by Robert Wilkinson
In a recent article, I offered some ideas of what we can expect during this Mercury Retrograde in Pisces. This Pisces energy influences the coming months, as will Mercury's time on the very important last 5 degrees of Aquarius through the rest of its retrograde period. Then it moves forward through this span again and re-enters Pisces at the Solar Eclipse of March 18. For the near future, expect signs, signals, and communications related to this time of transfiguration we're all going through one way and another. Now that it's in Aquarius, what is it good for?
As I told you in the Pisces article, we know during a Mercury Retrograde we're NOT supposed to sign contracts, make purchases of electronics major moves or decisions, and hang back a little remembering that things may not be as they appear. I also noted that it can be good for travel and research, as long as we're flexible and adaptable. It's a great time for reconnecting with old friends, finding people and things thought lost, and exploring possibilities but not necessarily making definitive decisions since they are usually modified or reversed later on.
I've already had two very good friends check in I haven't heard from in years, and long delayed payments have unexpectedly shown up. Packets thought lost have been found, and there have been delays in communication (that I hope haven't alienated anyone!) If you want to know more great things that can be done during Mercury retrograde, please go to the first link in this article.
So what can we expect from Mercury retrograde in Aquarius? Besides giving a different atmosphere to anything we have in Gemini or Virgo, and of course the house it's retrograding through will feel less Pisces and more Aquarian, today I'll offer you a bit from my book, "A New Look At Mercury Retrograde," from the chapter on Mercury retrograde in the signs:
In this sign the mind searches for concretized ideals, or ideas about world or social service. The mind synthesizing ideas, then recombines the possibilities into newer, different syntheses. Mercury here seeks a universal vision by looking within holistically. It seems able to see and know things from a different space and time continuum. There may be insights into old friends, or old ambitions, or a new look at old values sustaining one's sense of honor. This is the resourceful mind judging from the highest ideal, offering new applications of old principles.
Mercury in Aquarius is in its own 6th sign. This position makes practical adjustments through synthesis. Discussion of ideals is seen to be a form of service, as it prepares the abstract mind to search for practical applications of truth.
It is also in its own 9th sign, giving the power of synthesis as a truth expressing itself through an integrated vision. Here a stabilized higher vision is offered to others. This position sees world service as a truth. Knowing comes through seeing the unified vision.
As I noted in the Mercury retrograde in Pisces article, the atmosphere is shifting now that Mercury is retrograding back into Aquarius, the sign of its exaltation. That brings us back to something I said in that article. Hang out with the energies and information, pay attention to details while remembering that a lot of it won't make sense for several weeks or months, and don't believe everything you're told. It will be a great time to see to the core of things, taking a wide view of recent entries into a new life, new motive, new feelings, and why certain closures were necessary.
Mercury retrograde in Aquarius is great for finding a new view of a greater vision, new forms of ideal activity, group work, or world service, and definitely a new look at goals, ambitions, and ideals of friendship. We are about to stabilize a whole new set of life patterns over the next few weeks, so detach, see the big picture, be a true friend to yourself and others, and your life can become a miracle of effective doing of your Being.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Hello Robert,
I was wondering if a "job offer" from the past could be successfully negotiated under a Mercury Retrograde, or whether ANY contract signature is affected regardless of when the initial conversation or initiation took place?
Often I've heard it said that as long as it was a former employer or something that was initiated in a previous encounter, because it is a retrograde, it is favourable.
I'd appreciate your thoughts on this scenario.
Juliet :-)
Posted by: Juliet | February 26, 2007 at 12:47 PM
Hi Juliet - I suppose you can recontact an old employer, or re-negotiate an offer made at an earlier time under a Merc RX. That said, if you do it's still under the beams of the RX, so it may change over time, or turn out in ways that are different than the way it looks now. And of course, the lives of Mercury RX people move forward during these periods. And it's a good time to take a job as an editor, spokesperson for a group or organization, or any other Mercury RX function.
Posted by: Robert | February 26, 2007 at 01:01 PM
Wow that was quick!
It's a job in academia and within a field of great interest, but I question the detriment to the strides I was making toward a more creative and holistic lifestyle. Perhaps I can blend the two somehow.
Thanks for the feedback Robert, it is much appreciated.
Posted by: Juliet | February 26, 2007 at 01:12 PM
Hi Juliet - You could find it's an interim step, and may lead to other things, or even a great place to have your "holding pattern" while other things develop. It is useful to remember that nothing is permanent, so Mercury RX isn't a total downer in terms of what one accepts or rejects under its beams. It may just show a need to do something else while the primary chance develops over time.
Posted by: Robert | February 26, 2007 at 01:57 PM
My husband had an interview when mercury was in aquarius before and he got selected for it. But he was told 3 days later that he was not selected due to misunderstanding of some sort. A week later they called up again and asked him to join.
I guess all this was because of mercury.
Posted by: Madhuri | February 26, 2007 at 02:23 PM
Hi Madhuri - Well, it does sound like a classic Mercury retrograde, with one step forward, two to the side, two backwards, one to the side, and three forward! Glad he got what he wanted when all was said and done!
