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Hi Robert,

I am confused for a friend of mine. What Chinese sign is he? He is born Jan. 3, 1970. Some websites say he is a Dog and some say he is a Rooster.

Kind Regards


Hi Sherob - He's definitely a Rooster, which lasted from February 17 1969 through February 5 1970. As I noted, though, I've always been intrigued whether someone like him would be the element of the previous year (Earth) or being born in a year ending with "0" he's a Metal creature. In any case, he's loyal, extraordinarily perceptive, and very, very hard working. Very sharp memory, common sense, and elegant with a great sense of humor.


Hello Robert,
Are you able to tell me about my astrology sign? I'm a female born 6th april 1984 which makes me an aries but I am not really like all the "typical" aries people I know..what gives?

Thanks, and Cheers!


Hi Jane - Don't know what a "typical" Aries is, as I'm probably one of the purest Aries "types" around and I'm not like what many textbooks describe (except for obvious things like a scar or three on my head and so forth). It could be your Mars retrograde in Scorpio conjunct Saturn, as well as the fact that you have ALL your planets in Earth or Water signs except Sun, Moon, and Uranus. Find a balanced and fair way to express your deeply compassionate Venus in Pisces, follow your curiosity of Moon conjunct your North Node, be the pioneer you are, don't let others' negativity throw you off your balance, and enjoy the review of your life going on now that your Progressed Moon is in Aries transiting over the span of your Progressed Sun since birth.




Hi FRANCIES - Well, something is due to happen every year for all of us at some point. As for March, I have no idea what you're angling at. I'll say that you're a sensitive caring person who has been "in training" since last Autumn, and anything you're learning will bear fruit in the long run if you keep your thinking open to broad points of view. Avoid oppositional or extremist energies and hasty decisions the last week of March. Slow down, take it easy, and expect something good around the last day of March or beginning of April that will continue to be expanding through early May and will impact your July and August in major ways.


Hi Robert,

Just stumbled onto your site... great feedback and insight.
My birthday 09 Feb 70 @ 1.12 pm, windsor, ontario, canada... I always thought i was Gemini rising but i've recently seen reports of cancer rising... can you confirm which it is? anything i should keep my eyes open for?


Hi Julie - Welcome to the site. You have 23 degrees 3 minutes Gemini rising, and 27 degrees 11 minutes Aquarius on your Midheaven. You're examining your relationships, and having a chance to step into more mature, less restrictive or rule-bound ones. Let go of all pessimism, feelings that you have to "make it work," and play more. Any tiredness or heaviness will pass by mid-Summer, and you should be on fire!


Hey Robert:

Best wishes to you. I'm an Aquarian, and so often misunderstood, ha ha. Born 2/10/1959.

Lately, my relationships are strained. I feel I give 110% and get back zero.

What's going on? Does the rest of the year look promising to me??


Hi Tania - Well, with Saturn on your 7th, going direct, it probably indicates that you're entering a new level of equal relationships, and dropping those you can no longer live with because they are unequal. Drop those that are not fulfilling, hold the emptiness, affirm you're going to attract relationships that are better for you, and then welcome the guests when they arrive.


hey robert,
I was born on 25-07-1974 near Chennai,India.I'm a Leo acc. to astrology but I want to confirm if I'm a cancer/leo cusp born.Please help to explain the features of whatever sign I belong to.


Hi Karthik - Yes, you were born when the Sun just entered Leo after leaving Cancer. There are a thousand sites where you can find the features of Leo. Your other planets indicate a person looking for an ideal world, brilliant but sensitive, deeply compassionate and intuitive, but sometimes too fixed and reactive. Since you're dramatic anyway, find a profession where you can learn to express yourself with flair and style. Avoid extreme, weird, or bizarre relationships that prevent you from getting concrete results.


hi robert. great site! please help, nothing much in my life is going right and hasn't been for a long time now. will this bad phase end soon? when can i look forward to happier times? born 6th sept 1972. 11:50am Consett, Co Durham England. hope you can offer some insight. thanks Vicki x


Hi Vicki - With Pluto first opposed your Saturn for a number of years, and now on your Jupiter since 2005, you've been purified in both those departments. You've been able to clean out old security systems no longer valid for who you are, and have no doubt had to turn away from old roots and relationships. Please monitor your skepticism and doubt and expunge these from your consciousness, since these can derail the best of thoughtforms even if you don't mean to. Be more clear and precise in expecting something better to show itself, and don't criticize or worry when the unknown shows up.

Uranus opposed your Sun and Mars has forced you to individuate and revolutionize who you think you are and how you assert yourself. This year, search for your greater service to self and world, keep the initiative in your own hands, don't get involved in disputes that are none of your business, and cultivate your personal style to do things practically with flair, rather than just a workman like attitude.

The metaphysical planets are actually very friendly to your chart right now, if you go with the flow and don't resist "trying to make things make sense." They don't, and won't. I believe you'll end a major phase of your life this Nov-Dec, and will open to many years of greater harmony and ease of self expression. The past year has been a high point, for good and/or bad, and you've had to bring to old to conclusion as best you can. You found a seed of compassion and understanding between January and May of 2006 that will be the foundation for all that begins anew in Sept 2007, when you begin a new 7 year cycle. Please re-read this article to get a better sense of what Saturn conjunct your Mercury, Sun, and Mars beginning this Autumn lasting through Summer 2009 are all about. You can reinvent yourself on an entirely new level of effectiveness if you're willing to get trained and disciplined in a new form of service to your world. Now is the search; this Autumn the adventure begins.


