by Robert Wilkinson
This is an edited version of a treatise inspired by a reader who asked about some important issues of human existence. It offers some of what I have learned about the Eternal Light-Life we all live within, and may serve as a guide to where we ALL always live, whether we perceive it or not. So what's really going on here on Earth, and just why ARE we here?
In the venerable "Magic of Space" the author states repeatedly that all is “composed” of the substance of Universal Mind, also called Eternal Consciousness. That is the source of the Ten Thousand Things, in the classic sense. It is well established and accepted in the Wisdom Tradition that Nothingness morphs into Limitlessness while not losing its essential nature, and the resulting emanation (the Synthetic principle in all creation, cosmic and human) results in Limitless Light. All is Limitless Light, you and me included.
Limitless Light is the great Maya from which all comes and to which all returns. Infinite Emptiness (Spaciousness) is Infinitely Spacial, and is Luminous in quality. That's why many who go into very deep meditational states experience a sense of "Spaciousness and Luminosity" where all collapses into one dimensional Light. Ultimately, Light is all there IS, and can be experienced as both wave forms and particles in infinitely varied manifestations.
In our world of constantly shifting forms, everything is Originated, then Created, Formed, and Expressed. This process occurs first on “invisible” levels, then on “visible” levels. It is how nothingness comes to manifest as all that is, and why everything is composed of Light particles, also known as Prana, Ruach, Pneuma, or Spirit. Darkness arises because the nature of light is to form shadows when it hits dense fields. That is the origination of all “darkness.” The light is still all that IS. The darkness shifts with the density and form of the field, thus demonstrating its inherent unreality.
Our bodies, feelings, and thoughts are held together through the Law of Magnetic Attraction emanating through our Eternal Self. When our dense bodies drop at death, along with our dense feelings and our dense thoughts, what is left is our Eternal Light body that experiences sentience on its own level through the vehicle of the Buddhi, called “Soul” in the West. Yet we ARE the Atman, the Eternal Spark, which is never separate from the ONE.
Devachan, or the frequency of existence we call “Heaven,” is where we all go to and come from. We are told it exists on the Buddhic plane, though on the higher frequencies such distinctions tend to become irrelevant, since most distinctions exist on the Manasic, or Mental plane. We also have numerous authorities who state that “Heaven” is a Limitless Light field where there are infinite clusters of Light groups we call “Souls,” all related in varying degrees of harmonic connectedness by Love.
As for life on Earth, we Eternals in bodies with feelings and mental constructs learned some unhelpful habits a long time ago. Besides these learned bad habits, we also have collective dis-eases that we suffer until we reach a certain level of spiritual practice. Just as there are physical viruses (virii?), there are also emotional (astral) viruses and mental viruses.
For instance, Fear is a pandemic that has never been adequately dealt with, though we have many examples of people who have overcome fear completely. We overcome individual and collective problems by getting our “spiritual immune system” in shape, which involves constant personal attunement, understanding growth is eternal yet always in the here and Now, perfection always down the Path, and the Eternal Beneficence always available.
Some say life on Earth is a realm in which limitation/darkness/fear is intrinsic, and that we've agreed to "balance" this realm with pathways of light/expansion/love. This admits the illusion is real, even though there is no intrinsic reality to darkness and fear. Actually, our life in human form is about us attuning to the Higher frequencies of consciousness, and ultimately leads us beyond being trapped in these into a constant remembrance to be that which we always are, i.e., Eternal Radiance whose nature is Love.
We’re not balancing as much as unlearning delusions, attachments, and aversions that have put us all within a larger illusion of suffering that seems more real than it is, individually and collectively. Once we recognize the means not to get stuck in places of darkness and fear, then we simply can be the Eternal Radiance that we are unencumbered by negative states.
It is not a vain imagining to say that we can experience a unified, Higher Consciousness any time we want. To doubt that gives the illusion of unawareness more power than it deserves. I promise you – any time you directly ask for a miracle, or a “divine revelation,” you WILL get one, usually pdq. And yes, it does work exactly like that. It is a power we have that must be practiced to be seen and known, and it often brings us to a crisis between the Higher and the lower. It’s all good, in that it serves the Great Work of Evolution. Though it take courage and diligence, we can be the bringers of miracles to our world, if we but concentrate and develop our heart power.
Whether for five seconds or five hours or your whole life, your consciousness can become habituated to be meditating, contemplating, and even merging into Cosmic Consciousness Itself, or any of the aspects of Divine or Universal Mind. And you, and only you, determine how “fast” or “slow” your Divine Consciousness stays aware of itself on an on-going basis. Then in fact it is happening “any time we want.” It’s all a question of finding the right point of view, to quote a well-known Western Master of the Wisdom.
In our greater evolution, just because we are conscious of being in a body doesn’t imply that we still have something left to resolve, unless it’s how much Love we’re here to learn to share. Just because someone's in a body doesn't mean they couldn't be a perfect Master. The very fact that we're in a body helps us ground the Divine Energy into concrete forms that can serve to lessen suffering in the future for more than ourselves, or open humanity's higher potentials of growth. This seems to be the way of Self-realization, regardless of which Spiritual Path one practices.
