by Robert Wilkinson
Today we explore how Saturn in Virgo will affect all of us. This powerful transit is a force majure in its own right, regardless of how any other planet is affecting us. In classical astrology, Saturn is said to be fairly harmonious in the Earth sign of Virgo, as its nature is a combination of the Earth of Capricorn and Air of Aquarius. The mutable quality helps Saturn, since it's Cardinal (initiating) and Fixed (stabilizing) and can use the adaptability of the Mutable Virgo. Let's examine what its process has offered us the past few years, and what we'll be learning in the 2+ years to come in Virgo.
First, it's fairly safe to say that this period to come will be a welcome relief from Saturn being in "exile" or detriment while in Cancer and Leo, since it is no longer "out of its realm," or "at a distance" from its home. Saturn was in Cancer between the Summer of 2003 and Summer 2005, not an easy time for many of us. However, it made many of us aware of our needs, what we truly cared about at the “gut” level, how we wanted to relate to family, and how we needed to provide for ourselves effectively. In other words, all of our Cancerian issues were examined and reorganized.
In Leo, the sign of the heart, creativity, children, sports, and all artistic creations, we found what in these areas we could and could not live with between Summer 2005 and now, and either a) matured and became more comfortable in our wisdom, or b) got frustrated by trying to push the river or refusing to face key facts about our hearts, spontaneity, and ability to enjoy life more authentically.
Since 2005 we learned about blockages in these areas, and how our rules and restrictions, our “shoulds,” either helped or hindered these important areas of our lives. Saturn in Leo has shown us how we were limiting ourselves in our connectedness with life, and unnecessary rules around self-expression, joy, pleasures, or spontaneity.
Wherever we have Leo in our charts is where we let the light in, or found heart strength, love, and illumination. Saturn in Leo helped us restructure to bring new maturity and showing us how to take responsibility in ways allowing us greater enjoyment than before, or more organized and structured creativity. This transit, which started July 16, 2005, ends September 2, 2007.
During September, October, November, and December 2007, continuing through the begining of August 2008, it will primarily affect the first decan (10 degree span) of Virgo by conjunction, square, or opposition. Obviously, it will affect those with early Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Gemini Ascending through major endings, beginnings, emergences, and culminations, and directly impacts February Pisces, May Geminis, August Virgos, and November Sagittarians, as well as those signs born the first couple of days of the following months.
Beginning July 2008 it will become a shaping force for those born the first week of March, June, September, and December. By October 2008 it will powerfully affect those born the end of the first week and the second weeks of those months, this lasting through August 2009, after which it affects all those born the third weeks of those months.
It slips into Libra at the end of October 2009, going retrograde at 5 Libra in mid-January 2010, after which it returns to Virgo the second week of April 2010. It goes stationary direct at 28 Virgo at the end of May 2010, and remains in Virgo until late July 2010, when it returns to Libra for its stay there. As you know from this article on the coming Cardinal Squares and Crosses of Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013, there will be a powerful Jupiter in Aries opposition Saturn with both square Pluto in August 2010 which promises to heat things up in big ways globally. You can read more at Revolutionary Times Are Upon Us and Pluto, Cosmic Fire, and Navigating the Karma of Oppositions.
From July 2008 through August 2009, Saturn's influence will powerfully affect all planets in middle and later degrees of Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Gemini, and when it enters Libra, indicates major changes for September Libras, December Capricorns, March Aries, and June Cancers.
The larger groups most profoundly affected by the changes portended by Saturn in the first decan of Virgo include those born (month/year) with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto in the early degrees of the Mutable signs. A group profoundly affected are those born 10/56-1/57, 9/57-7/63, 1/95-4/95, and 11/95-10/2000. All these have Pluto in the first decan of Virgo or Sagittarius. Neptune is most challenged for those born 9/28-2/29 and 7/29-8/33 (Saturn conjuncts their Neptune in early Virgo), as well as those born 12/69-5/70 and 10/70-11/75 (Saturn square Neptune in early Sagittarius).
Saturn is challenging the Uranus of those born 3/19-8/19 and 1/20-1/23 (Uranus in early Pisces), 8/41-10/41 and 5/42-4/45 (early Gemini), 11/61-1/62 and 8/62-6/65 (early Virgo - MAJOR restructuring if you were born during these times!), 2/81-3/81 and 11/81-10/84 (early Sag), and those born recently (starting February 2003) with Uranus' latest entry into Pisces.