Robert, your continual rich information helps enormously.Thank you for your great generosity of spirit.
I am at another turning point and don't want to miss an
opportunity but find it hard to balance inner work with outer demands/"duties" that come up just at the
point of breakthru in my life...which path to take?
I'm libra born 10 october 1944 10pm GMT and still figuring it all out - this has been an incredible two years or more with much experience from volunteering - strong insight now that I need now to focus on my soul work with people - is it time to jump in and simply trust that I will be supported? I'd be so grateful for any clarity you can
give from your point of view.


Hi sarah - Since I don't know specifics, I'm not sure I can make an educated comment on your situation. Take the future, say goodbye to the past, find the balance to the void, launch the vision. I think that Jupiter is in a productive expansion at least through the end of this year. Next year you'll reorient your sense of service, consolidate, ground the action, and probably find it most productive, though we'll all be going through a "liberating ordeal" first this September, then for awhile next Spring.


Thanks Robert - enough of an overview to keep going on
thanks for the insight -
off on the lifestream express now -


Robert, I love your web site and really appreciate the chance to ask a question. I was born on 2/1/58 at 5:10 a.m. in Altoona, PA. From a recent transit report, I noticed I have a lot of 8th and 12th house transits going on now with some serious looking squares and conjunctions. Saturn transiting my 8th conjuncting a natal Pluto in the 8th retrograde in September is particularly concerning me. My son (born 8/28/97 at 6:18 a.m. daylight savings in Clearwater, FL) has a Saturn square Pluto at the same time. In addition, my Chiron return is coming up. Can you tell me what I should be looking out for? Thanks, Susan.


Hi Susan - A detailed analysis would require far more time and research than I can give right now. I'm not really commenting as I am moving. 8th is regeneration, 12th is closure and rewards. Learn to possess what you desire as a legacy for those who will follow. This should concretize some long held desire or other Pluto seed-form. And of course, don't do anything risky in September, but take note of what comes up, since Saturn will RX back to that point next spring. Sometimes the first pass gives us signals that we use to prevent or alter whatever will come at the 2nd pass.


hi robert,
i was born on 19/11/1978 and wierd things are happing right now, can u give me some advice on how to cope this year pls


Love this site which I just found:
I am a Leo born August 20th 1955 at 0152 hrs In Vancouver Canada.
I know that Saturn has been in Leo for the past couple of years so I am supposed to be growing up. I seem to be running in place - not getting anywhere - and I was wondering when the brakes were going to come off so I can fly!!!! Particularly career wise and perhaps......dare I say it? love?
Everytime I read astrology forecasts, it seems so negative....I want some good things to come for me and really some peace and blessings.


Hi Nav - Sorry for the delay, but while I was on the road your comment slipped off the sidebar. You're getting through a Saturn lesson, with Mars hammering your light into shape. You're learning detachment, dispassion, seeing the big picture, and not taking anything personally. You're also going through your Saturn Return so please read that article to understand more about why you're having to make urgent and necessary choices, and how to stop having such a hard time with the process. And remember that due to such things as The Grand Irrationality, much isn't making sense to anyone these days, nor will it for a while. Relax, let go, stop clutching or fearing, and grow into your maturity. It's the beginning of a 28 year adventure for you, so take a deep breath and move into your higher "response-ability." Namaste.

Hi Daisy - Welcome to the cantina. I'm sure you HAVE "grown up" the past few years! Also found what you can and cannot live with, and a whole new way of regarding the authenticity and power of your experience. I'm sure you'll get more of a sense of movement once Saturn leaves your Sun, definitely by September. You're in a 7 year cycle of finding that if it works, it's true, and if it doesn't work, it's not true for you. 51 is the vision, 52 is acting on that vision. Much that hassled you will leave your life soon, so get ready to do what you must and realize that other things are already presenting themselves. Keep applying your highest truths and much will become very clear very soon.


Hi Robert, have stumbled upon your website trying to find info regarding Mars moving close to the Earth on 27th August.
Could you tell me what impact this will have in general & for me personally? I have some difficult times since 2001, hopeful that it will lift.
25th July 1965 9.53pm Adelaide South Australia.


Hi TrumansCat - Mars is often close to Earth, and it should be closer by longitude this December-January, when Mars in Cancer "conjuncts" the Earth in Cancer (Sun in Capricorn = Earth in Cancer). I cannot possibly address all its potential manifestations individually or collectively. Sorry you've been having a hard time these past 6 years, which may have a lot to do with Pluto and Uranus forcing your Virgo planets, Saturn in Pisces, and Moon-Jupiter in Gemini to get into a different shape and expression. Saturn's almost off your Mercury and Venus, so relief should be not far off. 42 is the beginning of a whole new 7 year cycle, so run with the compassion and/or understanding you got in 2005-2006, say goodbye to whatever ended 2006-2007, and face your future! You're very fortunate when you don't let trickiness jam your gears.

