by Robert Wilkinson
We’ve all dealt with Saturn in Leo since Summer 2005. I discussed the possible effects in two articles linked below the fold. The coming 5 months will be very different than the period when Saturn was in early Leo, as now it prepares to leave the 2nd decan of Leo, ruled by Jupiter, and re-enter the 3rd decan of Leo, ruled by Mars in both the ancient and modern systems of decan interpretation. This activates many things, and with the trine to Pluto getting stronger the Grand Trines from Mars in Aries this June should light things up substantially for the better wherever they fall in the lives of nations and individuals.
If you haven't lately, it may be good to take a new look at Astrology 2006 – How Saturn in Leo is affecting all signs and generations which explored the general influence on us all. Part 2, How Saturn in Leo impacts Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces in 2006, went into how each sign has been impacted by Saturn in the first half of Leo. These two should give you a sense of what's been coming down so far for us all together and individually.
Now Saturn prepares to turn direct in motion at 2:26 pm PDT on April 19, 2007, just before the Sun slips into Taurus on April 20. (As an aside, it’s of note that there is a Sun tredecile Saturn at that time, which may be important depending on other aspects in your chart.) From that time through September 2, 6:49 am PDT, it moves through the last decan (third) of Leo, where it finishes up whatever lessons we’ve been learning since it went stationary retrograde at 26 Leo in December 2006.
This is why we’ve all been experiencing “spiritual linkage through emotional distress,” and received blessings after “the death of useless things.” We’ve all had some form of “revelation of worth” that shows us we have weathered a major storm in 2006-2007 and now have linked the “above and below” within us in a form showing us our immortal Self. Now that Saturn is going direct, we will show how we have learned these things to our world from now on.
Its Stationary Direct degree is 19 Leo, which we are told can free us from old social rigidities through experiencing the joy of human fellowship in efforts to make life freer and happier despite routines. It is a degree of "creative relaxation as a prelude to effective effort," the keyword is CONGENIALITY, and we read that "the degree is a gracious eagerness of participation in the more worthwhile or enduring aspects of human affairs."
It's been on this degree since March 3, and will be there until May 20. Time to enjoy ourselves! At that point it moves forward through its retrograde span until August 1, giving us a third look at the span of experience we went through in September, October, and November 2006. Since then we've gotten a new look at what that span is about in our lives, and now stand ready, having had forms of spiritual linkage and self-revelations in the house area of late Leo in our charts, to move forward in new fellowship, new social-emotional freedom, and new brightened effectiveness.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius points between 17 and 21 are particularly affected between now and late May. The end of May through mid-June primarily affects 19-23 of these signs, late June through mid-July affects 21-26 degrees, and mid-July through late August affects 23-30 of the Fixed signs. This will primarily impact people born between February 8-19, May 9-21. August 10-23, and November 10-22, all of whom are at a major turning point. You can find out more about how Saturn's conjunctions, squares, and oppositions work by going to Saturn cycles - What it means when it makes a conjunction, square or opposition to planets or the Ascendant.
This Summer will be particularly potent since Saturn trines Pluto the entire time, and June is of particular note since Mars in Aries makes a Grand Fire Trine with Jupiter and Saturn, followed in mid-June by the Grand Fire Trine with Saturn and Pluto. This double harmonic Grand Fire Trine will activate all points between 16 and 28 degrees of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius in some very favorable ways, and definitely quicken our lives wherever these fall.
Air supports Fire. Mercury's trine to Neptune in late May heralds the time in June when the Sun will also trine Neptune within the span of the Grand Fire Trine, activating 5 points of a 6-pointed star. The Moon in Libra makes a Grand Air Trine on May 27-28 with Mercury and Neptune, further supporting the Fire Trines already in force. All in all, between mid-May and late June 2007 should be one of the most productive times for all of us in many, many months.
When Saturn moves across 26 Leo in late July, we shall know beyond a doubt what's been linked and who we are and are not, with the square from Mars at 26 Taurus showing us the need to define role, function, and imagery precisely, according to our standards and needs. This will culminate an old cycle between Mars and Saturn, and offer us the challenge to demonstrate a "spiritual power" with efficiency, adaptability, detachment, and purified focus.
