by Robert Wilkinson
In part two we explore more about this phenomenon that occurs three weeks at a time three times a year. At the end of this article I have included a table so you can find which house(s) this February-March 2007 Merchtmlury retrograde period falls in relative to your Sun or rising sign. Then you can consult my article How Does Mercury Retrograde Affect Us In The Different Houses? to find how this transit will affect you personally as a result of Mercury retrograding through the houses in your chart.
Like all Mercury retrograde periods, these three weeks offer a chance to reorganize in the areas of our life ruled by Mercury. These are the houses of your chart ruled by Gemini or Virgo, any planets in these signs in your chart, and the house occupied by your natal, progressed, or solar return Mercury.
All retrogrades show us that sometimes it is more important to be inwardly oriented than outer-directed. These are times when our previous activities "echo back" information about what we've already experienced during a planetary direct motion phase. When the inner planets are retrograde, our personal life is most subject to review, reflection, re-doing or getting a new angle on those affairs. When the outer planets are retrograde, we get the same process of review but it impacts our place in the larger scheme of things, whether social, cultural, or transpersonal-global.
When retrograde, Mercury, the "Guide of Souls," challenges us to cultivate our personal understanding of our "fellowship with the Eternal," explore our deeper issues and useful but overlooked details in what's being discussed or asserted, take an unusual view, and allow ourselves to be led by the future implications of what's happening. It’s a time when we truly get a new look at many things and come to a different understanding of how the various affairs of our inner and outer life are coordinated, or need to be.
We can get different perspectives and insights into prior events, messages, and signals, and can fill in important gaps in our understanding. Sometimes it may seem like it's one step forward, two to the side, one step back, one to the other side, then two steps forward, but often we find that we are offered entirely new and crucial perspectives and knowledge that can help us when it's time to move forward again after the retrograde is past.
In Part 1 we explored some specific qualities of the present Mercury retrograde period. Remember to get your important paperwork in order by Friday, February 9th, and be ready during the three week retrograde period to deal with things you've put off, or take care of things from the past. This February-March 2007 Mercury retrograde will give us new understanding about the events of the past four months.
We can again reconsider, reinterpret, and rework Pisces and Aquarius issues and activities, seeing their significance from new angles of understanding. We'll get more insights about our motives, closures, subconscious factors, and harvests at the end of old cycles, as well as our friendships, goals, ambitions, ideals about how we may serve our world or the greatest good for the greatest number, and how our love and enthusiams are exteriorizing. By the end of this retrograde period, we will stand on the threshold of four months of seeing how to deliver spiritual power in our own special way, how to manage energy efficiently, and how to release emotional power in disciplined ways.
When Mercury is retrograde in Pisces it's a good time to examine subtleties, ghosts from the past, thresholds of fulfillment that have led us to a culminative moment in our lives and affairs, and the power of creative visualization as a means to transcend outer forms. Through seeing what's ending and the seeds of future cycles of development, we can come to a thorough dominance of our circumstances.
Due to the aspects to Pluto, we can understand productivity and creativity from new, deeper, and more efficient perspectives, see clearly what's ahead of us. Much will be shown the next three weeks that will lead us to different visions of motives, self-undoing behavior, and sorrows that are common to the human race regardless of time and space distinctions.
Regard much that presents itself these next few weeks in terms of management skills, efficiency in knowing what and how things work, and "Mental Efficiency," thus anchoring the 26 Scorpio Mercury direct point from November 2006 magnetising “Efficient Functioning” in whatever ways it has in our lives. Coupled with the recent Saturn station at 26 Leo, this fills in three points of an exact Fixed T-square and makes 26 Taurus crucial to resolving the process of what we've learned since November and how our on-going Saturn disciplines are showing us how to fulfill those energies. This is the next step in Mercury's process, forms the lower square to its last stationary direct point, and promises major developments as the inner planets cross over the 26 Taurus point. Stay tuned.