Norma Jean Terry

HI Robert my birthdate is January 18,1957 I have been told that the months of September through to November 1st this year are suppose to be financially lucridive for me. Has this got an truth to it... I was born at 6 in the morning in Blind River, Ontario, Canada ps. I have been thinking about publishing a book thankyou for your time... Norma Jean


Hi Norma Jean - September should be good if you've done your prep work and paid attention to details. I don't have my ephemeris with me, so I can't do much detailed analysis. You'll do very well next year if your vision is wide and you're up for an adventure using your sense of humor. As a published author, the times are not easy, but sometimes one is able to capture lightning in a bottle and then magic happens. 50 is a turnaround in one's finances and values, within a 7 year period of learning that if it works it's true, and if it doesn't work it's not true, regardless of whatever has happened before then.


Hi Robert - Really appreciate your site! My birthday is 11-05-76, born at 5:33 pm in Summertown, TN (Lawrence County). I moved in April 2007 to a new city and state and things have been pretty challenging ever since. Will this get better soon? Thanks so much for your insight! Helga

Norma Jean

Hey Robert thanks for your insight and the time you put in on it... the past last year was a major year for losses of people(deaths) I am just hoping this year will be better for all thanks again for your insight ... Norma Jean


Your site is great. I have a question -- I am technically a Leo -- 8/21/65 (birthplace mumbai, India) and yet my chart currently reads as if I am a sag. All my planets currently follow the horoscopes for a sag. How does this work? thanks, ssya


Hi Helga - Thanks for your appreciation of the work. 30 was the vision that takes a turn at 31. You should be doing much better by September, as long as you pay attention to details. Remember that all major shifts take time, since the inner life is reorganizing and reorienting relative to the shift in the outer reality. Try to simplify, see what is likable and pleasurable in your new condition, and now that Mars is in Gemini, open to new perspectives, new interpretations, and new relationships with people you could be close to.

Hi Norma Jean - Sure. My condolences for your losses, but each checks out according to their timetable, and then we who are left behind honor them in our love and memory. You no doubt have been deepened by your experience, and should be able to attract others who accurately mirror that love you had for the departed. Planets are people in our lives, and with the disappearance of someone, another comes to fill that planetary function. Aum Namah Shivaya!

Hi ssya - Don't know what horoscopes you're referring to, since you are a Leo. Sometimes Vedic charts work off the Lunar "star" and its mansions, or perhaps you're a Sagittarius rising and what you're reading is using that reference. Without more info it's tough to hazard an educated guess.


Hello Robert, I love your site.My birthday is 8/30/1973 2:25 pm in New York, NY. I really would like to know how pluto in Cap will affect moon,venus,uranus and pluto in libra in my tenth house. I'm an actress and how will this planet affect my career?


FROM SSYA thanks Robert, Actually i am using the western charts. What I meant was that i am a leo, and if you read general scopes for Leo and Sag, my chart looks like a sag. For example, the placement of sat, pluto, uranus, all planets, etc follow the sag charts. I believe i am a scorpio ascendant (8/21/65 in mumbai india, BT 12:45 pm), but I think it is a cusp of scorpio and sag. The vedic charts I understand are different -- for example, Sat is just entering Leo for the vedic system and Sat is entering Virgo for the western systems (also a bit confusing). many thanks,


Hi Sagrising - Pluto is a long term, broad based influence rather than specific. It could indicate that "forces beyond your control" will play a part in your career. Of much more importance is Saturn conjunct your Sun for the next year, which will bring you solid results around what you've worked for. The last time it transited my Sun, though parts of my life that we're working collapsed, it also brought me international recognition and high praise for my Mercury Retrograde book.

Hi ssya - If you mean a lot of planets in the 9th house, I understand, having Sun and Mars there. As for the placement of your planets, you have Sun and Mercury in the 9th house, though with your Moon-Jupiter conjunction much of your life would seem a bit Sag. Also South Node in Sag in the first house, and Mercury ruler of your Moon-Jupiter is in the Sag decan of Leo.


Hi Robert,
Could you clarify the statement "......when you don't let trickiness jam your gears." I tend to be on the side of oblivious & need hints like sledgehammers......
And a belated thank you for taking the time to have a look at my chart.


Hi Jules TrumansCat - Sure. I merely meant that with your Moon conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, sometimes your mind outraces your common sense, being T-square your Saturn in Pisces opposition Pluto in Virgo throwing the void on to your Sag South Node. (Uranus may be involved as well if your Moon is in mid-Gemini.)

Overall, this is a very "lucky" chart, but with major lessons to learn about balancing desires and values, worries and faith, and using your optimism and genius to become wealthier than Midas along with being a good steward and offering your world an amazing legacy administered through noble and/or creative friends and allies. And of course you're welcome. With Saturn now so favorable for you, go claim your realm!


Hi Robert! I'm enjoying reading how you encapsulate the key points of people's charts for them. That seems like a very special talent. I was born 9/30/64 NYC 00:20 and it feels lately like my life is falling apart around me, scary though also exciting. I immersed myself in a whole new world for the last 3 years and it feels like it's all coming to naught, or at least to something I can't yet figure out. I would love to know your take, especially regarding life work, community, and relationships (is that all?!). Many thanks!


