by Robert Wilkinson
Yesterday's article outlined some qualities of Saturn's movement through late Leo and how it will impact all of us. As you can imagine, certain generations will be more impacted by Saturn's movement these next few months than others, and today we take a look at that.
Any time conjunctions, squares, or oppositions are formed by any planet, we see highly energetic situations challenging "right action" on our part. When Saturn makes these aspects, things definitely shift gears and/or directions, since Saturn shows us what we can and cannot live with. I discussed some possible ways Saturn cycle aspects work in the article, Saturn cycles - What it means when it makes a conjunction, square or opposition to planets or the Ascendant. In that piece I discussed how we can apply these principles with examples, so use the same reasoning when contemplating what we're discussing today.
Since late 2006, Saturn has been conjunct the Pluto of everyone born between late 1947 and August 1957. This has been a restructuring period for this generation's Pluto in Leo heart power, a time of renewal, reworking, and taking on new responsibilities or confronting the end of old negative ways of regarding Pluto. The coming few months will especially affect those born between Summer 1950-1957.
Another generation confronting Pluto adjustments and shifts are those born between late 1989 and late 1995, those with Pluto in mid-to-late Scorpio. Saturn is upper (waning) square to the Pluto of these people, and challenges them to be more detached, friendly, grounded, pleasant, and enjoy life more. This will force hard choices and reorientations arising from discerning what is important, and lead to many finding situations where their sensitivity is an asset or can be expressed creatively.
Saturn will most energetically impact people with Neptune in Leo and Scorpio to narrow their interests and activities to get a better sense of the whole of their affairs, and as with the ongoing Saturn opposition Neptune, challenge those with Neptune in these signs to get clear about the ideal and reality. These are people born between September 1923 and September 1929 (Neptune in late Leo) and November 1964 to November 1970 (Neptune in late Scorpio).
Those with Neptune in Leo are ending a 29 year period of old ideals, motives, and ways of viewing life as a whole, while those with Neptune in Scorpio, like those with Pluto in Scorpio, need to get grounded, keep things simple, detach and see a greater picture of how they can contribute on a larger level of life.
Saturn will bring abrupt changes to all with Uranus in late Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and children with that planet in late Aquarius. This includes people born between Summer 1939-May 1942 (Taurus), October 1959-August 1962 (Leo), December 1978-November 1981, and January 2001-March 2003 (Aquarius).
Those with Uranus in Taurus are seeing an emergent structure to their genius or uniqueness, anchoring a new form of individuation, just as those with Uranus in Scorpio are seeing the fulfillment or culmination of their uniqueness or genius, and probably are in a fairly high profile period of appearing very different or unusual to others.
Those with Uranus in Leo are getting a new structure to express their uniqueness or genius, and beginning a new 29 year period of expressing this individuality. Those with Uranus in Aquarius are still very young, and finding that parental or social structures are blocking the expression of their will or temperament. For parents of this group, find a balance between firm and loving boundaries and getting locked into oppositional struggles with your child. Help them to awaken their uniqueness, or express how they are different from others.
Thus it looks like those most directly affected by energetic Saturn challenges these next few months are born in the mid-to-late 1920s, late 1930s to early 1940s, the early to mid-1950s, the late 1950s through early 1960s, the mid-1960s through 1970, the late 1970s through 1981, the first half of the 1990s, and those born just after the turn of this century. Even if you aren't one of these generations, if you were born just after these, Saturn will be affecting your Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto between September 2007 and August 2008, so get ready!
Tomorrow we'll explore how this Saturn transit will affect each individual sign.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
March 31, 2007
Hi Robert,
With Pluto transiting retrograde in my 2nd house today through September, I just wondered if you might have any insight? I know that there are both positive and negative aspects. I wondered what those were and any wisdom regarding? Just some insight as to what I might expect or look for? I think my transiting Pluto will be at 28 degrees.
Pluto rules my chart.
This is why I am hoping Pluto will include some financial renewal in the 2nd house this time around. :)
Thanks for being there for me!
