by Robert Wilkinson
Yesterday we discussed how Saturn in Virgo will affect different generations of people, and what to be aware of as we navigate this year and next when this effect will dominate the landscape. Today we will discuss the effect of Saturn in Virgo on each sign. If you know your rising sign, or Ascendant, read that sign as well as your Sun sign.
Aries: You are moving into new ways of working and being of service to your world. You're also going to re-evaluate your health, and find more practical ways of taking care of yourself. You may find that the new ways of expressing yourself and being creative the past two years will have material payoffs. You'll be more practical regarding friends and group work. Expect to be noticed for your attention to details, your discernment, and your ability to find creative solutions to things and situations. April Aries are still dealing with children, creativity, self-expression, and learning how to play, but in more practical ways than 2006-2007.
Taurus: You can use your new foundations or new ways of relating to family and home to express yourself both creatively and practically. Play at your work and work at your play. You will be more practical and detail oriented in how you see your future, philosophical truths, and professional development. Major lessons come through children. You have established the platform for future growth for the next decade plus, and now can understand an organized system to accomplish all your future goals and broader visions. May Taurus are still dealing with home and family issues, as well as how they view their early life, but in more practical ways than 2006-2007.
Gemini: You've redefined your self image these past seven years, and are now turning a major corner in how you see your future and how recent losses are challenging you to regenerate. You have a new way of communicating, and are establishing the roots, the platform, for future growth and development for the next decade plus. Eliminate all negative memories of your past, and be more compassionate, broad visioned, and optimistic while seeing the humor in why you have to give up what you have to give up. June Geminis are still dealing with perception and communication issues, needing more practicality and discrimination and less emotion in how they view and speak.
Cancer: You're coming to a new view, new way of communicating, and new ways of capturing what you need to sustain your outreaching efforts. Be practical and discriminating in regenerating, and move beyond your worries by seeing a plan and sticking to it. This is an important period for you to renew yourself through work and service. You'll be getting a whole new approach to relationships, and may find yourself attracted to people who are mature, or powerful in some way in their world. July Cancers are still dealing with money, values, or resource issues, and must be less emotional, less personal, more practical, and willing to adjust than they have been in 2006-2007.
Leo: You've come out of a long challenging period in relationships and no doubt redefined your self-image in major ways. You're now in a position to be more practical regarding assets, resources, and how to use what you have. Be patient and methodical in planning your financial move. Regard duties and responsibilities as ways to practice skills you've developed the past two years. Find a practical health regimen you can live with, and stick to it without needlessly worrying about insignificant things. August Leos are still dealing with self-image issues and need to be more practical and detail oriented while fulfilling obligations and finishing their training.
Virgo: You're redefining yourself in very important ways, and have responsibilites to fulfill. Be practical in achieving quick closure on obsolete behaviors and attitudes, and play more while adjusting to a new self-image. You know you're not a kid anymore, and if you can figure out what liberates you and what keeps you in bondage, you can throw off the chains that have kept you locked up. Creativity, children, and play will teach you powerful lessons. Pay attention to health and work, get a long range plan, and adjust accordingly. September Virgos are still in a long term closure period, so avoid unvirtuous behavior and needless worry while seeing the larger purpose of your life.
Libra: New motives and ways of viewing your life and purpose are on the horizon, now that you've closed out old ambitions and friendships out of synch with the vision you got the past two years. Be more practical and discriminating regarding family, home, and children, and pay more attention to details in your self-expression. You have a lot of things to fix in these areas, and since your motives are changing, don't worry or fuss over details needlessly while following a detailed plan. October Libras are still figuring out a greater vision or group work and finding new friends, but will need more discrimination and willingness to work hard, not glossing over things.
Scorpio: New types of friends, goals, and ambitions will solidify the public achievements of the past and give you professional resources to draw on. Be discriminating about how you say what you say as you find a new understanding or utility of ideas, perceptions, home and family. Be practical in assessing what you need for future success, and willing to take on an educational discipline to give you more tools. You are training your mind and speech and taking a new look at your environment. Be of service to a neighbor. November Scorpios are still in a very high profile time, so follow through on your responsibilities, use your power in practical service, and remember "to rule is to serve."
Sagittarius: This is the time of preparing to flower, or a time when you will receive more recognition and/or authority than before now. You'll be learning adaptability, compassion, forgiveness, and must be willing to multi-task with greater ease than before now. Be practical in what you value and how you use what assets and resources you have at your disposal, as this is a time when you should work more diligently than before now. You also are learning how to take details into account in your view of things, so pay attention to what's going on around you. December Sagittarians are still opening to greater truths and views of spiritual service, with a focus on practical ethics.