Those with Saturn anywhere in Virgo will be most impacted by their Saturn Return. Even if your Saturn is in late Virgo, you're still entering the Saturn Return zone, so the sooner you get the lessons, the better. This will help you re-set all your life rules, duties, and responsibilities, so when you're done with this article, please go to the one on the Saturn Return, since it offers helpful approaches to this most important time of your life.
Those having their Saturn Return the next few years are people born 8/19-10/21, 9/48-11/50, 3/51-8/51, 11/77-1/78, and 7/78-9/80. 2007-2008 will especially impact those born during the first part of these spans. Others affected by Saturn square or opposition their Saturn include those born 12/26-12/27 and 7/28-9/28 (early Sag), 2/35-2/36 (early Pisces), 5/42-5/43 (early Gemini), 1/56-5/56 and 10/56-10/57 (early Sag), 3/64-9/64, 12/64-3/65, and 10/65-12/65 (early Pisces), 6/71-6/72 and 1/73-3/73 (early Gemini). Younger groups include those born 11/85-11/86 and 7/87-9/87 (early Sagittarius), 5/93-7/93 and 1/94-1/95 (early Pisces), 8/2000-10/2000 and 4/01-4/02 (early Gemini). All people born during these time spans will experience a major shift in their priorities in the next year, and will learn what chains they must throw off because of ego-evolution necessities.
Those with Saturn in Gemini are going through new beginnings, while those born with Saturn in Sagittarius are experiencing important culminations and fulfillments in their old rules, systems, responsibilities, or duties. Those with Saturn in Pisces will go through major shifts in how they relate to people and opportunities. If you were born during one of these times, you will find yourself changing, becoming more mature, more understanding, more patient about some things, understanding boundaries in easier ways while being unable to continue living under older, obsolete rules and expectations.
Part two of this post will examine what each individual sign may expect from this influence in 2007-2008, so stay tuned.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Hello Robert,welcome back...I've a question;my birthday is 02/20/1973,Im a pisces and my ascendant is aquarius.Last 2 years was really hard about a professional relationship(I think because of saturn in Leo) but my romantic relationship was very fine and also I got married in june 2007.I read some articles about saturn in Virgo and says I will have hard times about relationships as a pisces.And your articles about saturn return and saturn in virgo.As a pisces who have aquarius ascendant will I have more hard times about my relationships? Im really confused about that.And also worry about saturn return because 7 years ago was really really hard for me...If you have some comments I'll be appreciated,welcome back again,
Posted by: ebru | August 20, 2007 at 02:04 AM
Nice stuff.
Saturn affects now relationships, in a very good maturing way.
Saturn is now exactly on my 28º Leo DSC, together also with Venus, Sun and Mercury!
Graces to Saturn!
Posted by: Popp | August 20, 2007 at 02:05 AM
OH, thank you so much for this information. ive been seeking information to help me understand my coming saturn return better and this makes things much clearer. I have mars in virgo in sixth house jupiter in virgo in sixth house saturn in virgo seventh house and pluto in libra seventh house. Do you think all these planets will get affected with the return?
Posted by: Katey | August 20, 2007 at 03:09 AM
Hi Robert, it looks from my chart that Saturn will have just crossed my midheaven by 2 Sept and I'll have three planets in Virgo-Saturn, the Sun and Mercury in the 11th house. I'm one of those early Virgo "major restructuring" (11/62) zones that you discussed. In an earlier post you said that things would start to be easier after Saturn crossed my midheaven in September. I have noticed shifts occurring (mostly letting outdated friendships go, but that would be an 11th house thing, wouldn't it and I'm seriously thinking of moving to another location). Is there anything specific that I should be aware of pitfall-wise? Sorry, I'm not savvy enough to put this all together yet, but that will come in time. I'm a little bit wiser with every posting. :-) Many thanks.
Posted by: Vahana | August 20, 2007 at 06:04 AM
The upcoming Saturn ingress into Virgo worries me a little because it will immediately conjoin my natal Juno in Virgo in the 6th house (4 degrees). I'm hoping a trine from transiting Saturn to my natal Sun and Jupiter (Sun at 9 degrees of Taurus, Jupiter at 8 degress of Taurus) will mitigate the conjunction. Any thoughts?