The past four months we’ve separated from many problematic things and people, and found opportunities to adjust quickly to new inner or outer environments. We've had to move on as needed, make everywhere our “home,” and strip away the unnecessary things, feelings, and ideas to see what we needed to bring us new power, focus, and willingness to break through to a higher intention. The past four months put a focus on adaptation, loss, and regeneration through attracting the deeper connectedness within ourselves and with others so we could find others in our “spiritual” community.
The primary aspects Mercury makes this retrograde period are an early semisquare to Mars while quintile Pluto, and then quintile to Jupiter, with a semisquare to Venus and a sextile to Pluto. There will be emergent crises and changes in vision and understanding that will yield new ways to do things, new goals to aim for, and new stability and understanding after the retrograde period is over.
Mercury and Jupiter rule signs that oppose each other, so it's a great time to find the gifts in ourselves associated with the Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces areas of our charts. Due to the aspects the other planets make during this retrograde period we can also find extraordinary productivity and unique gifts in areas ruled by Aries, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces with the energies building for a future release.
The frictional aspect Mercury makes with Mars will create a crisis of deciding how we can best organize our life and energies to move our larger ambitions forward in an organized manner. It will force us all to relax, slow down, be realistic and practical in assessing things, and avoid arguments, hasty decisions, speeding tickets, and the generic agitation that will be very difficult for those who need to concentrate or be thoughtful and deliberate. Impulsive actions that are distractive or throw us off task should be avoided. Make sure everything is taken care of in the right way and time.
There will be cross currents between the Gemini/Virgo and Aries/Scorpio areas of our charts, challenging us to get a grip on our impulses, our speech, our desires, and our nerves. This configuration usually accompanies a very high degree of nervous energy, and we're challenged to find practical ways of expressing our energy and magnetism without being too abrasive or short tempered.
This retrograde will be dominated by the New Moon of February 17 at 29 Aquarius, a degree of Transfiguration. After this point in time many will totally change and renew how they live and who they hang with, and for some it will be a Spiritual transformation changing their lives forever. Due to the retrograde, it will show in various peculiar ways for some time to come, with crucial glimpses, ideas, or information regarding the future to be known as Mercury transits the last two degrees of Aquarius on March 16-17 and implemented by Mars the first 5 days of April.
Mercury is heavily influenced by Jupiter and Saturn this retrograde period, since it occupies the signs those planets rule. Because Mercury is so favorable with Jupiter and never retrogrades back to anything close to an exact opposition to Saturn, this period should be a time when many things come together uniquely and gifts are made manifest. This is a great time to take a new or different look at your Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces energies, and open to higher, broader, and wider Fiery, illuminating and inspiring view as you ride the impending Fire Trine energies into new dynamic activity that will quickly follow this three week period.
As with all Mercury retrograde periods, review, reflect, research, gather information, and take a new look at your power to change your point of view and interpretations. This gives a chance to shift how you do what you do, how you coordinate your affairs, and indicates future shifts in the areas where Pisces and Aquarius fall in your birth charts.
The last Mercury retrograde period in October-November 2006 showed us how to understand the emotional movement we were offered in 2006 so we could see how to be more fluid in our responses and feel more deeply. We got more in touch with our needs and feelings and could understand with more certainty what our focus needed to be. We began a period of eliminating unhelpful corrosive tendencies as we flowed out of old views into new dynamic activity resulting from seeing how we could be more efficient and adaptable. It activated the individual-mental-Spiritual level of “Faith,” and retrograded back to the mental Spiritual and emotional-cultural levels of “Communion.”
The present retrograde starts at the Individual-Mental-Spiritual level of "Federation," then retrogrades back through the Emotional-Social-Cultural and Physical levels into the Individual-Mental-Spiritual level of "Management." Thus we get a look back at our management skills, hopefully to find new ways to manage ourselves and our energies in times to come.