Jupiter is about to go retrograde in my 1st house.
[email protected]
Posted by: Lori Flory | April 04, 2007 at 01:14 PM
Hi Lori - Don't place so much specific emphasis on Pluto transits, since they tend to work across a broad spectrum of effects over years. Also, I am somewhat perplexed about when it leaves that house. Unless your second house is only a few degrees wide, either it will continue to be in your 2nd, or has been for years. If anything, it's a several years-long lesson for you re: confronting whatever shadow material you have about attracting welath, or letting go of obsolete values and ways of relating to money to purify your existence. And if you're a Scorpio rising, then Mars is your ruler, with Pluto the ruler of the spiritual dimension of your self image. Look to Mars more than Pluto, as again, the outer triad work across years globally. Jupiter in your 2nd will bring opportunities defined by what Jupiter rules.
Posted by: Robert | April 04, 2007 at 01:23 PM
Hi Robert,
Thanks for being there, I am indeed a Scorpio Rising. My understanding was that Natally my Mars is well aspected. Jupiter will be retrograde in the 1st house.
Posted by: Lori | April 04, 2007 at 04:29 PM
You are right about life long money lessons. My Dad is very well to do and more so since mom passed ... for myself it's been more one of being rich inside, sometimes having plenty and other times struggling. I've been on my own the past couple years after 26 years of not.
I am just grateful to have been there for mom in the end and to still have my connection with her in spirit.
I am, in this year, in the process of finding a new me - a new start. Just my energy after 26 years of not & many mirrored lessons with both men. Alot of $ lessons.
My Mars is in Virgo as is my Mercury. Moon in Leo, Rising in Scorpio and Moon in Leo. Jupiter in Libra. My attitudes have changed greatly regarding money over the years. I have excellent credit so I just like keeping the bills paid. I just get tired sometimes but as always spirit brings me through. :)
God as always is my abundance.
At this time learnng again to have passion and thrive in life again rather than "Just pay the bills, head above water, survive, exist" etc. Emotional pain over the years has brought lessons regarding money. I have learned to be proactive and think aboutside the box as I am accountable for my own self.
It's often not been fun though I am wanting more joy in life (including my $ life)and that is part of why I had asked about the 2nd house. I have been through so much I am hoping for the renewal after the death, rebirth and transformation. I sometimes feel like the layers have been getting peeled and purified my entire life, as if a big reason for coming to the planet was to serve others but also to do alot of release on my own part :) I'm wanting to transform what has been past struggle into present and future joy.
I have always been service oriented.
I've done a good job the past couple of years though - I have grown alot and am proud of myself :)
I am still selling my stuff on Craig's List and releasing old energies. Making room for the new. Open to the new.
I appreciate your being there!!! We are all lucky to have you Robert. You live in CA? I am a native, I grew up near Fresno.
Blessings and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!! :)
Posted by: Lori | April 04, 2007 at 05:10 PM
Hi, Robert. I know its not part of this discussion but what can we look forward to with todays Jupiter retrograde in sagittarius. Jupiter in my natal chart is in 03 Pisces 3rd house. The reason I am asking is that my well laid plans of the last few weeks have been blown apart this week and I don't know what to do. Thanks a lot and Namaskar.
Posted by: Aditya | April 05, 2007 at 04:41 AM
Hi Lori - I'm also glad you could be there for your mom at the end, since life and death are things that matter. As for finances, autonomy is always preferable to feeling unable to TCB. The fire trines should be good to regenerate the sense of thriving. Much of what you describe about struggle is common to us all at one time and another, and part of your mythic journey. And yes, I'm in Los Angeles, Westwood area (at least for now.) Thanks for the greetings.
Hi Aditya - Perhaps Jupiter is showing you other things to concentrate on so you can pick things up this Summer when it goes direct. And it may not have anything to do with Jupiter, unless whatever has reversed itself is ruled by Jupiter. You may be dealing with Mars, or Mercury, or some other energy that rules whatever it was that went askew. Much of life is about us learning adaptability, courage, and perseverence as we maneuver life's changes. To defer is not to abandon, and getting what we expect is less important than our creative imagination working when we need it.