We’re here to learn how to serve humanity in love, wisdom, and intelligence. That’s what every Spiritual Master has done, and why we should look for the Master in the eyes we see. Masters often show up in physical bodies for a variety of reasons. The Christ could show up today in a body, but how many would know Him? How many would recognize Babaji if He showed up? Or Sri Yukteswar, if He chose not to have a beard and wear saffron? Anyone might be an Adept, Exempt from the limitations of form.
On a different subject, I've been asked why I think humanity’s “graduation day” is about 36,000 years in the future, a point that should mark a time when all life on Earth, along with Earth itself, will be transmuted into a non-chemical state. Why so long? Why not 2012?
My own astrological and calendar research of many years seems verified by the commentary on the Yugas in The Holy Science by Sri Yukteswar, a remarkable astrologer as well as Adept beyond life and death. I am of the opinion we still have several larger life-waves to evolve through and new forms of “God” and “Truth” to discover, so we can fulfill a collective work of Redemptive Unconditional Love individually and together.
That said, I definitely believe the 2011-2012 period is indeed one of transition, marking the end of an era and rearranging energies to provide a fertile bed for future growth that will quicken as we approach 2020. I have also noted that 2012 is the mid-point of the “Winter” of the 21st Century, after which we'll see a definite shift in the world toward future possibilities. Besides these articles, you may also want to check out these three articles on the Age of Aquarius at this link.
The future of humanity is bright, but there are some destructive echoes of collective behavior that must change as a result of circumstances rendering old ways of relating to each other and the Earth obsolete. Then the rebuilding will begin. Until then, we correct our personalities flaws and weaknesses, cultivate holding the higher light, and find our community. And all within the spiritual communities on Earth are holding seeds, building bridges, and renovating and innovating according to our departments of “spiritual” labor.
We are preparing for a time and work to come, and in the big scheme of things, are on the path of return, moving out of an old larger era into a new one, with many thousands of years of even greater perfections than we’ve ever known before us. We confront many thousands of years of Dwapara Yuga, Treta Yuga, and the ultimate, Satya Yuga, as the coming eras are described in the East. We are remembering the nature of the electromagnetic Creation, and over time will become more aware of the true nature of Eternal Reality than anything presently imaginable.
We share the magnificence of what is and what is to come. Aum Namah Shivaya!
(Originally published in a different form 25 March 2006 - © Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson)
Robert, I don't know alot about Astrology but i am very Intrigued by it and i love your site - i was curious if you could give me any insite to my situation - I have been going through a very rough time since 8/04 - mainly the loss of relationships and was just curious if you could tell me when i may get a break or see some light at the end of the tunnel - My birthdate 8/30/66 and i was born at 12:32pm in Chambersburg,Pennsylvania. Thanks for any help.
Posted by: Lori L | February 19, 2007 at 07:51 AM
That is one of the best and purest explanations I have read.
Posted by: crawl or fly | February 19, 2007 at 10:59 AM
Lori- I'm over in Millersville Pa, it is a small world and "the same world" so to speak. I've been asking myself that same question you know, when will my highest self lead me to a more peaceful setting in the mundane world? I have found that the more I ask myself that question in meditation the more I project that inner question- outward. What goes along with my meditational question is my offering back to humanity and the celestial. Returns from spirit come to me when I give quality attention, effort, and time to the most important pieces in "the 10,000 things" relevent to my own life. I will send you some good meditational vibes out, Lori.
Robert- thank you so much for all of the correct information, good advice, and of course, inspiration!
This question may be one of the most important Astrological questions I've ever asked you; what is the final dispositor of all of my planets?
What "sets into motion the focus on the entire span of all of my planets?" my "lunar line of greatest development" secondary to the final planetary dispositor of my bundle?
This post is long winded but here is some appreciation to you Robert, from "The Astrologer's Handbook"
"The Sun is exalted in Aries. Highly evolved Aries people will be far more subject to the creative solar influences than to the combative Mars tendencies//"
"The solar-influenced Arian knows that the power of the Eternal Creator is within him as his own "I am" principle or pure faculty of attention. He is not compelled to prove himself through aggressive Mars action but can allow the solar divine energy to be expressed through him. Arians of the more developed type often demonstrate powerful Mercurial mental tendences, since all new things have their birth in the world of thought, the direct creative manifestation of solar energy."
Thank you for being you Robert, working hard, doing your part, and helping me and so many people.
Posted by: Don | February 19, 2007 at 12:44 PM
Together/alongside with the deserved thanks-a few bits of info,smth like linguistic comment:)
In the Belarusian language the root prana is found in "a-prana-nne",or the process of putting smth on for wearing like clothes,and the word "ruh"is close to Ruach-which means movement,and the language itself is called "mova".The word for the "World" is "svet",which is LIght in Russian,and our word for the light is "sviatlo",which is close to "sviatY",or saint.And if you change the stress,you get "sviAty", or holidays,id est Holy Days.
