by Robert Wilkinson
In part 1 I discussed the general quality of Saturn's direct motion in Leo these next few months and what lessons we've been learning. In part 2 I outlined which generations were specifically affected most energetically. Today we explore how this period will affect each individual birthday and sign.
The effect will continue past August, but will have a different quality, since at that time Saturn shifts out of the Fire sign of Leo into the Earth sign of Virgo. I'll address the Saturn in Virgo effect for all signs this Summer. Saturn is more harmonious with Earth signs, as it rules Capricorn. Still, the rest of its stay in Leo should be somewhat inspired, since it's involved in the Grand Fire Trines through June, and trine Pluto through August. So how will it affect different birthdays?
For Aries born before April 8, Saturn is in your 5th house. This has restricted and/or matured how you play and create. Lessons around children, self-expression, and how much fun you are or are not having. You've been learning how to play at your work and work at your play. Aries born after that day are experiencing Saturn's transition between the 4th and the 5th, showing you've reached a new platform of existence or new way of relating to your family or your past. Eliminate negative memories and move forward. All Aries need to focus on cutting through obstacles in their profession or group work.
For Taurus born before May 8, Saturn is in your 4th house. This has taught you lessons about family, home, or land, and shown you the basis of future achievement. If your home is a burden, reorganize the division of labor. Tauruses born after that day are experiencing Saturn's transition from the 3rd to the 4th. You have learned new communication skills, or ways of interpreting perceptions, and seeing the groundwork for the next 15 years of achievement. All Tauruses need to focus on cutting through obstacles in their higher view, truth, vision of the future, and profession.
For Gemini born before June 9, Saturn is in your 3rd house. This has taught you heavy lessons about communication and perception, or through siblings having a hard time. Your environment may have become a significant factor in your mindset, and you're probably wondering how to get people closer to you. Geminis born after that day are experiencing Saturn's transition from the 2nd to the 3rd. You have learned heavy lessons about values, resources, and stewardship of money. All Geminis need to focus on cutting through obstacles in shared resources and getting a higher, wider view.
For Cancer born before July 10, Saturn is in your 2nd house. This has taught you heavy lessons about what is and is not valuable, and why you use what you do the way you do. You've had to mature about money and resources, and be more creative and loving. Cancers born after that day are experiencing Saturn's transition from the 1st to the 2nd. You have had significant maturation resulting from accepting heavy obligations or a more significant role or duties. All Cancers need to focus on cutting through obstacles in relationships, and regenerate a wider vision of greater world service.
For Leo born before August 10, Saturn is in your 1st house. This has brought intensified rigor into your life, and you're now trained to do more important things than ever before. Your maturity and experience is now ready to express itself in a new worldly role. Leos born after that day are experiencing Saturn's transition from the 12th into the 1st house. You have had to bring many things to an end and see the "movie of your life" through more loving eyes. All Leos need to focus on cutting through obstacles in their work, health, and go deeper in the realm of equal relationships.
For Virgo born before September 10, Saturn is in your 12th house. This has brought many endings to your life, and enabled you to see old sorrows and problematic behaviors in a larger context. If your karma is heavy, be more loving. Virgos born after that day are experiencing Saturn's transition from the 11th to the 12th. You have redefined your goals, ambitions, and what you want in the way of friendships, and beginning a long term closure. All Virgos need to focus on cutting through obstacles in self-expression, relationships with children, and getting a wider view of work.
For Libra born before October 11, Saturn is in your 11th house. This has brought changes in friendships, goals, ambitions, and helped you see a more significant world service. Libras born after that day are experiencing Saturn's transition from the 10th to the 11th. The time of recognition and heavy work duties is passing into a greater view. All Libras need to focus on cutting through obstacles involving home, family, and redefining themselves in a larger context, as well as being more impersonal and detached in how they relate to children, play, and self-expression.
For Scorpio born before November 10, Saturn is in your 10th house. This has brought you recognition, authority, and maybe personal power, but probably also heavy public or professional responsibilities. Scorpios born after that day are experiencing Saturn's transition from the 9th to the 10th. You have seen a greater vision or truth, redefined what you want the future to look like and are about to get more recognition whether you want it or not. All Scorpios need to focus on cutting through obstacles in learning and communicating to set the groundwork for long range future successes.
