lighten up the best you're able, and remember that though there's a lot that we cannot like, there's nothing on this earth that warrants us being in a not loving state. Though some times it's more challenging than others, our ability to live in a state of loving-kindness despite worldly problems is one of the few refuges we humans have.
(This is a radically altered version of an article originally posted 18 February 2005; 9:22:10 AM)
Thanks for posting this altered verion of the orginal article. It could not have come at a better time. So many folks I know right now are feeling more than a bit weary. Thank you!!!
On a side note, spinning, weaving and knitting are excellent activities for staying centered. These activities got me through the worst of the Grand Cross action this past winter.
Posted by: Pepper | June 09, 2006 at 08:09 AM
Hi Pepper - This is something we're all learning to live with, and sometimes it gets weirder than others. The period between June 14-22 will get plenty weird, and there will be others points as well in July and early September due to the Cancer and Virgo parts of the Grand Irrationality being occupied from time to time. And yes, there are many ways to stay centered and not get lost in the collective spinout (and with the activities you mentioned, there are beautiful payoffs at the end of each project, and many new projects to do!) As an aside, Gandhi advocated spinning for all Indians as a practical meditation, as well as weaning India off of British textiles.
Posted by: Robert | June 09, 2006 at 08:17 AM
We just got a beautiful little orange-cream and teal-eyed kitty. I pet and play with him and the activity gives me hope for a similar human collective future...of laughter and curious play. At the end of the day meditation and petting my new cat is the best catharsis for hard work, academic preparation, and the craziness of the environment. I hope many other's may enjoy such enjoyable detachment from the "Grand Irrationality."
Posted by: Don | June 09, 2006 at 12:02 PM
Hi Don - Congrats on finding a worthy owner who can train you in the art of being joyously servile. Yes, cats can be goofy that gives one hope! BTW - "pet the cat" IS a meditation, as is the "lapping cat meditation." They do get heavy, though!! And it's fairly irrational that simply petting a living purr machine should bring so much joy in the midst of so much heaviness. Your tape's in the mail. You should get it by Tuesday at the latest.
Posted by: Robert | June 09, 2006 at 05:57 PM
Cats "absolutely have their own minds" I'm finding out. lol, I know he is band-aid in the bigger sense but, he really is a bundle of fun u know?!! I had forgot I was a cat person. I hadn't owned one since my first cat 'dude' short for 'Deuteronomy' when I was 6 years old. I was a weird kid, lol, not much different now 20 years later.
"a living purr machine" that is hilarious!..thanx for the update on the tape...going to take advantage of this absolutely joyous time. Full moon in Sagg. makin' it all too silly?
Posted by: Don | June 09, 2006 at 07:37 PM
Hey - first of all, "you" do NOT "own" them. THEY own you. First order of priorities. It's great to break on through to the other side.
Posted by: Robert | June 09, 2006 at 07:45 PM
Isnt' this a lovelier discussion than the "sky is falling/6/6/6" malarkey? The world's best cat, who is the Boss of Me, has been fastidiously licking her butt and now seems ready to herd me off to my own bath. Once she achieves that feat she feels the nightly routine is underway and she's done her duty. Tonight I'll let her win - i'm tired & it's deliciously cool here in Chicago.
Yes, cats help in the chaos. So do babies - I have two little boys who are my great teachers. The 3 year old is teaching me the value of repetition and simple joys ("Auntie Di's car!" said with great excitement, oh about 42 times...)
Posted by: Diane Scholten | June 09, 2006 at 08:55 PM
Robert, Funny your should mention Gandhi and spinning... Just this morning I happened to stumble across this website by Mark Sheperd. He offers a bit on charkha spinning. Here is the link for those that are interested --
I must admit to being curious about the upcoming Mars/Saturn conjunction in Leo and how it will pan out for Dubya. Thanks again for all your uplifting and reassuring insights.
Any thoughts on what Florida and the Panhandle might experience this summer? I just reading Carolyn Eagan's report at Can we expect the weather to be stranger than expected?
Posted by: Pepper | June 10, 2006 at 06:46 AM
Hi Diane - Yes, strange how so many believed the sky was falling and nuclear war was immanent one day, and none checked back in the next to let me know it hadn't happened! ;-) Babies are so enthusiastic it reminds me that all our white noise and blather will fade into the mists of time, while they pursue life on their terms in their era. All we have to do is survive this madness thrust upon us by men of small hearts and closed minds.
Hi Pepper - I tried to cover a bit on how the Mars-Saturn will impact our Incompetent-In-Chief, but given that the Secret Service has ZERO sense of humor, I cannot post much more unless I want to trigger an investigation into what I don't know. (I'm serious! A VERY highly placed political mentor of mine told me years ago that even if I did know of a dangerous point in the life of a prez, NEVER write anything, since they'll assume I know something of an assassination plot, even if I don't.) Down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass.....
We can expect the weather to get weirder than ever in the future, due to what we've cut loose in the environment. This article can lead you to others I've posted on what's up, and it's not comforting. Having been raised in Florida, it is important to remember that much of the state is less than 100 feet above sea level, and given the rate of ice melt, we're guaranteed a rise of at least 20 feet in the next few decades. At least the Everglades will be restored, even if it's at the expense of Marco Island, Palm Beach, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, and Key West. The shape of the entire North American coastline will change over the next century, as will coastlines all over the world. This comment I made in the "666" comment stream outlines in brief a few of the environmental urgencies we will be dealing with in the near future.