By learning about these recurring Mercury retrograde periods, we can understand how to deal with them productively, as well as the months afterwards, which they also indirectly influence. Since this February-March 2007 Mercury will go stationary at 11 Pisces and retrograde back to 26 Aquarius, you can learn a lot about this coming period by reading all you can about Mercury retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius.
If you want more information from this site about how this important time of Mercury retrograde (which happens three times a year every year!) will affect you personally, if you can get a copy of my book, read the section on Mercury retrograde in the houses. However, in the meantime you can also get some useful ideas of how it will work by consulting the article on this site titled "How Does Mercury Retrograde Work in the Houses," linked at the top of this article. The houses in astrology show us the specific areas of our worldly affairs where we are experiencing a given planetary influence. You can find out Mercury's approximate position in your solar houses (created by your sun sign position) by consulting the chart that follows:
For birthdays between:
January 30 to February 14, read Mercury retrograde in the 1st house.
February 15 to 28, 12th and 1st houses.
March 1 to 14, 12th house.March 15 to 30, 11th and 12th houses.
March 31 to April 14, 11th house.
April 15 to 29, 10th and 11th houses.
April 30 to May 15, 10th house.
May 16 to 31, 9th and 10th houses.
June 1 to 15, 9th house.
June 16 to July 1, 8th and 9th houses.
July 2 to 16, 8th house.
July 17 to August 1, 7th and 8th houses.
August 2 to 17, 7th house.
August 18 to September 2, 6th and 7th houses.
September 3 to 17, 6th house.
September 18 to October 2, 5th and 6th houses.
October 3 to 17, 5th house.
October 18 to November 1, 4th and 5th houses.
November 2 to 16, 4th house.
November 17 to December 1, 3rd and 4th houses.
December 2 to 16, 3rd house.
December 17 to 31, 2nd and 3rd houses.
January 1 to 14, 2nd house.
January 15 to 29, 1st and 2nd houses.
Of course, this table is approximate. One should always have the chart calculated professionally in order to know where the planets are situated, as this helps clarify your exact cyclic pattern.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Que Mar 15 to Mar 30? Void due to retrograde?
Posted by: Mark | January 30, 2007 at 08:48 AM
Hi Mark - No, just my retrograde process failing to vet content before posting. It's what happens when we Aries get overloaded with too many things to do, get in a hurry, and go into "ready, fire, aim" mode. ;-) Thanks for the catch!
Posted by: Robert | January 30, 2007 at 09:10 AM
hey, robert sending a link of this out to my clients.
btw, everyone is still buzzing from the talk you gave to my self dev. & spiritual integration group. they got soooo much great info from you & a good touch of global/universal perspective. thanx again :))
awesome, awesome & helpful info.
gives a focal point for this retro.
hope all is in a good flow in your world.
peace and light
Posted by: michele | February 02, 2007 at 02:56 PM
Hi michele - Yes, well, there are many things to do during these times, and the coming one should actually be great given the Venus-Mars sextile from their exaltations. Glad I could open some doors of perception for your clients. I know I covered a lot of ground in a short time and there has been a lot to digest, but as they do I'm sure you'll see exponential changes that you can work with to great effect. It was truly a synergistic blast, and I had a great time. "And the flow goes on and on and on...."
Posted by: Robert | February 02, 2007 at 04:25 PM
Hi Robert:
I am back from Russia. My mom passed away on Jan 16. I don't know how to go on now. I am crushed completely
Posted by: Larissa Pond | February 04, 2007 at 02:45 AM
Hi Larissa - Welcome back to the inbetween zone of a past and future life. I am sorry that you lost your mom, and please accept my sincere condolences. Try to remember that we only leave when there's nothing more we can do here. And the truth that the price of love is grief - where there is love, one of your must go first, and the other is left to grieve. I can assure you that she would not have wanted to outlive you! Now your shared unconditional love can sustain her as she moves into the vastness of the heaven-world, and you can use the profound mystery to move your life in new directions, once you're through the grieving process to whatever degree you need.
