by Robert Wilkinson
In response to a request, I was asked to make a brief statement summing up 2007 for each sign. You may also use these if you know your Ascendant, or Rising Sign. You can find them "below the fold."
Aries - Stoke the fires, give it all you've got. Crank it up, and stop being so hesitant or inhibited. The party's begun - It's time to go for the gold!
Taurus - You're setting new foundations for future success. End things quickly. Opportunities involve community or shared values and resources.
Gemini - Learn and learn more, reshape your thinking and self-expression, as new friends and relationships will open ever wider opportunities.
Cancer - Use what you have wisely and lovingly, open to wider forms of service and the joy of work, prepare for larger relationships.
Leo - Your discipline will open more fun and ease of self-expression. Play more, connect more, follow the fire to find a larger purpose.
Virgo - Come to closure about things that trouble you and regenerate, since you're on the threshold of a new life. Open to new foundations.
Libra - Balance the personal and public as you find new friends and new ambitions. Learn all you can to better express your heart in public.
Scorpio - Be generous and honorable as you maintain your high profile. Gain through distant lands, travel, people from other cultures, pioneering work.
Sagittarius - Steady your higher knowledge while on your wild ride! Pay attention to details, juggle the paradox, and try new forms of self-expression.
Capricorn - Turn loss into dreams of future gain, be selfless as you move through endings and rewards. New starts hold much long-term promise.
Aquarius - New dreams and relationships make their public appearance. Be generous, open to new ways to express yourself and communicate.
Pisces - Your freedom is flowering as you prepare for a new level of relationships. Work joyously, and quickly deal with things and people you value.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Dear Robert,
I have been following the site for several weeks now and I don't have my natal chart done, so I dont know where I fall with all the nuances. Can you recommend a Web site for having this done?
Thank you for all the hard work you do on this site!
Posted by: John | January 25, 2007 at 09:58 AM
Hi John - there are a few sites you can google to get free chart printouts, but they often send you a lot of emails advertising their services you have to pay for. Do you just want the printout or an interpretation? Printouts are occasionally free for a basic natal chart wheel via the web, while some sites provide relatively inexpensive natal printouts with progressed positions included. A chart interpretation done by an amateur or professional could cost nothing to a lot. I do printouts of the natal and progressed wheels for a small charge. And though I don't do printout reports as yet, I am available for in-depth taped personal appointments.
I definitely encourage you to get at least some kind of printouts and a basic understanding of the symbols and meanings of the planets, signs, and houses, since they are three of the four building blocks of Astrology. You can start with Jim Maynard's Pocket Astrologer 2007, or his Celestial Influences calendar, both of which have keys to understanding how the basics work.
Posted by: Robert | January 25, 2007 at 10:41 AM
Dear Robert :
I am an indian .In India we foolw moon sign but the prediction which you giben is by sun sign am I correct .My d.o.b is 08/02/1977 time of birtjh 5:00 pm and place of birtjh Pratapgarh India .
Posted by: Sandhya | January 28, 2007 at 11:16 AM
Hi Sandhya - Yes, Western astrology is primarily a Solar-based system, whereas Vedic astrology is primarily a Lunar-based system. And if you're going to apply these remarks, please use the Western calculations for the Sun sign rather than the very speculative "Sidereal" calculations that vary widely based in which system one uses. Of course, my Namaskarams to you.
Posted by: Robert | January 28, 2007 at 05:03 PM
How do you do those sign predictions for the whole year, because they seem to work well?
Posted by: Dharmaruci | January 29, 2007 at 02:23 AM
Hi Dharmaruci - Well, I use the usual indicators for Solar charts, try to see where the outer planets fall in the Solar wheel, see which houses are ruled by what, and then make an educated forecast. There are many other ways the indicators could manifest, so stay open to my words as symbols, since they can point you in some interesting directions of understanding and activity.
