by Robert Wilkinson
Besides a great alliteration, it's one model evolving for human progress. Since we are interactive beings, human evolution brings lessons in the interpersonal realm. How we dance with others will determine the roles we will play in the evolving world careening toward some major changes over the next 2000 days.
What's in motion has shown as many all over the world being stimulating toward a previously unknown aspiration and awareness. People everywhere are embracing the unknown, whether consciously or unconsciously. Most definitely our collective striving is bringing something forth, since "matter follows thought." Globally, our clarity, intention, and perseverence play a major part in what happens when.
Accompanied by a heightened sense or urgency, Spirits are awakening all over the world to something radically different from our usual way of viewing reality, but somehow is also strangely familiar. That's because collectively we're remembering something we forgot, and must remember in order to fulfill the potential of goodness, truth, and beauty on our Earth.
As I recently wrote, I believe we've collectively entered the front edge of a great evolutionary leap in how we relate to each other and all that is. The years ahead will spur everyone with a brain and conscience into their higher interests, since after all, we ARE on a collision course with a higher "destiny" over the next 2000 days.
I envision what we presently consider "miracles and wonder" to become a regular part of our lives, though we must remember that occasionally the birthing of a child (or a new way of viewing life on Earth) is not a comfortable affair. Beautiful, filled with love, devotion, and awe at the workings of the "Great Mystery" but easy? Any woman who's ever given birth knows the answer to that one!
Welcome to the 21st Century Divine Mother consciousness. Every so often humanity re-invents their notion of "God." We're on the front edge of "the history of the future." If "God is One," the Monad that is indivisible, then any collective realization of "God," or "Truth," must help us break free of the chains of perceiving our separateness rather than experiencing our oneness with ALL that IS.
That's the advantage of using the polarizations to free ourselves from being unconscious market segments, the learned illusions leading to a sense of extreme "difference" and a disorientation through an artificial sense of separateness. Though the passage is uncertain (as all passages are!) the goal is to increase our connectedness with whatever calls our hearts. Humanity is truly on a Path of Return, leaving behind the collective delusion of ignorance and fear characterizing the Kali Yuga while embracing the electromagnetic remembrance of the Dwapara Yuga. Aum Namah Shivaya!
Nowhere is this revolution in consciousness being reported in the official or unoffical news "sources." How do you describe something beyond the metaphors of the culture? Accompanying this revolution in consciousness is the wide spread realization that we cannot sustain the social structures we've created due to evolutionary necessities and a deficiency of imagination in the so-called "leaders" of our modern world. Our sense of urgency is born of knowing something BIG is happening, and we're being offered opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow into our higher function as part of Nature Herself.
All of Nature demonstrates the concept of "community." We have much to learn from how Nature self-organizes, if we would create organic systems that are in harmony with what is. We can shape our process, the process, and maneuver through the circumstances as we're pulled toward our true friends and community.
As we embrace different models of relating to ourselves, each other, and all that IS, we have the power to experience the process as we will. We can drop old assumptions and habits of how we relate to others and reality and enjoy the process without judging it or ourselves with the harsh judgements of ego.
There will always be myriad problems and issues associated with living in community. These have to do with individual differences, a lack of clarity in goals, and human unconsciousness. Ego is always an issue where we relate to other. Still, in any community things must be accomplished, and we need a relatively strong ego to deal with the world.
That's why we must build our dream according to our heart while joining with others in conscious community. My own heart's ideal has been places where we can connect, play, and create while inspired by the environment. Each has their dream, and in community with like-minded Souls much can be accomplished in a relatively short time, both in the practical and ideal world.
Ultimately, all efforts at creating conscious community are part of the "string of pearls," my term describing what I see emerging, a global group of diverse groups all interrelated in one way or another. Each has their own practical and ideal function based in who's cooperating to what intention. Everyone can find others who share a common dream.
We're forming all over the world, since we know the current dying systems cannot last long. Cooperation is the keyword of all such projects, since no one person has everything needed to bring forth the best. When each does their best with an eye to cooperative initiatives, a synthesis takes place and unexpectedly great things happen very easily, despite the usual worldly inertias.
Once we learn we have a part to play, it's easy. Everything is focused through principles of Realization, then Application, then Utilization, and each thing accomplished yields fortunate future consequences and challenges. Each has their unique part to play in any community, some move between communities, and some interface with the unknown. We're creating the manifestation we would bring forth, and all volunteer for duty. Realize what you need to. Apply your realizations until you master the nuances. Then skillfully use your practice for the greater interactive good. Oh yeah - Enjoy!
(This was inspired by some recent comments, in case some of it looks familiar.)
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Ladies and gentlemen!
This versification was written during the conference
"Civic Society and Professional Communities:Successful Future in the Internet" several years ago and it seems to fit the topic...
What is the guiding opportunity
to self-efficient community?
Web,like community of straws,
interconnected by strict laws,
involves the structure with its norms
which makes crystallisation go.
Process continues as an echo,
though every cell recalls its mecca.
Humanitarian appeals
prompt clever spider ways and means.
The human values,voices,muses
demand true ethics,fair uses.
Crosscultural approach to life
lets human beings stay alive.
Let interpersonal connections
result in fruitful interactions.
Let Pure Light be always right!
*Spider-1)a profi in weaving,including cloth of destiny
2)a straw mobile in the form of a double pyramid,hung under the ceiling
Posted by: Svetlana | May 29, 2007 at 02:00 AM
Some old African (I think) wisdom says:
"If you want to go fast, go alone
If you want to go far, go together."
Great article, Robert!
Posted by: Katrina | May 29, 2007 at 03:47 AM
Hi Robert!