Posted by: Robert | February 26, 2007 at 05:43 PM
Hey Robert,
As help to everyone out there, if your Mercury is retrograde in your natal chart, what is the effect?
Posted by: Helen | February 27, 2007 at 04:08 AM
Hi Helen - Wow. Thanks for reminding me I have never posted on what it means natally. I just "remembered" doing it without even having actually done it in any post. Hints and so forth, but never a whole piece dedicated to those with natal Merc RX. I shall do it soon.
Posted by: Robert | February 27, 2007 at 08:56 AM
Hello Robert,
The comment re: "holding pattern" would be quite appropriate.
Thanks again,
Juliet :-)
Posted by: Juliet | February 27, 2007 at 12:11 PM
Hi Robert
Many thanks for your wonderful writing. I am a bit concerned as Merc is Retro and i have been offered a dream Editor job but i was hoping not to sign the contract until Mercury was back. But the publisher wants me to go in on Friday! I noticed above you say Editor jobs may be okay? I just remember a few years ago signing an editor contract when merc was retro and the publisher came back two weeks later and said i had 1/3 of the budget that he'd initially given me (and i'd already commissioned work!).
Anyway i suppose just staying open and flexible is the key, but should i be nervous about signing anything before the 8th? In my own chart i have merc in Pisces in the 9th, and lots of virgo and gemini and even aquarius, which could be why this is a super weird merc retro for me! I had paid to stay somewhere for 6 weeks when on the second night i found it was infested with bedbugs - now i'm staying elsewhere and the owner has just said i have to be out by Monday as he is painting and restumping the place!
Posted by: Louisa | February 27, 2007 at 03:53 PM
Hi Juliet - You're welcome. This will eventually prove to be a GREAT RX period for many of us!
Hi Louisa - Editor perfectly fits Merc RX, since it's not your words, but another's, composed at another time and needing a new point of view, all perfectly RX! I've been encouraging all that as of March 5-6 when Moon's in Libra it's a great time to move forward with plans, since Merc is already speeding up. Moon in Leo is good for fixity, so whether this week is great or merely good for signing contracts is up to your individual chart. It's also useful to remember nothing's permanent, so who knows? You may wind up veep or something even better!
Bedbugs? Ugh! I read they're infesting the entire world right now. Ugh. As for being out on Monday, don't worry, as things are speeding up from here. Good luck on your new gig, and congratulations.
Posted by: Robert | February 27, 2007 at 06:13 PM
Are you up in teh middle of the night typing this?! Thank you for the encouragement, and that's great news about the editing job. I also just finished a major assignment for another magazine i started at the last merc retro period!
And the bedbugs were perhaps a good thing, meaning i'm being booted onto a whole better more beautiful home! My brother (a virgo) found out a house he bought at merc retro had termites, so i'm lucky i was just renting a room for a few weeks:)
Blessings and thank you!!
Posted by: Louisa | February 27, 2007 at 09:42 PM
Hi Louisa - I suppose it all depends on what you mean by the "middle of the night." ;-) Glad you've found the perfect Mercury retrograde temporary nesting place. See! It CAN be a good time if just take an unusual point of view!
Posted by: Robert | February 27, 2007 at 10:21 PM
Hey Robert,
If I helped you, it is my pleasure. It shows that great minds think alike.
The most amusing incident that happened during this Mercury Retrograde was my computer was done on the day job for most of the day. The savvy IT genius finally came in and just reconnected the
cable! LOL!
Posted by: Helen | February 28, 2007 at 03:11 AM
Hi Helen - Yes, Mercury RX is like that. Anyone else with Merc RX stories feel free to check in. I've already heard quite a few in radically different forms.
Posted by: Robert | February 28, 2007 at 08:51 PM
Hello Robert!
I just read this post on Mercury retrograde and found it quite interesting.
I am a Gemini with Virgo ascending, both signs being ruled by Mercury. I also have Merc Rx in my Natal Chart, on my 10th house.
I have to travel to another continent on this March 7th, to actually move to another country and start a new job on March 12. I haven't signed the contract yet.
The interviews and negotiation started before the retrogradation. I'll wait till it moves forward to sign it (if new company allows it).
I'm worried about the travel plans being done during this period, but it was unavoidable. Is it ok to travel during this period?
Best regards!
Posted by: Silvia H | March 05, 2007 at 05:40 PM
Hi Silvia - As I noted in my book "A New Look At Mercury Retrograde," Mercury RX times are great for traveling if you're flexible. Also, those with Mercury RX natally usually do well and their lives move forward in important ways during Mercury RX periods. From a straight horary standpoint, Mercury is now quintile Jupiter and sextile Saturn, which should be excellent for traveling. Travel is often more determined by where the Moon is than Mercury anyway, since traveling is often about our emotional state when we hit the road. Even a great trip can be experienced negatively, or a difficult trip can be experienced as a grand adventure. And truly, Bon Voyage, and may you do better than you think, Ms. Mercury RX!
Posted by: Robert | March 06, 2007 at 04:08 PM