Posted by: Tiffany | August 20, 2007 at 09:36 AM
Well I hope this means more work will be done to create more processes to insure the purity of our imported food.
But I doubt it. haha.
Posted by: Jilly | August 20, 2007 at 01:28 PM
Hi ebru - Well, you've had Saturn in your natal 7th for awhile already, and this manifested as your marriage. This implies you've been learning to take a more mature role relative to others, and so I wouldn't think that Saturn in your Solar 7th would be all that difficult. 34 is a peak year in the 7 year cycles, so expect this to be a high point, with endings and fulfillments as new seeds of compassion and understanding continue to develop. As for the Saturn return about 7 years ago, if you learned the lessons don't sweat it. Saturn lower (waxing) square itself is simply the first "reality check" on what you learned about claiming your Dharma apart from old social, cultural, and family limitations. And of course you're welcome.
Hi Popp - I'd say you have a whole new life ahead of you! No doubt your attitude, your Love, and your relationships and values will mature and go through major change. With patience, planning, and willingness to take responsibility, you'll get authorship, relationship, and scholarship! Get beyond controlling or being controlled and you'll do fine.
Hi Katey - You're welcome, of course. You were born at a remarkable time in history, and have extraordinary aptitude for doing some great service to your world. Jupiter in Capricorn in 2008 will help you get clearer about how you want to achieve your ideal. Saturn crossing your Virgo planets should help you shape your long term self expression to express your greatest and Highest Self. Just be patient, get organized and train well, get a glimpse of your long range best interests and greatest vision of life adventure, and let go of all the rules and fears preventing you from going for the mountaintop!
Hi Vahana - Letting go of outdated relationships could involve the rulers of your 3, 7, or 11th houses being activated by any of the outers. You should be able to "relax in the saddle of fate" with Saturn in the 10th, and accept both responsibilities and recognition. As for moves, that's a 4th house situation, or an aspect to its ruler or some planet in the 4th. Saturn never crushes us if we learn its lessons, though occasionally it will put us through a rigor we need to embrace to become the authors of our lives. Hang in there, and I have no doubt that eventually you'll get your own version of understanding how some things work, and be able to share them with others on this site.
Hi Tiffany - Asteroids don't rule houses, so even difficult aspects are usually confined to specific lessons around what house Saturn is in. Your Juno will simply find a more mature expression, or that energy will play out in your life through someone older or wiser. The trines should give you solid understanding of your Earth qualities, stabilizing them and offering you opportunities to express them more naturally. The synthetic understanding will be in early Capricorn, which should show you a long term pragmatic form to achieve all your ambitions in a patient, organized, and practical manner. Now that you have new foundations, be willing to eliminate all memories of your past that keep your worrying needlessly or feeling inferior to others.
Hi Jilly - I would think that Saturn in Virgo would imply a need to clean up the public health, as well as the food supply. We certainly need to! Of course, it could also bring a lot of bureaucratic rules that load down the process without ensuring much of anything. And we are told in mundane Astrology that it portends unrest and insecurity among the public servants (police, fire dept's, health dept's, meat inspectors, and other bureaucratic functionaries).
Posted by: Robert | August 20, 2007 at 01:30 PM
Thank you Robert, for the gentle nudge and words of encouragement. I went back and recalculated and it is indeed 10th house not 11th for Saturn and the Sun in Virgo. It looks like I have my North (?) Node and Uranus in Pisces in my 4th house - this ought to be interesting - if my North Node is pointing a move to home and family and my south node is pointing the need to get rid of overwork and overperfectionism. That Uranus in Pisces would show a big (unexpected) change regarding home/family. I'm currently in a relationship with someone who is very family oriented.
