by Robert Wilkinson
A reader asked a simple but profound question: "Something's coming......I don't know what it is...but it's gonna be........good?" I figured this would be a great topic for a post. My response: We've been living with so many oppositions for so long that it's hard to name the bigger thing that's happening. We're getting awarenesses and polarizations, but may not have many words to adequately describe what we're all living within. So we call it the Great Transition, New Age or whatever. This is a polarized time between Great Ages, a period of relative instability where old ideas and ways of living will have to change due to circumstances humanity itself has set into motion.
As to whether it will prove "good or bad," I suspect it will a mix of the two, depending on when and where and who. Good and bad are always in the eye of the beholder, and subject to changes as perspectives change. What is good today for some may be bad today for some, or many. Also vise-versa. We mostly can agree that what is bad today for all will be bad tomorrow for all. However, what we believe is bad for us today may be seen as a true blessing tomorrow, if it gets us into gear.
That's why we are spurred to deal with what we must, being prodded by events toward rising to our possibilities. We often don't know how something will turn out in the long run if we persevere. It's all a question of what we're focusing on. We always have the power to re-focus, and turn our understanding to what creates a better life.
By ancient sources we are told humanity is on an arc of return, and past the depths of its ignorance, though there are a few throwbacks still flailing against history. I believe these times are the last effort for those clutching at a way of life that is already fading, as the vast majority of us do NOT think torture, starvation, violence, greed, and smashmouth politics and economics are part of a desireable or sustainable reality.
Humanity has its problems, but almost everyone in the world has been moved to a much different perspective than ever before in human history. We are collectively at warp-speed evolution, about 120 years into a 500 year cycle. Think of the way things were framed before the microchip, internal combustion engine, rock and roll, and indoor heated showering. Even if we take a momentary step back, we're still way farther along than our grandparents and their grandparents.
We've collectively stepped over a great divide in fundamental comprehension of electricity, magnetism, matter, light, and how to use these both constructively and destructively. A laser can guide a bomb as well as provide eyesight to the blind. It's how we use what we've discovered that is the greater human necessity.
We are now becoming aware of global issues that transcend nations, and affect everyone on Earth. This is the wave of history, and we have some ability to determine whether the transition into the era dawning after 2020 will be unnecessarily difficult. It will be rough enough, but eventually we will break free of the mindset that is gripping the planet at present. This too will pass.
It's like humanity is the planetary brain, and one part of it has awakened to some much greater possibilities of how to live in this 3 dimensional place we call Earth, while the other part of the brain has a diseased tumor destroying everything it seeks to possess through its desires with no thought to the destruction it has caused. However, eventually we will learn we must work together as we have always learned since the dawn of humankind. We have grown separate through an illusion that is divisive and exploitive, and this is contrary to evolution. What confronts us is a decision to change focus due to forces beyond our control forcing us to adapt to future needs.
It will all turn out to be ultimately "good," since we'll move past the destructive mindsets and emotional toxicity presently plaguing the public health. During this time, many we encounter will still try to frame "success" and "failure" in terms of the old reality systems, whether they are realistic or not. Often we find ourselves moving through experiences pushing and pulling us in confusing direction.
Our practice is to remember that we are Eternals participating in shaping the future by our thoughts, feelings, and deeds in the present, despite the oppositions, polarizations, dualisms, and crashing philosophies and views that are inherently unreal. Maybe they used to be real (or not!) to whatever extent, but they are no longer, as everything is giving way to the evolutionary necessities that are presenting themselves with greater and greater frequency as we all come to realize our connectedness with the Earth we live on.
So relax a little, and to the degree you're able, enjoy the passing soft parade inside the gold mine. We are the trailblazers of a dawning era that will make this one seem like a grand illusion. We just have to stay focused, balanced, of abundant view and generous in our goodwill in living our lives on this beautiful, fragile Earth.
It will get better after it gets worse for awhile, but that will make the goal all the more wonderful by its contrast to this old dying era. We're playing for the long haul, which promises so much we've never known or experienced that it will stagger the imagination. Our job is to open the door and greet that which shows us our freedom to be greater than we were.
UPDATE: - December 2007
Since what's going on astrologically is of major relevance to any thorough discussion regarding the time between now and 2012, here are three articles written in October 2007 that go into considerable detail about the squares and oppositions coming in the next few years. They offer an in-depth look at major factors everyone will face the next the next 2000 days.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Great perspective Robert and beautifully put - I'll link to it in my post tomorrow. There's so much "doom and gloom" out there, but I agree that what is coming is incredibly exciting and helping us to realize the greater purpose of our lives.
