This is remarkable, and one of the better arguments for reincarnation I've ever witnessed. There is no way a 4 year old could do this unless he had practiced for a long time, and Igor hasn't been around that long. Absolutely entertaining. Whose style does his resemble? Prepare for an amazing drumming performance by Igor Falecki. Definitely watch the whole clip to see multiple styles. Enjoy!
Not only did I enjoy the performances but I could not help grinning from ear to ear along with Igor as he played his drums. That's how we should all be when we do our "stuff" on a daily basis.
Thanks Robert!
Posted by: Juliet | September 22, 2006 at 07:55 PM
Spirit has holds no space for fear, good parents around the world know this, Igor knows this! The wave of the future...beautful, that boy is pure gold! My son will will play the guitar with the Igor's of the world. What joy may come!
Thanks Robert
Posted by: Don | September 22, 2006 at 08:21 PM