by Robert Wilkinson
As I pointed out yesterday, Saturn is conjunct the Plutos of everyone on Earth over the next few years. This affects entire generations, and is revealing of changes and restructuring at the most fundamental of levels, since Pluto is our "seed power" of transpersonal transformation that reveals an aspect of our "personal immortality." Today we take a look at each generation that is affected.
Saturn teaches us lessons we cannot avoid, and shows us our higher responsibilities and duties freed from the chains of obsolete patterns and whatever "binding force" we've lived with, but cannot any longer. As these two planets represent "shadow material" in primal areas of our consciousness, when they come together we confront our fears, limits, and needed boundaries, as well as the consequences of discipline, authorship, and wisdom.
The Pluto in Cancer generation, those born between September 1912 and June 1939 (with a few exceptions), already went through their major restructuring between 2003-2005, when Saturn transited Cancer. All people born in the first four decades of the 20th century had major changes and transformations between 2003-2005. Because their Pluto is in Cancer, it primarily affected their home, family life, their ability to secure their basic needs, and gave them a new structure to embrace the Divine Transformative energies of Shiva, aka Pluto. Most of them will not be around for the next transit of Saturn in Cancer beginning Summer 2032.
The "Baby Boom" generation, those born with Pluto in Leo and the first part of Virgo, constitute the vast majority of people alive today. As Saturn conjuncts the Pluto of these generations, they will confront their mortality, as well as their Divine power to transform their consciousness, their view, and the world. For Pluto in Leo, August 1938 to June 1958, it involves the power of heart, love, creativity, and joy of natural self expression. All beings born between 1938 and 1951 had Saturn conjunct their Pluto between Summer 2005 and Autumn 2006, while those born between 1951 and 1958 are going through it as we speak, and will be until September 2007.
For Pluto in Virgo, October 1956 to July 1972, they will have to purify, transform, or sprout the seeds of the future through health, service, repairing what needs repairing using the power of practical adjustment of or to circumstances. Saturn will primarily affect those born between 1956 and late 1963 when it enters Virgo and occupies their Pluto degrees between September 2007 and August 2008. As I noted yesterday, this generation will still be alive for the next time Saturn goes through Virgo beginning October 2036, which will again completely transform all of them at the core of their Being.
Those born between Summer 1963 and Summer 1972 with Pluto in middle and late Virgo will experience Saturn's transit September 2008 through July 2010, and again November 2037 through September 2039. Those with Pluto in early Libra born between Autumn 1971 and Autumn 1978 will feel Saturn's influence from October 2009 to September 2011, and again 2039-40, while those born between Autumn 1977 and Summer 1984 with Pluto in late Libra will experience Saturn from late 2010 to October 2012 and 2040-2042.
Lessons involve justice, fairness, balance, perspective worked out in the realm of relationships, as well as law. Expect important legal transformations around those times. If you have a Pluto in Libra, you can expect major developments during the hot zones of important aspects I described in the article about the coming squares and crosses, which touches on the other major transformational forces at work challenging everyone to "right action." Between 2009 and 2015 Uranus and Pluto will challenge those born between 1971-1978 in some fairly drastic ways.
Those born between November 1983 and September 1990 have Pluto in the first half of Scorpio, and will experience the first Saturn transit of their Pluto between October 2012 and November 2013. Whatever happens then will be important in seeing the wisdom of the evolutionary process again between November 2041 through September 2043. Obviously these time spans move forward based in the generation we're focusing on, so those born after 1990 will be going through major changes and transformations in their world in 2013, 2014, and 2015 as prelude to their evolutionary choices to be presented 2043-2045.
We confront several years that are crucial to our individual and collective transformation. We have the power to structure how the seed-power of our Divine Self sprouts in the world, and merely need patience, diligence, a sense of responsibility, and maturity to achieve the dominion that is our Divine birthright during the coming months and years. When you make Saturn AND Pluto your friends, you'll never be afraid of anything ever again. Aum Namah Shivaya!
