by Robert Wilkinson
I realized yesterday was the third anniversary of when I started the original Aquarius Papers - Astrology for All at Since then more has happened than I could have believed. I resisted the concept of "blog" at first, but came to see that it is one of the most effective communication tools we have on Earth, enabling people from all continents and walks of life to commune with others who share their interests. So today I'll offer you the first post I ever made as a blogger on April 28, 2004.
I had done dozens of posts for years at another site that is now defunct, but it was not a blog. The difficulty in getting timely material posted finally convinced me to experiment with blogging, and it's infinitely more satisfying than the traditional website approach and construction.
In what follows you'll read about "The Outer Edge." For now, it's no longer what it was, due to more factors than can easily be explained. At present it is a backup posting site that guarantees I'll be listed on a page that search engines crawl. Both Salon sites are now feeder routes for people to find my site at the current address. That said, here's my first post:
Welcome to the Aquarius Papers and the Metaphysical Reality of Robert Wilkinson
Hello. I've been an astrologer and metaphysician for several decades. Examined Eastern and Western science, philosophy, and art, and am of the opinion that we are Eternal Beings having human experiences. There are things to learn that are outside of "normal" socialized existence, which is pretty boring and confining to begin with.
In this space we will explore the big picture about factors that affect us all, and discuss what is to be, what can be, and what could be. There are larger patterns going on that affect our lives, whether we know it or not. Everything depends on how we react to them, and use our power to respond to the forces affecting our lives. This cross mixture of what we call "fate" and "free will" makes it necessary to understand what’s going on. What you read here will assist you to play life to the fullest. Each of us has our own pace and challenges, but by understanding what is personal and what is common to us all, we can avoid creating unnecessary problems for ourselves.
Astrology can help us understand what’s going on. Every culture has had its astrology, or symbolic depiction of the heavens and the seasons offering a deeper meaning to life’s various cycles here on Earth. This useful tool for larger understanding is now needed more than ever, given the radical changes upon us. For example, the last time Neptune and Pluto were in their present aspect in the 30's, totalitarian fascist governments rose all over the earth. Then, like now, fear and willfulness challenged and released the larger forces for change, transfiguration, and power unlike any known in millennia.
At present, the interlocking septile aspects indicate a very irrational time along with widespread obsessive-compulsive behavior. A greater way is presenting itself. The resistance of the old forms is very strong and creates tension by our necessity of choosing which fork we will take. We are headed on the larger arc of return to knowledge and higher understanding, despite the polarizations now occurring. The momentum of the old era is fulfilling its inertia, even as new pulses begin to exert their long term influence on humanity.
That brings me to the other part of this blog, The Outer Edge. This part is dedicated to social and political ideas that can help us all make a better world, whether through decreasing violence against one another, promoting our fundamental freedoms, or offering positive ideas and solutions to some of the problems that are perpetuating the suffering of the human race, individually and collectively. It is hoped that some of the ideas offered in The Outer Edge and The Aquarius Papers will serve to open perspectives and options for positive change in your life and the lives of those around you.
And there you have it! Someday, perhaps I'll create another forum for social-political change at a different location, but for now, enjoy the metaphysical and astrological treats to be found here. Aum Mani Padme Hum!
congratulations friend !
Posted by: abacus | April 29, 2007 at 05:01 PM
Hi abacus - "What a looong, strange trip it's been...."
Posted by: Robert | April 29, 2007 at 05:58 PM
Robert - What a great contribution you are not only to astrology, but to the new (Aquarian, i guess!) age we are all entering into. I find it heartening when one of my contemporaries "gets it" at the level you do and embraces the new zeitgeist so thoroughlly.
And just think, absent your technical acumen we'd all be missing your deep & profound astrolgical intelligence & insights. Thank you for all you do, and Happy Anniversary to!!
Posted by: Diane Scholten | April 29, 2007 at 07:16 PM
I remember tuning into you on Salon, but I must confess I didn't stick with it, simply because I wasn't in the habit. Then about a year ago I saw the name Aquarius Papers bookmarked and thought - now why did I forget about that. I haven't forgotten since.