Hi CancerMoonGal - You got a new understanding three years ago, and this past year have entered a whole new world. Uncertainty yes, but you're soon to get a new structure and set of duties and responsibilities. Adjust, as your relationships and values have changed, and find a way to concretize your uniqueness. Use the next two years to open your mind, learn all you can, and get beyond forms of "mental slavery." You're a world servant of the highest order once you get the big view and stop selling yourself short. Get an adequate creative challenge, make sure your values and ambitions are supporting each other, clearly visualize what your heart's desire is, and you should see the arrival of "the beloved" on the balcony of your consciousness. You're a being of culture and charisma, but often worry too much about what others say or think. Let go of obsolete rules and worries, and be efficient in adapting to what's in front of you.


Hello Robert, I feel like life is a void dressed up with fabrications of beliefs trying to escape the truth that there is only void ultimately. No past, no future, just this eternal void. I sometimes get very confused and often find it hard to just be. Why do I have this attraction and aversion to return to a "place of naked truth and living knowledge" that I'm sure that exists but which is impossible for such to even be conceived. I'm lacking clarity. Can you enlighten me?


5th December, 1984 05:35 A.M. Lisbon, Portugal


Hi Robert, I'm new to astrology, and to this great site, i'm Libra 26/9/64 Melbourne, Australia, could you please tell me what my other signs are, moon, rising, etc?

Thank you :-)


Hi Human- It may be that ultimately we find "a void," but in the meantime we are still perceptual mechanisms caught in the now-here. Perhaps "naked truth and living knowledge" is an unattainable state in this 3D world, except temporarily as a condition of perception. There are many belief systems that reveal "the truth" even as they conceal it. You'll get a vision beyond the "binding systems" in 2008.

Hi Joobs - Not to be impolite, but there are many commercial sites where you can find your birth positions. Right now I'm fried, having done a 3000 mile drive in less than 2 weeks and enduring a complete computer system crash in the past three hours.




5th December, 1984 05:35 A.M. Lisbon, Portugal

Do I have the chart of a mad man?


Is there an "It's all infected with the virus of thought: the eye on the top of the pyramid, when we're all beautiful silent controlled by our beliefs puppet beings after all, in the madness of trying to reach an impossible illusion of a top, when at each corner of the base of the pyramid reside the ones who "kindly" offered to support the ones who are blindly trying to climb and that could be instantly transported from the bottom to the top, but instead they kept in silence, thus there's nothing at the top, so it's like a donkey chasing a carrot?" or "When living an illusion, death brings new meaning to life.", or "Words are on the verge of becoming..." or "Finally I realized, it's a beautiful day and I'm sitting in the dark thinking the most stupid things so I will now lay my beautiful silent corpse under the "carrot sun" and eat less sugar" transit? Sorry, but this stupid eye needs to constantly reassure it's existence and I just have to cope with it.


You'll get a vision beyond the "binding systems" in 2008. What do you mean?


Thank you for the insight you have provided me be reading your articles. You just do it.


Hi Human - You have the chart of a bold person who is free to think outside the box, but must beware of overstepping your bounds and winding up everywhere and nowhere. While you are brilliant and intuitive and see things others don't, you also have the curse of genius. In other words, if you could master anything in the world, what would you choose to do? Being brilliant and eccentric for their own sake are wheel spinning. 22 is a shift in values, resources, and relationships. Jupiter should be expanding your horizons, so learn as much as you can, see the bigger picture and find effective ways of organizing for the long haul, and you may find that the coming 9 months are offering you the ability to be practical in enjoyable ways that you never knew before now.

Thought (manas) is the basis of all manifested existence and perception from subatomic to galactic, so we never are outside of pure thought, as it is the expression of Divine Mind. Thoughts are not the same as beliefs. There is no top, there is no bottom - all is infinite Space and Time, mediums through which we come to know experience and evolution itself. Those who support others who strive are doing service, regardless of the motive of those who strive. Of course death brings new meaning to life. And every day we're alive is beautiful. You may find there is nothing you can think that can reassure you of existence, since you cannot imagine non-existence. It's impossible. As long as you breathe, you exist. When you no longer breathe, you still exist, just on another frequency. Those who do not have separate existence are at one with ALL, yet consciousness still exists, on whatever galactic level that frequency zone exists. And yes, we DO have to cope with our 5 senses and our mind which without proper training and discipline are as apt to lead us into error as not. As for your impending vision beyond binding systems, it will mean many things, including getting outside of your known rules, limitations, and all else that binds you to narrow ways of living, thinking, feeling, and being. And of course, when one re-reads my articles, they often get brand new insights that augment previous insights. That's why I write them that way.


I Think You Robert for your insights. Still, life is just a... and I am just "a good horse who runs even at the shadow of the whip".


"As long as you breathe, you exist." I sometimes forget that, to do it properly and to treat it with respect, It has been there for ages, "It's your most precious king.". Thank you.


"Thought (manas) is the basis of all manifested existence and perception from subatomic to galactic" ...there's an old saying in Tenesse: "Fool me once, shame on... shame on you... Fool me, you can't get fooled again." :)


Can I see your chart? If you want to keep it private I understand.


Hi Human - If you would, please compose all you have to say in one or two comments, since 3 or 4 successive comments tend to push others off the side bar, and they may have a hard time finding my answers to their questions. The "you can't get fooled again" quote was the presidential fool Dubya mangling an ancient piece of common wisdom. As for my chart, it shows so much difficulty that I have no problem sharing it, since it's a testimony to the power of God and Self persevering despite impossible conditions. April 1, 1951, 1:13:30 pm, Chester PA. Aum Namah Shivaya!