On a final note, Rudhyar says in his masterwork “An Astrological Mandala” about this degree that the great European Adept H. P. Blavatsky on her deathbed is said to have uttered “Keep the link unbroken.” He references that statement to the connection she built between humanity and the “Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood” of Masters of the Wisdom, those Adepts who keep the eternal Wisdom-Tradition alive throughout the ages.
This may be a clue to our most important work as Spirits in the material world: to keep the link of loving-wisdom alive in the midst of our world, deadened by coarse materiality and haunted by attachment to forms. If our refuges are the Wisdom, the Way, and the Community, then it is through these that we can safely navigate the world of transitional forms into the Eternal.
In the next parts we'll discuss some specific effects for how Saturn in late Leo will impact each sign individually, as well as generationally.
Having now composed them, here are the links:
Saturn in late Leo April, May, June, July, August 2007 Pt.2 – What it means for Various Generations
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Do I or will I ever make a grand trine in my natal chart? Do you have the Aries "Grand Trine of Inspiration" in you chart? I Read some material on the "Bundle" and I was pleasently surprised to see how similiar Mcartney's chart is to mine. Also Mussulini (not very comforting) but he opened up with Neptune and closed with Uranus I think?
With Saturn in Leo moving into the last decan how much of a Ginni-pig am I? Really all I know is how fast my life has been moving waiting tables, making great friends (mostly Gemini's- my Solar Fifth) and that my physical body is greatly improving by the day. Havn't had a 32 waist in years! I feel great.
I have mercury in it's detriment but I think and adapt as quickly as my natal-mercury opposites. I guess I'm learning to be more adaptive, huh dudes? They think I'm hilarious just for bein' me.
Posted by: Don | April 03, 2007 at 11:39 PM
First...Thank you, I honor your work having recently rediscovered you through Rich Humberts work...
I wondered if Saturns retrogrades are adversely affecting/prolonging my Saturn return
my Saturn is in 2 degrees Leo in my 9th house
dob 10/30/75 7:04am est long island , ny
I understand an indepth answer should be expected in a private session of which I am saving up for, but I was curious if you could share a glimpse
till next we speak, be well, be loved and blessed be.
Posted by: Brian ne Tanor Dracon Hearthfyre | April 04, 2007 at 08:19 AM
Want to add my birthday wishes and blessings to you.
I've been curious about decans the last few days, especially regarding the changing decans of ourter planets to everyone collectively, and then I see your article discussing Saturn!
I went back to your previous articles to read more about meaning of decans, which brought up a question on this from "Why are People with Same Sun Sign So Different":
"Libra's first third is ruled by Venus and the
Moon, Libra's second third has a double Saturn
influence, and Libra's third decan is under
Mercury and Jupiter."
I have a 15 Libra asc. Thought it was Uranus decans, but I guess outer planets are not used? Also, why the double rulers?
In my case, double Saturn decans(my Saturn is in Taurus in 7th)How does that impact my my asc. ruler-venus - in cancer in 9th, which natally sextiles Saturn?
I've probably lived and psychologically explored these aspects -but never have had them explained by my chart. The words "heavy, responsible,serious" libra come to mind - almosnt contradictory to my concept of Libra. My Gemini Sun/Mercury always want to know the why. (I kind of liked the idea of the Uranus imprint!)
Posted by: Jay | April 04, 2007 at 08:33 AM
Hello Robert,
When you get a moment, have a look at your e-mail.
Juliet :-)
Posted by: Juliet | April 04, 2007 at 09:47 AM
Hi Don - No, as you were born with a Bundle. You get a Grand Air Trine every time the Moon is in Gemini trine Neptune and your Pluto in Libra. You are swimming in Grand Fire Trines by transits to your Sag planets and Leo Mars. I get Grand Fire Trines every time anything goes through Sag and Grand Air Trines when things go through Gemini, as it trines my Moon in Aquarius and Neptune in Libra. Yes, my Aries-Leo natal trines does lend inspiration. Saturn on your Mars with Jupiter on your Mercury-Venus-Neptune in Sag should brighten up things for a while and open many doors.