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert,
I was born in Sanford, Maine at 6:58pm on Sunday April 15th, 1979. How do I find out more about my astrology at birth. (My ascending sign plus what was planet was squared with what and when, etc...) I love your articles but as a newbie to the astrology world, I don't know the deeper meaning of alot of what you write. I feel like I'm missing some major insights because of my own lack of knowledge.
Thanks for the guidance.
Posted by: Colleen | January 23, 2007 at 10:20 AM
Hi Colleen - Well, apart from having your chart done by a professional astrologer, or having your chart wheel done for free from any number of commercial astrology sites, there are a number of texts that can help you, some of which are inexpensive if you can find them at a used bookstore. Heaven Knows What and Astrology for the Millions, both by Grant Lewi, offer a great intro to the craft, and help you do rough computations of all your planets and whether they are in square, opposition, etc. I would suggest finding a site where you can do your chart for free and print it out, and then explore some free sites where you can get a sense of what the planets, signs, houses, and aspects mean. Just beware of sites that will snag you into a lot of fees for "forecasts" which are often generic. With patience, perseverence, and some study, you'll find you know more in a short time than you presently imagine! Welcome to exploring the craft, and keep coming back, since I post many articles where you don't need to know the jargon to get the message of what's up. You may find some interesting things in the archives available through the left side of the front page. And please check out What is Astrology? since it may help you understand some things. Also, Which Signs Square or Oppose Each Other? is a quick look at how the signs related to each other, and if you go to the recent article on the Element changes for this time, you'll see some things about how Fire, Earth, Air, and Water are related to the signs.
Posted by: Robert | January 23, 2007 at 10:32 AM
"When you make Saturn AND Pluto your friends, you'll never be afraid of anything ever again"... so does that mean ist going to be prounounced slowness and more painfully purifying experiences that I need to be resigned to ? Sorry about being the whinger.. but I just feel like my whole life has been under Saturn's sword hanging over my neck.. and now Pluto's come along... when will it all end... :(
Feb 4 1979 00:20 AM Calcutta India
Posted by: Sophie | January 24, 2007 at 04:57 AM
Hi Sophie - It means that regardless of what we want or think, there are things we must learn one way and/or another. Let go of chains you no longer need to wear, let go of fears of things known and unknown, and remember the reward of patience is patience. My whole life has had Saturn's yoke, and now that I'm in my 50s, I see its wisdom much more than I ever did when younger. I was denied much this lifetime, and hammered into shapes I never wanted, but the end result isn't so bad, and actually has made me fit to do a lot more productive work for the decades (hopefully) left for me on this earth. Jupiter will help your Sun this year in many ways to become more productive through education, travel, or widened horizons. Go for that, and please remember that Saturn enables you to be the author of your own life rather than restricted by the conscious or unconsciously accepted rules of others. This is the time when free will is most powerful in your life; accept the responsibility for directing your own affairs over the long run, and within three years you'll be living the adventure of your choosing as Jupiter crosses your Sun.
Posted by: Robert | January 24, 2007 at 08:08 AM
Hi Robert :-)
First let me say how much I have been enjoying all the information you share... thank you for that! I have had a love affair with astrology for over 30 years, but still feel I know very little. I agree with you on Saturn being your friend, although I remain rather confused about what "doing your Saturn" means. Having a T-Square with Saturn, Mercury and Pluto in fixed signs has defined a life of growth for me (I actually refer to myself as a growth junkie). I just finished experiencing Chiron conjunct natal Chiron and then my Sun. I so relate to Sophie in that I wonder when there will be a break energetically. As the frequencies speed up in this dimension, I know I create my reality and that perception is everything... and still I long for clarity... I would love to hear your perspective!
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!
(Born Jan. 26, 1955 at 2:36 am in Houston Texas)
Posted by: Merrily | January 24, 2007 at 11:17 AM
I have been most blessed by the depth of insight and wisdom you freely share in this forum, Robert. 'Tis a bit of an adventure sifting through the mass of 'information' that is made available on the Web and always a wonderful surprise to find treasures among the dross.