For Sagittarius born before December 10, Saturn is in your 9th house. This has brought you a new vision, new truths, and wider ways of viewing your future. Keep broadening your understanding of higher things. Go back to school if necessary. Sagittarians born after that day are experiencing Saturn's transition from the 8th to the 9th. Losses have given you a chance to regenerate or regard collective values differently, and you're moving into a wider future. All Sagittarians need to focus on cutting through obstacles regarding money, communications, and sibling relationships.
For Capricorn born before January 8, Saturn is in your 8th house. This has brought you losses while maturing your sense of sharing and what your society values. You have learned to be a good steward of wealth. Capricorns born after that day are experiencing Saturn's transition from the 7th to the 8th. Hard lessons in human relations have made you more mature and loving, and you're about to let go of some things in order to acquire different self awareness in the future. All Capricorns need to focus on cutting through obstacles in their self image, what they value, and why.
For Aquarian born before February 7, Saturn is in your 7th house. This has brought you mature and deep relationships, while forcing you to see you are an equal, and not superior to others you're close to. You've begun a 10 year rise in power and influence. Aquarius born after that day are experiencing Saturn's transition from the 6th to the 7th, bringing major lessons in health and work preparing you for a whole new type and level of relating with others. All Aquarians need to focus on cutting through obstacles in their motives, self image, and old ghosts from the past they no longer need.
For Pisces born before March 8, Saturn is in your 6th house. This has brought you significant lessons around work and health, and forced you to be more practical, loving, and demonstrative. You're preparing for new relationships to come soon. Pisceans born after that day are experiencing Saturn's transition from the 5th to the 6th, bringing major lessons regarding children, play, and creative self expression. All Pisces need to focus on cutting through obstacles in their friendships, larger view, and how they experience and deal with old regrets and problematic behaviors.
(You can extrapolate these interpretations for your Ascendant. If before 19 degrees of a sign, the first part of the paragraphs apply to you. If after 19 degrees of a sign, the second part is more relevant. More personal interpretations of Saturn's transit through your houses are not possible for me to answer in the comment streams, due to too many variables I cannot explain here.)
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
My dear Robert,am thinking about my life thus actually getting signs which are unexplainable in a logical terms..there are time when am getting some kind of dejavu and things that I say spontaneously,happen..any explanation to that Robert?Thank you
Posted by: ann | April 05, 2007 at 10:10 AM
The past month ever since the lunar and solar eclipses I have been experiencing weird restlessness.
I just feel like breaking free from the shell I have on. God help me ride this wave through safely.
Thanks for this wonderful website!!!
Posted by: Madhu | April 05, 2007 at 10:22 AM
Hello Robert, I'm a Gemini born May 31st, with ascendant at 9th degree of Cancer. Which transits are more important, the ones through our natal chart (in this case Saturn is in my 2nd house) or the one that is valid for all other sun signs (in this case going through my 3rd house)? I've always wondered which one is more important or harder.
Posted by: Alix | April 05, 2007 at 12:31 PM
Hi ann - As I'm sure you know, I spoke of this in the other comment stream. It's the Grand Irrationality.
Hi Madhu - It's all a Uranian wild ride, so welcome to that most interesting and erratic energy. Given that the Moon of the Lunar Eclipse was in the Grand Irrationality, no wonder things are weirder than ever. And of course you're welcome.
Hi Alix - Saturn in your 2nd is very important relative to your evolving self image. However, the Solar positions are equally important just in different ways, so definitely read Saturn in the 3rd to see how Saturn is helping you structure your Light.
Posted by: Robert | April 05, 2007 at 01:56 PM
Robert, I need my mojo report. Please let me know what info you wll need and i will email it to you. Place and time of birth?
Posted by: Larissa | April 05, 2007 at 04:56 PM
Hi Robert
Any insights on a friendship/romance/work relationship between me 04/15/1971 and another 04/09/1968 - we met close to last sept's eclipse and have found ourselves working together ever since on house flip projects he is a contractor - we are definitely on some sort of journey together although i don't think it is a romantic one
Posted by: carolyn | April 05, 2007 at 04:58 PM
Pig and Monkey are great friends. You will laugh a lot. Two Aries will go well too. Robert will have better insight on this, but this is what I see.
