by Robert Wilkinson
The New Moon of January 18 fell at 29 degrees Capricorn, the second month in a row we've had a "Void of Course" New Moon. However, for those of us with planets in the final degrees of a sign, the Moon is always making aspects in our charts, so "void of course" is somewhat irrelevant. Also, there are other planetary influences besides the Moon, as I pointed out in The Solar Eclipse of September 2006 In Virgo. That Solar Eclipse continues to exert a long term influence assisting us in "escaping from a narrow destiny," and though that New Moon was also Void of Course at 30 Virgo, it still has tremendous influence. So what's up with this one?
A brief introduction/reminder of how New Moons and Full Moons (aka "Lunations") work. A New Moon is a conjunction of the Moon with the Sun, a fusion that shows the birth of some tendency described by what sign and aspects (angular relationships between planets) it makes. After a New Moon brings some pattern into growth, that "seed form" continues to grow until the Full Moon, where the promise is revealed in a number of ways, depending on where it falls in our birth charts and how it aspects our particular planets.
After the Full Moon, we get two weeks of fulfillment, culmination, and release of the form at the subsequent New Moon. We get a New Moon and a Full Moon every month, these showing the larger evolving pattern throughout the year. They continue to exert an influence after they occur for about a month, thus overlapping with other lunations that follow.
Eclipses are lunations that occur conjunct the Moon's Nodes. They are said to have lasting effects for months or years after they happen. We have two Solar Eclipses and two Lunar Eclipses each year. The ones of September 2006 were very powerful, and relate directly to the New Moon of January 18, which trined that one, so a lot should be stabilized, harmonized, and understood these next four weeks.
The end of Capricorn is where we find individualized forms of group activity, or where individuality expresses itself in an organized fashion within a group context. This time will bring many activities and efforts into structured focus, and features HONESTY as a primary keyword.
Due to the trine influence, all with planets between 24-30 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces should find tremendous harmony and/or understanding of why things have happened the way they have since September 2006. The coming two to four weeks will help everyone make sense of what the Eclipses have ended or are taking away, and give us understanding about what we've been liberated from, preparing us for a larger destiny. The next point of shift will occur with the Full Moon of February 1, 2007 at 13 degrees of Leo-Aquarius, and mark a beginning of how this New Moon will surface in the outer world of activity.
Other qualities we will see manifest in a number of ways include questing for a deeper understanding of how life works and the limits of our ability to manipulate natural processes, a strong "desire to transcend routine," a cleverness in understanding symbols, seeing through forms and perceiving basic structures, a seeking of relationships that encourage us to form closer fellowships, a desire to fit passing experiences into a larger coordination, and the ability to fit our experiences into a view of potentials using intuition in an organized way. Use your insights in intelligent ways unique to you to meet whatever recurring issues you have been or are dealing with.
Another factor of note in this New Moon is the just-separating Venus conjunct Neptune in Aquarius on the "forest fire" degree, showing that if we rise to some occasion and refuse to surrender, we can deal with a spreading problem, see our ability to manage energies in volatile situations, and "ascend" to a new level of effectiveness as a preparation to accept "rewards from Spirit" promised by past and future aspects to Neptune.
The next two to four weeks also allows us time to relax and regenerate after some extraordinary effort, so if you've already dealt with your "forest fire," chill out for awhile and take a new look at how the various elements of your inner and outer life are cooperating. This is a time of broadened social responsibility and concern following an illumined message, expanding a personal interest in a larger effectiveness,
Mercury, the messenger-coordinator of affairs, is on the degree of "the child born out of the cosmic egg," promising new ideas, perspectives, and information not bound to local conditions. This is said to herald the "emergence" of global consciousness, and with its very favorable aspect to Jupiter which leads the bundle of planets now clustered between Sagittarius and Pisces, should bring a whole new set of assumptions and circumstances to everyone's life, opening a wider perspective and view of things.
Of course, Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, is the primary backdrop energy to this lunation. This would imply that this New Moon is heavily impacted by Leo energies, and with Saturn at 24 degrees of that sign, no doubt we'll all be going inward to explore and cultivate our inner Spiritual "powers," even if it means turning away from some outer things. We'll be building character through what we let go of, as well as what we choose to use rather than hoard. Follow the inner intensification and sensibility, and you should easily accomplish whatever you need to. Just don't needlessly neglect what you should be caring for.
Finally, as you read in this article, Saturn is the nozzle of the Bundle of planets across the zodiac from it, and rules all the planets now in Capricorn and Aquarius, giving it dominion over most of the planetary forces now active. At this time only Jupiter and Uranus occupy signs not ruled by Saturn, and are in signs ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter leads the pattern at the New Moon, showing an expansive and liberating quality to this time, even though the square to Uranus in Pisces at the end of the Bundle also indicates the hard edge to things at this time.
It's not a time to allow the generic explosive or eccentric atmosphere create bizarre behavior, and when there's a tendency to "explode sideways," or erupt unexpectedly, instead get focused, get free of the ghosts of the past, and when you get oriented in a direction of your choosing, then get your drive in gear and you will accomplish much in a short time. Mercury's exalted, synthesizing view can help us all get a bigger picture freed from past narrow assumptions through its sextile to Jupiter, a welcome productive aspect given the multiple semisquares made between several planets.
The forming Jupiter square Uranus was recently cut by a semisquare to each from the Sun. This was separating at the New Moon, indicating multiple recent inner crises around stressful endings and beginnings for everyone. At the lunation we also had a Mars semisquare Neptune, showing the death of old ideals and necessitating a diminished use of force. Examine the damage, and restore the beauty however you can using the Mars quintile Uranus genius, inventiveness, and unique gifts available to you.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson