by Robert Wilkinson
I've been flooded over the years with questions about what to do if Mercury is retrograde AND there are things to be done, meetings scheduled, elements of projects that must be decided and implemented, and other such important matters. No problem! There are many things that move forward exactly as they should during Mercury retrograde periods. Though there may be delays and misunderstandings, there are ways to navigate these recurring periods and keep everything on track quite nicely.
First, the planets do not "cause" anything. Though things happen, or don't, during a retrograde, it has everything to do with us and others' actions and reactions to things, both past and present. The free will of human beings has far more power than a planetary retrograde! As I wrote in "A New Look at Mercury Retrograde," Chapter 1, "What Is Mercury Retrograde and Why Does It Seem to Cause So Many Hassles?"
Throughout the year, usually one or more planets are retrograde. Sometimes there are as many as four to six retrogrades occurring simultaneously... A planet, when retrograde, simply indicates a slowing of its orbital speed relative to the Sun from the perspective of the Earth. Some planets slow for a few weeks; some for a few months.... In our Solar system, the motion of the planets and the "lights" (the Sun and Moon) symbolize the ebb and flow of the universal life that we all live within.
This is why it is inappropriate to attribute a problem to a retrograde; though there may be some apparent correlation, a retrograde cannot "cause" anything. This may be the most commonly held misunderstanding about astrology and how it works. Any astrological configuration simply symbolizes a state of time within which life manifests. It is true that many things seem to happen because of an astrological association. However, the cause of all that happens (if and when there is a concrete cause at all) is a prior action, or inaction. All that is, all that occurs, is a part of a larger natural process of unfoldment. All our experiences give us opportunities to be led out of ignorance and fear of the unknown into a greater awareness of the interrelationships between all things.
Mercury retrograde is associated with the timing and coordination of things, as well as our communication and understanding. Make sure you and others are clear about your mutual understanding of what is, and what has to be done before whatever else is done.
It may be that more research needs to be done before making "final" decisions, or that a new approach should be taken regarding elements of whatever is being discussed. It can also mean that some things have to be done first before other things can be done, since Mercury is how we coordinate within and between multiple activities.
Mercury RX will most impact Mercurial affairs, as well as those areas in our charts where we have our natal and progressed Mercury and any planets and houses under the influence of Gemini and Virgo. It is important to remember that areas ruled by other planets will proceed according to their planetary ruler, with Mercury RX a secondary influence.
It will probably affect Mercury-ruled professions more than occupations ruled by other planets. For example, I doubt a surgeon's skills, ruled by Mars, will be affected by Mercury retrograde! (At least we hope not!!) However, it may be that if there are surgeries done during this time, extra attention should be taken to make everything is taken care of in an orderly fashion and no details overlooked. It may very well be that surgeries done during this time that correct problems from other times or other causes than the primary reason, or take care of business needed addressing before now, are favored.
I would think Mercury retrograde would be good for exploring multi-step processes from innovative angles, or from looking back on experiences that did and didn't work, to re-weave the fabric of activity. The trick is to adapt to a different pace of unfoldment, and not fall prey to believing that Mercury retrograde is "making bad things happen." Shift focus on how you think things should be, your sense of timing as well as how you react to the unexpected or unusual intrusions in action, thought, and feeling.
Expect returns, or build in future re-visiting of the goals and processes in your life. Many Mercury RX events have turned out to be great blessings in my life, and I've remembered, re-experienced, and gotten a new look at many things in my past, as well as reconnected with people I haven't been with in years. It can be a great time if we don't fall into funky head and heart spaces about the temporary changes.
So relax into the altered state, move with the changes, and get a different angle of seeing and interpreting the possibilities of this time. Take delays and misunderstandings in stride, and remember there are other planetary configurations going on that are just as important, if not more important, than Mercury retrograde.
More on Mercury retrograde and how to get the best from these periods at the link.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
This "fear" about Mercury R or any other planetary influences indicates how easily we are programmed and buy into negative beliefs and how those beliefs control our lives. And the importance of the language we use in explaining or describing something.
I remember having an older astrology book in which I tore out pages because of the negative language used in describing planetary influences.
What if a first experience with Mercury R was a positive one. That would inform all later feelings about it. It's like the kid at the plate waiting for that baseball. If his last time at bat was a homerun, his perception is one way. If it was a strikeout, his perception is another, and he would have to consciously use thought to change it. Ultimately, the perception changes from the inside out.