Your most recent articles as of late has prompted me to come out of the silence, if you will, as the dynamics of Saturn and Pluto are of special interest to me.
Why? Quick snapshot:
Capricorn Sun (born during a Saturn Retrograde)
Libra Moon and Rising --Pluto in Libra
Saturn in Cancer (10th House)
Sun Opposition Saturn
Sun Square Pluto
Moon Square Saturn
Mercury Opposition Saturn
Jupiter Trine Saturn
Neptune Sextile Pluto
(and some charts have Venus and Pluto forming a Trine)
That which you have set forth in these articles regarding Saturn and Pluto resonates greatly with me, but not born from a sense of ‘things to come’, but because of an awareness of ‘things just passed’. The potentials and probabilities that you speak of in relation to the interplay of Saturn and Pluto is a process that began for me in the Spring/Summer of 2003 and I *now* feeling like the proverbial Phoenix, rising up from the ashes…testing and stretching my wings out just before taking flight.
So with that being said –
I, too, am a novice in this Art, and yet a question has arisen in my mind –does being born during a Saturn Retrograde have anything to do with me just coming out of the upcoming transitions, change and all-around upheavals in which you’ve identified?
Curious cat, I am, to see if my ‘theory’ has some foundation to it…
Posted by: A Truth Seeker | January 24, 2007 at 07:47 PM
Hi Merrily - You're most welcome. I know about the "love affair" with astrology, a very apt description. And no matter how long you've done it, there's always more to learn. And I'll post something on how to "do Saturn" as everything speeds up. Don't expect many breaks from heightened energy any time soon, but expect a lot of potential expertise to come forth as you live your highest intention.
Hi Truthseeker - Yes, there's a lot of stuff to wade through in the WWW. Actually, I suspect the dynamics of Saturn and Pluto are of interest to many! When you "took flight" in 2003, Pluto was on your Mars in Sag, productive of freeing impulses. Uranus entered Pisces exactly trine your Uranus. And Jupiter in Leo trined your Mars conjunct Neptune, giving rise to a greater freedom, inspiration, and vision. Also, at that time transiting Mars conjuncted your Sun, Mercury, Venus, through to your Jupiter before it went RX.
That's what I was referring to when I mentioned Mercury's future station in February at that exact degree. Major things will be revealed to you in the coming RX season. As for your Saturn RX, not really. There are many with Saturn RX who are not affected as you are, since it's relevant to the individual chart and circumstances.
Posted by: Robert | January 25, 2007 at 10:07 AM
Thanks for all this on was worth the wait. And thanks for acknowledging the little "dance" Pluto did back in '56,'57, etc. between Leo and Virgo. It may seem like business as usual for the planet, but if your birthday falls right in that window, well, I just wanted to share something about it with you....
(for a frame of reference, my b/d is 12-1-56 at 12:49 pm....that's Pluto at 0 Virgo - Direct Station, North Node at 29 Scorpio, and Moon/Sun in Sag, with Saturn exactly in the middle of the two)
Even before I started "getting into" astrology, friends I went to school with and have known since jr high and I have always joked about being able to tell if someone had graduated HS the same year we did or not.......we only needed to talk a few minutes to know "our own". It sounds wierd, I know, but I'll bet if you were born during late '56 through mid to late 57, you know what I mean, too. To maybe clarify it a little, if you ever watched the TV series, "The Wonder Years", that's exactly how old we were in exactly the years the show takes place. Unless you were that age at that time, you probably didn't understand, on top of going through puberty (ACK!) anyhow, you were also pretty much "winging it" alone, with so many cultural boundaries being broken, the politics, etc. It was like finally getting a turn to bat in the game and finding out all the rules had changed, and NO ONE knew exactly what the rules were yet.
Anyhow, after learning more about astrology, it all kind of made sense and really validated those feelings when I realized that my friends and I all had the same Pluto, starting at 29 Leo to the first couple degrees of Virgo, and the confusion, I think, must have been due to the planet going back and forth the way it did over the cusp between those two signs. And being at what I think is supposed to be a critical degree or two, it just confirms it even more.