Posted by: Vahana | August 20, 2007 at 04:22 PM
Me 4 May 1941
Sun Taurus 13°58'38 in house 9 direct
Moon Leo 18°04'00 in house 12 direct
Mercury Taurus 12°21'14 in house 9 direct
Venus Taurus 18°03'17 in house 9 direct
Mars Aquarius 22°17'46 in house 6 direct
Jupiter Taurus 24°53'48 in house 9 direct
Saturn Taurus 17°29'07 in house 9 direct
Uranus Taurus 25°27'15 in house 9 direct
Neptune Virgo 25°10'32 in house 1 retrograde
Pluto Leo 2°06'55 in house 11 direct
True Node Libra 0°53'58 in house 1 direct
Leo in UK 5 Aug 1957
Sun Leo 13°07'45 in house 6 direct
Moon Sagittarius 20°13'03 in house 9 direct
Mercury Virgo 9°18'46 in house 7 direct
Venus Virgo 12°58'07 in house 7 direct
Mars Leo 28°30'17 in house 6 direct
Jupiter Virgo 29°46'52 in house 7 direct
Saturn Sagittarius 7°42'43 in house 9 stationary (D)
Uranus Leo 7°39'58 in house 6 direct
Neptune Libra 29°59'36 in house 7 direct
Pluto Leo 29°34'04 in house 6 direct
True Node Scorpio 15°39'50 in house 8 retrograde
Well, Robert, you know my dilemma with all these planets parked in Taurus. I thought my Leo friend looked stable--now I am not so sure. I was ready to hop the Pond...Now I hesitate. Vrx or? Should I wait for her emergence from Saturn in Leo? Only to have it hit my ascendant in Virgo? Should I just call for a reading? Help, please.
Posted by: Anne | August 20, 2007 at 05:17 PM
so there seems to be some general paranoia about saturn moving into virgo huh? i'm a lotta virgo but i'm sort of looking forward to it, at least hoping that it will let me get somewhere in my career instead of (1) dealing with massive egos that decide to take lil old me down for no apparent reason and (2) difficulty getting noticed & creating the connections i need and (3) dealing with my own flaws. i'm in a serious phase of trying to figure out how much of this is me and how much is them. it's really tough (could this be saturn on natal merc-jupiter?). i worry that my usual hope/drive won't return. i hope saturn moving onto my sun-venus-nn will let me actually effin' do something about it all instead of fighting all these unexpected demons, real and figurative.
i wish i started observing saturn's effects earlier but i never had so many questions. saturn over my mars was so much more comprehendable, there was work to do, i did it.
peace robert.
Posted by: dottie | August 20, 2007 at 07:40 PM
If it's even possible, I feel pre-pared for my saturn return hits Oct-July... it's as though the past 18 months has already pealed me of all people, places and things that are pointless. No fear. No panic at all. With my jupiter in capricorn and my 59th solar return at the beginning of the year, I believe the best is yet to come. Looking forward to next week's early morning eclipse, Telescopic-awe ------HAPPY Truths and PLEASING Consequences, Robert ... Jan
Posted by: Jan | August 20, 2007 at 10:32 PM
Hi Robert, welcome back, I missed your weekly columns, and I hope you will soon share wtih us your insights into the upcoming eclipses.
Question: my mother has Neptune in Virgo, and obviously Saturn going over that will affect her. However, she has alzheimers and other ailments. how do planets' effects on us manifest when we no longer have the same mental capacities to choose our responses to them i.e. when our minds are wasted by disease whether alzheimers or psychiatric disorders?
Thank you,
Posted by: Nandy | August 21, 2007 at 01:34 AM
Robert, Thanks so much for the insight. Also, I'm a fellow Austinite...I hope you enjoyed your stay here with us!
Posted by: Tiffany | August 21, 2007 at 08:51 AM
Hi Vahana - Sure. However, now I am thoroughly confused. Your birthday is 11/11/62, and you have 26 Gemini rising and 30 Aquarius on the MC. You could not have Virgo in your 10th or 11th, but you have it in your 4th. Uranus in Pisces is currently in your 10th, as is the transiting NN, putting transiting SN in Virgo in your 4th. Saturn will enter your 4th the beginning of September. Also, your natal NN is in Leo in the 2nd, SN in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in the 8th. And I'm sure you're working through some of your natal Venus RX issues during this Venus RX period. It'll go stationary direct on your Mars in early September. And I'm sure you'll be interested to hear that the coming Mars in Cancer later this year will be great in your chart!
