by Robert Wilkinson
The New Moon is the conjunction of the Moon and Sun, and sets the pattern for what will come during the next four weeks. This New Moon falls on April 17, 4:36 am PDT, at 28 Aries, a degree of shedding new light on old ideas, views, and opinions, and busting illusions. We will all be held accountable for something in the house this lunation falls in. It is an extraordinarily well-aspected New Moon, and with Mars the ruler of the lights at 9 Pisces conjunct North Node and Uranus, expect Compassion to be a major theme, with a quickening that will spur us toward speedy attainment of some social goal.
The New Moon is a Bucket, with Saturn as the nozzle, described in this article, along with an elaboration on Saturn's stationary direct degree of 19 Leo, promising us all "freedom from social rigidity" and "the transforming power of joy over routine existence," and "human fellowship in the effort to make life happier, freer." This New Moon is within range of the Grand Fire Trine also described in that article, so the next few weeks will accent this Fiery configuration fueled by harmonious aspects to Neptune in Airy Aquarius and Venus in early Gemini.
We should see heightened spiritual sensitivity in this period, and with Venus quintile Saturn, expect unique circumstances around interpersonal relations that prove delightful, creative, and productive of a form of nourishment arising from a combination of faith and effort. Venus will build through favorable aspects to every planet except the square to Mars, and so will release tremendously diverse discoveries that will contribute to the quickening I've described.
The only other disharmonious aspect helping release the productive energies of the Grand Fire Trine comes from Jupiter square Uranus. These will also play a part in how the major spiritual realizations arising from Venus and Uranus both novile the Lunation show themselves. Some things that have been "wandering in the desert" or "up on the shelf" will now begin to play a larger part in our lives, depending on where the Venus binovile Uranus falls in our charts. Since both Jupiter and Uranus have such favorable aspects to them from other planets, this square will be beneficial in serving to release what each other build.
Saturn quincunx Uranus shows adjustments and sacrifices necessary to express the revolutionary self-renewal promised by Uranus in a form of liberation from old social forms indicated by Saturn. We can all find productive growth in confronting our need for self-purification to achieve freedom from bondage to inhibitions resulting in an adjustment of the relationship of our Spirit to our body. Follow your increasing self-confidence into a view where you see that you're waiting for conditions to catch up to what you've already prepared for.
The other areas of productive growth involve withdrawing from stifling circumstances and getting a strife transcending point of view, seeing the bigger picture of things as you remove from areas of "pollution," whether physical, emotional, or mental. Learn to live in ways that preserve your potency by knowing when to assert and when to withdraw. Use creative imagination to achieve a poised and dispassionate outlook based in a noble dignity and integrity.
The natural understanding that should come from all this over the next few weeks should find us all in a larger sustainable social experience, along with a yearning for a "new order of selfhood." This is a natural emergence point for the new self we've been striving to bring forth. and promises more stable, loving forms of expression if we're willing to reorganize the areas of our lives most impacted by Saturn.
In a week or so I'll speak about the Full Moon of May 2, 2007 that falls at 12 degrees of Scorpio-Taurus, aka "The Wesak Festival," globally celebrated as the birthday of the Buddha, and a lunation when it is said the Eternal "Buddha Nature" again releases its promise of conscious illumination and enlightenment forms to all of humanity. We are approaching the second of the three "High Moons" that usher in new life, new realizations, and new loving wisdom each year. More on that to come.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Well,it's a bit after 7.45pm in malaysia and the beginning of the new aries moon.I really hope things will improve after this.
Posted by: Satvinder | April 17, 2007 at 05:00 AM
Hi Satvinder - Given the aspects this lunation makes, it should on the whole be very productive of eliminating the old to make way for the new, even if some old illusions are busted. Be fearless and constructive in facing facts, and make adjustments as needed. Aum.
Posted by: Robert | April 17, 2007 at 07:50 AM
Dear Robert, After listening to the convocation on all the news channels today after yesterday's massacre at Virginia Tech, with much emotion I looked to see what happened astrologically. How can we define or explain such horror? I read one of your listed links, Uranias9thHouse, and this was posted on 4/16:
Sabian Symbolism Moon at 28 Aries.
A new light is shed upon cherished ideas. Fearless, constructive and public facing of the facts of existence. Adjustment."
May all who suffered and are suffering find peace. May we continue to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
Thank you Robert for your continued goodwill towards all and everything.
Posted by: Diane | April 17, 2007 at 02:07 PM