This article seemed the perfect setting to finally voice that thought in.
And while we're talking about Pluto, is there anything you could tell me about that 0 degree Direct Station one that I have? I think it may be part of a quincunx with Jupiter and Mars, but I'm not sure.
Posted by: Kim | January 29, 2007 at 01:28 AM
Hi Kim - The late 50s were like that, and the 60s more so. I was around at that time, started elementary school in 1957, graduated HS in 1968, and yes, it was a wild ride for many of us, since everything did change radically from year to year during that period. People of your vintage are bridges between generations, in that those born with Pluto in Leo but Neptune in Scorpio have the heart strength of those older, but the intensity around collective consciousness of those younger. In your case, your progressed Pluto rx'd back into Leo around your mid-40s, so you'll be experiencing this the rest of your life.
Your Mars is indeed quincunx your Neptune sextile Pluto, forming a Yod, or "Finger of God," showing multiple "expansions through sacrifices" squeezing you into a more precise spiritual focus. FYI, with your Mars at the end of Pisces, you're one of the "Dreamers" of future manifestations, often enter situations as they are ending to help facilitate the closures, and should never allow yourself to go faster than you feel comfortable with, as you will tire and then start feeling badly about yourself, not a good place for a double Sag. And welcome to one of the best years you can imagine! Though 50 is a financial-social shift, yours should be great.
Posted by: Robert | January 29, 2007 at 08:35 AM
Hi Robert,
What an amazing insight this webpage has been ... a few years ago, a friend of mine who dabbles in astrology had given me the heads up to pay close attention to the year 2010 (relating something to Pluto) and 2016 (relating something to Uranus). I was born Sept 28 1973 (my chart can be found at the URL I provided) and I was wondering what I can expect to encounter during those years besides what you had explained here. I have been feeling anxious lately about 2009 - 2010 before I came across your page because it is a landmark time for me (planning on starting a career/business/adventure/organization at that time). Is it going to be very challenging and what will I need to do to prepare myself for that period?
Thank you so much for all your wisdom and guidance.
Posted by: Amanda | January 31, 2007 at 01:24 PM
Hi Amanda - Well, I would suggest doing all you can in 2009 when Saturn is in Virgo, since it'll be very favorable to your Venus. Starting late 2009 into 2010 Saturn in early Libra will conjunct your Sun, Mercury, and Uranus, which usually marks major endings and beginnings. That's why if you work hard in 2009, you should get the rewards of your labors by 2010. That doesn't necessarily mean it'll be easy - Saturn on the Sun doesn't mean "easy" - but you should get recognition, responsibility, and authority. When Saturn last conjuncted my Sun, my book "A New Look At Mercury Retrograde" was released to global rave reviews, even as parts of my personal life collapsed under the weight of inertia, forcing me to make important decisions about where I wanted to go and who I wanted to go with, or not.
Saturn in Virgo will be very good for you, as long as you pay attention to details, work with diligence, and avoid excessive "individualism" that will only wreck the vehicle. Signal points: early October 2007, 3rd week of Dec 2007, early Jan 2008, mid-March 2008, late August 2008, early Jan 2009, late April 2009, early Sept 2009, and all of 2010.
Posted by: Robert | February 01, 2007 at 08:59 AM
Hello Robert
Do some transits affect dreams more so than others.
Information on dreaming is that we do not move during REM sleep however
I have been pushing myself to a sitting up position in recurring dreams from December 2006 until now. My reason for this in the dream is that I need to deliver a message to someone and the time issue is important. My head hurts from the effort.
Posted by: Sam | February 23, 2007 at 04:43 PM
Hi Sam - Important subject, too extensive to be discussed in a comment stream in any depth. That said, recurring dreams are important symbols of inner workings if personal, prophetic if interpersonal or transpersonal (and symbols of Dharma if applicable). Sitting involves spine straightening. Could be you're supposed to do any number of things, from Yoga to standing up for yourself. Or it could be time to stop laying (for whatever reason, from healing to resting) and sit up and take note.