Thank you again for spending time looking at my chart Robert. Your words have breathed life into my dreams....


Hi TrumansCat - Sure. You have more potential than you suspect, and since we're all in this together, you get the benefit of Professor Robert seeing that you are capable of greater things than you may have imagined, whether you see them or not. Besides being a somewhat brilliant genius and pioneer, your "problem" such as it is seems to be that of someone so far ahead of others that he just needs to find a common language with the mere mortals in his world. I'm not kidding.

With your Mercury conjunct Venus, you've probably been taking things a bit hard these past 10 months. Open your imagination, since the obstruction is now past. There are other aspects which indicate a very unique period these next 9 months, but you need to let go of superficial relationships and narrow thinking. Cultivate your broader interests with others, and if you find the right way to organize your life and affairs, you'll do just fine if not remarkably in 2008 based in the protocols you implement the next 4 months.

sreenibas patnaik

hi Robert,
i was born on Feb 2, 1978 at 10:30AM . I am an aquarius and getting married in Nov. Can you please tell me if my career life is going to be good?


Hi sreenibas - What does your marriage have to do with career success, other than the 7th being the 10th of the 10th? Your career will go through major changes the next two years, and after a period of concern, will break loose in early 2009 only to reverse and then expand later that year. Expect to go through big changes May-June 2008. Correct manifestation of Mars is the key to your success. Aum Namah Shivaya!


January 26, 1968 5:26 pm OKCity, OK
I have been lurking forever and just want to say that things have been loud in my head my whole life...LOUD. Not crazy. Ijust feel like one of those dogs who hears the whistle and jumps up with ears cocked and who is met with strange looks from the others in the room at the time...make sense...TI is getting REALLY loud lately which seems to happen for me in 3 year cylces Fall of 2003 was the worst--but I digress...I am reading your reports, but am not well versed in this science and art. At this moment it's all I can do to not not go spoiling for a fight...also I am hugely involved with military support and other charity is almost an obssession lately. Okay going to push send before I lose my nerve. WHAT IS GOING ON???I have such a sense of foreboding.


Hi Hope - Welcome out of the lurker state. The senses are tuned differently in different people. Some have heightened sight, some have heightened smell, some can hear things no one else can, and so forth. Then there are kinesthesiacs, said to comprise about 10% of the population, who see sounds and smell colors and other such phenomena. "Loudness" is a conditional state. It sounds like you need to be meditating regularly to be able to still the inner response mechanisms to the outer stimuli. The foreboding is definitely explainable due to processes already in motion on a collective level. That said, it is WE who must choose carefully how we want to respond to all outer "troubles" or any other thing that presents itself to our 5 senses and our minds. We can feel and experience all that is; but we should not necessarily respond to it, except to examine it with detachment, dispassion, and discrimination and put forth as much compassion as we can for ourselves and others. I don't think there's anything wrong, and I also believe you're ready for a more focused "spiritual practice."


Parts of your response sound much like words from Eckhardt Tolle. I guess if I am getting the sdame advice in a short period of time, maybe I should take heed.


Dear Robert,
Amazing insights that you provide.I am born on the 27-12-1962 @ 4.45 pm in Bangalore,India.I am dissatisfied & stressed with my career at this point in time and looking for a change.When will i change my job and will I transition into an International Career.Please advice


Hi Rao - As I specifically told you 10 days ago, go for it. Prepare the ground, move slowly at first, and examine hidden things that need to be brought into the light. Allow the influence to work over time. Though Mars will oppose your Sun in October and again in December, Jupiter will bless you beginning December, and Saturn will help stabilize everything you initiate. Pluto will add invisible help via economy of energy and seed patterns, and by March you should be well on your way.

Elizabeth Green

I was born 4/17/1951 9:31 a.m. and have been wondering what healing area to focus. I have studied many areas but I am leaning into the ARTS.


Hi Elizabeth - Whatever you do, it will be a solo act where you pioneer in some area that may not be well understood by others. You may do well with healing the subconsciousness, helping people understand afflictions common to many humans through all time, or forms of hydrotherapy, whether bath compositions or juice therapy or other healing modalities where liquids are used. You'll probably eventually combine two or more approaches in a system uniquely your own.

Elizabeth Green

Thanks for the specific area to work with using new healing tools. I am excited about the future. Thanks so much for your input. I will carry on and learn healing for the subconsciuosness. PEACE

Lynn Minervini

Just found your sight looking for info about today's full moon. I was born 7 may 1954 at 10:01 am in NY - some say I have Leo rising and other's say no because the time is probably daylight savings. June -july brought about some dramatic decisions in my life - ending a 24 yr relationship - but we're still here, in limbo - beloved house and land must sell and I need to work much more in order to live. Yet I am mostly optimistic, though often sad...any advice?


ps I liked my slip of turning site into sight - very appropriate. I am just starting a practice of chinese medicine and massage


Hi Lynn - You have 20 Cancer rising with Moon in Cancer in the first house. Many are in major flux right now, leaving one area to move to another, getting into position for work yet to be done. Sadness often accompanies endings - it may be helpful to regard endings as preludes for rebeginnings. Even though you may feel insecure, don't clutch at that which is ending. Sometimes there's nothing to be done but move on into life chapters that are better embraced than resisted. In this sense, the natural grief that arises when it's time to say goodbye to whatever or whoever can show you the way to deeper feelings and greater emotional strengths. What we leave behind opens space (the Dalai Lama would say "emptiness") that can help us understand what is truly real within us versus what is conditionally real externally. Nurture yourself appropriately until you feel more secure in your new direction. Oriental medicine has literally saved my life, so I wholeheartedly encourage you to pursue that study, since it can lead you to helping others in profound ways.