Your grief honors the love you share on a tmeless level, and by keeping your heart open and giving yourself permission to take some space and time to sort out your inner changes, you will outlive and outlast the stinging sorrow of your grief and find a greater love. You may want to keep a journal of these times, since you'll never go down this particular road again, and you're in a profoundly deep and sacred space, whether it feels like that or not right now. And of course, email me if you need to.
Posted by: Robert | February 04, 2007 at 09:18 AM
Robert, thank you. I am praying every day that my mom is on her way to heaven. I am an Orthodox Christian.
Re: this coming Mercury retro: does it carry something positive for me, born March 30? I will send you an email to your email address, requesting a chart. If you can, no rush, please make one for me. Please check your email later, when you can.
Posted by: Larissa Pond | February 04, 2007 at 09:43 AM
Hi Larissa - Of course your mom is on her way to Heaven. It is where all life returns to after its time on Earth. All who love and quest for God in whatever way in this life go to Devachan, or Heaven.
I gather there are lower bardo frequencies called "Hell" where really cruel beings who persisted in hurtful behavior toward others go after life here on Earth. However, even there Beings of Higher Consciousness on the Higher Planes of Heaven still send loving thoughts to uplift fallen Souls. The villains only wind up there due to their own willfully hurtful ego karmas pursuing their consciousness.
Most of us have generated much more goodness, kindness, self-sacrifice, and loving behaviors and aspirations than bad, which is why almost everyone winds up in "Heaven." Dogs and cats and horses, and birds and whales and dolphins too! All that love life, which pretty much includes all sentient beings except deathmongers, wind up in some version of "Heaven."
One of the highest forms of service we can do for the departed is to send unconditionally loving thoughts to them, helping give them a "signal" that gives them a boost toward the Heaven frequency they're approaching, or a warm loving energy if they're already there. All Souls love connectedness. That's why "God" split and extended Itself into Infinite Pieces and we have All That Is. After all, if we live in "the body of God" while we're here, we'll likely live in "the body of God" even after we drop our physical bodies. And if we truly believe that "God is Love," then we live in the body of Love forever. Our job here on Earth is to remember that and learn to give and receive Love in all its forms the best we're able, which isn't such a bad thang.
We'll continue with the rest of your request via email.
Posted by: Robert | February 04, 2007 at 10:11 AM
With Saturn almost in front of many Aquarians like me, is it sign Karma time?
Posted by: José Iván Santiago | February 16, 2007 at 02:59 PM
Hi Jose - Well, since Saturn has been in Leo since July 2005, it's been a generic Karma time for all Aquarians. Those early in the sign got it from Summer 05-06, while those late in the sign have gotten it from Summer 06 through Summer 07. Since Saturn rules Cap and Aquarius, it's been time for Aquarians to be more warm, loving, creative, spontaneous, and playful. That's not such a bad Karma! ;-)
Posted by: Robert | February 16, 2007 at 03:16 PM
Hi Robert,
Is there any Link to Free Astrological Reports for 2006 and 2007.
I saw links to 2005.
Best Regards,
Posted by: Suresh | February 20, 2007 at 06:45 AM
Hi Suresh - No, unfortunately I got part way through the 2006 reports back in late 2005 then was overwhelmed with work, preventing me from completing them. I was creating reports over a thousand words in length, and just cannot do that much composition any more for free. I didn't even try this year, and will probably take down that link, or rerout it to what I've already composed for each sign about 2007. Those short ones are the only free reports at present. Those who want personalized longer forecasts have to contact me for a personal (paid) session.
Posted by: Robert | February 20, 2007 at 09:30 AM
Hi Robert,
Send me the Link to the short forecasts you have for each sign about 2007. I would be interested in a paid session if it could be over SKYPE. I am at Bangalore, India.I can afford your rates sometime in April/May 2007.