Posted by: Robert | January 29, 2007 at 08:39 AM
Oh my God! Robert - I love this prediction for Aries - Stoke the fires, give it all you've got. The party's begun - It's time to go for the gold! //
You put a big smile on my face, since I am the biggest party animal! I knew I didn't need much.
Posted by: Larissa Pond | February 20, 2007 at 06:41 PM
Hi Larissa - Well, with Jupiter in Sag and Saturn in Leo and so many great Grand Fire Trines coming over the next few months, what else could I say? Every ending is followed by a new beginning. Fire consumes old forms and moves on. We're Eternals, always striving, always yearning, learning to welcome an ever beckoning future perfect for us if we'll just greet the guest.
Posted by: Robert | February 20, 2007 at 09:52 PM
Hi Robert,
I have had an interesting past couple of weeks being led in the sprit. As I follow the path of the Yellow Brick Road, the doors to my writing career are creaking open.
If this journey takes on a WIZARD OF OZ feeling, what part would you like to try out for?
With every click on your website, I find out why I am on this journey which began on August 13, 2005. I found this website by accident, but as the old saying goes: There are no accidents in the universe.
As Rosemary said in ROSEMARY’S BABY, “This is not a dream; this is really happening.”
Thanks for all you do for translating the Cosmos for us. As I did, forget politics. It is good theater. This is your true calling. As you bump me into my new future, I am here to bump you into your new future.
P.S. Are you familiar with the movie, THE SECRET about the Law of Attraction?
Posted by: Helen | February 21, 2007 at 03:24 AM
Hi Helen - Well, my whole life is a bit beyond Oz, more like "the Twilight Zone." Could tell you about 30-40 occurrences in my life that are beyond surrealistic and make no sense why it happened (or didn't!), but that would take a while. It's like I live on "Owl Creek Bridge." But for the purposes of metaphor, I'm probably the "good witch" of the South (in the book but not the movie!). Or Yoda, since I played the part even before the movie was written. In typical Aries manner, I used to tell people back in the late 60s and early 70s that "There is no 'try' - there is only do or don't do." Or as Gandhi put it, it's all "an experiment in truth." I used to love "Doctor Strange," but fighting the dreaded Dormammu is soooo exhausting and frankly my dear, I'd rather be at the beach, or hanging with good friends sipping a Dutch beer.
You're very charitable to regard politics as "good theater." I found it bare knuckle selfish stupidity populated by bottom feeders, with a few exceptions. And interpreting the language of Cosmos is much more fun than analyzing demographics to see how to focus a pr initiative, or write great sounding words that the speaker has little intention of honoring past the press conference.
Yes, a friend sent me a copy of "The Secret." Since it seems to be a reinterpretation of the teachings of Florence Scovel Shinn and the more modern forms taught by Louise Hay, I am in fundamental agreement with the principles of its message (which as Oprah said, isn't really much of a secret!) It's really about thought-form building, and the power of affirmations to bring forth "demonstrations" is awesome. However, that said, I have two caveats that regrettably were NOT mentioned in the movie.
First, if it's not true for us, we cannot make it real. No point in beating one's head against the proverbial wall in affirming we will receive or become something our Dharma prohibits. I could give you stories of imprecise thought forms manifesting in ways perfectly demonstrating the law of unintended consequences! But our imagination can open the Way perfect for us if we can park our ego desires on the shelf.
Second, many times affirmations and positive thinking don't bring us the object of our desire since we're covering up a huge negativity and/or skepticism born of "not knowing" with a veneer of positivity. Doubt can derail thoughtforms, as well as show us a truth we may not be considering.
That's why we must go inward, to examine our hearts and minds to see if there's any resistance to the Higher Will. We can allow Divine Mind, or Universal Consciousness, to show us the way to our greatest dreams, but we must we willing to set aside ego judgments and the illusions of the kama-manas, or "desire mind" in order to glimpse a greater destiny than we may have previously imagined.
The Law of Magnetic Attraction, one of the "Higher Laws" of our Earth, also repels that which is not true for us. The other two "laws" are "Economy of Energy" and "Synthesis." These three all work together to bring forth the miracle of evolution on all levels and planes of existence for all sentient beings. It's our job (and joy!) to attune to the highest possibilities, and not use our Divine Power for anything less than our most perfect service to humanity (which has little to do with ego mind and its narrow desires!)
And of course, I joyously accept the chance to try out for whatever positive part I can play in this wonderful weird world we live in. Aum Namah Shivaya!
Posted by: Robert | February 21, 2007 at 09:05 AM
My role in WIZARD OF OZ? Dorothy, with a dash of Cowardly Lion.
As promised my thoughts on why politics is “good theater.” I speak strictly from a Leo’s perspective, which means I judge the production by the props, lighting, direction, and even costumes. When I was working in the 92 campaign, it amazes me how much that the events were “staged.” In another words, politics know how to put on a good show. Even election night has “big drama” if you buy into it.
I remember reading just before the midterm election, googling “Astrology Predictions for the Election,” and I believe I read your last political blog in December 2005. If you predicated 2-4 senate seats lost by the GOP, then that was your article.
I have come to the conclusion that I can be a better force for good and impact people’s lives in other ways than politics.
As far as THE SECRET goes, much of it I had been exposed to before. It amuses that since the last time we discussed this, the critics have come out of the woodwork. To the pure scientist they discount what they can’t comprehend by facts and logic. Ever try to discuss astrology with scientist?
Two interesting principles I did pick up from THE SECRET movie. I am Pro-Peace, not Anti-War. Why? Because, the way of the Universe, what you concentrate on, the more you get. If you concentrate on War, you get more war. You concentrate on Peace, you get more peace.
The second principle was the most important. A plant was fully formed, just waiting to break ground. The message was most people get to that point and think it is never going to happen. The Universe says you are right. And guess what, their dream, goal, mission dies before it ever sees the light.
In short, THE SECRET is part of the puzzle, but not the whole puzzle. Would you consider writing a whole article on THE SECRET?
I found your blog when I needed it the most. Right when Saturn is hitting my fixed T-Square in Leo and Pluto in the 10th house, Taurus in the 8th house, and Scorpio in the 2nd house, I appreciate all the support.
P.S. I have some thoughts about fame vs. celebrity spurred by an other comment, but that is another post.
P.P.S. I asked for creative people to
come into my life to help me with my current quest and there you be!!!!
Posted by: Helen | March 04, 2007 at 07:25 AM
Hi Helen - I have a Leo rising, so I do have a sense of the dramatic. When Reagan was running for reelection I always reminded others "Don't vote for bad actors." Good theater to me is FDR, or JFK, orating uplifting soliloquy even as they were the mere human individuals they were, but playing their part well. The present dance is part farce, part tragedy, part bad acting, part utter incompetence, and part indifference on the part of the players, who seem as a whole to be better at playing comfortable losers than even average "politicians."
Yes, that was me making the absurd (at the time) prediction that the House would go Dem while the Senate would swing wildly. Anyone who wants to read it can find it here. And of course, there are many ways to serve outside of politics.
As for the Secret, well, it never takes rationalists long to figure out how to attack something for what it isn't. Yawn. Who cares what the critics think? My concern is that much of these "truths" that are breaking out are presented in ways that make it easy to take cheap shots. That's the problem with "the Secret" as well as many so-called "new age" concepts. They may be accurate, but if we do not demonstrate them in ways that are reasonable, accessible, and grounded, then it makes it easy for skeptics to dismiss them without consideration. Whose problem is that? Certainly not the skeptics, who will live in their echo chamber regardless. And a "true scientist" would NEVER dismiss astrology or thoughtforms. That's only done by wanna-be "scientists" who really don't want to investigate what they don't understand. I've known a lot of quantum physicists who love what I do, and are in accord with my approach. The rest are dust in the wind.