Capricorn: New truths, new futures, wider horizons beckon. Go back to school, literally or figuratively. Open to a broader view and greater timeless truths. A time of professional preparation, be willing to do the training and detail work to establish a plan for future recognition, advancement, and greater influence. Now that you've invested your heart in yourself and what you really value, it's time to make adjustments and Work with practical plans. This should be a creative, enjoyable year where much is solidified. January Capricorns are still learning lessons around loss, regeneration, and shared resources and values, but without the drama of 2006-2007. Examine your legacy.
Aquarius: Now that you have a greater self-assurance and a more natural self-expression, it's time to be more discerning about your motives and behaviors that have brought you sorrow and make corrective adjustments. You may be worrying more than before, but don't let health or work concerns bring on the problems you're worrying about. Regenerate and drop obsolete values and ways of regarding wealth. Be a practical good steward of things and ideas. Discrimination re: desires will show you how not to push the river. Get a health plan that works and stick to it. February Aquarians are still dealing with relational issues, and should figure out their part in old dramas.
Pisces: You've been working and taking care of your health, and now enter a whole new world of different relationships than you've had before now. Your heart strength has been tested, you now have new motivation, and you can be more discriminating in how you interact with others. Keep learning precise closure rituals, and look at specifics in what behaviors you need to end, making incremental small adjustments. Your friendships, goals, and ambitions have changed, and you can be much more practical than in the past. March Pisces are still dealing with health and work issues, though this year should be less emotional and more practical than before now.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert,
This post is long but I hope it will be helpful for all the Virgos out there:
On September 2, Saturn will be leaving Leo and entering in Virgo. I know all those Leos out there (myself included) will be popping the cork on many bottles of bubby, and those Virgos will probably nursing their hot beverage of choice and wondering what in earth are they getting into. As someone who loves to give a lot of free advice (a definite Leo trait) let me some words of encouragement. It isn’t as bad as you think.
This transit is going to effect you largely in what house Saturn is going to be in, the degree of that house, and what aspects you have in your natal chart. My eleventh house has a cusp of 21 degree Leo so for most of this Saturn transit; pesky Saturn has been in my 10th house of career. This actually began when hit my MC at 21 degrees Cancer, so I have it since 2004. My biggest challenge was finding my true vocation. I was fired from a job that I really detested in 2005, so this was a blessing in disguise.
The first experience you are going to face is that Saturn is going to give you a little project. I can’t tell you what that project is going to be. The only advice I can give you is that you will know in your heart what that project is going to be.
The next thing is that you will not go through this alone. A person or several people will show up to help you along with this. I was lucky I had several people. Robert, you showed up when Saturn hit my Pluto. You are helping me redefining me in terms of my career. I will always be grateful for your wisdom so freely given, your friendship, and your support.
During this time, I also discovered THE SECRET. I know that this book/DVD is the topic du jour and what is in THE SECRET is not new, but it gave me hope to push on. The one thing that THE SECRET taught me was to trust my intuition and my feelings.
The next thing you have to consider is how is Saturn aspecting your natal chart. I have a fixed T-Square effecting my 2nd, 8th, 10th, and 11th house. My lessons were about career, my money, gifts, talents and other people’s money. The planets involved are my Mars (2nd), Jupiter (8th), Sun (11th), and Pluto (10th). I also have my Moon and Mercury in (10th). When Saturn hit my first planet, the Moon I became emotional involved with my cosmic assignment and it was so awesome I wondered if I could do it. Saturn traveled over my Mercury and I finished that transit without too much difficulty.
When Saturn hit my T-Square in October 2006, that is when I began to really feel the effects. Saturn hit all my planets in the T-Square, got close to hitting the Sun. In December, Saturn went RX and hit my Mars, Pluto again, ending with my Jupiter. In April, Saturn went direct hitting these planets again and in July, I got the big one-Saturn conjunct Sun. During this time, I have had car repairs up the nose, my cable shut off, been threaten with both my gas and phone shut off, cell phone disconnected. I was working a temporary job in a company that I felt drained all my energy.
But, I got the greatest growth the last time. In the temporary job, I learned a new job skill. The car repairs were a blessing in disguise as they kept me at the job to learn this skill and gain experience. When Saturn conjunct my Sun, I was let go. Graduation, perhaps? Reviewing my resume, I discovered that now I have the experience needed for a new job. I also found my true vocation, which is on a separate track.
The day I was let go, I received a shut off notice from the Gas Company and my phone didn’t work. But I got a grant to pay off a good chunk of the gas bill and received a break on my rent. