by Robert Wilkinson
Today we give a major league Happy Birthday to the pioneer of "free will" astrology, the venerable Grant Lewi. College professor, author and publisher, this legendary astrologer gave the world more than a few masterpieces of astrological knowledge, and is still my first suggestion for those who want to begin learning, or advance their knowledge of astrology.
He was a contemporary of Dane Rudhyar, and maintained a counseling practice right up to his death from a cerebral hemmorhage, which he predicted with eerie accuracy. If you want a far more comprehensive "sketch" of his life, please go to my article The Gemini Pioneer of Free Will Astrology, Grant Lewi which explains more of this legend and the pioneering approaches he took to catapult astrology out of superstition and mental enslavement of the ignorant.
He wrote many articles as Editor of Horoscope and The Astrologer magazines, and was a truly literate man with a sense of humor and perspective. After you go to the bio above, please check out my book reviews of his two masterworks, Heaven Knows What and Astrology For the Millions if you want to know more. The former was written in 1935, and is still one of the most respected benchmarks for Sun-Moon combinations and aspects. The latter was written in 1940, and is still one of the best works for interpreting transits, as well as planets in signs. There are also other very special elements in this work. As I wrote in the review:
The unexpected gems of this volume, though, are the chapters preceding the part on the planets in the signs. They are almost like a series of essays that are remarkable in the perspectives they offer. Chapter 1, “Why I Believe In Astrology,” is a brilliant argument for the validity of the sacred art-science of astrology, and offers all a grounded and reasonable approach to take when challenged by those who are antagonistic toward astrology. In “The Everlasting Quest,” “The Pattern Of Life,” “The Truth About Prophesy,” and “Fate Or Free Will?” he offers us ways of happiness, ways of power, and ways of reasoning. He then shows us how the planetary patterns work in the charts of the powerful, as well as the charts of “ordinary” mortals.
So here's a huge Happy 105th Birthday to you, Grant. Without you I wouldn't know what I know today. Thanks for everything. You are one of the greatest of all time, and every astrologer everywhere owes you all the gratitude they can offer for what you gave the world. I'm sure you and Carl are having a big time in whatever frequency zone you're on. Today I'm there with you.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert,
I want to wish also happy birthday to Mr. Lewi. I love his interpretation for my upcoming Saturn conjunct Sun (cue: sinister music, thunder clapping.) In fact, I look forward to see what happens. I am looking for a big reward for the last two years.
I actually look forward to the also dreaded Saturn conjunct Saturn (in my 12th house no less), as I feel that it marks an end to the last thirty year cycle in my life and a new one beginning.
He is one of the few astrologers who looks for the best of "bad" aspects.
I just wish I could get out of this restless mood I in for the last couple weeks. I’m confused right now on which direction to take.
Thanks for all you do.
Posted by: Helen | June 08, 2007 at 04:35 AM
Hi Helen - Actually, he was the FIRST to assert that we could control our responses to our Saturn transits rather than be victimized by them. Yes, the Saturn return - I'm approaching one myself! - is an end and beginning. As for restlessness, well, Saturn is exactly opposing Neptune AND Sun's been opposing Jupiter square Uranus. I'm sensing it as a vague notion to "break out" or "break free" of something very hard to pin down. Perhaps you're being called to ride the Fire Trine into unknown realms? There also seems to be an urgency in the air, probably because of the Sun-Jupiter-Uranus.
Posted by: Robert | June 08, 2007 at 08:07 AM
As a matter of fact, "Heaven Knows What" was my very first astrology book, bought through a book club in 1970 at age sixteen. I still consider it one of my most valuable sources. I think Grant Lewi lit the fire for me. Also his material on Saturn in "Astrology For the Millions" is the best advice to give anyone dealing with Saturn transits. He really puts your life into proper perspective. As I have ticked off numerous Saturn transits in my life already, I have found him to be right on the money every time. Happy birthday Grant Lewi!
Posted by: Valerie | June 08, 2007 at 06:57 PM
Hi Valerie - Yes, it was one of my first as well, along with "The A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator," a book thick enough to be a doorstop but priceless in terms of pulling a LOT of things together. Throw in some Charles E. O. Carter, Dane Rudhyar, and Alan Leo, and I was launched! His "defense of astrology" in Astrology for the Millions helped me frame some things in ways that confounded the skeptics early on. It doesn't exactly lend itself to verbatim recitation, but his sketch of the arguments against astrology and counterpoints are brilliant.
Posted by: Robert | June 08, 2007 at 08:01 PM
Hi Robert,
Again thanks for all you do. Part of my confusion and restless mood was I didn't know why step to take next in the writing career. (Another aspect possibility-Saturn squaring Jupiter in my natal chart.)
Yesterday, I took a trip down to Ann Arbor (Like you, I love college towns.)for fresh strawberries and advice. I got both.
I saw a couple of friends I hadn't seen in a long time. The one friend I saw gave me the wisdom I needed. She told me that Saturn slows motion down just to make sure that what I want is really what I want.
Now I leave it up to the universe and let it do its job. I will know in my gut the next direction to take when the time comes.
Posted by: Helen | June 10, 2007 at 06:16 AM