Meanwhile is there anything which you can comment for me for March 2007/April 2007 considering
Date of Birth = 10th December 1955
Place of Birth = BANGALORE, India
Request you to send me an email to [email protected]
Posted by: Suresh | February 20, 2007 at 10:30 AM
Hello Robert: You wrote that there will be cross currents between .....Aries/Scorpio areas of our charts, and so on. What does it mean "areas of our charts"? I have Scorpio Moon abd Aries Sun. Does it have to do with anything? Thank you.
Posted by: Larissa Pond | February 20, 2007 at 05:52 PM
Hi Suresh - Well, all the predictions are in the recent article welcoming in the Chinese New Year, so go there and you'll get all seven in one place. I will be attempting to set up Skype in the next few days. Thanks for the gentle prod in that direction.
Hi Larissa - I actually said "cross currents between the Gemini/Virgo and Aries/Scorpio areas of our charts." That is because Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury, and Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars, and Mercury and Mars make a difficult aspect at some point. It's not that Aries and Scorpio are in crosscurrents. In your case, Mercury will be challenging the ruler of your Sun and Moon, thus affecting some of the backdrop of your illumination and feelings, which could be a shift for the better in this case.
Posted by: Robert | February 20, 2007 at 07:03 PM
This year of 2007, Pluto will be retrograde in the 2nd house of my chart.
Pluto Stationary Retrograde 31 Mar 2007 in 02nd House
26Ò 27Ò 28Ò 29Ò
12 Dec 2006 02:32 am 26Ò™18' ª Enters Rx Zone
31 Mar 2007 01:07 pm 28Ò™58'Ñ ª Stationary Retrograde
07 Sep 2007 04:54 am 26Ò™18' ª Stationary Direct
27 Dec 2007 00:48 am 28Ò™58' ªLeaves Rx Zone
What does this mean?
Posted by: Lori | March 02, 2007 at 07:37 AM
Hi Lori - It means that this long term influence is in your 2nd house for awhile. The rest is merely stating the span it originally traversed was part of its previous RX, then it goes RX on 31 Mar, retraces its span until 7 Sept, then goes direct back over its RX span through 27 December. It's basically just showing you what spans it's traveling through this year.
Posted by: Robert | March 02, 2007 at 07:04 PM
What is Pluto retrograde in the 2nd house of the chart symbolic of? What is the definition or meaning of that? Pluto in the second house? Thanks so much for your help! :) I'm not sure how it will be aspected in my chart (in good aspect or not) but I wondered what it was symbolic of.
I'm 9-21-1957
11:19 am
Coalinga CA USA
Thanks, I appreciate your help! :)
Posted by: Lori | March 03, 2007 at 02:58 AM
Hi Lori - There are many works out there that describe Pluto in the 2nd natally. Transits are different. That said, it shows you have the power to attract absolute and awesome wealth, once you deal with your shadow material around money. You will no doubt go through times of austerity, though your chart is very fortunate in several important ways, so you should be able to make money using multiple skills. With such powerful Virgo in your charts, this could include anything to do with health, animals, plants, or writing/speaking. Just remeber that all wealth is to be put into useful service. No point in accumulating fantastic wealth if it's not doing something of service to the world.
Posted by: Robert | March 03, 2007 at 08:07 AM
Hi Robert,
I am most grateful for your insights. I've always been a service oriented person - my background has been in Customer Service. In my chart I have Pisces opposite my Virgo - I think that has something to do with the spiritual service this lifetime as well ... I've been experiencing spirit since I was about 3 that I can remember.
Right now I am rich inside - otherwise working at rebuilding after a divorce.
I've had/seen many lessons in this life regarding the energy of money from both ends and in between. I know simplicity and austerity and yet I know the other extreme and in between. I agree with what you are saying. Service is always the important thing - both to the well being of self and of others.
I love what Oprah does ... service is always important.
Part of my reason for asking is that the past two years have been a bevy of change. I have been through a 7 month divorce (after 22 years) - an additional 12 month period after that to implement the settlement, still with the lawyers - (the ex worked for the USPS and retired) - so 19 months with lawyers, Sale of the house, move, mom passed over ... dog passed over - alot of change. I am hoping this year will be kinder financially and energetically. Also this year is important because it is the 1st time in 26 years (between 2 ex's)that it is just my energy and not all the other stuff. So I am in a place of starting over with my life. We all start over from time to time. Pluto is said to be death and rebirth ... the past two years I've been through/seen that - literally and symbolically - but through it I have tried to honor myself as well as others. As stressful as it was my lawyer said it was rare that the ex and I did not have to appear in court. That was a miracle in itself.
I had decided to take time to heal before thinking of another relationship. I had told myself I would not do that until the settlement was done and that was last December. I did not want to enter something new with old baggage - that would not be fair myself or someone new. Right now I am looking for a job - hoping that will be soon. I've tried to go through all the change with my head held high and with grace though it's not always been easy. I've always tried to honor my process.
Is my Pluto in the 2nd in good aspect? Pluto has really put me through the ringer the last two years with constant change and I am hoping that it will be kinder this year. Mom passed when Pluto was retro last year.
The good thing is that I am a natural medium so since mom passed it's been an easy thing for me to remain in touch/connection with her. That has been a gift. Many grieve the loss of a loved one - I miss mom of course, but am still in touch with her in many ways. Someday all will know that what is known as the super natural is really - just natural. Mom has let me know in countless ways how happy she is.
Thanks for your help with Pluto. After going through the eye of the needle the past 2 years especially and like the phoenix - rising above the ashes and looking forward not down, I am hoping that Pluto will be kinder in the 2nd house this time around. Money has been a teacher especially the past 2 years (though all my life as well) ... even when it was tight - I knew spirit was guiding me and that I would be okay and was. I'm ready for more prosperity and abundance - and so it shall be.
and yet, service has always been there. I think the main lesson that money has taught me this life, whether it was tight or otherwise or anywhere in between is that spirituality and material abundance can live in harmony and balance and peace for the good of all.
Growing up as a child, I remember my Dad's clients (he is a lawyer) many of whom were well to do ranchers - looking just like the next guy with holes in thier jeans - in others words to look you never would know they had money. Outer appearance doesn't mean anything - only whom you are inside - the spirit.
Posted by: Lori | March 03, 2007 at 09:37 AM
Hi Robert :)
I forgot to say that I don't have Pluto in the 2nd natally, but retrograde Pluto in my 2nd house when it goes retograde this year, the end of March. :)
I truly appreciate your help with this. As I mentioned Pluto has been intense in my chart the past couple of years(and for so many it has been) and looking ahead towards the end of March, I am just hoping it's influence will be a bit more calm and kind.
As mentioned I am in starting a new life over again mode since the divorce, and been through the "death" part of Pluto's death and rebirth transformation energy ... hoping this time it will be in tune in the 2nd house with the "rebirth" energy since my life is in "rebirth" and "discovery" mode this year. I've been through the austere money part and am ready for the abundant part ... the other side of the eye of the needle so to speak that I've already gone through.
Yet through all of last year the service aspect was still there... for example I spent all of June in CA (I live in CO) helping family before and after mom' passing while she was in a coma. However people in a coma CAN still hear - it is the last sense to go. I y much handled all the arrangements so Dad would not have to and supported everyone. The end result was a lovely tribute to lovely woman - my mom.
So I am happy that my wish was granted in that mom heard how beautiful she was to her last breath - I made sure of it and was at her side for her last breath.
So ... this is why I say that I hope Pluto is kinder this year in my chart. Service has been there all along and is ingrained in my character.
Posted by: Lori | March 03, 2007 at 12:11 PM
Hi Lori -Glad you're making it through a long difficult period. It sounds like you are well schooled in Spirit, so rebuilding should be somewhat easier than if we weren't. 7 month divorce isn't so bad, though all divorces can be painful given the unlived potential and all the feelings around them. May you be done with the technicalities as soon as possible so you can be about clearing your astral field of echoes of memories of perceptions of memories of...
