by Robert Wilkinson
We often let ourselves get distracted by thoughts about things that are already fading into our past. This saps our power to get and stay clear about the future we are striving to create, which requires that we focus our attention on what we want to see made manifest, hopefully much better than whatever past we are leaving behind.
The moment you turn from thoughts unproductive for you, or which distract you into an imagining that is already fading, you gain the power to turn your intention to that which is in your higher interests, determined by you rather than the reaction to the discontent of or caused by another. The moment you turn from that which distracts you, for whatever reason, you reclaim the power to choose anew.
This is the time to turn away from things rapidly fading, not because they are “bad” or unlikable, though they may be those. This is the time to use your focus with power and economy, and not let distractions past or present deflect your focus on the future. When we do not let the echoes and memories of the past distract us from what we want our future to look like, we gain all the projected power we gave away to that which distracted us.
Whatever is over is over. We cannot serve our higher interests by overly concentrating on whatever is past, except the part we played in our own victories or sorrow. Even then, the point is to distill wisdom from the experience, and use it wisely in our present to preserve what friends and initiatives we’ve launched, and keep furthering the future we are making by the day.
So take this moment to see how you can turn away from old unproductive thoughts and feelings, and turn your entire being toward that which might produce a better life, a better vibe, a better reality than the one already fading into the rearview mirror of your life.
© Copyright 2006 Robert Wilkinson
Posted by: carrie ann | September 07, 2006 at 10:42 PM
What a wonderful focus today. I read everyday but today for some reason is and incredible passage. Keep up those inspiring and great thoughts and ways!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Christine John | September 08, 2006 at 07:03 AM
Where there is a Will
there is a Way-
and Global Astrology
helps this way pave.
We hear your Voice
in distant lands
and appreciate this
powerful Helping Hand.
Posted by: Svetlana | September 08, 2006 at 08:08 AM
Hi everyone - Thanks for the encouraging words! Sometimes certain themes seem more important than others, so I go with what the patterns show are the necessities of the moment. Now seems to be one of those cosmic moments when we're all turning from old relationships, jobs, self-images, and/or activities, and striving to stay focused on more worthwhile things while not getting hung up or confused in "the switches." Again, thanks to you all for checking in.
Posted by: Robert | September 08, 2006 at 08:13 AM
My sun square saturn now, mars conjunct saturn on approach later this month, my mars in leo boosting the urge to create with others each day lately. Red light- Green light this month and into October?
I am getting a firm grasp on the 4 points of "the Great Octile" which can be of huge help for transforming our/my future. In order to make best use of the positive aspects...what is the quickest path to further understanding them with a super busy schedule and my retrograde mind,lol?
The old ways are gone for me and many of us that have prepared the best we can.
Robert, can you fit me in for a reading within the next 14 days?
Thank your brothers,
Posted by: Don | September 10, 2006 at 11:04 AM
Hi Don - have answered you by email. Yes, the old ways are rapidly fading into the rearview mirror. Octile aspects (semisquare, square, sesquisquare) challenge us to right action without anger, agitation, irritation, or gear grinding. They help us sort out what is important and must be dealt with NOW, as opposed to later or not at all.
Posted by: Robert | September 10, 2006 at 12:02 PM
such wonderful, truth filled and empowering words...
turn away, before you are forcefully extracted!!
Posted by: michele | September 10, 2006 at 10:40 PM
Hi michele - Thanks for your praise. And yes, it's usually better to bail on a sinking ship than keep believing it's not on the way down.
Posted by: Robert | September 11, 2006 at 11:59 AM
Thank you Robert, for putting up this article again, the laws of synchronicity made me read it first thing today, as if I needed it as a confirmation to thoughts that came to my mind regarding an important decision that I have to make.
Lots of love and peace,
Posted by: Alix | January 06, 2007 at 07:33 AM
Hear, hear! Truer words were never written. Just when I needed it the most. Thanks again, Robert - you're the best!
Posted by: Vahana | August 10, 2007 at 08:09 AM
Hi Vahana - Sure. Figured this article would be good to reprint, given the present configurations.
Posted by: Robert | August 10, 2007 at 11:23 AM
Hi Robert,
Dittos Vahana. (Ok, I found out that Rush is a Moody Blues fan. I thought they were "the thinking man's band"!)
Namaste, my friend.
Posted by: Helen | August 11, 2007 at 03:45 AM
Hi Robert. First of all, thanks for your thoughtful commentary. I enjoy your reflections more than I can say.
I am wondering if you could offer perspective/input on a few very riveting transits? For years now (feels like centuries!), the karma-kicking Pluto has been transiting my fourth house. This party began when Pluto opposed my natal 12th house Pluto in Virgo, then Virgo ascendant, then Sag Sun, Sag Saturn, finally residing on my Sag Mercury for some time.
As if this weren't enough, Uranus has been conjuncting my 7th house Pisces Moon while squaring Sag Saturn and trining Scorpio Mars.
I'm a bit apprehensive about the next few months. Soon, Saturn will cross my crucial first house cusp, conjuncting my Pluto (!) and then ascendant. Thereafter, it will square all of my fourth house stuff, then my Moon.
Whew! I'm trying to reclaim my power, not allowing prior traumatic happenings to define me. If you could please offer any help with these themes, I would truly appreciate it. (Dob 11/29/57 11:36 p.m. Frankfurt, Germany) Many thanks!
Posted by: Mary | August 11, 2007 at 07:04 AM
Hi Helen - Well, it shows Rush isn't entirely without good taste! Maybe they sound good on strong drugs!
Hi Mary - Thanks for your kind words. Sounds like Pluto has put you through a purifying fire, and Uranus has revolutionized your security systems in a big way! Saturn in my first gave me a rigorous training, and now I'm even sharper and more ornery than before. ;-) I certainly can claim my experience and the ability to respond in ways I never could before. The square to your 4th house planets and Moon will fulfill an old cycle even as the first house transit opens new doors. You should be coming into a high profile time where you can assert different mature skills than you have before. Now that Jupiter is moving forward, you can use the openings of the past 9 months to surf the wave and have the adventure of your life! Would answer more, but I'm still on the road, which beckons as I write these words. Back in a while.
Posted by: Robert | August 15, 2007 at 07:38 AM