by Robert Wilkinson
This week is the bounceback in Saturn forms of ideals glimpses thanks to Neptune. Venus and Mercury this week move the new fusions and births of Neptune started at the conjunctions into concrete forms via Saturn. As I've noted recently, Saturn is the nozzle for the energies of all the other planets, forming a "Bucket" Jones pattern that will be with us for some time to come. Saturn as the energy of expression shows us the way to focus the power of the NOW into forms appropriate to our highest evolutionary intention, even Dharma, our Ultimate Purpose or "True Function." We can get particularly focused at this time, and with the waxing Moon setting the Capricorn New Moon into motion, expect a lot of practical work to get done quickly, new self-organizations to take shape, and new ways of claiming our "authorship" in our world in ways that are creative and enjoyable.
Transits through Aquarius encourage us to cultivate rapport with your brothers and sisters of the Spirit, your true community. Open to the largest and most ideal vision of group effectiveness for yourself, don't get lost in illusions and "vain imaginings," and be the patient, mature, and methodical director of your on-going Self-transformation. Saturn is the means as well as the forms of expressing that Neptunian energy. This week Mercury conjuncts Neptune triggering new vision and understanding of what Venus is showing about how the Grand Irrationality is working on us at present, discussed in last week's article. Please re-read that to get a sense of what's happening this week.
Venus is leaving its opposition to Saturn, even as Mercury is forming it the whole week. Venus has been showing us how to shake off emotional heaviness and binding emotional chains, and now Mercury will show us how to shake off mental rigidity and pessimistic attitudes. Both planets are teaaching us to see a greater contribution we could make in our world as we learn to manage relationships, values, resources, and opportunities, as well as knowledge, adaptability, and multi-tasking skills.
Due to Neptune's degree the conjunctions with Mercury and Venus we can glimpse our greatest dreams, but we will have to "rise to the occasion" and enlist all we have to do what we must. Venus opposed Saturn have put our Taurus and Libra sectors at odds with our Capricorn and Aquarius sectors, and Mercury opposed Saturn includes the Gemini and Virgo sectors as well. Our Gemini and Virgo is catching up with our Taurus and Libra, all blended in the cosmic soup that Neptune symbolizes. Out of this oceanic field will come ideas and relationships to be expressed through Saturn.
Of course, as with all oppositions, there are realizations and reversals as many things previously submerged come to surface. This means the Mercury and Venus affairs we're experiencing will be expressed as realizations, repolarization, repotentializations through the dominant Saturn focusing and releasing forms and mechanisms in our lives. As you know, Saturn continues to put pressure on late degrees of the Fixed signs, specifically stressing 21-26 of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. This requires that we generate the virtues of these signs to express the best Saturn energy we can. It is a time to keep it simple, noble, loving, purifying our highest ideal and way we are living in order to express that. Learn how to enjoy life more fully and creatively, breaking up old stuck pessimisms, inertias, unhelpful feelings, and needless detachment.
As I've noted before now, we continue to see "how the lower self has been joined to the Higher Self through the death of useless things, and embrace a more powerful form of spiritual linkage through emotional stress. Just keep in mind that the Saturn opposition Neptune will continue to show hard realities and greater ways to make our experience, discipline, maturity and wisdom real through August 2007." To learn more of Saturn's influence and ways to use these energies wisely, please refer to what I've written in Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend about Saturn Cycles.
The recent conjunctions to Pluto and now Neptune indicate we've launched into a new era, and though things may seem somewhat unclear at present (Neptune conjunctions are like that!), make no mistake that much has been set into motion that will unfold quickly in weeks to come. On-going tension and erratic energies are primarily due to the Jupiter square Uranus I've mentioned. Briefly,
...volatility will be in the air, with unexpected setbacks for some, unexpected opportunities for others, and generally huge nervous tension for all. Big schemes concocted during this time are subject to unexpected challenges and twists and turns.... try not to let the tension get to you as you show faith that whatever "forced growth" you're subjected to in early August is leading you to your deepest "physical enlightenment" and methods of presenting yourself and your works for recognition. This forced growth is directly related to whatever we've been going through in early January... this aspect challenges us to get a grip on our temperament and get oriented so we can put our drive in gear to embrace a larger adventure on our own unique terms... it's truly a turning point in the adventure promised late in 2006 with Jupiter's entry into Sag, so show discernment, pay attention to details, and find ways to communicate.... many good liberations and visions can come out of this turning point in the larger affairs of our world and our lives.
The week begins with the Moon in Pisces on January 22 overwhelmed by the other heavy aspects at work, those being Venus opposed Saturn, Mercury sextile Jupiter, and Jupiter square Uranus, all exact that day. The waxing lunar square to Pluto can give glimpses of the larger transformational forces at work in a broader context of what is common to all and what must be offered up to the vast redeeming Mother-force. Forgive, say goodbye, dare to feel a vaster compassion, and you could find you are released from old pressures you no longer need to bear. Will power is everything, so be moderate and wise in your use of power on that day.
As I noted last week, Mercury sextile Jupiter favors harmonious productivity between the Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces planets and houses in our charts. So ideas, communications, exchanges are favored, though many will face some hard realizations in the realm of relationships, especially those that aren't working well, or which are out of balance.
Also, when the Moon is in the last degree of the Mutable signs (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius) it triggers an effect directly related to last Autumn's eclipses. January 22 (January 23 everywhere east of California) is one of those points in time, as is January 29-30. To explain,
We continue to confront reverberations of results from breaking up old patterns and opening new doors since the Eclipses of September 2006 that are still in full force... those eclipses were extremely important in liberating us from "a narrow destiny" if we "heard the call." We've recently had to prove our ability to do what we needed to embrace a greater role, and even though there were momentary ordeals, they should have sharpened our dedication, focus, and willingness to embrace our new role with style and originality. The present time shows us the path of courage which will impact the events of March 2007.
January 23 the Moon enters Aries at 2:52 am PST, and makes a great run of favorable aspects that should give a significant boost to the Fiery understanding of seeds of adventures to come promised by Mars' recent trine to Saturn followed by its conjunction with Pluto. This opened a powerful void in Aries and showed seeds of that which will catch fire in our lives beginning March 2007, with the generative inspiration lasting through April, May, and June. This week we catch a form or feeling of this electrifying power on January 23-24, so be alert, since that time illumines signs of things to come.
The Moon enters Taurus on January 25 at 5:28 am PST. Moon in Taurus is said to be great for planting, pruning, setting brick, stone, and fillings, as well as any beauty or cosmetic treatments. This lasts until the Moon enters Gemini on Saturday, January 27, at 9:10 am. January 26-27 is a very important time, since Venus sextiles Pluto just as Mercury conjuncts Neptune and the Moon forms a Fixed T-square with the on-going Saturn opposition Neptune still influencing things for many months to come. I've outlined the larger implications of this opposition here:
This opposition is forming and will be exact from mid-February through mid-March 2007, and again for the final time in this series from late May through mid-July 2007. Every time the Moon conjuncts or squares Saturn or Neptune this larger tension is triggered, so take note. All of it should serve to remind us of the strength we've received as a result of breaking up old patterns the past 18 months...(which) for the most part 1) broke some things up forever, 2) challenged us see what to clear out, 3) made us evaluate what to "put on the shelf for the future," and 4) opened up solid paths of personal, social, and spiritual development associated with things, heart, magnetism, ambition, and idealism. We were all challenged to one or more of the following: persevere despite difficulties, cut our losses when blocked by intransigent obstructionists, stabilize what which was unstable, or break apart that which was stuck in the mud.
On January 26 the Scorpio void shows a need to eliminate and/or regenerate, go deeper, and see the essence behind the form. January 26-27 are also important in that Venus is in the last two degrees of Aquarius those days, offering us opportunities for radical transformation and metamorphosis, as well as the ability to see the vaster whole we are part of, both material and spiritual. January 27 Venus enters Pisces, shifting the energies of planets and houses connected to the signs of Taurus and Libra away from the Air of Aquarius to the Water of Pisces. The Moon enters Gemini that day, and forms both harmonious and frictional aspects with almost everything else before it moves into Cancer on January 29 at 2:16 pm PST.
January 28 is when some major things should break loose, since the Moon forms a Mutable T-square with the Jupiter-Uranus square, throwing the void into 13-14 Virgo at the same time that Mercury opposes Saturn. Great for developing and demonstrating Divine Discrimination, knowing what has more and less value, seeing the place and function of each detail of any thing that presents itself that day. See the order, adjust whatever is needed to make things function more effectively, and stop worrying about things that can't be solved by your worrying.
After the T-square passes, then comes the favorable run of Moon quintile Saturn, trine Neptune, tredecile Mercury, sextile Saturn, trine Mercury, then opposition Pluto. This transit creates a Mystic Rectangle, binding the Saturn opposition Neptune with a Moon opposition Pluto, creating a configuration where every knock can be turned into a boost, and every awareness used in multiple productive ways with multiple solid understandings. Please refer to articles in the archives related to how the Mystic Rectangle works.
To remind you, Mercury conjunct Neptune this week triggers The Grand Irrationality I spoke of at the beginning of this article. Right now the hot zones of The Grand Irrationality fall at 26-30 Sagittarius, 17-22 Aquarius, 9-13 Aries, 1-5 Gemini, 22-25 Cancer, 13-17 Virgo, and 4-8 Scorpio at this time in history. This is behind the generally strange atmosphere, a lot of compulsions coming to surface as well as forks in the road of our destiny in several areas of life, and overall one long hard edge of choices, changes, and a future that never is quite as logical as we may like. Every time the Moon triggers the Grand Irrationality we experience a form of a turning point of sorts, where the seeds of the future will stand revealed. This week it's triggered January 23-24 (Moon in Aries) and January 27-28 (Moon in Gemini).