Yes, I know Pluto is transiting your second, which does purify the relationship to things. Once all that is no longer to be a part of your life passes, what you're left with is pure gold. Blessings on your departed loved ones; that has no doubt deepened you tremendously, and opened much more profound feelings. Glad you are taking time to heal. Pluto is never calm or kind, but it symbolizes what we have to do to get to the core of our being. And the rebirth it promises is that of seeds sprouting anew in the Spring after the desolation and barrenness of Winter. That you tended to your Mom so well is evidence of Pluto's positive side, and that passage between the two of you will no doubt open even deeper realizations over time through the unconditional love that was set into concrete motion by your care.
Posted by: Robert | March 03, 2007 at 01:23 PM
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your help!
The ex asked for the divorce 6-1-05 and the divorce itself was final 12-29-05. Then there was the period of implementing the settlement laid out in the divorce which took January 06 to December 06, so the entire process, lawyers and all took from June 05 to December 06. The whole thing was complete a couple of months ago. I've been on my own since July of 05. It was a lesson in personal power because the ex and his mother (Colorado is not a community property state) tried many times to pull the rug from under me and actually tried more than once to leave me with nothing, but I stood in my power and with a good lawyer - it didn't work. In other life times (the two of them were actually repeating old past life patterns this time around) they did succeed in leaving me with nothing - so karmically and spiritually speaking - in my not allowing this time - some very old patterns were broken and dissolved.
Pluto I think has had some strong transits in my chart the past 2 years especially.
It was very difficult as during that time the house in the mountains that I loved had to be sold, the dog that I raised from a puppy went with the ex (hard on her as well) - had to move, mom passed over, the dog passed over - alot happening simultaneously - but I always tried to approach it from the higher level of Pluto which is also prominent in my natal chart - though I forget what house it was in when I was born. I've always tried to function from the higher road. That is why we didn't end up in court.
On a higher level this was also a past life pattern that I had been caught up in with the ex and his mother- and this time I dissolved the pattern. So on a higher level of soul growth I was successful with those lessons. The blessing is that as said, this year,for the 1st time in 26 years it's just my energy - no dysfunction, no drama, no ex', no lawyers, no stress- instead a time of starting over.
The settlement of 06 took so long due to having to jump through legal hoops with 2 Govt agencies - the ex worked for the USPS. So it was a diffcult 19 month process. I think for me, the hardest part was having to move from the mountains that I love down to the city - eventually I want to live in the mountains again. I am grateful for all in my life - but I really love the mountains.
This is why I wondered if Pluto rx coming up was in good aspect or not in my chart? I've been through and risen above alot the past 2 years and I was hoping for the positive side of Pluto coming up. I've been through the death part of Pluto in many ways and now in the rebirth phase of the transformation
I've been working on healing though since 7-05. :)
How is the transit of Pluto rx aspected in my chart when it goes retrograde? I wonder of that as well.
Pluto has been a life long lesson for me as it's prominent natally in my chart.
I really appreciate your help!
Service has always been a focus in my life - to help and uplift others.
You know ...and I am to tell you - that there is a higher being of light around you whose name is Helios. I was just given this. Spirit wanted this passed on to you.