Posted by: Lynn | October 25, 2006 at 04:17 PM
Thanks. I think that line is from a song in West Side story. (And I thought the sixties were interesting times!)
Posted by: carrie ann | October 26, 2006 at 12:03 AM
"When you're a jet you're a jet all the way from your first cigarette to your last dying day..."
Posted by: Robert | October 26, 2006 at 05:12 AM
Robert, have you seen this web page
Is this a friend of yours?
they have used your text verbatim.(or just about) and i don't see your name on the webpage anywhere.
the page is the quarterly viewpoint. If you cant get to it just go to
Posted by: frank | October 26, 2006 at 12:52 PM
Hi Frank - and my true thanks to you for great sleuthing. She lifted everything in a re-write of my Spiritual Astrology article of August 23, 2006. I did a side-by-side search for key phrases in the piece on her site, and the first eight paragraphs are definitely a 24 karat ripoff. It really is my language and phrasing. Anyone who cares to check it out can click on this link, shrink the screen, open another browser, and put hers side by side with mine. I guess I'll have to contact Ms. Averi Torres after some deliberation. Thanks again, Frank.
Posted by: Robert | October 26, 2006 at 03:56 PM
Opposing viewpoints on Ms. Torres...
She forgot to give credit to Robert - Ooops...
Posted by: Juliet | October 26, 2006 at 10:24 PM
Nice post! Thanks
When the outer planets make stations, be it direct or retrograde, the "tides of the times" are making a shift, and people pick up on it. Neptune went direct today as Mercury went Rx, and Uranus will go direct in late November. Pluto went direct ~7 weeks ago. A large period of 2006 had the outer planets retrograde. The shift to direct motion should be a positive thing. :)
Posted by: unukalhai | October 29, 2006 at 03:07 AM
Hi unukalhai - You're welcome. Yes, one basic thing about the outers is that their stationary points do show "sea changes" in the larger pulse of things. Uranus will pick back up in one final push retracing ground we've all been going through for a couple of years as we walk into a new realm. Let's hope the retrogrades taught us what we needed to learn to move into spans unknown for over 150 years, in the case of Neptune and Pluto.
Posted by: Robert | October 29, 2006 at 06:20 AM
unukalhai, hi. if you don't mind my asking what does your username mean ? it reminds me of something hawaiian
Posted by: abacus | December 25, 2006 at 06:22 AM
The 8:8:8 Stargate:
Robert I thought you would be interested in this pieace.
The Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
The 8:8:8 Stargate: THE FIRE GODDESS COMES
Dearest Lightworkers, you have indeed reached a pivotal moment of Global choice in your current journey of Light. You can feel it, many can feel it, as the wars in the Middle East focus Global attention on the issues of war and peace.
Indeed, these events occur in a powerful time for your Planet. The New Year begins, the Sirius Star Gate opens into the Harmonic of the 8:8:8 on the 8th of August and is followed by the energy of the Full Moon on the next day. The gate remains open until the 12th of August. Then, on the 13th of August, Venus transits into the fifth house of Leo, governed by the Sun and the element of Fire. The Fire Goddess Comes - the energy of the Solar Feminine floods the planet.
The fiery energy of the Divine Feminine in her manifestation as Sekmet, the lioness, has been felt on the planet in recent weeks, but now, the Fire Goddess flames forth in the fiery and intense energy of Leo. She will transit through Leo in the month of August, following the path of the Sun and creating intense and fiery energy. On the 27th of August she will cross paths with Saturn at 14 degrees of Leo. This will be a pivotal date, for at that time her energy will be under pressure to transform and change as a result of the close conjunction with Saturn.
At that point, dearest Lightworkers, the Planetary Collective will choose between continuing on the current path that will lead to continued destruction, or transmuting the energy into Global Peace and Harmony. Whatever seeds are planted at this time will grow and flourish in the next year. We cannot stress enough how important it is NOW to hold the vision of Global Peace. Pray for Peace, Meditate for Peace - create that miracle! Feel that Peace deep within yourself and your heart and believe in it totally and completely. Hold the Vision and the intention for the Highest Possible Outcome - Global Peace - starting in the Middle East.