Posted by: Jay | June 18, 2007 at 03:46 PM
Hi Jay - A lot of times it seems that people infer things through associations which may not have anything to do with the cause-and-effect cycle. It's true that we all tend to buy into negative beliefs fairly easily, due to a lot of factors that began when we were infants and didn't get any better afterwards.
Language is all important, but that's a huge subject. That's why I try to use words precisely to describe specific things. Yes, many older astrology texts were very negative - that's one of the reasons I stopped using fixed stars in my readings.
Mercury RX people tend not to have the same time-sequence adjustments to make as we who have Mercury direct in our charts. I got it from all angles in my life, as I started with Mercury direct, it went RX when I was a kid, stayed RX for 20 years, and has been direct since then, speeding up. This gives me compassion for all of us, since we're all working at different rates of coordination and comprehension.
Posted by: Robert | June 18, 2007 at 06:14 PM
Hi All and especially, Job Seekers,
I have found on my recent career search that this period is great for reassessing what one wants out of his or her career path.
It appears to me that some new positions are opening up at this time, but they have not quite gelled. They are in research and development stages even though employers are sometimes wanting to fill these positions immediately. It seems best to wait until this Mercury RX is over and see what concepts, ideas and plans are grounded and which ones flew the coop.
On the other hand, it is a great time to get out there and do information interviews and apply for the various positions that interests you since Mercury (Gemini/Virgo) seem multifaceted. And seek employment where you feel at home and comfortable, where the people at the workplace can feel like a family (Cancer).
Network like crazy too. Socialize because you never know where the next job will come from and send resumes to people you knew in the past who might just happen to know a business or organization that can offer the perfect job for you.
At least this is what I am observing on my own job search.
And do not panic if Mercury and Uranus go retrograde. It's a great time for introspection and finding out what makes you tick and what you want to put into life as well as, get out of it.
Posted by: Patricia | June 19, 2007 at 04:05 PM
Hi Patricia - Yes, Mercury RX is great for reassessing many things! You're right on re: positions opening up that haven't quite solidified. It's like there are things that have to happen before other things can happen, also a RX phenomenon. And yes, sometimes employers have ideas that are fundamentally unreal, and so things get jammed until they get it right, usually after the RX is over. Everything you said about doing info interviews is spot on, and the insight about finding "family" when Mercury RX is in Cancer is perfect. Also what you said about networking, since Mercury RX can send bread (or resumes) on the waters that show up later on. Excellent insights!
Posted by: Robert | June 19, 2007 at 05:15 PM
Robert -- Help! Bought tickets overseas, travel starts on 28th! Memory betrays me recently, productiveness is near zero, intuition runs high! Spooky!
Posted by: larisa | June 23, 2007 at 06:18 PM
Thanks Patricia, for the career advice! It comes at a perfect time for me, since I interviewed for a job I wanted so badly in July, and them my employer had a hiring freeze, and then since I'm a temp employee, they let me go two weeks ago due to the budget. I am searching for a job,and appreciate your suggestions about networking, and finding a place where you can feel like family.
I'm trying not to panic about not having a job, and believing in my abilities. I'm focusing on a higher power to also help me find the career that is mine by divine plan, and which I can truly find a perfect self expression doing.
Posted by: Lisa | October 08, 2007 at 03:51 PM
Thank you, Robert. I find your articles so thought provoking and soulful. It's great to have this resource whenever I feel the need for commentary on what is going on in the world...
Just before this Mercury Retro period my dream job was suddenly advertised. I have to admit to thinking "oh no! I will have to fill in the application, send it, and if short-listed, do the interview during a mercury retro phase!" I was a bit concerned but I have to say I think the retro energy has helped me with the application process and figuring out why I want this job and really thinking through the whole thing right down to who the right referees would be etc. And the interesting thing is the organisation I am applying to is not "fully formed" yet - it is being re-vamped, re-developed and eventually re-opened next year SO, this could all be very good indeed. Anyway, won't know for another few weeks...
Very interesting stuff and thanks for sharing!
Posted by: mary | October 01, 2008 at 09:25 AM
Hi Mary - See, Mercury RX CAN be a good time for discovering things and alternative views that are useful in revealing our buy-in to various assumptions. It seems that your situation here is a perfect example of a Mercury RX process.
Posted by: Robert | October 03, 2008 at 07:01 AM