by Robert Wilkinson
It seems that yesterday's post has stirred the pot of infinite questions, and offers us the topic for today. A reader asked how two people who share the same birthday could be "complete opposites in everything except determinedness and wanting our own way." Without giving away anything personal I can say the question was asked by an Aquarius. So just why are two people born the same day so different, and what would such a contact mean?
First of all, Jupiter is always one sign farther after a year. This would affect planets in Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as how people approach the areas of life represented by houses with those signs on the cusp. In the case of our reader, their natal Jupiter is at 4 degrees Sagittarius, whereas the person sharing the birth day has Jupiter at 1 degree Capricorn, a huge difference in the Jupiter function. That includes imagination, sense of truth, morality, philosophy, and any area requiring a higher or broader vision. The reader will approach these qualities as a Sagittarius, whereas the other will approach same as a Capricorn.
Then there's Mars, very important in seeing how we assert ourselves and take the initiative in our life affairs. It also shows what aggravates us, or spurs us to action, whether hasty or efficient. Our reader's Mars is 12 degrees of Sagittarius, whereas the other's Mars is 30 Aries. Both are in the Fire element, so there is similarity there, just different ways of expressing it, since Sagittarius is Mutable (distributive) and Aries is Cardinal (activating).
In our example, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are in the same sign for both, though in different sectors of those signs. That will show as differences in how the Sun in Aquarius shows, since Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Differences in these will very definitely show as differences in the life. The earlier one has Saturn at 17 Taurus, the other at 30 Taurus. These degrees have radically different meanings.
The earlier Aquarian has Uranus at 14 Libra, the latter at 19 Libra. Though only a few degrees apart, one significant difference (among many) is that the first half of Libra is the Scene of Transfiguration, whereas the second half of Libra is the Scene of Reconstruction. So even in a few degrees there are big differences. We could keep going on this one for some time, getting into the subtle nuances in how different these two shared birthdays are. The permutations are numerous.
This pair of Aquarians do have different Pluto signs, which is a very powerful underlying force that shows as generational differences, with the later birth year showing traits of the next generation, and the earlier birth year showing as fulfilling the traits of the previous generation.
Our earlier birth chart has Venus in Capricorn and the later one Venus in Aries, so it's easy to see how they would have radically different likes, dislikes, and ways of relating to others. Both have Mercury in Aquarius, so they communicate in a similar manner, and both have a gift of being able to synthesize many different information vectors into integrated overviews of any subject. There are just different ways of liking it, acting on it, or seeing how the future of a thing can be fulfilled.
That their Suns are the same degree or just next to each other indicates that they are each other's light, and that each is illuminated by the other, and here to illuminate the other. That the Suns are in a Fixed sign shows determinedness and equal fixity of purpose and power. And of course, everyone wants what they want when they want it, so that's a human thang, and probably should not be attributed to one Sun sign over another. The desire-mind, or kama manas, is part of our hardwiring as human creatures.
A final note related to something I discussed in yesterday's post. In the earlier birth year, the birthday fell on a Tuesday, while the later birthday fell on a Wednesday. The earlier day is therefore ruled by Mars, whereas the latter day is ruled by Mercury. Thus one is influenced heavily by the Mars in Sagittarius (Moon-Mars subinfluence by decan), whereas the other is influenced by Mercury in Aquarius (Mercury-Venus subinfluence).
The main factor in how any two birthdays get along is known as synastry, or compatibility. This shows how various planets fall in each other's houses, and how they aspect each other shows where two people understand each other and where they don't, how they move or stick, how they harmonize and work productively or not.
Other extremely important indicators include the composite chart, and how each of them fit into it and vise-versa, the progressed planets, which show how each is evolving over time relative to themselves and each other, and finally there's also the Solar Return chart, which shows this year's influence on our lives. Even a slight gap in degrees between two Sun signs will create dramatically different Solar Return charts, even though most of the aspects will remain the same.
Is it any wonder that sometimes it seems astrology is just too vast to master? However, the more we examine, the more we come to a rounded view of what's going on. And that's a very good thing.
(Originally posted 11 August 2005)
I recently had an opportunity to do a reading for someone with the same exact birthdate as mine, my "astro twin." However, she was born in the morning and I in the evening. Our moon signs were the same, mine conjoins Pluto and hers was on her ascendant and the difference in the house structure and ascendant completely changed the effect of the chart. It was a fascinating case study!
Posted by: Lynn | August 16, 2006 at 08:04 PM
Hi Lynn - I've always found it fascinating that people born around the same vintage are often similar in some striking ways, but totally different in many others. The change in house emphases, the hemispheres the Jones Pattern falls in, the rulers of the houses in totally different houses, all affect how you each experienced your life and reality. In your case, the difference between a Moon conj Asc and a Moon conj Pl is a fairly radical effect, though ultimately you are both children of Pluto in one way and another. Me too. Seed carrier energy.
Posted by: Robert | August 16, 2006 at 11:03 PM
I have been searching for astrological analysis of same birthdays. Here is my question. I just met a man on a dating site who I met and like. He is a research scientist: the leading expert in the world in his field of earth science. He has two children and is divorced. I am a professor of english with writers block no money and a dog. April 29th 1954. He was born at 4:31 pm in Manhattan. I was born 6:29 pm youngstown, Ohio. How is this possible? I wonder why we met? To be mirrors? I like him but now I am feeling like Narsccius. Help! Please?
Posted by: Lulu | March 17, 2009 at 08:23 PM
Hi Lulu - Not sure what you're getting at. Not to be dense, but is he also born 29 Apr 54? If so, you will find many similarities in each other, but your "real world" experiences will show the differences. And of course, you two have completely different angles, so have a whole different approach to the different areas of your respective lives. Similar inner energies directed to divergent outer affairs. The rulers of your houses are different, in different houses, though in similar aspects to other planets which also rule different houses in the two charts.
Posted by: Robert | March 21, 2009 at 04:38 PM