But we can also say to you now, that in the last few months you have struggled in your own lives, and you have felt tired and angry and lost and maybe even depressed, and you have said to us: "Where is the Joy that was promised in this journey of Ascension?". Well, we can reply to you now, dearest Lightworkers, that in your own personal lives you have been working with the energy of the Fire Goddess or Divine Solar Feminine to burn away and transmute all that is not Peace. And now you are ready to emerge into Peace and Joy, and to carry the radiant Divine Solar Feminine energy of Hathor, the Goddess of Beauty and Joy! And as you have worked in your own lives, so you have created an energetic template or model for the Collective Consciousness to make the same choice. So while we implore you to continue to hold the energy and intention of Global Peace, we can also say that much of the work has already been done by you. This is the culmination. Hold your energy and your intention and focus - and so you will create the Miracle that you seek on your planet now!
The 8th and 9th of August: The 8:8:8 Harmonic and the Full Moon
This will be a powerful period indeed. The 8:8:8 "harmonic" is a vortex of pure energy that holds a powerful archetypal imprint that is made available to all those on the planet. The archetype of the 8 is PERSONAL POWER - the essence of the I AM within each person. The conjunction of this Harmonic with the Lion's Gate Energy creates a powerful moment for Personal and Planetary empowerment.
The 8:8:8 is also what we would call a "Time Gate" or "Time Lock". It allows you as individuals to access fully your Past and Future self in the Present Moment as you experience the entirety of your "I AM" presence. Wherever you will find yourself physically at that time will be a power point for you. It is an opportunity to consciously integrate all that you Are and hold the balance, for yourself and the planet as part of your Lightwork.
The "Spirit" Lions that guard the portal of the Lion's Gate were known in ancient Egypt as the Lions of "Yesterday" and "Tomorrow". Enter in between the guardians of the Past and the Future, and fully claim your I AM power - NOW. This will give you great strength on your journey forward.
Then, on the 9th of August, this energy will be amplified by the energies of the Full Moon. The rising Moon will be in Aquarius, with the setting Sun in Leo. The energy of Aquarius is governed by Uranus, that planet of sudden shifts and changes. You can harness that energy to accelerate the transformation for PEACE as humanity stands at the threshold of the Age of Aquarius, or the Golden Age of Peace. You are planting the seeds for the Coming Age in your work right now!
The 13th of August: Sekmet Comes
On the 13th of August Venus enters into Leo. Here the normally soft energy of the Goddess becomes Fiery and Passionate. Sekmet was the ancient Egyptian Goddess of Fire and Transformation. She was represented by a figure of a woman with the head of a Lioness.
There is an ancient Egyptian archetypal story that tells how Ra (the Sun) sent Sekmet forth to cleanse the Earth, and how she caused much destruction until she was herself transformed and changed into Hathor, the Goddess of Higher Love and Beauty.
And so, dearest ones, the challenge now within each one of you, and globally, is to transmute the Solar Fire from its lower expression of greed, power, and destruction into its higher expression of Love and Beauty and Harmony. And then you will experience the Joy that Hathor brings to the Planet.
The 26th and 27th of August : Resonance and Reverberation
The 26th will provide a Harmonic link back to the 8:8:8 energy, since the 26/8/2006 is also an 8:8:8. Whatever energies and issues arise either personally or globally at that time will be the issues that will be worked through in the next year, until you reach the 99 harmonic on the 9th and 27th of September in 2007. This will be the final clearing and closing of this cycle that began in 1999.
But, more importantly, this will be another opportunity to fully embrace the power of the I AM within you as a Creator and Co-Creator of Global Peace and Harmony.
Then on the 27th of August, Venus in Leo will transit Saturn in Leo. This will be the important moment of Transformation and an opportunity to Restructure old patterns of hostility and transmute them into Higher Octaves of Peace and Love.
The Sun will have moved into Virgo on the 23rd of August, and the New Moon in Virgo, also on the 23rd, will allow you to GROUND your I AM power in order to create Global Peace and Harmony on the beloved Planet Earth.
Personally, and as a Planet, you can choose to transmute the Solar Fire energy into Higher Love through Global Peace. Call on the Divine Feminine through Hathor, to allow her energy to be felt at this time.
You are Human Angels, you are Christed Beings, you have worked for this moment. You are taking on your Mastery and becoming true Stewards of the planetary energy. You can make a difference!
You all may want to check it out.