Hi Anne - You actually have a great chart, and merely have to get your Scorpio working correctly to express your Taurus perfectly. His Sun on your Moon is a very powerful contact, though of course his Leo no doubt challenges your Taurus, and vise versa, along with your Mars opposed each other. Your Leo-Aquarius opposition works well with his Sag and Libra, as does your Taurus with his Virgo. His Jupiter on your Neptune is very strong, though his Moon-Saturn conjunction in Sag is very complex, given your situation. Strong attraction to women from other lands, but equally strong need to be free to do his thing on his own terms. Look to Jupiter to see how your relationships will progress; Saturn on Asc cautions patience and the long view; Jupiter in Sag on his Moon should be opening both of you to vaster horizons, and you'll be experiencing his differently by the time Jupiter hits Cap. And of course you can contact me if you want via the email link on the left side of the page.
Hi dottie - Well, until we are truly dispassionate, Saturn entering any sign brings up questions about the unknown future. I believe you have a good approach in looking forward to Saturn entering your sign, as it can bring rewards, maturity, authority, and help you feel like your experiences have given you wisdom and power. That said, it may still present you with "massive egos" and other leaden individuals, since these things test what we can and cannot live with, and which chains we'll wear and which ones we'll throw off. Problems with authority figures is expectable for those of us who are radical, freedom loving (and occasionally unedited!) people. This tests whether we're on barren ground being fed crushed stone or whether we have the patience, perseverance, and discipline to accomplish what we need to with or despite those in authority. Saturn on Mercury-Jupiter tests our willingness to learn and patiently build solid opportunities for the future while cutting back on distracting influences. Consider this a time to learn, not get pessimistic, and study, read, and write while training the speech and mind to be intensely and wisely positive. When Saturn moves over your Venus-NN no doubt you'll rewrite your address book while moving into your line of greatest evolutionary development.
Hi Jan - Glad you're ready. I'm getting there meself. Glad you've recognized the outmoded parts of your old life and emptied the vessel so you can be filled with people and experiences that will further your wisdom. Of course "no fear" is a great way to live! And you're right - with Jupiter coming on strong, the best is yet to come. Will definitely accept happy truths and pleasing consequences. Aum and blessings.
Hi Nandy - Don't know if I'll be able to go back to weekly forecasts, since they take a huge amount of time to compose and I just don't have that sort of time any more. The eclipse articles are coming soon. As for those with Alzheimers and other psychological dysfunctions, I believe Consciousness is supreme over biological conditions, but everything depends on the Being choosing to cultivate those neural synapses. And of course, once the life force begins to withdraw from external manifestations, then the planets don't work out with the same potential, since potential itself is restricted. Once any life is restricted, the planetary effects are equally restricted to the field of activities where they can play out. A person whose life is in a nursing home still has interactions, but just not on the same scale as an international business CEO. In any case, my condolences. I had two elders with Alzheimers, and I was still able to get cognitive responses up to the end, but it just took time and patience in establishing a bond with the part of their brains that could still be stimulated to recognize a loved one.
Hi Tiffany - Yes, for the first time in many years I really enjoyed visiting there. I was there from 1969-1997 (a full Saturn cycle!) with stints in NYC and elsewhere. I had had my fill when I left "for good" in 1998, with nothing left to explore or do in that city ("been there, done that" times 10,000!) Took me a few years to want to go back and reconnect, and this visit encouraged me to continue to reconnect in the future. Who knows? Someday I may even try to give another talk somewhere.
Posted by: Robert | August 21, 2007 at 12:49 PM
Thank you for the correction, Robert. I appreciate your time and patience. I'm using on-line software and not getting what you are showing. However, in response to your first about the Saturn lessons, I know what they are and am working through them. Now to clean up the fallout and get back on track. Yes, and also working through some Venus Rx issues. Thank you for the heads up on Mars in Cancer this year!
Posted by: Vahana | August 21, 2007 at 01:18 PM
Thank you, Robert. The Leo is a woman if that makes a difference. lol It certainly makes a difference to me. :) Anne
Posted by: Anne | August 21, 2007 at 07:38 PM
Hi Vahana - Sure. Often there's confusion connected to software issues, fairly common given what's out there. There are good programs to get that cost money and are also confusing, so I suppose it's all about diligence somehow. ;-)
Hi Anne - Sorry about the gender confusion on my part. My apologies. Everything I said about your mutual contacts still holds, as well as a Moon-Jupiter inclination to be attracted to women from foreign lands. I have no doubt this time of Virgo and the 2008 Capricorn transits will be good for you. You should be very clear by November about many relational circumstances. The Scorpio transits also form an upper, or waning, square to her Leo and Saturn will be in its first conjunction with her Mercury and Venus crystalizing how these lights will function for years to come, though the whole story won't be known until mid-2008 after Saturn finishes its last square to her Saturn.