Perhaps the biggest failing in the 60s antiwar movement was that it never articulated what it was for, and that's why we got Reagan after getting rid of Nixon. We were screwed by our own low expectations. And yes, I probably should write something, since the Secret is so "en vogue" right now.
Posted by: Robert | March 04, 2007 at 10:26 PM
I was born on August 31st 1956 at 529 p.m. in the northwest.
Washington state about 45 minutes from portland Oregon.
I was told the my rising or assending star is Aquarus
is that correct.
Posted by: Hallie Pirtle | March 13, 2007 at 07:34 PM
Hi Hallie - Yes, your rising sign, or Ascendant, is about 5 degree Aquarius. Very progressive. And of course, you've been going through major changes in your relationships.
Posted by: Robert | March 14, 2007 at 08:00 AM
Dear Robert,
Stumbled on your website today while I was searching for information to make sense of the saturn transit. It's great.
I was born at 23:45 in Kanpur India.
My sun sign makes me an Aries. But I always find the descriptions and forecasts for Scorpio to be more accurate for me. Why is that?
I've been experiencing extreme turbulation and stagnation in my life emotionally and professionally. Nothing that I want seems to be appearing. And the people I dearly love are moving away, though they insist nothing will change. Feeling most abandoned. Help!!
Posted by: nalini | July 13, 2007 at 08:56 PM
Hi nalini - Thanks for your praise of my statements on Saturn. Without a birthday it's somewhat difficult to be precise, but I'll try to answer some of what you said. I'm also an Aries. Our "other half" is Scorpio, since we're both ruled by Mars and Pluto. You could have something powerful in Scorpio, which could contribute to that sense. As for turbulence and stagnation, that could be the result of the larger configurations, such as The Grand Irrationality, or the Saturn-Uranus triseptile, creating chaos in several areas for everyone, or it could be more a personal thing. Without your birthday, it's impossible for me to know. If nothing is appearing, then either a)want something else you could receive, or b) see if what you want is in line with your dharma, or if it would move you toward unhelpful tendencies. Also we Aries are often impatient, so that could be a factor as well. When people move, it opens the door to new relationships more appropriate to who we are in the NOW. You are never abandoned, since you're a spark of ATMAN in a world of sparks of ATMAN, held together by the law of Magnetic Attraction to the other Consciousnesses in your Buddhic field of love-wisdom. Maybe your separateness is more of an illusion than you suspect, and all you need to do is stay intently focused on welcoming in new friends and helpers.
Posted by: Robert | July 14, 2007 at 02:09 PM
Oops sorry Robert. Forgot to mention that I was born on March 30, 1967. Would you take a look now please. Thanks
Posted by: nalini | July 14, 2007 at 08:39 PM
Hi Nalini - I'm still without my ephemeris and have limited connectivity, so I'll look when I can. Please reread my comment above, since I've given you clues where you can look in your chart for transformational indicators. For now, I'll just say that Jupiter and Saturn are both very favorable for you for a while, and that 40 turns you inward to search for a new form of compassion and/or understanding, and is the seed for all that will follow. It is a year of reconsidering values and relationships, and preparing to finish up certain limitations, duties, and responsibilities to embrace a greater learning.
Usually turbulence and stagnation don't go together, since one is extreme movement and the other is non-movement. We can use the former if we direct the energies wisely, whereas the latter exists only because we allow it. Stagnation cannot exist where there is conscious intention, since life itself is an evolutionary continuum.
It sounds like you're going through a period where in multiple life areas you get to practice detachment, discrimination as to what and who are past or future, dispassion toward the suffering of your separated self, and train your mind to generate positivity in embracing the new rather than lament the old. The strength of an Aries Sun is in seeing the light of new possibilities and living one's best Self, steering the forward motion wisely, without agitation, discontent, or impulsive deflections.
Posted by: Robert | July 15, 2007 at 10:32 AM