I'm SURE you need to deliver a message. Your job is to figure out what and who, and you should start from both angles. Since you don't know, then you're open, which is good. Open to receiving whatever you need to know. Since time is important, then program your subconsciousness to receive clear signals to resolve what must be done. Relax a little, and allow Spirit to send you symbols and forms that will show you what to say and do.
Posted by: Robert | February 23, 2007 at 09:27 PM
Thank you Robert,
Posted by: Sam | February 25, 2007 at 09:08 PM
HI Robert,
This is paul,manoj kanti.
I was born in Bangladesh 13th september 1982.My birth sign is Cancer.I am always dreaming off becoming a successful celebrity person which is from my childhood.BUt i think myself very ordinary man.Is anyone could be famous from a ordinary man?
Posted by: MANOJ | February 28, 2007 at 09:49 PM
Hi Paul, Manoj - Well, according to the Western system, you are a Virgo. Based in some Vedic approaches, you have a Sun in Leo. When you say you are a Cancer does that mean you have Cancer Ascendant?
Regarding celebrity, the position of planets above and below the horizon is one indicator of how public one will be, as is the Lunar position. I believe "being a celebrity" is only for those with the disposition for "being a celebrity." ANYONE can become famous for their accomplishments, to one degree or another, among those who admire those accomplishments. A scientist revered among their colleagues can be obscure to the public. Celebrity is another thing entirely, and has ruined more lives than it has helped. In my opinion ALL celebrities are "ordinary" people. They've just found their public form of self-expression in the right way and time that others can recognize.
Posted by: Robert | February 28, 2007 at 10:24 PM
Hi Robert,would you agree with this description of Saturn conjunct Pluto on Astrodienst:
"Confinements: During this time you may have fewer resources available for doing what you want, and you may have to focus the available resources on more restricted and concentrated objectives. The effects of this influence are several. First, structure in your life will change significantly, but not suddenly or without warning. The changes brought about during this time are inherent in what is being changed, if you look carefully. It is rather like an inevitable conclusion of a situation. During this period some things will come to an end or an old order of life will cease. On a metaphysical level, this influence means that factors are now being incorporated into the structure of your life that will later bring about evolution and growth. This process involves getting rid of old structures. What happens now will have great consequences in fourteen years.
On a material level, this influence often causes financial problems or other kinds of shortages. Sometimes government or other officials will impose heavy burdens that greatly restrict your freedom of movement. It is also possible that some incident or accident may affect your health and thereby restrict your freedom of movement.
All of these effects confine your energies so that later they can be focused upon matters that will require your full attention. If your energy is spread too thin, later crises will be much more difficult to bear. Then you will have to go through a most unpleasant house- cleaning of everything in your life that interferes with your natural pattern of evolution.
As you are more and more restricted by circumstances and the need to use your resources conservatively, do not simply hold in your energies. Build new structures to correct the problems you face now, and concentrate all your energy on bringing about necessary evolution in your life.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Saturn Conjunction Pluto SaturnConjunctionPluto,
activity period from middle of October 2007 until end of July 2008.
I don't know how tougher it can get, I've been exhaustively looking for a job since I've relocated, and yes, money is getting shorter of course, also because Saturn has been on my 2nd.
Although I think it is not such a good idea to read such prediction because they are very general, it does make you think, they all say the same.
Posted by: Alix | April 06, 2007 at 06:18 AM
Hi Alix - This is lifted verbatim from Hand's "Planets in Transit," which as often as not has grim things to say about Saturn and Pluto transits. The first sentence may or may not be true, and can stem from a variety of astrological factors. Remember, this is going on in my life, and some of it just does NOT apply. It's all the level and focus of who you are and what you're doing. Saturn conjunct Pluto probably applies to about 300 million people at present, many of whom are NOT going through the experience as described.
Yes, Saturn restructures the life. I've made that clear in numerous articles. And nothing changes all that quickly, unless we're speaking of "acts of God," which we all learn from the best we're able. All Saturn conjunctions are "inevitable conclusions" since each contact shows us what we can and cannot live with. HOWEVER! ALL Saturn transits show us how to apply our "free will" to alter or deal with circumstances according to our "response-ability." Period! All Saturn transits show us a long-wave growth pattern and show us what we need to focus on to achieve dominion rather than stay enslaved by obsolete circumstances. It does NOT take away anything that we have earned through experience and diligent self-application.
Posted by: Robert | April 06, 2007 at 09:03 AM
Hi Robert, Thank you, yes it is true that Rob Hand's interpretations of aspects/transits almost always have some very negative connotations, even for some of the most "benign" ones. I've also noticed that on his books, so I don't buy them. A few months ago my daughter told me that reading those interpretations on Astrodienst made her very depressed, as they can actually do that to you if you are easily impressed and going through some tough period. That's where I think some astrologers should really be more concerned about the responsibility they should have when they handle and publish or broadcast their studies and conclusions and how they'll transmit them to a wider public. I think I've mentioned on another topic that I remember when I had this transit last time, back in 1978/79, it was a time of great knowledge of power and of power acquisition and assertion, that's when I understood what my inner potentials were all about and what I wanted to become in this life, those were also times when I first dared to defy my parent's authority and stand up for what I wanted and defend my position. It was an intense period that divided the waters forever.
Posted by: Alix | April 07, 2007 at 06:48 AM
Hi Robert,
Here are some comments I wrote for another Astrology website. I thought these might be valuable for this site, too:
"In my own natal chart, Saturn in Leo is hitting my fixed T-Sqaure including Sun, Pluto in Leo in 11th, squaring both Mars in Scorpio in the 2nd and Jupiter in Taurus in the 8th. Needless to say, my finances for the last six months have been in dumpster!
Like you, I’m living day to day, but things have been beginning to change. Why? I am starting to use the “Law of Attraction.” And then I am starting to have an Attitude of Gratitude. Every night before I go asleep, I count my blessings. I may not have the best house in the world, but I have a house. I might have to watch my food budget, but I have food to eat. I might not have the best car, but I have a car to get me to work. You get the idea. What you concentrate expands.
This is the second time Saturn has conjunct my Pluto, and yes the first time, my finances weren’t the best. But you know something? They got better.
Use this time to find what is really of value to you. You are learning a major life lesson as I am again."
And then an additional comment by me:
"Again, touching on Astrology, I have been given a second change to reexamine what I truly value. During this transit I have come to realize the following:
1. I don’t need credit cards to survivie. If fact, I have just come off a successful negotiation to pay off one of my credit cards, and I cut the card up and put it in the
trash! (8th house)
2. What I value most in my life is my God, and my wonderful resource of creative writing that was gvien to me. That my ideas bring encouragement and happiest to people around me. (2nd house)
3. That I have many people support me. That more people support me than are blocking me. That my goals, dreams, and ambitions can come true. (11 house)
This part of the whole Saturn in Leo tranist has been the most challenging part for me. Don’t forget that it passed once last year, went RX, and now is getting ready to go direct."
When I look back on this period of my life, it might be the most rewarding period of my life."
P.S. My greatest joy right now is inspiring other people!
Posted by: Helen | April 07, 2007 at 08:23 AM
Helen: I like what you wrote. You put a smile on my face. I agree with # 2, in my life also God is my fortress and refuge. You comment made my day smilier! Blessings to you!
Posted by: Larissa | April 07, 2007 at 03:31 PM
Hi Alix - That's one of the reasons I was happy to be able to start this site. I'd like to think after 36 years of study, I've gotten enough info about how this craft works that I can offer some accurate stuff to people who might otherwise be hijacked into thinking that somehow things are "fated to be bad," etc. Even if a transit MAY be difficult, it's usually in proportion to whatever we have done that we should not have, or whatever we didn't do that we were supposed to.
Many astrologers DO think they're being responsible and ethical even when what they're saying depresses people. It's a variation of the old "bootstraps" thing. I figure if something strips a person of hope and/or being centered in their power to do something about their situation then it's bogus, even if it's possibly accurate from one point of view.
