by Robert Wilkinson
This is something I wrote as an intro to my ancient website back in the late 90s. I just ran across it in an obscure part of the web, and thought you might like to take a look at where my head was at, and amazingly, still is. I address some of our 21st Century issues and where we're at from a vaster perspective. Given the racheting up of the violence and polarization of the past decade, this modest piece seems precient. I've only edited it to remove references to the old site.
The following is the original post:
What we call the "New Age" means many things to many people. It's definitely one of rapid change and we're living it, here and now! Our 21st Century New Age has many facets to its Mystery, some revolutionary, some traditional. Our new era is unfolding awesome possibilities, but also some fundamental problems, as we make our global transition in perception. The New Age is certainly challenging us to confront both the best and worst in our human-ness.
As a life form, we're collectively at a point where our own evolution has led many of us to a higher or deeper level of awareness. As a race, we are being shown the door to a way of viewing life in the material world unknown for over 12,000 years. As strange as it seems (given the surrealism of our present global problems), as a life wave we're moving out of separateness into an experience of the unified field of Life.
Though the human race has been sleepwalking in an unconscious violent duality for thousands of years, throughout the world many of us have come to realize that human hostility and destructiveness toward the Earth and each other is unsustainable. On every continent we humans are awakening to some pressing need that calls to our hearts, and rousing ourselves to forms of productive action.
Despite our present dilemmas and crises, from a broader point of view we're gradually but definitely moving into a new approach to perception, matter and each other. We are seeking ways to use our dualistic knowledge more effectively. This is triggering the imagination of the millions in our world who continually bring forth new forms in the various areas of human existence, from machines to medical breakthroughs to unlocking the secrets of Nature. It also includes those who work with inter-species communication, the environmental warriors, and relief and peace workers throughout the world, to name but a few.
Everywhere intelligent and compassionate people are embracing more humane and creative future-oriented social thinking, and/or finding ecologically sustainable ways of life. Globally, our One Life that we ALL are together is being revealed in some startling ways. In every nation we have hit a threshold of convergence of many aspects of our electromagnetic reality, and are of necessity examining our relationship to technology, matter, life, light, space, time, sound and each other.
We are moving out of a "belief versus doubt" paradigm (which creates uncertainty, fear, and polarization) into a larger synthesized understanding where many things come together in an effective, efficient inventive inclusiveness. Over time, a higher form of collective reason will triumph over the fear-based extremism of frustrated belief systems overly attached to things that are only temporarily real, or perhaps unreal. Science, art, and philosophy all aspire to bring forth that higher form of collective reason, shared by the world at large.
Since the technological mind has exalted medicine as a "pure" form of Truth, the New Age has brought forth the realm of holistic health, an amalgam of old and new healing practices. In recent years we have seen the pioneering mind-body breakthroughs of medical doctors like Deepak Chopra and Larry Dossey in the public realm. There are many others, and we have literally come to a point in history where we can give eyesight to those who once could only see blurs, and can diagnose and heal at long distances from the one who is "dis-eased."
This is just part of the on-going revelation about the Light/Life force we have and ARE, and how we may use it to heal ourselves and others. This seems to be one of the big points about being here, if we are to believe the Sages and miracle workers who have been here before us.
Another aspect of the New Age is the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. Whether in terms of beings from distant planets, or the Light bodies of those we call Masters of the Wisdom, we are searching for other intelligences that we know are "out there," somewhere. All of this is curiously linked with the mystery of how quantum physics is revealing in Nature an all-pervasive electromagnetic consciousness that seems to be the the nature of matter itself.
Our world is in metamorphosis; everyone agrees that we are in a dynamic state of transformation in our social, political, and economic systems. Our definitions of space, time, matter, light, motion, and life are all changing, due to the ever-increasing amount of information being offered to us across the broad spectrums of science, art, and spirituality.
At this site you are welcome to explore some of what we believe the New Age is about. Since it is a group work in progress, please offer your insights to us, and refer our site to others who might be interested. We are here to offer you doors to a different perception based in some larger forces, cycles, and activities going on that relate to the one Life that we all are together.
Over time, we will post essays and commentaries on spirituality and metaphysics, love horoscopes, free astrology reports, and will also bring you holistic health breakthroughs, as well as the latest info on "future science" to keep you hip to the leading edge of the NOW. Since it is an interactive universe, let us know what you would like to see, and we will bring what we can to your table.
And there you have it. Written all those years ago, somehow it seems that the past really is prologue. Namaskarams, Aum Namah Shivaya, and may the Prayer Wheel keep turning!
© Copyright 2007
I really enjoyed this post Robert. Your insights, as usual, are very perceptive. For what it is worth, back on 12.12.2005 I experienced an epiphany that we are living in the "End Times" and that we are on the cusp of a New Age, a golden age (this epiphany was triggered when I was reading the Hopi prophecies). Prior to this epiphany I was an agnostic who (I am ashamed to admit this now) laughed at astrology! But my epiphany revealed to me that the Sun and Earth and stars, etc are living, conscious beings. In addition, it revealed to me that all religions are true (an idea I rejected and thought was impossible prior to my epiphany) - and due to this knowledge, I discovered that even the Bible is rife with astrological references. I review this in two posts on my site:
We truly are on the cusp of a New Age.
Posted by: Thomas | July 20, 2007 at 08:23 AM