Hi Brian - Yes, you've been going through your Saturn return since Saturn hit late Cancer in November 2004! The grind should have abated somewhat due to your experiences through now, and you'll feel it leaving quickly now that it's going direct. 9th house Saturn transits prepare us for the recognition and authority we can handle once it goes into the 10th, so I trust you've expanded your sense of truth, future, and breadth of view these past several years. And of course the Grand Fire Trines should be helping you know yourself, your power, your inspiration, and your ability to embrace the new. You should do just fine in the near future.
Hi Jay - Most people know the so-called "modern" system of decan analysis, where each sign contains the other two signs of the same element, and of course it's fashionable to assign Uranus and Neptune the rulership of Aquarius and Pisces. However, these ARE ruled by Saturn and Jupiter in the world of affairs. Signs are ruled by the outer invisibles only in the "spiritual" realm. And the outers each have two signs they rule, just like the inners. I sketched it in this comment which links to an article about rulerships in general.
There is also an ancient decan rulership pattern that existed for thousands of years before the modern. I should probably do an article on that. As for how these double influences affect specifics in your chart, that's much more than can be discussed in a comment stream, since it involves major chart analysis. Anyway, while Uranus rules that sector of Libra in spiritual matters, Saturn rules those earthly things, so yes, Libra can be very serious, responsible, duty-oriented, and not as light as they often seem.
Posted by: Robert | April 04, 2007 at 10:05 AM
Dear Robert,I find this a very interesting article...Anyway,how do I get my horoscope interpreted in relation to this coming potent planets alignment...?Especially with the fire trine configuration..Thank you Robert....
Posted by: ann | April 04, 2007 at 12:06 PM
Hi ann - Well, I do the best I can, but cannot possibly answer your question in any depth, since this is a comment stream. You need to evaluate how they fall relative to your Sun and/or Asc. and even then there are 10,000 ways to interpret. This is why I encourage everyone to learn as much as they can about astrology, since it makes explaining things much easier. Even if I still had your birth info, explaining anything in depth is impossible if typing is involved, since there would be pages and pages.
Posted by: Robert | April 04, 2007 at 01:10 PM
Thank you my dearest Robert.....I know that my jupiter is in leo at 26'in hse 2...most probably this grand fire trine will trigger that hse.uranus virgo 26 hse 3 neptune scorpio 26 hse 5..
Posted by: ann | April 04, 2007 at 03:43 PM
Hi ann - Saturn is restructuring your Jupiter, which will bring new form and purpose to the houses with Sag and Pisces on the cusp. Saturn upper square your Neptune is briefly explained in what I wrote today in part 2, as well as other references to the Saturn opposed Neptune happening now, which is somewhat similar yet different. Saturn transiting through the 2nd shows that you are learning valuable lessons about resources, so keep gradually expanded some things while cutting back on others. The Pluto trine your Jupiter is long term very good for your expansion and protection. And of course the grand fire trines are working their magic on you through July.
Posted by: Robert | April 04, 2007 at 04:14 PM
Hey Robert, I didn't know it was your birthday but I pray it was FANTASTIC.
I really love this site, am wondering if there is a "dumbed down" version of your work for those of us who don't understand what it means when Uranus trines the spectacular Sceplutura or whatever all that stuff means.
I"m a journalist, so I usually go through your postings and edit out all the plantery verbage that I dont' understand, THEN your writings kick my butt. It's right on, every single time.
I know you pour a great deal of time and effert into these articles, and in fact suspect this information is most likely channelled, so please dont' be offended by my request for you to do more work. If you can't, I understand. Besides, it wouldn't be fulfilling to the folks who do speak Astrology.
It's paradoxical for me because I don't get anything from other sites ("Today is a good day to wear Teal. Your lucky numbers are 12 and 4) yet usually have NO IDEA what you're talking about with regard to planetary stuff. Is there perhaps a way for you to post a "summation for dummies" kind of thing?
Again, I hope I'm not being offensive because I know this already takes huge amounts of time for you.
Hope the kitties are happy.