Hi Robert,

I am born 18/02/63 at 1:39 EST. I have been going through one of the most challenging transitions of my life in the last 6 - 12 mths, which includes a separation from my husband (14/07/61); sale of house and new residence; and the start of a new business. I feel so overwhelmed at times. I wonder if you see any peaceful time ahead or any indication that all of this change will bring benefits to not only me, but to my children and husband. I trust that I have taken the steps necessary to be a healthier and happier person but it's difficult to stay positive some days. Any insight you can provide would be much appreciated. Tommi.


Hi Tommi - Well, if you've read other articles you know that we've all been "freed from a narrow destiny" in the past 14 months. It does feel overwhelming when familiar references aren't there anymore, but the sense of freedom is key to our self-realization that we can only do some life chapters for so long before other more important things present themselves for our growth and demonstration of our skills. Neptune on your Sun is helping you embrace the vast field of compassion and idealism in a way perfect for you. It may seem very weird, so try to remember that you're going to be feeling a lot, as well as feeling collective feelings that have little or nothing to do with you personally. You're a gentle creature, progressive and idealistic, and through your next birthday are seeing a wider vision. There will be insecurity at how to achieve the vision you're glimpsing, but fear not! Jupiter will help you capture major rewards through productivity at this time, and by late 2009 you'll be living a completely new adventure with opportunity all around.


You have an encyclopedia of astrlogy in aquarius papers. i am born on 24-08-67, 11.55pm in india. Life has been a long emotional roller-coaster since last 40 years. would like to start a new chapter from now. any luck in finding sincere love&frienships? my partner born 16-09-60 4.25 pm india - wants to make a risky career move. what does the planets indicate? whats is in store for us? pl advice.


Hi Robert, Your site aquarius papers is an encyclopedia on astrology, have been reading your articles - would like to know couple of things. I am born on 24-08-67, 11.55pm in india, sun sign virgo but lot of venus influence in moon chart i guess. last 40 years have been an emotional roller-coaster . would like to start new with more emotional strength sincere loving relationships. my partner born 16-09-60, 4.25 pm wants to make a crucial change in career, what are the planetary indications for us? Pl advice.


Hi Sarah/sascha - Please don't post a duplicate question. I won't answer it any quicker. You're actually more blessed and protected than you let on. You also have a lot of rules and worries that you need to let go of. Please learn more trust in others, stop fearing future hurts, and don't get involved in struggles that do not concern you. Through June 2008 you're becoming more disciplined and organized as you embrace a new sense of purpose. The next 9 months you're also turning inward to find a new understanding and compassion based in new values and visions of future potentials. The cycle you've been in for 5 years will end in 2009.

For your partner, this is the return of 12 years of promise, with major developments beginning Feb 2008. He must redo or rework some things before attempting a new start which cannot succeed if attempted before late January 2008. He will be on an emotional roller coaster between late Dec and late Jan, and throughout this life must learn to think bigger and not so pessimistically while cultivating his spiritual rapport with others. As for making the leap, I would think that the old way has become exhausted and he isn't feeling like his words have weight. There will be a breakthrough, but he must use the right means and not get lost in unworthy behaviors and attitudes. "The best way to fight evil is to make progress in the good." And of course comment streams are not the best place to find enough info to make life-altering decisions.


Dear Robert,

I am born on 29th november, 1976 - jammalamadugu, India 6:25 AM and my husband was born on 10-10-1972, piler, india, 7:30 AM. We separated up in aug 2006 as he was having an affair. I have a 4 yr old son(DOB: 4 Feb 04, hyderabad 2004. I still love my husband and fogave him for everythin.
Will I ever unite with my husband?
If so, when?
Will he become a dedicated father and husband for my son and me?

I have been depressed since he left us. I have lost hope. Please let me know what our horoscope says. Eagerly waiting for your reply.


Hi Robert i was born on the 1st of feb 1962 at 2100 hours london, this year has been tough will next year be any better. thanks graham


Hi Navitha - You ask for more than can be answered with a simple yes or no, since it is more a spiritual question than astrological, though astrology can show some key points in timing things. This would be my "spiritual" answer: I am glad you could forgive him, since that strengthens you. He must show some dedication and caring to you, your child, and doing what is spiritually correct before you will know if he is dedicated to anything other than superficial things. I am sorry you are depressed. This is not a useful response. Sorrow is a natural, appropriate feeling for what has happened, but remember there is always hope for some sort of rebeginning or reawakening if your heart is open to it. Better to be spiritually in line with Dharma and improve yourself and your life every way possible than stay depressed about someone who did not do the right thing in the past. He is not worth your suffering. Your child deserves better than he's gotten from his father, so you must now step up to LIVE your higher purpose with intention so you set a good example for your child. Learn, improve yourself every way possible, and become such a loving light that even a toad would want to be in such a loving presence. I suspect your husband needs you more than you need him.