Anyway - it's hard to imagine you've only been blogging for 3 years! There is a before/and after aspect to becoming aware of you. Your knowlege, and your commitment to it, is stellar, and your honesty is breathtaking. Thank you Robert, for sharing yourself with us, and for turning such a bright light on astrology.
Posted by: Christine | April 29, 2007 at 08:15 PM
carry on Robert,
Posted by: abacus | April 29, 2007 at 08:34 PM
Dear Robert,
All I can say, is thanks brother for all that you do for me.
You are truly one of the people that truly believe in my talent and are pushing me into my new life. I am truly at a fork in the road.
I have a friend who is also an astrologer who says that when Saturn is in your sun sign, a teacher and/or guide appears to get you through this challenging period. I have been so lucky, as I have had more than one. And just when I needed it the most (Saturn impacting my T-Square), guess what? You appeared.
I couldn't do it without you!
Here is to many, many more years.
Posted by: Helen | April 30, 2007 at 02:32 AM
Hi Diane - Thanks for checking in with your encouraging words. It's truly surreal what can be accomplished in a thousand days!
Hi Christine - Well, the Salon platform is an awkward platform to use, and what comes out is difficult to fix at best and has never looked quite like it's ready for prime time. That's why I went with this one. In any case, glad you made it back here. And yes, throughout the years others have told me "There is a before/and after aspect to becoming aware of you." The beauty or difficulty is definitely in the eyes of the beholder! ;-) Thanks for your praise of honesty, since I believe it goes with courage as two of the primary qualities all who seek truth must cultivate and practice to live their integrity. And of course, you're very welcome, as an astrologer and "schuman the human."
Hi abacus - Carry on, carry forth, carry out, Carrie Nation, and Harry Carey (to paraphrase Hawkeye Pierce) Yewbetcha!
Hi Helen - You're most welcome. Glad I can be of some help in our very weird and occasionally wonderful times. I believe in the goodness of people, and their ability to see the light in ways that allows their Inner Flame to come forth. This Flame always appears as a talent, a gift, a special quality with which we can serve our world from the authentic core of our being.
I suppose I am Saturn for some people who have made friends with that energy. I've certainly had to deal with that in my own life and now that I'm the age I am, can definitely affirm its wisdom and power. I'll also affirm that we're all journeying for many more years toward the greater light we all are together, and that we will live to see peace and wisdom again prevail on this fragile ball of dirt we call Urth. Rock on!
Posted by: Robert | April 30, 2007 at 07:17 AM
Hi Robert. Congratulations. We had some great times back there in Austin. I look forward to some more in different locations. Did you catch Bill Marr's monologue about the bees on Earth Day? Bill Moyers just had a great special on PBS about the MSM's complicity in "Selling the War." Dennis Kucinich has introduced a bill in the House to impeach Darth Cheney. Happy Wesak and Keep on Rockin' in the Free World! dcu
Posted by: dcu | April 30, 2007 at 11:11 AM
Robert,since you are the person who makes wonders on the international scale,I hope you knew the site Its author Gregory Ellison was practically the first american astrologer-metaphysician whom I got to know 3 years ago,when tried to find info about the forthcoming "Venus' journey in front of the Sun " in June 2004 in WWW space .Were you aquainted with this very worthy person?
Posted by: Svetlana | April 30, 2007 at 04:33 PM
Hi dcu - Didn't catch Marr, but I'll bet it turns up somewhere on the web. As for impeachment, well, could be a sideshow, could be part of an evolution in the making.
Hi Svetlana - No, but I'll check it out. Thanks for the heads up.
Posted by: Robert | April 30, 2007 at 07:09 PM
Congratulations! Thank you very much for so much wisdom and insight & Namaste!
Posted by: sara | April 30, 2007 at 11:51 PM
p.s. I don't know why my posts multiply. I only hit the post button once!
Posted by: sara | April 30, 2007 at 11:53 PM
p.p.s. Okay, I think I need to barely touch the post. Also, I turned off my email account for now, hoping that the spam will bounce back and I'll be left alone. My broadband ISP does not have spam-blocking for Macs. I am going to look into a webmail provider. Thanks for the info re this!
Posted by: Sara | April 30, 2007 at 11:56 PM
Hi sara - It's all good. I'm sure you'll outwit the spammers!
Posted by: Robert | May 01, 2007 at 07:16 AM