Posted by: Charmie | April 05, 2007 at 07:04 AM
thought i would leave this for you this morning- Luna was waiting to catch my attention as i got up to meditate-
you startled me this morning,
your round bright face against
back-lit overcast sky
how did you manage to find
center stage
through velvet thick folds;
I could feel your excitement
and words,
though spoken
in language foreign,
will stay with me all day
and into the next.
Posted by: gaye | April 05, 2007 at 07:26 AM
Thank you so much my dearest Robert...meaning am going to have a fabulous time soon?:) am hoping that my businesses would be expand,then I will have more fund to share with and do stuff here..:)
Posted by: ann | April 05, 2007 at 08:01 AM
Hi Charmie - Yes, their majesties are doing quite well laying about, as it were. As for how I do the material, well, you have the formula to make sense of it if you're not an astrologer. Strip the jargon, and read the rest. That said, I try to make it intelligible, but there are many professional and amateur astrologers who ask me how I get what I get, so I try to balance informing them with getting the essential material across. Otherwise I'd be spending more hours a day explaining things to students of the craft than I would posting, which already takes up more of my time than I can realistically afford. The site has grown beyond my wildest imagination, but so has the correspondence, which already overwhelms my time. That said, I will try to make it more accessible.
FYI, no, it's not channeled. It's my brain at work, my original material, my writing skills, and my training as a professional editor in several genres that you read here. Personally, I don't really believe in channeled material unless I can verify both the source and the integrity of the channel, a rare thing. And I will take your request and try to find a way to accomodate.
Hi gaye - Thanks for the missive. It's quite striking, especially since it somewhat resembles the sky outside as I type this.
Hi ann - Well, to paraphrase Lincoln, I suspect we all have about as fabulous a time as we make up our minds to have. And of course, the willingness to do forms of service usually opens up doors of opportunity that would not be there except for our intention. Then comes the follow through, the labor, the harvest, and the celebration with community!
Posted by: Robert | April 05, 2007 at 08:13 AM
Hehehehe...very,very true Robert....there will some major turning point for me soon I presumed...nevertheless,for the better.This community here needed a lot of help sweetheart...guess,decades of conflict makes most people ignorant of love and compassion.That I find the most difficult aspect here,to deal with...nonetheless,am coping as much as I could. I learned one thing though,sometimes,one have to be stern to love and when hopes dries up, miracle do happened... :)
Posted by: ann | April 05, 2007 at 09:30 AM
Hi ann - We are in a long term time of change. The edgy weirdness is due to the Grand Irrationality, which I've written extensively about. All are going through what you're going through. It takes strength to love regardless of what is not likable. That said, we do not have to tolerate that which leaves us feeling drained or divided unless it is part of a higher calling. Conflict does destroy the finer sensibilities, and leads to senseless, Soul-numbing suffering. But some beings cling to fear and attitudes that are an illusion, and it's going to take something major to get their attention. And yes, we learn to cope as best as we can while awaiting the miracles from Spirit and being a miracle in our world according to our gift.
Posted by: Robert | April 05, 2007 at 11:19 AM
Hello Robert:
What can you tell me about April 29, 2007? My other horoscope warns me of some possible meltdown on that one and only that one day. What will be happening in cosmos on that day? Should I be concerned? Thank you.
Posted by: Larissa | April 05, 2007 at 01:08 PM
Hi Larissa - There are no major aspects that day. However, I will be writing an article within the next two weeks about the Mutable T-squares and Grand Mutable Cross that culminates April 28 with aftershocks on the 29-30, and the first two days of May. It's April 26-27-28 that are of concern.
Posted by: Robert | April 05, 2007 at 02:21 PM
Thank you. Then I will discard my concerns.
Posted by: Larissa | April 05, 2007 at 04:46 PM
Robert: can you tell me about 26-27-28. I wonder if I should take days off for the end of that week. Where the wind will be coming from?
Posted by: Larissa | April 06, 2007 at 03:53 AM
Hi Larissa - I'll be discussing that period in Tuesday's article. It will challenge everyone's planets in mid-Mutable signs, and when the Moon is in Virgo, it enters the Grand Irrationality. I discussed a little of this in the Mars "stress zone" article for April.