Hi graham - You will reap the rewards of living your light over the coming 12 months that will open a major new adventure in 2009. 45 is always a "crisis of change," while 46 is fulfilling, integrating, and the end of whatever hassles us at 45. Something has now come into your life while other things have left. Keep doing what you must for the next month to make the vision or higher understanding of 2006 more real, and let go of whatever is already leaving by regenerating your power and magnetism by dropping obsolete desire.


Hi Robert,

I noticed in your last post that "45 is always a "crisis of change," why so?

I'm looking forward to a 45th in May but maybe I shouldn't be so happy about it?! Is there a certain house I need to focus on regarding this change or is it more of an overall life altering year?

5/28/63; 6:50 pm; Camden, NJ

Thanks and Happy New Year (I think),


Hi Elizabeth - It's because 45 is the mid-point of its particular cycle, and marks a time of things coming into the life and other things leaving the life, a year of self awareness spurring us onward to complete whatever is ending at 49, called "the double climacteric" in antiquity, the 7th 7 of life which ends whatever we set into motion at 28-29. These cycles will be the subject of my next book, if I ever have the time to write it.

Do whatever actions you need to in order to bring the vision of 44 into clearer reality. It can be a very invigorating year, full of promise as you see things end you no longer need to deal with. Though your energies will be somewhat restrained the first half of 2008, the last half should be much better preparing you for a major adventure in 2009.



Okay, I'll consider 2008 the year when capricorn energy helps to focus my writing efforts. Sounds like you're in for the same. I can't wait for your book.

The "double climeratic," wow, have to think about that a bit.

HAPPY 2008!

arvind kumar

dear sir please predict my astro my date of birth is 7 may 1987 time of birth is 12:20 am please sir i have faith in you so kindly predict it

arun kumar

my date of birth is17 august 1958&time of birth is 11:32 am


Hi Elizabeth - 2008 should be good for all kinds of productive disciplines, including focusing writing efforts. However, during the times dedicated to writing the book(s) then my ability to answer comments will be very restricted, since I'm already pressed to the max. As it is, I literally have NO time on my hands.

Hi arvind - 2008 should be a good year for you if you develop the seeds of compassion and understanding awakened the past 6 months. Be practical, willing to adapt and be more flexible in how you put forth effort. You will end some things later this year, while other things will turn out better than you imagine. It is a year to anchor your Atman in a practical form.

Hi arun - You have been through many conclusions and "final" realizations since November 2006, and are now sorting through the priorities of your loyalties and responsbilities. Last Summer was the "end of the end," and marked the beginning of a transition of 7 years where you will learn what works and what doesn't in terms of your Truth. For the next few years, if it works it's true, if it does not work it's not true. It does not matter whether it used to work or still works for others. These realizations will form the foundations of your wisdom-experience you can offer your world beginning around 2011-2012. This period of Autumn 2007 through early Summer 2008 is somewhat unclear for you, so meditate more, do nothing to damage the seeds now growing these past 2+ years, go into retreat and become spiritually clear about your motives so you can find a new form of service and/or work later this year. New truths and ways of relating to home, family, and your past begin in June.


Born 9/25/69 at 23:26pm in Las Vegas, Nevada.

What do you make as a whole with the "Star of David" with one trine with a Kite. Also, the two Grand Crosses?

I understand what they mean individually but have no understanding as to the bigger picture when we put it all together.

Is it possible that you can shed some light?

Thank you


Hi jmarie - Well, I don't know who told you that such things are in your natal chart, since of what you listed you have only one Grand Cardinal Cross involving 6 planets and Ascendant and a Grand Earth trine. There is no "Star of David" except during transits of early Pisces, and even that's only for the next couple of years max, though you did have one involving prog Sun and transiting Uranus a few years ago. I found no "Kite" configuration except by progression you have a "Yod." You'll have another one 6-9 years down the road, but by then your current one will be well past. As for the art of synthesizing your various configurations and how they work, that's way beyond a comment stream. That could be the subject of a dozen readings and a hundred lifetimes of study.


I am an aquarius born 02/17/81 they say with an aries rising i was born in pennsylvania at 8:40 in the morning would that be correct.I love your website i found it about 4 months ago and everything u have talked about has been happening.But i can't find that poem u wrote fifteen years ago about aquarius and i was wondering if u could help me out with finding it.That wasthe most inspriational poem i have ever read.


Hi Robert
I was reading your comments on Grant Lewi and then come acros with your wonderfull site. I am a Virgo born August 30/ 1956 at 12:18 pm and would like to know (if your time promisess) what will I expect of that February 6 Eclipses, effect my future. If I am lucky to have your generos attantion in my request then I may be able to realize what some of this "shut down" phenomenon effect my life. Please give me a glimpse of your knoweledge
Thank you


Hi Eli - Of more importance than the eclipse is Saturn on your Sun and Jupiter. There's an article in the archives on Saturn transits of the Sun and planets which you should read. Pluto is also long term square your Mercury, showing the need to stay focused on the positive possibilities and not let others' negativity cause you to lose balance. You're making new efforts to live in ways others may not understand, so give up sentimentality and any need to get touchy if others do or do not agree with what you're seeing and doing. Many old security systems will be slipping away the next few years, challenging you to get focused and not aimlessly drift. Get yourself oriented, hang in there, keep putting your best self forward this year, and don't settle for lesser rewards when greater ones are at stake. This year persistence will yield greater dividends than being agreeable or sensitive. Use your Grand Water Trine wisely to flow in the direction of the greater vision soon to appear.