This is my natal vs solar return from 9/21/06
Planet Posit. Hs Cusp
Sun 28°Vi29' 01st 22°Sc59'
Moon 29°Le27' 02nd 23°Sg09'
Mercury 11°Vi42' 03rd 27°Cp21'
Venus 08°Sc48' 04th 02°Pi47'
Mars 28°Vi26' 05th 04°Ar41'
Jupiter 09°Li09' 06th 01°Ta01'
Saturn 09°Sg00' 07th 22°Ta59'
Uranus 10°Le17' 08th 23°Ge09'
Neptune 01°Sc07' 09th 27°Ca21'
Pluto 01°Vi05' 10th 02°Vi47'
Ascend. 22°Sc59' 11th 04°Li41'
Midhvn. 02°Vi47' 12th 01°Sc01'
Solar Return 9-21-06
Plan. Posit. Hs Cusp
Sun 28°Vi29' 01st 23°Li17'
Moon 19°Vi06' 02nd 21°Sc06'
Mercury 14°Li21' 03rd 22°Sg49'
Venus 19°Vi03' 04th 27°Cp08'
Mars 08°Li44' 05th 00°Pi20'
Jupiter 16°Sc46' 06th 29°Pi17'
Saturn 20°Le22' 07th 23°Ar17'
Uranus 12°Pi07' R 08th 21°Ta06'
Neptune 17°Aq24' R 09th 22°Ge49'
Pluto 24°Sg09' 10th 27°Ca08'
Ascend. 23°Li17' 11th 00°Vi20'
Midhvn. 27°Ca08' 12th 29°Vi17'
Natal Chart Solar Return
Lori Solar Return Chart
Sep 21, 1957 Sep 21, 2006
11:19:00 AM PDT +07:00 08:55:14 AM MDT +06:00
Coalinga, CA Thornton, CO
120W21'33" 36N08'23" 104W58'17" 39N52'05"
Placidus Houses Placidus Houses
Posted by: Lori | March 03, 2007 at 06:00 PM
Hi Lori - It certainly sounds like you've fulfilled a lot of karma with your past, and are now in a different head and heart space. And perhaps your time in the city will be productive in unexpected ways. Sorry you lost two loved ones at the same time, but it does have a way of liberating us despite the heavy feelings. Pluto is a long term influence, and probably dense enough to warrant an entire life of studying how it could manifest in the different houses. And I shall meditate on "the Sun," aka "Helios."
Posted by: Robert | March 04, 2007 at 05:33 PM
Hi Robert! :)
Thanks for being there for me! Yes spirit wanted you to know that Helios is around you and guiding you. He is of a very high vibration.
Lori :)
Posted by: Lori Flory | March 08, 2007 at 04:45 PM
Hi Robert,
With Pluto transiting retrograde in my 2nd house today through September, I just wondered if you might have any insight? I know that there are both positive and negative aspects. I wondered what those were and any wisdom regarding? Just some insight as to what I might expect or look for? I think my transiting Pluto will be at 28 degrees.
I start a temp job on Monday which is good. $12 an hour as a receptionist out at CU Boulder which is the University of Colorado at Boulder. It's at the Chemical Engineering Dept.
My regular email address is also [email protected]
Lori Flory
11:19 am
Coalinga, CA USA
Thanks Robert, I would be grateful for any insight. I am just hoping that there will be some energies of renewal here. I read last night on someone's site that Pluto (which rules my chart) has been in Virgo since 1995? That made sense to me, as looking back major challenges began to come up in even 1994 and it's been one after another since. I read that Pluto goes from 1995 to 2008? The last 12-13 years of my life have had a stream of transformations ... I think I am now ready for the renewal.
1/94 - ex's brother commits suicide tearing his family apart.
6/94 - the ex and I moved from Denver up to the mountains.
7/94 - one of the dogs has cancer and after 6 weeks of care, we have to put him to sleep.
6/94 (also) ex's mother moves from CA to CO at the same time as move and begins an 11 year campaign to have her son to herself (which eventually she did).
10/94 - shoulder dislocation and 3 hour surgery/4 months physical therapy to recover.
1995 - ex's child support increases to $650 a month for 1 kid (I often felt like I was working for his ex wife to help pay over the years)in CA.
In a nutshell it's pretty much not been a restful time since, one challenge after another to traverse through.
This is why I am hoping Pluto will include some financial renewal in the 2nd house this time around. :)
Thanks for being there for me!
[email protected]
Email me your questions, I'll do a reading for you as well.
Posted by: Lori Flory | March 31, 2007 at 08:46 AM