Posted by: Robert | August 22, 2007 at 06:47 AM
Hi Robert,
Thank you for your compassionate words about alzheimers patients and how they can still connect (I feel that connection with my mother). You ahve also clarified for me how the planetary influences resonate with her at this time in her life.
Many thanks for being there for us. Big cosmic hug -- nandy
Posted by: Nandy | August 22, 2007 at 10:29 AM
Hi Robert,
Wow this has truly been an extraordinary year so for to say the least. I just went through my 1st Saturn return. This has been extremely challenging and I hope I grasp what I need to move on. I was really excited to hear about Saturn moving into Virgo on Sept. 2nd until I found out that my ascendant is in Virgo this year. My Natal ascendant is in Libra and my b-day is 3/9/78. I would love to know what to expect so that I can prepare the best way possible and make the most of it. I have my solar return chart for this year so if you would like any other info let me know! Thanks in advance for your help.:)
Posted by: Jenny | August 22, 2007 at 10:12 PM
Hi Nandy - Glad to be here, and also glad I could help clarify why things work one way in early life and other ways later on. Keep loving your mom, since unconditional love is what binds us to other Eternals across time, and the more we practice it here, the more we'll recognize it when we're on the other side.
Hi Jenny - I trust you've read my article on the Saturn Return. They do tend to be extraordinary times, where some things crash so we can graduate into a realm more authentically our own. I would say you probably have grasped at least some of what you need, and will be able to grasp more at the right time, as long as you remember to let go of whatever to create the empty space that can be filled with new material. Saturn opposed your Sun will teach you a lot about equal relationships, and how not to control or be controlled. They will certainly lead you to a greater maturity, less dependency, and some older and wiser interactions. This is a financial-social shift time, where you will learn about new motives, new goals and ambitions, and no doubt who you want as friends will change in some very clear ways. 2008 should open wider horizons, greater views and visions, and new ways of seeing and expressing yourself, so learn as much as you can to prepare for the very important events of 2009.
Posted by: Robert | August 23, 2007 at 06:45 AM
Thank you Robert,
You hit the nail on the head. It's funny because the last two years I have completely refrained from any love relationships to focus on my career and now I feel ready to find that special one. The one thing I hope I don't find is a dominating relationship. I allready have that with my dog as he seems to have me at the tip of his paw. Maybe I will get lucky and find someone like you! Thanks again!
Posted by: Jenny | August 23, 2007 at 05:06 PM
Hi Jenny - Sure. Just affirm you'll attract the perfect person to bring out both your Higher Selves, and make sure to include that the one you attract will like dogs! As for finding someone like me, well, I've been told I'm a handful, and of course, dedicated to a global work, so even my friends have to take me as I am when they can. To affirm that means you WILL attract a very strong personality, and we definitely have our opinions and ways. Affirm you'll find someone who could be a lifelong friend, a help mate who will assist you to grow into your power, strength, purpose, and Highest Self, just as you will help them to these as well. And of course, put God and Truth first, and everything else will naturally follow.
Posted by: Robert | August 24, 2007 at 07:41 AM
Thanks for the fantastic advise and have a great weekend!
Posted by: Jenny | August 24, 2007 at 02:26 PM
Well I am trying to make sense of all what has transpired these past two years. I started a natural healing business in 2002, was steadily climbing upwards and doing well in 2005, come fall and winter of 2005 / 2006 business started dropping off. As of March 2007 really started crashing. Now it is completely dead. No new clients, No phone calls, etc since late May. I am
wondering if it is due to Saturn in Leo. And what did I do to cause this business crash. I am very spiritual and still haven't gotten any answers. I
am also a scientist so look at astrology as well. For the past two years, myself and a gentleman, manager of a health food store have been wanting to purchase it. The sale of the store to other parties have fallen through
three times, Then the owner offered the store to the manager, my "partner"last march. We searched for investors, my "partner" found one, but as it
turns out now, the investor did not know about me as a partner, He is the one who decides who the partners are in the ownership of the store. I am to meet with him next week and basically have to sell myself on what I can bring to the table in the way of access to professional product accounts, equipment and new services. If he likes me, and finds I am worthy enough,
will make me partner in ownership. Currently the store can only sell retail
products, no professional supplements and homeopathics because the owner is
not a licensed practitioner and has no access to such accounts. I am also
lonely at my office, a very nice place but want to be out helping many more
people. I am also looking for a job in oil / gas as I also have that
background but my heart isn't really into it.
