by Robert Wilkinson
It is useful in the middle of the radical changes we're all going through to remember that we are Eternal Beings having human experiences. What we must go through fulfills the law of our being and actualizes old karmic lessons while offering us opportunities to transmute our response so we don't have to go through them again.
It's like our current blessings and challenges were set by what we learned, didn't learn, did and didn't do in prior lifetimes. How we respond this life sets the patterns for the next one. So regardless of what is or is not happening, everything that creates a pleasure/pain response is about us being given opportunities to bring forth our higher Self while enjoying the quickly passing soft parade of phenomena so we can recognize our Soul, the Souls of others, and the Soul that is in all that is. We're all more connected that we suspect, and the "heresy of separateness" fueled by fear is the illusion. Since everything is composed of light substance anyway, what's not to like? Aum Namah Shivaya!