Posted by: Robert | April 06, 2007 at 08:34 AM
Robert: ...those Virgos.... Ok, I am sitting here and waiting for next Tuesday's article. Thank you, Robert. You are a good man. My mom before passing, answered my question and she said that I am good and kind to only whose who I like. She was very right. I don't know if it is Aries' thing, but it is partially true. I think you have a noble good heart indeed. I am kind, but not always. I need to learn how to be more tolerant. Teach me, Leo rising. :-)
Posted by: Larissa | April 06, 2007 at 09:11 AM
Robert: forgive me for copying a large posting from another site, but I just found it so profound and timely. I don't think that it is copyrighted.It deals with how Saturn in Leo is challenging us all to view our current world leaders (Saturn) with our heart (Leo.) I continue personally struggling with watching the news and the latest scandals out of Washington verses cutting myself off from that lunacy. Being a Libran in the second decan ruled by Saturn, I feel an obligation to engage and attempt change in our world while balancing my own personal sanity. The site is called the "Intenders of the Highest Good" and is at They are extremely nice people over there. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in making positive intentions for our world. Many people in the comment stream of "Pisces 30" indicated that they are interested. I see your dream of a multi-media site coming to fruition. For you are surely helping to "keep the link unbroken." Namaste and Happy Easter. May the chocolate Easter Bunny be good to all.
"Every bad guy has a good guy inside"
~ An Open Letter to the Leaders of the World ~
On one hand, we want to thank you. You have provided us with such adversity and it is this that has finally made us stronger. You have been formidable foes, but we are learning that this world will get better only when we love our enemies and see the good in them. We know that every bad guy has a good guy inside. And we know that spark of divine essence that dwells deep within our own beings, also lies deep within yours.
If you were to come and join us at our table, you would find curiosity, friendship, and forgiveness. Just because you have treated us badly does not mean that we hold a grudge against you. We would, however, expect you to understand that we reject your authority and that you will find no support for your plans and schemes among us. We simply no longer choose to be manipulated.
Although there will be obstacles, we are willing to start over. We are prepared to be responsible for our own lives now. We must discard your Cards, Vaccines, and Chip Implants because they have too many strings attached. We must turn off your television and radio programs until their messages become uplifting. And we will start to rebuild our lives, without your help, by first living together in small self-sufficient communities. If need be, we will grow our own food in our backyards as well as in common areas, and we will barter and trade among ourselves. We will also nurture our children with foresight, and learn to love and heal each other so peace and freedom can return to all of our lives.
As we see it, you are also being stalked by your own evolution and you will change. You cannot avoid being drawn out of your secrecy at this time. The only path left for you to follow is one of conscience. Like us, you are realizing that there is no separation between you and what you perceive. We are all beginning to understand that when we inflict pain or hardship on others, we inflict it upon ourselves. Once you fully comprehend what you are doing to yourself, you won't be able to continue. Enlightenment is coming to all who renounce conflict and violence. Even an unscrupulous, sophisticated robber baron can evolve into a higher, more loving entity. He is no less entitled to the Grace of our Great Creator than the people he has conspired against.
Just that one small transformation in your attitude whereby you begin to see, without blinders, that you only lack the opening of your heart in order to take the next step -- a step for which you are poised and ready, but which all of your power and money cannot provide for you. Isn't it ironic, now, that you have dared for generations to hide our own hearts from us? Ever since we were trusting little schoolchildren reciting your pledges and practicing your patriotic ceremonies, you deceptively taught us to place our hand over our heart on the left side of our chest! Only now are we locating our hearts in the exact center of our chests, and we are learning how to activate the wondrous feelings that have long slept dormant within us.
The people of the Earth yearn for the day when we will all live together in peace. You cannot stop us from advancing toward the love we all deserve. That glorious moment nears, when, instead of being adversaries, we will stand together as brothers and sisters whose consciences have awakened, as equals whose time of heaven on Earth has come. Until then: for all the people who needlessly suffer and die because of your economic and political manipulations; and for all the animals who face extinction or life in a cage that doesn't even allow them enough space to turn around; and for all the beautiful plants and trees of the forests who burn indiscriminately, we ask one last question. Why must you continue to bring harm and havoc to all the living things of the Earth when your own truest happiness would automatically come from helping us instead?