Saturn on my first house Pluto has been a time of restructuring my maturity, experience, and ability to respond on some very deep levels, and I'd like to think it helped me see how I can best apply my heart to my deepest truth of being. As for your statement "It was an intense period that divided the waters forever," well, that sums up my past two years!
Hi Helen - Well said! The Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful tools we have, as long as we remember the equally powerful Law of Unintended Consequences while we do our thoughtforms. You're also on to something big, since "God" LOVES gratitude, and it seems the more I have the more I have to be grateful for. (Sort of like the reward of patience is patience...) Sounds like you are using the T-square to restructure your Light/Life and Power, and change your relationship to how you use what you have, what you value and why, moving thoughtfully toward a more open energetic re: people, desire, and things.
Posted by: Robert | April 07, 2007 at 03:36 PM
Dear Larissa,
Your welcome. Putting a smile on your face, that is what I was put on this earth to do!
Posted by: Helen | April 08, 2007 at 03:03 AM
Hi Robert, Could you explain what you mean by saying pluto is our seed power of personal transformation leading to what a mouth full of meaning!! I have in my natal chart pluto in the 3rd house opposing my aqua sun and pisces moon in the ninth house. Saturn conjuncts my pluto in september/07 as you were saying. Thanks! Jenna
Posted by: Jenna | May 31, 2007 at 06:43 PM
Hi Jenna - We are eternally transforming, sustaining, and creating. Pluto is the symbol of Shiva, the pillar of fire that is the highest and widest and deepest manifestation of "God" there is, since it is the Eternal Principle of Transpersonal Transformation. And Pluto rules seeds as well as "the underworld." You need to find true self-confidence amidst the world's turmoil, using the deep and profound truths you have found to live authentically, utilizing your powerful self control and unfettered insights to create transformation in your environment, or through articulating a message. You have now been put through examining a greater sense of responsibility, and offered changes to release obsolete limitations. Retrain your perception and speech to be a greater message, don't worry about tiny things, and get ready to begin a whole new life not that many months down the road.
Posted by: Robert | May 31, 2007 at 07:14 PM
Thank-you for your guidance!
Are there any stories that I can read in history maybe, about how people transform there environment or about how one transforms a personal emotion into a transpersonal emotion or idea? It would be nice to know or learn about people who are on this trail blazing path!! I know lately, like this week I have felt the presence of spiritual guidance/Angels more and the message of not judging ourselves and others but (be discerning as a hawk),stay aware of spirits signls? let go of fear, close your eyes to meditate and tune in before the next move and not be blown around by ego forces. That has helped but I still get insecure as I walk forward. Blessings, Jenna
Posted by: Jenna | May 31, 2007 at 08:34 PM
Hi Jenna - Well, any bio of the life of Gandhi springs to mind. Great ones include those by William Shirer and Eknath Easwaran, as well as Gandhi's autobiography. You can also read "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay, "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson, "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda, or even my own little book "Love Dad" which certainly is a journey from the personal to the transpersonal. And insecurity is the first step toward knowledge, courage, awareness, and adventures in an unknown future. As a great Master of the Wisdom once said, "Nothing great was ever created in comfort."
Posted by: Robert | June 01, 2007 at 06:59 AM
Thanks Robert! Looks like some good summer reading to prepare for september! Jenna
Posted by: Jenna | June 01, 2007 at 09:17 PM
my dearest Robert...i have pluto in virgo...big changes are happening soon ya?hence your advice to take a good care of myself before I can go out there and be of service to others :) thank you my dearest just taking things easy at this moment on this side,last nite,i had write on my holiday agenda for this year...its time for me to upload myself with positive energy before going on with my work right..anyway,will try again doing the pay pal..I must get a reading from you soon...thank you ..warmest regards.....ann
Posted by: ann | February 26, 2008 at 03:30 AM
Hi ann - Glad you can take it somewhat easy. Yours is a difficult ministry, but then again, we who are born on April 1 are truly Divine Fools and so are uniquely qualified to do such things. ;-) Remember, Aries, that as you do your work, it's ALWAYS better to leave the room 5 minutes early rather than 5 minutes late! Your safety is in the speed of how you change course so you may live to serve another day. While you should do well this year and next, still, stay alert and when it's time to quit beating your head against the proverbial wall, take time to note how good it feels when you stop.