As you know, I am working in the field of shifts in the money/investment/redefining success field. If we put ourselves on the hamster wheel of the predominant old paradigm, we are always struggling, always uphill, always poor, wanting more of.... whatever is the next carrot.
If we drop that matrix, we can consciously create a way of living together - as long as we share priorities and core agreements - that enlivens all of us. We can bless and thank the 20th century for educating us out of our poverty, and move on. Can't wait to hear more! You are on a major roll! blessings, k
Posted by: kathy | May 29, 2007 at 05:27 AM
Hi Svetlana - Bravo! Great verse!! Without community we are nothing, and in any community there is a web of connectedness, where we glide from space to space without straining the connecting links between us. The "laws" are not so "strict" as immutable, since they are based on the structure of evolving Kosmos as this integrated whole is mirrored in the particular. "True ethics, fair uses" are the antidotes to "the tragedy of the commons," and in practicing these all our true needs are addressed, with no waste or resentment. And our interactions are much like pollinators taking what is needed from one, depositing it with another, and fruits spring forth in the coming season, each in the right way and time. Thanks for the inspiration!!
Hi Katrina - Thanks. The wisdom of the saying could be ancient African, Keltic, or even Dravidian, for that matter. Regardless of its origin, it's very, very true. To quote another venerable source of antiquity, "Pleasure shared is pleasure doubled."
Hi kathy - Thanks. You're right on about moving away from false competitions and perceptions based on lack, or hierarchy, since interdependence will be the primary guiding principle in the decades to come. Not just ours with others, but the entire web of life that sustains us ALL. We are remembering our electromagnetic nature that connects us to a larger field of all that is. Next stop: miracles and wonder. Beyond that? More miracles and wonder. It's all a matter of perception.
Posted by: Robert | May 29, 2007 at 08:29 AM
Beautiful Beautiful and right on time what a day..I feel as if everyday is wake up and fight for the truth...Community has been a vision of mine since childhood...Yes Mon Thank You My fellow OLD Soul...Having become a News Junkie I go and read and Then get totally overwhelmed to the point of tears and then I bounce over here and My heart feels so much better when I get the REAL NEWS..
Thank You Robert for all the energy you are putting into saving US your thoughtful and heart centered insight.......
Bless Bless
Posted by: Donna Notmany | May 29, 2007 at 03:33 PM
This is related to the age of aquarius I believe: cooperatiom, brotherhood, humanity, communication, knowledge and wisdom, equality of opportunities, freedom...
Posted by: Irpsit | May 30, 2007 at 03:08 AM
Hi Donna - Every day is a glorious "fight for the truth," where we can sing and dance and challenge and joke and walk and talk and come to some aspect of "the truth" as it reveals itself to us in the moment. Jah Eirie. May we all find the sanctuary of the heart so that we can remember One Life, One Love, One Earth, One Humanity, One Race - the Human Race.
Hi Irpsit - You bet. The future of humanity is so bright we're going to have to wear shades. ;-) And that's exactly why as the Age of Pisces grinds to its fading into the sunset of history, we must strive to hold the light of a higher Love despite the despair swirling around the crumbling of old power-based models. Aum Namah Shivaya!
Posted by: Robert | May 30, 2007 at 07:51 AM
Dear Robert
Thanking you for this positive view Aum Namah Shivaya Felita
Posted by: Felita | February 14, 2008 at 10:07 PM
Hey Everyone!,
It is great to stumble across a website dedicated to conscious understanding. The understanding of what I call a 'prosperity network' is evolving, and to see people express the same thoughts and realizations as i have also had gives even more hope. A dream of mine would be to create such a network or community that can be self sustained, not dependent upon the current ways the world gets energy, but instead focused on the natural ways of getting energy ie. solar, wind, tidal, geothermal etc. A community of people helping people be aware, awake, and conscious. Of course the only time to start is now, and I think that upon becoming the right partners, we will attract the right partners, or community. Thank you all for your optimism! Peace and One love to all.
Posted by: Kyle | January 10, 2010 at 12:44 PM
Won't it be great when the natural energy sources you speak of Kyle won't be called alternative anymore. We're fighting wind turbines here. Now wind energy sounds good, right? But not if the huge turbines are close to residences creating neurological dysfunctions in man and beast with the constant vibrations, shadow flicker, and red lights at night. I am all for point source energy like on our homes and businesses. We feed the system our excess. It puts the power in the hands of the people instead of the corporate fleecers. Energy usage is down here with the financial slow down, but the utility company just raised prices because they don't have enough money to operate. Supply and demand is down the crapper?
It's happening. Slowly but surely. If only "health care" reform and Jupiter in Pisces, followed by Neptune, doesn't mandate that I turn into a drug addict? Naaaaaaaaaaa, the system is getting too top heavy to manage. We be good.
Posted by: caliban | January 11, 2010 at 01:02 PM
Hi Kyle - Yes, there is a vast network forming around the world. I termed it "the string of pearls" about 20 years ago, as I saw that interdependence was the way of this century, with a "group of groups" interconnected by various people and ideas consciously forging bonds and communities creating an electric and solar fiery matrix of magnetism weaved by love. Your dream is shared by many; may you find allies here and everywhere you look, and consciously cooperate in building such a sustainable experiment in community.
Hi caliban - Yes, well, alternative is still anathema to the powers that be, whether alternative lifestyles or alternative philosophies, alternative science or alternative energy. Point source is ideal, but "they" need grids to make sure the geld flows in as the power flows out. And there are some places where, regardless of what the law intends, they still will not allow the flow to run backwards into the grid, having made sure that their profits are maximized.
Posted by: Robert | January 19, 2010 at 02:41 PM