From The Intenders of the Highest Good Novel
My Intention for today is:
I Intend that I am seeing everyone, including the current world managers, in their highest light.
Posted by: dcu | April 06, 2007 at 12:05 PM
Posted by: dawn | April 19, 2007 at 05:11 PM
Hi dawn - Yes, those of us with major Leo have been put through a rigor! This is the beginning of a whole new 29 year structure of how you live your light and illumination. Jupiter should be opening new perspectives, the Fire Trines should be illuminating the way as they burn up old material, and yes, Saturn is more harmonious with Virgo, being in its own 9th house relative to its Capricorn side, 8th relative to Aquarius, still regenerative and promising. Hang in there, since this Summer will give you a whole new Solar Return chart with Jupiter favorable to your Leo.
Posted by: Robert | April 19, 2007 at 07:13 PM
Hi Robert,
What does Saturn now direct have to say in my chart? I also have Jupiter retrograde in the 1st and Pluto retrograde in the 2nd. It's interesting because a week ago I started a new job working for Ameriprise as an admin assistant.
That would follow with Pluto in the 2nd I guess.
Lori Flory
11:19 am
Coalinga CA.
Thanks for being there!
I am still releasing and selling old stuff on Craig's List.
Posted by: Lori Flory | April 20, 2007 at 07:35 PM
Hi Lori - It's natural that when Saturn goes direct, things in our life move forward, especially those areas ruled by Saturn. You've reached a Jupiter threshold, showing you the adventure of the next 12 years in terms of an evolved self image.
Posted by: Robert | April 21, 2007 at 02:12 PM
Hi Robert! :)
I think I've been working on evolved self image lessons my entire life, :) that along with releasing the old and the past from past lifetimes as well as this one.
You shared: You've reached a Jupiter threshold, showing you the adventure of the next 12 years in terms of an evolved self image.
Can you expand on that a little bit?
I hope the next 12 years of Jupiter have positive aspects and not more lessons coming from one extreme or the other? I'm wanting the center balance. I've had a lifetime of lessons coming from one extreme or the other.
At this point in my life I'm just wanting positive growth, joy and renewal. I've had Saturn natally in my 1st house of being myself this lifetime along with Sagitarius natally in the 1st. Probably growing up with horses and a Dad who grew up with horses as well.
My new job with Ameriprise financial services as an admin assistant has a 6 month learning curve and in a week's time, I can see why. Pluto in the 2nd house ... I've learned more about financial matters/investing in the past week than in a life time. The job is only 4 miles from here. That's nice for someone (me) who is used to a long commute.
I have lot of cross over skills, but the financial advising/services area is new to me. I don't have a professional financial background (apart from my own personal experiences and Suze Orman). I'm learning though!
It must be part of my Pluto in the 2nd lessons.
Blessings to you and thank you for all that you are and all that you do!
Posted by: Lori Flory | April 21, 2007 at 03:06 PM
Hi Lori - It is somewhat impossible to explore the full implications of how Jupiter cycles affects each individual chart in a comment stream. All Jupiter cycles have harmonious and difficult elements. These test our ability to stay focused, optimistic, and not waste our opportunities or scatter our energies. If you want the balance, learn what the center feels like. That's ALWAYS within. If you haven't already, go to your friendly used bookstore and buy an inexpensive copy of "The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn." Read "The Game of Life," and repeat prescription until you get the principles of thoughtform building. The practical mental disciplines contained in that venerable work will help you achieve the positive results you want. Then there are more advanced works if you would like to be even more effective in your world.
Saturn in the first usually underestimates themselves. Learn fundamental self confidence born of self-reliance, and stop placing unnecessary rules, limits, and blockages on your Eternal freedom to explore the limits of where the known meets the unknown. Aum and blessings, and allow the infinite wealth that is yours to attract to present itself in the perfect way and perfect time so you can use it for the betterment of your world.
Posted by: Robert | April 21, 2007 at 03:29 PM
Hi Robert -- is Saturn now in Virgo or still in Leo? what does it bring for Aries? Thank you.
Posted by: Larisa | August 14, 2007 at 04:59 PM