Posted by: Hypnotic Poison | January 06, 2007 at 10:42 AM
Hi HP - A lot of this sounds like it's a later and more localized derivation of the "I AM" material of Mark Prophet from the 50s, later perpetuated (IMO in a somewhat bizarre and glamorized way) by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. All we know of the "Ascended Masters" and "I AM" teachings first put forth in the 50s originated straight from "The Secret Doctrine" material and early Theosophical works of the late 19th century, along with second generation Theosophical writers like Alice A. Bailey, Annie Besant, Rudolph Steiner, Max Heindel, and Helena Roerich. What you found here is more of an even later personalized interpretation of Mark Prophet's fourth generation Theosophical teachings, which while profound in many ways, became waaay too glamorized for me due to too many cymbals and kettledrums.
What you posted speaks to last August's Full Moon. I'm still not clear about why that Full Moon is related to 8:8:8, nor why the last Venus in Leo is more important than the previous one or next one, since Venus transits Leo once a year. And of course we're always planting the seeds of peace whenever we do so, and NOW is always the best time for meditating on peace and connecting with others who also meditate for peace.
To address some of the closing material: I believe NOW is always an opportunity "to fully embrace the power of the I AM within you as a Creator and Co-Creator of Global Peace and Harmony," NOW is always an "important moment of Transformation and an opportunity to Restructure old patterns of hostility and transmute them into Higher Octaves of Peace and Love," and NOW is always the time "to GROUND your I AM power in order to create Global Peace and Harmony on the beloved Planet Earth." And it's ALWAYS good to "choose to transmute the Solar Fire energy into Higher Love through Global Peace. Call on the Divine Feminine through Hathor, to allow her energy to be felt at this time." These are noble sentiments, worthy of meditating on, as by doing these we may be able to transmute inner and outer disharmony into harmony.
Posted by: Robert | January 06, 2007 at 03:14 PM
I think what is better or worse will depend on much of where you are on this planet. Right now I am in Japan. In America, they are installing the big brother program in New York and other places should be interesting how that unfolds, some of us do not feel that what we are doing is wrong, when alcohol and cigarettes prevail, but everything in moderation is the key, and we are not in holland is all I have to say about that, but also, everything we do now is going to be scrutiinized and perhaps judged on many different perspectives....I just finish watching blood diamond, I do not care who is responsible for the enslaving of any child, to become a warrior to kill people so that they could finance a war blindly, but it was done in a cold blooded way, and that is that, why would you steal the life of a young man like, notice there where very few females, why would you take a life away to fight your stupid ideology...well we have been doing it for millions of years, and on top of that we are all part of the problem, we are not the solution we wish to be, cause we buy the products of a nation that has to fight to survive and live in demoralizing and suffocating situations, we are not innocent because we take part in the system, if we really want to change things then we have to change the system, the sytems is built on the concept of economics which is built on the current economic system which is built on greeeedddd
and we all want part of the pie because that is what we have learned and what we have lived with
I am not saying I know the answers but I am not sure what to do cause I know the truth and I do not know a way out of this crazy stuff we have created and what i am saying is not negative it is just the cold hard truth
no matter how you want to frame it and we can keep trying to live in our little comfy worllds and we can keep sayijng out pretty little affirmations and believe whatever we want but we are all part of it
Posted by: Micheline Cloutier | September 17, 2007 at 09:03 AM
Hi Micheline - You're right, of course. Those in Bangladesh will not do as well as the meditators in the Himalayas, unless the meditators are on the Chinese border. Those who depend on the bankers to be their friends and look out for them will suffer much more than the organic farmers who know the bankers are not their friends. We live in a world of excess, so of course moderation in all things except our pursuit of a 24/7 experience of Spirit to whatever degree we can stretch.
I haven't bought diamonds in years; commercial chocolate either. Both deal in blood and slavery. People everywhere exploit children; their karma is abominable and they will suffer many lifetimes for the cruelty they do. Why would anyone be cruel to another, or a creature? That sort of deliberate cruelty is not the same as being forced to live within a system where we MUST buy gasoline, insurance, etc. Though we participate, I boycott whatever I can to the extent I can, even though it often means personal inconvenience or even being deprived of what others unconsciously buy to save a buck.