Posted by: Robert | February 26, 2008 at 11:36 AM
How many more times is Mars going to oppose early Cap Pluto? :D
Posted by: Jilly | February 27, 2008 at 03:13 PM
Hi Jilly - Just once, thank Heaven! We're finally approaching the last Mars opposition Pluto for a long time to come. The blessing right now comes from the approaching Mercury and Venus trine Mars and sextile Pluto in March, opposing the Saturn trine Pluto in a Rectangle. March should be great for anyone's planets in early degrees of Earth and Water, as well as early third decan Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius due to the quintiles made to/by planets in the Rectangle.
Posted by: Robert | February 27, 2008 at 04:26 PM
I'm glad to hear that Robert thanks!
Posted by: Jilly | February 28, 2008 at 06:39 AM
With 4 planets in Virgo including Pluto..What do you have to say bout that?I am now 3 months to closing on 11 acres @ 4,000 feet with toal southern exposure,3 springs and its the original farm place of over 200 acres has not been lived on in over 30 years...When I sold my house back last year I put in offer for the land and indeed had the money..The owner refused my offer..The first week in january he contacted me and offered me a 5 month closing span, when I did no longer have the money...I am scrambling to find like minded people to invest and create community and go off the grid..There is potential for solar, hydro, and wind.I have been overwhelmed with too much advice from well meaning people to the point I almost gave it to someone else last week , but promptly changed my mind...FEAR over took me...During my life I have always been able to accomplish anything I set my Virgo mind to ..but as lately I just feel I am noy the warrioress I was.Although I am trying to regroup and have till may 31st something in me is just afraid..although I really have no other choice.Who besides me is tired of being slaves to the utilities?
It is a dream I have had since birth and now that it is coming to pass i am so much full of doubt...
I am ready to have my yearly reading done from you....Feel like i need some always thank you so much for your beautiful inspiring web-site...
Posted by: donna notmany | March 06, 2008 at 07:33 PM
Hi Donna - Sounds like you're at the end of a long cycle and about to begin another! The place you found sounds ideal. Perhaps if you put it out in the right way, you will attract allies who could share that dream. It's all how it's structured and divided. Don't fear, and do what you must.
Posted by: Robert | March 08, 2008 at 12:20 PM
Hi Robert,
Happy holidays!!! I am 10/4/75 born and your words about Saturn conjunct Pluto really scares me. In fact, I have Sun Conjunct Pluto too. So, is it going to be very tough on me ?
Thanks for all your wisdom and healing power!!!!
Posted by: SB | November 28, 2008 at 06:19 PM
Hi SB - There's really nothing to be scared of, and since fear is a useless but dangerous disease, it would be good to end those response patterns. I have plenty of articles in the archives on dealing with fear, so enjoy the process of discovering how to end the tendencies that lead to fear. With Sun conjunct Pluto, you're a living purifier of those in your life, a catalytic reagent that transforms them toward their integrity and illumination. Pluto is your friend and companion in becoming illuminated. When Saturn enters Libra you'll experience the beginning of its conjunctions with your Sun and Pluto, a long term process where you should come into your authorship, maturity, recognition, and clearer Spiritual purpose. Though many things will end, some things must so that you have the time and energy to embrace your higher purposes.
Posted by: Robert | November 30, 2008 at 11:13 AM
Thanks for your reply, Robert!!! That says it all. Will go through the archives and get a better perspective of my feelings. Thanks again.
Posted by: SB | November 30, 2008 at 12:30 PM
Hi Robert,
I was born 22 July 1983 and have pluto conjunct saturn on my midheaven, both in Libra. Coming up to my saturn return i am expecting fireworks but i am still trying to understand what this positioning really means for me. Any help you give me would be much appreciated. Namaste.
Posted by: Natacha | May 02, 2010 at 05:00 AM