Any advice and insight ? Thanks !!!!
leo, 08/11/56
Posted by: Natural Therapies | August 25, 2007 at 12:26 PM
Hi Jenny - I will, even though it's a working weekend.
Hi Natural Therapies - Much that has happened doesn't make sense, nor will it. You've been put through a rigor of training for whatever you're to do next. All of us with strong Leo in our charts have, with many things ending. It may not be that you did anything wrong. It may be that win, lose, or draw, that was then and this is now, with new times making new demands on you, forcing adaptation whether you want it or not. I am surprised that your "partner" didn't make it clear to an investor that you have a material stake in making it work. It would seem to me that the investor would be short sighted not to include you in, though I can imagine his surprise at not finding out there are more partners than he thought, which again would seem to be the result of your "partner" not making it clear from the getgo. It sounds like you need to meditate on bringing in the types of energy you want, and not get distracted by being lonely and such things. Prepare, help in small ways, and over time you'll have many opportunities to help in large ways. With Saturn on your Mercury-Jupiter conjunction the next 9 months, study, read, write as much as you can. Get a discipline and become a student again, formally or informally.
Posted by: Robert | August 25, 2007 at 09:03 PM
I think God has a long arm. It could be that had the sale gone through with out the investor knowing about me, I might have ended up being screwed, I would have never called the investor if my "partner" had not become seriously ill and not in communication for several weeks. He still is very ill. Maybe God saw this coming and wanted to protect me, as I have been praying for this business opportunity for a long time. Just need a job now!!!
Posted by: Natural therapies | August 26, 2007 at 01:17 PM
You are a blessing Robert
Posted by: Human | August 27, 2007 at 04:58 PM
Hello, Robert! first time here - just want to know if i'll be going through my saturn return now? bday is 6/5/79 - virgo rising/libra moon/and virgo is in saturn - i'm a bit nervous about this passage as i'm just learning about astrology and hear this time is the most difficult to get through? so, is it my turn now?
Posted by: EAT | September 02, 2007 at 11:41 AM
I am worried sick about what SAturn in Virgo will mean for me. Born April 18, 1956 in Corpus Christi, TX. Last 2 years have been very difficult. I feel like I can't take anymore hurt.
Posted by: Myra | September 02, 2007 at 01:19 PM
Hi Natural Therapies - That's why it's always good to affirm one will know the truth as one walks whatever path we must. Illness is a funny thing. Sometimes I suppose train wrecks don't need to happen, so the engineer's car won't start, preventing many things from being misunderstood.
Hi Human - We all are when we do whatever generates the altruistic intention we know we're here to do.
Hi EAT - Welcome to the cantina. Yes, you're going through your Saturn return until at least this time next year. You'll be dealing with the aftereffects for a year more, and by the time this whole thing is done you'll be living a different and more fulfilling life. I trust you've read my article on Saturn Return since it may help outline some of what you'll be dealing with. You'll also find much good info at this article about what to expect when Saturn conjuncts, squares, or opposes your Asc, or a planet. Often there is difficulty, but mostly in areas you don't want to let go of, or change, that absolutely need to be changed. It's definitely a maturing time, and a time when you can come into your power and a form of worldly authority or higher purpose if you're willing to do what it takes with an eye to the long haul.
Hi Myra - Please stop being "worried sick" about anything, since that won't help the situation improve. No one should have to shoulder more hurt than they need to one second longer than is necessary for them to cast off the chains creating suffering. Saturn restructured your Moon-Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, which should have brought you a long term growth plan. 51 is a vision year, so get a broader view, go back to school, open to other possible futures you haven't seen yet, and welcome the vision of some form of life adventure that can free you from echoes of memories of perceptions of memories of perceptions of memories of ... At this time, if it works it's true, and if it doesn't it isn't, so quest for a new vision of truth and future potential, simplify, and stabilize.
Posted by: Robert | September 02, 2007 at 05:13 PM