I am a Piscis and a Horse born March 3rd 1978 and have been having a hard time. I'd like to know how much this Chinese Year of the Rat affects me and what I can do to cope better with it. Or could it be Saturn's return-or both!? Hope you can shed some light on this matter! thnx!


Hi Alex - I will be composing an article on how the Year of the Rat affects individual signs very soon. Of course no article is as extensive or precise as a personal session regardless of which astrological system one uses. Yes, you are having a Saturn return, as well as Saturn opposing your Sun. Even though Saturn is now in Virgo, it's still very close to your Saturn, so while you're on the back end of your Return, it's still in play in a big way, just more Virgo lessons than Leo. If you know some astrology, your past hard time involved your Mars affected by the Grand Irrationality as Pluto danced on your Moon and opposed your Jupiter, ruler of your Pisces. Of course Pluto also trined your Saturn and quintiled your Pluto, showing ultimate good. Right now Uranus highly stimulates your Mercury and Venus while squaring your Neptune and Neptune quincunx your Mars. More than this cannot be addressed in a comment stream.

sreenibas patnaik

i am born on 2nd feb 1978 at 10:30AM. I am going through a major phase in my career and worried. Can you please suggest if there are any major phase changes going to happen in my career this year and the year coming ahead? When is it going to stabilize? Should i take any major decisions in terms of change with respect to career?


Hi sreenibas - Well, not knowing where you were born I can only estimate some things. Life altering decisions should not be made on the basis of a comment stream, and usually are best done in a personal session. Jupiter is very favorable for you this year, as long as you have a reasonable plan and take care of details. There should be some stability by Summer, though of course the larger global economic instability will affect everyone as we move into 2009 and the difficult aspects pervading from then to 2013. Move into larger cooperative directions beginning Feb-Mar 2009.

Susan Sloane

Hi Robert,
Been reading your articles for about 18 months now on and off. You're site is great, though a bit above me at times. I'm an aquarian, born Feb 16 1964 at about 10:55 pm in the Bronx, NY. I have been experiencing some major life changes over the last few years!! And right now a large part of me and my life seems to be starting from scratch. I'm trying to follow all that is going on but I'm a bit overwhelmed. And I'm more than just a bit alarmed about my future. Thanks in advance for any comments.


Hi Susan - Well, Neptune conjunct your Sun, Mars, and Saturn forces you to live your ideals, and not surrender to vague uncertainties. This can dissolve chains and anger if you're willing to take a broad view and take your higher purpose more to heart. If you feel a negative, then get clear about how to turn it to a positive expression. You are directly tuned into the collective. Though things are weird and unclear with Neptune, and of course Pluto is septile your Aquarius stellium (showing your Sun, Mars, and Saturn to be in the current zone of the Grand Irrationality) indicating you're at several major forks in the road impacting areas and planets ruled by Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius.

You can probably get a good harvest this year for practicality and organization, preparing for a new long wave adventure in 2009. Whatever is unveiled and/or taken away as a result of this eclipse will clear the decks for more productive action. 44 is a vision year, full of uncertainty AND possibility if you're willing to learn as much as you can, take a broad view of wider possibilities, and embrace the quest.



I just noticed that you are not showing up in the search results on aol the same as you were yesterday, and recently. I know you had a problem with Google not too long ago. I put in "Aquarius Papers", as my search, and the first one to show up was yours, but it says "Free Astrology Reports" as the headline, then the rest in the search list are all blogsalon url addresses.
I know for a fact that Aquarius Papers normally shows up in the top 5 search results on aol normally. Just a heads up.


Hi Lisa - Hi. Thanks for the info. I've noted I'm down quite a few hits the past few days but these anomalies occur from time to time. I usually don't have many AOL search hits, but it's still good to know something's up. The Salon blog is my old site where I haven't published anything new for over a year due to software issues. I'm assuming you're a member of AOL since you use their search engine. Since I'm not, why don't you send tech support an email asking them why my site has disappeared from their searches? Depending on their answer, it's either a glitch in their algorithm, or there's much larger trouble involving the Cantina on Eternity Boulevard. Definitely muchas gracias for the heads up.


please tell me whatz happeni nng to my life


Hi simi - Without birth or life info, there's little anyone can say. This is not fortune telling.

Sreenibas Patnaik

hi, i was born on Feb 2, 1978 at 11:35AM at Hyderabad in India. i am going through a difficult turmoil in life (personal and professional) When would this be settling? when would i get a better career prospects?


Hi Sreenibas - It seems like you asked this question before and I answered you in this same comment stream. Everyone seems to be going through various difficulties and life turmoils, and I'm not sure it's going to be settled any time soon, since even when one area goes well, there are always other areas that can be challenging.


hi robert. i love your site. its a treasure chest ! i am going through a weird phase. deeply exploring spiritual issues but also feeling a bit out of sorts/not clear on direction etc. can you help? my d.o.b. 1:56pm Canberra Australia 13.10.1975. Some dilemnas whether to give up the worldly life and become completely renunciate/spiritual (currently i am living in an ashram) or whether to live the worldly life... Any insight and advice would be surely appreciated. blessings, Vijayashakti

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