As I wrote last week, it is important to remember that even if things get very weird and irrational, we are not powerless. Even if destiny is "on the move," we still can steer the process to some degree, if we don't lose our cool in the midst of the great weirdness. Part of what we're all learning in these strange times is not to lean to heavily on "things making sense," and learning to fly by the seat of our pants, not going funky places we shouldn't, and making choices that will propel us into an evolving future that may not make much sense but is perfect for the uniqueness we are.
Overall, a week following through on the great promise of recent weeks, with understanding and information about major forks in the road for everyone in one area and/or another. As noted last week, the recent time of "Group Activity" will soon be activated by Mars, so stay open to embracing a greater vision of how you can contribute to the betterment of your world in whatever ways are appropriate to you, keep organizing and reorganizing in order to accomplish your highest ideal, and you'll capture rewards from Spirit for many months to come in 2007. It's already begun, and February should be a blast for those who have persevered!
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Love your site!! I want to share....
Posted by: Joy | January 20, 2007 at 12:00 PM
Hi Robert,
Are you out of town? I sent an email last week to a "laughing cat" ;) but got no response. I'm thinking you are unable to get to that email address right now. I'll wait to hear from you.
Your friend,
Posted by: wendy | January 20, 2007 at 01:25 PM
Hi Joy - Yes, "the Secret" is something everyone should watch and ponder. The only thing I remind people about the message is that if something's not true for you, all the affirmations and unobstructed beliefs will not bring it about in any lasting fashion. And of course, by our thought-forms we can create miracles and wonder, and what was not true at one point very well could become true in some form at another point in time, so our possibilities are virtually endless, except for the limits of our fishbowl.
Hi wendy - I never got it. The email can be launched by going to the link on the left hand side of the page where it says "email me." I'm definitely in town at the present, though these days it may take me 3 to 7 days to respond due to the volume of mail I'm getting. But I'll try to cut that time lag down. Email me again, and I'll try to respond asap.
Posted by: Robert | January 20, 2007 at 03:18 PM
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your response! I resent the email. : ) Wendy
Posted by: Wendy | January 21, 2007 at 05:22 AM
"Forgive, say goodbye, dare to feel a vaster compassion...." Thanks, Robert for putting the day in perspective. Your weekly forecasts are spot on.
Posted by: sonja | January 22, 2007 at 03:52 PM
HI robert. im wondering how you see the effects of comet mcnuaght which down here in queensland australia is brighter and more visible each night. instead of fading away as we were told it would. happy new year to you and many thanks nell
Posted by: nell bell | January 23, 2007 at 03:21 PM
Hi nell - Comets are wanderers from outside our system, usually bringing particles in their trail that rain down on our planet. I suppose we could extrapolate the meaning that comets bring new material and/or ideas to our planet, whether in familiar forms or unfamiliar. They are said to herald the arrival and departure of significant people on Earth. Enjoy the show, and Happy New Year to you and all my friends "down under."
Posted by: Robert | January 24, 2007 at 08:02 AM
Thanks again robert, This comet came the week after epiphany too. now that i know what epiphany was. noticed you dont mind being linked to blog friends. our site is blues music not astro but would like to put a link to you on there if you dont mind. nell
Posted by: nell bell | January 25, 2007 at 02:34 PM
Hi Nell - gotta love "da blooz..." Spent years listening to every kind there is, and it's all good. I mean that. Will gladly take a link; let me know your site address and I'll put you with my musical friends.
Posted by: Robert | January 25, 2007 at 08:16 PM
I realized last night that mars, the moon, and soon venus will all be in their signs of exaltation for a few hours tomorrow (in capricorn, taurus, and pisces, respectively) (in the u.s.). does this have any particular implications?
Posted by: Saturns Daughter | January 26, 2007 at 06:40 AM
Oops, I forgot to say "Hi Robert." Hi Robert! Thanks for all your hard work :-)
Posted by: Saturns Daughter | January 26, 2007 at 06:41 AM
Hi Saturns Daughter - It's all good, and of course you're most welcome. As for your question, it's very important, and I was going to post a column devoted to exactly that in the next few days. The Moon in Taurus is not so rare, since it happens frequently; however, Venus and Mars are both in their signs of exaltation and in very favorable aspect to each other for some time to come, which only happens once every two years once in a while. It happened Apr 2003, March 2005, is happening February 2007, and will happen January 2009 for the last time until April 2033. I'll discuss this more in depth in the article.
Posted by: Robert | January 26, 2007 at 03:32 PM