Yes,in the beginning there was a Word.In Belarusian it is "slova",which sounds close to "slava",or "glory".It must be Glory to God,who had/has/will have the Word...and the WorLd.With Heavens and Earth;and heavenly earthlings:)
Posted by: Svetlana | February 19, 2007 at 04:25 PM
Hi Lori L - You've had Uranus opposed your Sun, thus in the solar 7th house of relationships, for several years. This makes for disruptions creating freer, more autonomous relationships. And you've also had Saturn on your Mercury and Venus for about a year and a half, deepening your thinking and valuing but also putting stress on all your relationships. The good ones last, but 4 times every 30 years we have to clear out the people that no longer are an accurate reflection of what we value and like. You'll be dealing with a whole new maturity, new responsibilities, and new relationships by Dec 07-Jan 08.
Hi COF - Thanks.
Hi Don - This world is not really about "peaceful settings" if you're entrusted with bringing in a future idea. We find the peaceful setting within ourselves, and may even occasionally find it in some temporary form. We are the ones who bring the peaceful setting to wherever we are if we attune.
Your Sun and Mars are in mutual reception, as are your Mercury and Jupiter. All the other planets are ruled by these two mutual receptions. Your Mars is the entry point to your span, your Neptune the exit point. And no, the Nodal line of greatest development has nothing to do with the mutual receptions. And thanks for the insights from the Handbook. A great work by great authors.
Hi Svetlana - Thanks for cutting us in on the amazing similarities in the meaning of sounds from different linguistic families. And it's true we can experience a transcendent glory of Oneness when we harmonize the "word" within us. Someday there will be a global compendium of the meaning of sounds everywhere, and then we will begin to recover the original language lost when Senzar became characters.
Posted by: Robert | February 19, 2007 at 07:31 PM
Robert,as your remarks are too thought-provoking and the Babel problem becomes more and more magnifying and magnetising:),I would like to continue this comparison line with some more quants of info. If we take "divine' in English we can feel "divo"-great,fairytale wonder-resonate in Russian."Dieva" is a grown-up girl,maiden,used in a very respectful,godlike way. "Devy" was the status of godly creatures in the ancient Russian-Vedic pantheon. And if you define Deva-chan as frequency of existence we call Heaven, then i can't but mention that the lost(and, hope,would-be-found one day:)telepathic language of creation(!)and communication within the Universe was called Deva-na-gary. This is what I can share with you all from the books I read myself about the traces of Hyperborea etc. Only God knows how close they are to the Truth:)
Posted by: Svetlana | February 20, 2007 at 05:25 AM
Hi Svetlana - For those readers who have never heard of Hyperborea, if we are to accept the ancient chronicles it was one of the lands of early humanity, and so would be the repository of all the pre-Atlantean languages. It was said to be a place where the Sun rose and set only once a year. The Greeks thought it was north of their latitudes, with some placing it as far west as around the British isles and others placing it around the Ural Mountains in central Asia. We do know that Scandinavia used to be a semi-tropical land, based in fossil evidence, and that during a part of the year the Sun does in fact only rise and set once, since it's the "land of the midnight Sun." We could see such radical changes occurring again within our lifetimes making other areas on our Earth a new "Arctic circle."
Posted by: Robert | February 20, 2007 at 09:23 AM
thank you so much for this post i'm very grateful for you and everyone who's looked beyond and outside and tried to see it all in a sense I think you are doing such a wonderful job with carrying on the load of being a human being and what you create opens new worlds for anyone with a slight crease of interest and openess of their minds YOu continue to fill me with hope and things have been much clearer since i abandoned my doubts and i can't think of anything to say but thank you so much.
Posted by: Alison | June 24, 2007 at 09:22 PM
Hi Alison - Sure. Once we surrender to the fact that there is only one game in town, then the rest is somewhat easy, even when it's difficult. There's really no need to try to convince, since it's all out there for our perusal, evaluation, and hopefully, acceptance. Definitely, thank you for choosing to overcome doubt, since it's corrosive, and one of the 10 great "fetters" preventing liberation. Your effort will also help others, since you're "turning the prayer wheel" with your every effort to overcome the human affliction of doubt. And of course, you are most welcome.
Posted by: Robert | June 24, 2007 at 10:30 PM
You bring me up when I'm down
and upper when I'm up. :o)
Every time I read your spiritual words, I am hopeful, expectant, and motivated. You are a wonderful teacher and I am so grateful that I found your site.
Posted by: J. Sue Gagliardi | January 07, 2008 at 06:11 PM
Hi J. Sue - You're welcome. Glad I can provide some light in a very confusing time in history. To quote Saint John the Beatle, those who make it to this cantina seem to all be going for "the toppermost of the poppermost..."
Posted by: Robert | January 08, 2008 at 11:51 AM
um, maybe stick to the astrology dude..
Posted by: Ishmael | August 21, 2009 at 12:52 AM