Posted by: Robert | April 05, 2007 at 07:31 AM
Hi Robert, me again. I have Saturn in Sagittarius in the 3rd house. How does this tranist affect me? I've learned alot about communications in my life as my mouth has almost always gotten me into trouble. I think it has a lot to do with that Sagittarius bluntness. (LOL)
Posted by: Phyllis | April 05, 2007 at 07:56 AM
Hi Robert, Thanks for your reply. My plans related to my 10th House of profession. I have Pluto in 5 Libra (10th House) and the rest of the positions are
Sun: 00°44' Aries Jupiter:03°04' Pisces
Moon: 05°49' Pisces Saturn: 28°15' Gemini
Mercury: 03°05' Pisces Uranus: 26°47' Libra
Venus: 15°06' Aquarius Neptune:09°36' Sagittarius
Mars: 12°37' Gemini Pluto: 05°36' Libra
I hope you have the time to suggest something in brief. I know you are busy. Thank you and Namskar to you.
Posted by: Aditya | April 05, 2007 at 08:09 AM
Hi Phyllis - I hope today's post helps expand on how this transit affects you. In any case, you now understand your Saturn better.
Hi Aditya - You are dealing with Pluto opposing your Saturn favorable to your Uranus. Be self-reliant, and strike quickly in new ways. Jupiter should be assisting you the next few months professionally. Think big, overseas, higher education, or media. Make hay while Jupiter is in Sag, since when Saturn goes into Virgo it will bring many things to the surface, forcing you to cut back in some ways to expand in others.
Posted by: Robert | April 05, 2007 at 10:00 AM
Thank you Robert. I guess i should learn patience too. I am living overseas(from my birth place). I have to learn to think BIG. You are a good person, Robert. We need more people in this world like you. Namaskarams
Posted by: Aditya | April 05, 2007 at 06:21 PM
I agree.
Posted by: Larissa | April 05, 2007 at 06:49 PM
Hi Aditya and Larissa - Thanks.
Posted by: Robert | April 06, 2007 at 08:50 AM
I live in North Denver near Boulder, CO. We are getting more snow, cold, ice etc today - but the flip side to that is, we'll have more beautiful wild flowers in the mountains, the animals will have more to graze on in the meadows and the underground water tables will have more for the wells. More run off from the high peaks for folks living down here.
Can you tell I lived in the mountains for 11 years? Someday I hope to return to that. I am still selling my old stuff on Craig's List and everyone who has bought something, thus far has walked away happy. Releasing old energy and making room for new energy.
It helps the budget but I want to thrive again, not just keep head above water. I try to be proactive and think outside the box and Craigs List is great for that.
I know where Westwood is, I went to college in Thousand Oaks (Thousand Jokes?) in the 70's. (LOL makes me sound old I am about to turn 50.). I can remember Alice's Restaurant when I was in college.
Thanks for being there for us all!
I went out to a lake yesterday and released white balloons into the air for mom in honor of her and easter. I wrote a family member name on each balloon and on her balloon - the 6th one wrote a message for her. I watched them all go up in the air in unison.
Jupiter is retrograde in my 1st house. Saturn is also natally in the 1st. Saturn in Sagittarius. It must be why we had horses when I was a kid - and they used to be my after school get away as a kid, to get away from any other heaviness that may have been going on. As a kid I always felt myself with the horses, when I didn't always otherwise. Pluto in the 2nd must be related to my releasing all of this old stuff on Craig's list.
Posted by: Lori | April 07, 2007 at 02:30 PM
Lori: have you even thought of writing a book?
Posted by: Larissa | April 07, 2007 at 03:05 PM
Name: Lori Flory
Date: Sep 21, 1957
Time: 11:19:00 AM PDT +07:00
Place: Coalinga, CA
120W21'33" 36N08'23"
My website is at (enjoy!)
Thanks for being there!
Posted by: Lori | April 10, 2007 at 03:29 PM