I agree the current economic systems ensure many suffer so a few control everything, and that the systems perpetuate an underclass who spend their lives producing cheap junk while others die in office cubicles. Of course, when MLK started talking publicly about economics perpetuating racial tensions, he was shot pdq for his troubles. Even after all that has been said here, I believe in the fundamental goodness of the vast majority of humanity, and if we were educated in different practices and given other options most would select those that do not exploit the children or creatures. That's why the best vote is with our pocketbooks, where we starve the beast while putting our money into progressive projects. If enough do it, it really does make a significant difference. Even a Wal-Mart must adapt if enough in the community stand up and say "NYET!" Stop eating meat and we diminish animal cruelty. Stop eating refined sugar and we lessen the degradation of the Everglades. It's all about the choices we make. One alone doesn't make much of a difference, but many making that choice translates into economic clout for a while. If enough do it long enough it forces shifts in the systems.
Posted by: Robert | September 17, 2007 at 03:47 PM
Well said, Micheline & Robert! Thank you, thank you for the heads up on corporate madness... I'm fortunate to be in an UN-incorporated area of No. California at present, and the ambiance is so much less oppressive!
Hope you are well, dear Robert... still on the road?
Keep your Lights on.....
With Love, Diana } -----*
Posted by: DianatheHuntress | September 20, 2007 at 04:32 PM
Hi Diana - Enjoy NoCal. Am in NM temporarily, in NY most of Oct, then LA briefly, then back here. "We can bring it home, with one headlight..."
Posted by: Robert | September 21, 2007 at 10:32 AM
Does anyone have information about the upcoming solar eclipse of Feb 2008. I believe it is Saros Series 121 -- can't find the astrological meaning of that series or the Sabian symbol?
Posted by: Valorie | October 31, 2007 at 11:12 AM
Hi Valorie - The New Moon Solar Eclipse of February 6-7, 2008, falls at 18 degrees of Aquarius. I'll comment more about the meaning of that eclipse in a couple of months. From NASA, "This is the 60th eclipse of Saros 121. The series began with the first of six partial eclipses on 0944 Apr 25. The first central eclipse was total in the Northern Hemisphere on 1070 Jul 10. It was followed by 41 more total eclipses before the series produce two hybrid eclipses in 1827 and 1845. The first annular eclipse of the series occurred on 1863 Nov 11. The series will produce 11 annular eclipses the last of which is 2044 Feb 28."
You won't find any definitive astrological research into the meaning of the various Saros series, since that is outside the scope of astrological investigation. Who could possibly link hundreds of eclipses in different series across countless centuries to specific meanings? I do well just to keep up with individual eclipses, and common degree points across eclipses, regardless of which series they fall in. The other would be a life work involving major computer info crunching of thousands of hours of real time input.
Posted by: Robert | November 01, 2007 at 01:19 PM
Will the Dallas Cowboys win the Super Bowl?
February 7, 2008 and Saros Cycle #121
The Solar eclipse on 2/7/08 has an interesting meaning if you look at
the history of the eclipses. I use the astronomical classification but
in the astrological nomenclature it is called 10 North. Either way,
you can look back throught the dates of the 18.6 year cycle and see
what occurred in history. I recently did just that... and saw that in
this cycle on January 16, 1972 in Super Bowl VI the Dallas Cowboys
beat Miami 24 to 3 at the New Orleans Tulane Stadium. I also have seen
there is an essence of athletic synchronicity to this eclipse cycle's
meaning. On 1/16/1972 Atje Keulen-Deelstra became the all-round
European skating champ. If we just look at the month and day...January
16th we see that Dizzy Dean, A.J.Foyt and Roy Jones Jr. among many
others associated with atheletics born on this calender day. I could
add so much more...but I am showing you how to research this
astrological energy. In a search engine ...type the month and day and
when you see "atheletics" again with that keyword. Now as we
see that there is a lunar and a solar eclipse that run in a
conjunction...we now see on February 21, 2008 a lunar eclipse in
Saros cycle 133. In a search engine we see it called "Bloody Sunday"
...and on January 30, 1972 Pakistan withdrawing from the Commonwealth
of Nations. Now... as we know the effect of eclipses carry months into
a year...what do we see? The Munich massacre of the Isreali Olympic
team. The group Black September had murdered 11 Israeli atheletics. As
an astrologer....keep your eyes in 2008 upon sports and atheletics.
Posted by: Star Mztyk | November 30, 2007 at 10:57 AM
Hi Star - Interesting correlations. Will keep my eyes open for events. Keep up the great research!
Posted by: Robert | November 30, 2007 at 03:33 PM