Posted by: Larissa | April 05, 2007 at 05:08 PM
Hello Robert,
First off, I am amazed that you somehow find the time to write such in depth articles AND comment so profusely. Let me add my own deep appreciation for the abundant insight you offer to us all!
So I'm a tad confused, but that's most likely because I'm not reading things right. My birthday's April 3rd 1972, Gemini Ascendant. It looks like Saturn's current position is in my 4th house, not 5th...but still, you are utterly right on with "Lessons around children, self-expression, and how much fun you are or are not having". And obstacles over my professional life have been major, but for the moment I have navigated around them and my work is going terrifically. I am also currently planning a new business venture with a fellow Aries -- is that smart or am I in for a whole lotta fiery trouble? :)
An unrelated question -- my third Jupiter Return begins in 2008 (Jup. in Capricorn). Any thoughts on what I may expect? Of course, I'm asking this from afar with little data, and to a guy who clearly has his hands full to overflowing, so I vastly appreciate even the most cursory reply.
THANK YOU! Your site is helping me greatly in my quest for more positive perspectives on all things.
Posted by: Brian A | April 05, 2007 at 06:27 PM
Hi Larissa - Yes, I need your birth info, and you need to send me a check. Email me and we'll go from there.
Hi cb - Your mutual Venus-Mars connects are mainly good, as is your Moon-Jupiter in Sag, though Saturn was in Aries in 1968, showing that while he's attracted to Aries (Venus in Aries) he also is prone to Saturnine control issues. It would seem a great adventure in freedom for two Aries, though you will have to hold your own. Of course, should it get serious, you may want to consider a full compatibility reading with me or someone else, since there are layers upon layers of how any two beings relate to each other.
Hi Brian - Well, I can write the quantity I do for awhile, though at some point I MUST take time off to write a book or two that are already virtually complete in my brain, as well as notes. Your Aries Sun needs to read Saturn in the 5th house. If your Gemini rising is before 20 degrees, read Saturn in the 3rd. If after 20 degrees, Saturn's in your 2nd going into your third. If your IC is before 20 Virgo, Saturn's in your 3rd. If your IC is less than 9 Virgo, Saturn will be in your 3rd through next Spring.
Business ventures are best addressed through a reading, not a comment stream, since they involve in-depth analysis. I wouldn't want someone to take a few words from a comment stream and base major life decisions on it. As for Jupiter returns, they re-set the clock (so to speak) on the Jupiter-ruled areas of the chart, and renew the vision, the adventure, the opening to a larger life. It renews your response in all planets in Sag or Pisces, as well as those houses.
Posted by: Robert | April 06, 2007 at 08:49 AM
Thanks Robert, believe me I would never base a life decision on a comment stream. But I do appreciate your insights.
Can you let me know how I can go about acquiring a paid reading? You may e-mail me at bri*at*mac*dot*com.
Thanks 'gain!
Posted by: Brian A | April 06, 2007 at 10:18 AM
Thanks a million - "LONG TERM CLOSURE" Yes sir, that would pretty much explain everything for me.
Posted by: Phyllis | April 06, 2007 at 02:28 PM
Hi Robert,
I have been told that in my chart there is a "Cinderella Yod". I was curious what exactly that is and how it will affect me. My birthday is 09-25-1984. I appreciate your insights!! Your site is amazing.
Posted by: Mrs.Yeomans | December 29, 2007 at 10:40 PM
Hi Mrs.Yeomans - Thanks for your praise of the site. I have no idea why you were told what you were told. All of your planets fall between Virgo and Capricorn. A Yod involves two planets in sextile with a third at the inverse midpoint. No such thing exists among your planets. Perhaps it involves your Ascendant, but I have no way of knowing. I've also never heard of a "Cinderella" anything in astrology, though having studied some mythologies, I am familiar with original forms of that profound Feminine mystery tale. The original story is a much deeper exploration of the eternal Feminine than the watered down superficial versions most in the world have read.
Posted by: Robert | December 31, 2007 at 08:44 AM