Posted by: Robert | June 10, 2006 at 08:50 AM
We just finished our monthly Black Hills Full Moon Meditation Group. It was a huge success. We crowded 20 people into our living room tonight. I have been doing full moon groups every month for 25 years. This was the most animated and interesting discussion group that I have ever experienced. People were extra talkative (Gemini). We featured this article on the grand irrationality amoung a couple of others from Lucis Trust and Everyone there was amazed at how accurate Robert's description of these times was. Many shared personal stories. The Venus sextile Uranus was just forming as we started the evening. We had been discussing Robert's points about being adaptable and flexible, then in the middle of our guided meditation the phone rang and disrupted the mood. People started laughing and getting off focus. So I had to just laugh with them and realize that Hermes really is the trickster. We made it through and a good time was had by all. Thank you Robert for this most excellent and insightful article. It gave us many points to ponder. Not the least of which is that redwoods, kitties and butterflies are more inspirational than the nightly horror news casts. May World Goodwill and Right Human Relations prevail. Namaste.
Posted by: dcu | June 11, 2006 at 01:28 AM
Hmmm... a call during your meditation. Whenever a phone rings during class, my teacher Zoe says, "pay attention". This is a message from the universe. Birds sing, cells ring, dogs bark, at the right time during class. I was surprised when I first joined the class that she would allow cell phones, then I understood her wisdom. What is even more ironic is that the person on the cell always said something relative to what we were talking about. What a great message.
Posted by: Susan | June 11, 2006 at 05:46 AM
Thanks Robert, as always your words are inspiring esp. to a sage on a full moon day in their sign :-) Love
Posted by: abacus | June 11, 2006 at 07:36 AM
Hi dcu - Great that there's so much richness up there. Glad my works can help people focus in this very weird period. Aum and blessings.
Susan - sometimes that works better than other times. Sometimes it's someone on the same wavelength as the group; other times it's someone who should be there but skipped it, but whose subconscious must interrupt the group focus. Other times it's just an annoyance, always good for getting over the fetters of irritation and agitation through immediate application of humor and forgiveness. Interruptions are inevitable; the trick is to stay in good humor and not lose focus.
Abacus - You are most welcome. Happy Full Moon: may it purify and liberate you in perfect ways!
Got to go, all. Giving three talks today over in Santa Monica.
Posted by: Robert | June 11, 2006 at 09:30 AM
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your insight. I agree with you, and understand what you're saying for the world we currently live in.
What was interesting in this class is that it was always appropiate to the matter at hand. She works on the premise that everything is a read, not a judgment. The point to her was not if it made us happy, or unhappy, or disrupted the group. Why did we attract the call?
So if we look at all attractions, whether good or bad, whether on our wavelength or not, they bring information. If it interupts and it's uncomfortable, it's an attraction bringing a message, and since it's in a class, maybe an attraction for all. Is that astrology for the group? Is that astrology for each individual? When the cell rings, is the Moon irritating some in the class and not bothering others? What's going on in the stars?
I do have to learn to let go of little agrivations, thanks for reminding me about humor.
Posted by: Susan | June 11, 2006 at 11:26 AM
Hello Robert,
What a wonderful, succinct reminder about why fear is so easy to fall into now and how to choose otherwise. Thank you. Shaun
Posted by: Shaun | August 06, 2007 at 05:17 AM
Hi Shaun - Then you're sure to like some of the articles already in queue regarding how to overcome fear, and why that's the primary task for all of us as we move through this "Age in Transition." And of course, you're welcome.
Posted by: Robert | August 06, 2007 at 02:06 PM
Hi ... I really enjoyed this article and appreciate your ability to write about these issues in a way that translates to the human experience and is understandable.
One thing ... I've had to give up supplemental herbs altogether because they are "suddenly" too stimulating. I used to take them regularly. Now, they are too much for my body, mind, and spirit ... I'm finding certain things just aren't working any more.
Posted by: donna | March 21, 2008 at 07:19 AM
I'm sure you have mentioned it before, but how long will we be feeling the effects of The Grand Irrationality? It sure does keep life interesting. When it is over, I hope we won't be bored!?!
Posted by: Shelley | March 21, 2008 at 09:31 PM
Hi donna - Yes, many things that used to work no longer work, and yet some things are rearranging in interesting ways with no loss or gain. I suspect there is much going on in the subtle planes we are unaware of.
Hi Shelley - As I noted in a response to Michele in another stream, it's been with us for about 12 years, and will be with us for another 10. We're learning to surf while making choices, individually and collectively, that will determine "destiny" for years to come. While the end result will be most excellent, the way by which we come to the excellence will be pleasurable or painful depending on what choices we make between then and now. The outcome is assured; the process is not set in stone. We certainly won't be bored, since we'll ALL have to pull together to save our beautiful ball of dirt and restore Her to health. That will be the evolutionary imperative in years to come. It already is now, but humanity is still deaf and blind to environmental realities.
Posted by: Robert | March 22, 2008 at 03:19 PM
My Venus (1*Cap), Ceres (2* Cap) and NN (3*Cap) have Pluto conjuncting them, and my Sun (17* Aquarius) opposite Moon (14* Leo)have this Chiron, Neptune, NN mystery happening on top of them and I am Grand Fix square folk.
It was the last decade that was very challenging and suddenly I am doing better since Aug/Sept 2007. Gone back to university, getting a PhD age 54, and loving it. Not sure where my new life is leading me, but finally, I feel successful and grounded.
Posted by: Rose | December 22, 2008 at 07:20 AM
This is a profound statement: "...though there's a lot that we cannot like, there's nothing on this earth that warrants us being in a not loving state."
Posted by: Layli | December 26, 2008 at 09:36 AM