Thanks to everyone who checked in yesterday. The outpouring from people all over the world was generous in every way and made the day truly memorable. I appreciate every good wish, every good intention, every good affirmation, and every donation. To answer one question, the pizza was indeed great, as were the libations, the company, and the unbelievable number of phone calls from friends all over the world, some of whom I haven't heard from in a long time. When pizza dough turns out like it should, it creates something miraculous when combined with the right sauce and ingredients.
I even found time to take a long morning walk at the beach in Venice before the crowds turned out, and the weather was perfect in every way. It was interesting to experience my Solar Return Moon in Virgo as an ability to play and enjoy myself even while working in the kitchen, handling the myriad calls, and doing the many other small tasks in an ordered way (Virgo!) which created a great day overall. Which of course is why I didn't put in much time at the computer past mid-day.
Still, I felt the overwhelming presence of all of you who celebrated my birthday with me, and I want you to know that all over the world all of you made the day unique and magical. I appreciate every one, and felt like it was a world-wide party of a bunch of great people bonded through the web and this site, each a loving heart and truth-seeking Soul. And that realization made for a great birthday present. Thanks. I'll keep the experience in my heart for a long time.
Aum and blessings to you all. May each of you receive something wonderful in the next 30 days that makes you feel as good as I felt yesterday.
With love, Robert
Posted by: sunshine | April 02, 2007 at 02:03 PM
Didn't know, so I MISSED it!
Yet please now include my very best wishes and deep gratitude in celebrating the earthbound arrival of your Spirit Who created this wonderful and so accessible haven which is so fresh, clear, bona fide, relevant, and applicable to anyone from sentient individuals seeking practical wisdom for living meaningfully, through astrology researchers, students, practitioners, consultants and scholars alike!
Happy Birthday Afterglow;-)
(Jupiter-Aquarius 1st house; CAP Rising)
Posted by: IZWH | April 02, 2007 at 03:45 PM
Hi sunshine - Thanks. It was great!
Hi IZWH - Well, you probably joined in on the subtle astral levels. I do accept your wishes and all the other nice things you said. And from here we go on!
Posted by: Robert | April 02, 2007 at 04:46 PM
Robert,if "from here(meaning subtle astral levels?) we go on", then you will have to keep on bridging the planes both vertically and horisontally:)
Since you spent your BDtime-2007 "at the beach in Venice",then may be at last you had got any idea why Venus and Venice sound in the same way:):):)
Posted by: Svetlana | April 03, 2007 at 06:09 AM
Hi Svetlana - To me, we're always moving on in time and space, so yes, it's vertical, horizontal, inner and subtle as well as outer and obvious. And "Venus of Venice" is a great restaurant! For real! I'm sure Venice was named for Venus, since I gather it's a very beautiful city.
Posted by: Robert | April 03, 2007 at 07:01 AM
hi robert...i missed your birthday but really liked reading that you had a nice day - happy belated wishes to you!
peace and love
Posted by: faith | April 03, 2007 at 03:02 PM
Hi faith - It's all good. Thanks for the wishes, and see - you have participated!
Posted by: Robert | April 03, 2007 at 03:18 PM
A wonderful belated Happy Birthday for
1 April 2007 Robert. Hope you will experience much love, many blessings and further profound spiritual wisdom.
Posted by: Sam | April 03, 2007 at 03:47 PM
Hi Sam - Thanks for checking in. I'm sure I will experience all those things.
Posted by: Robert | April 03, 2007 at 04:10 PM
Many happy returns!!! I hope your day was a special one.My husband is also an Aries (03-22-52), so I can relate to your passion and love for astrology and the people and world we live in! Again i wish you a wonderful birthday. kathy
Posted by: kathy mattaliano | April 04, 2007 at 08:32 AM
Hello Robert,
Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry I missed "the party", I was offline for a few days with a family event.
My vision still holds true...many good things will come to you.
Juliet :-)
Posted by: Juliet | April 04, 2007 at 09:12 AM
Hi kathy and Juliet - Thanks for checking in. We were all united in the astral and Buddhic planes anyway, so no one really missed the party, since in a way it's ongoing!
Posted by: Robert | April 04, 2007 at 10:07 AM
Happy Birthday! It's the day after but I'm sure still in orb for your wonderful solar return. You are so generous with your insights and writing and answers to comments so I'm glad you are feeling the love that you pour out into the world. I hope you are blessed manyfold with everything you need and desire to walk your path with grace. Blessed Be!
Posted by: Rainy | April 04, 2007 at 03:12 PM
Hi Svetlana: I never asked you before about your sign - what is your sun & moon signs? Thank you
Posted by: Larissa | April 04, 2007 at 03:40 PM
Hi Rainy - Thanks for your blessings. I'll accept "everything I need and desire to walk my path with grace." When it comes, many will be benefitted.
Posted by: Robert | April 04, 2007 at 03:59 PM
Sounds like a wonderful birthday. Thanks for being in our world; you're a sage for our times, with a great fiery heart.
Posted by: crawl or fly | April 05, 2007 at 01:40 PM
Happy Belated Birthday, Robert. I usually pay closer attention to your site (so I glean some gems for my site) :-) But I was busy hopping from one Aries birthday to another around here.
I should have guessed you are an Aries. That's about the only sign in my world, especially in my family...all Aries sun or moon - even two Aries cats. So odds are...
My Gemini sun can't keep up with you guys. Too much of a good thing, I guess. And I have NO Aries on my chart.
All my best for an auspicious solar return for a great guy!
Posted by: Tara Pierce | April 06, 2007 at 05:47 PM
Happy Belated Birthday, Robert, you are a most generous and special spirit.
Kindest of regards,
Posted by: Pamela | April 07, 2007 at 07:12 AM
Hi Crawl or Fly, Tara, and Pamela - Sure. Thanks to you all for checking in. Glad to keep the cantina running.
Posted by: Robert | April 07, 2007 at 03:23 PM
Happy Belated Birthday Robert! I don't know if you remember, but you share your birthday with my daughter who just turned one. Her birthday celebrations are still continuing for another week or so - I hope yours are as well
Posted by: wildhorse2 | April 08, 2007 at 09:11 AM
Hi wildhorse2 - Actually, I share a birthday with several children of my friends and clients. I guess those beings came in with harmonic resonance with my Sun, which I suppose impacted their parents in some way or will impact their lives in the future. And if any of the young ones actually live their light as I've lived mine, if they survive their tendency to live "pedal to the metal" and make it to my age the world will definitely be transformed!! We April Fools..... ;-)
Posted by: Robert | April 08, 2007 at 10:17 AM
So sorry I missed your birthday and so glad it was filled with joy! Thank you for all you give us with your magnificent blog!
Posted by: Diane Scholten | April 08, 2007 at 07:47 PM
Dear Robert,
Realized that I, yet another ardent fan, have some catching up to do, so before another moment evaporates, I too must say: you are the cat's meow in countless special ways. And from one 51 aries cat to another: Happy, happy birthday and new year!
Thank you so very much for being such a fabulous soul and role model, the wonderful website, refuge, and community that you've so selflessly established and continue to maintain, all your noble efforts and teachings, wisdom and wit. You are such a timely, brilliant light and blessing. You and all you do are revered and appreciated way, way beyond mere words, everywhere that life exists.
Happy birthday, lots of love, and the merriest of blessings to you and everyone always,
Posted by: Joan | April 19, 2007 at 01:02 PM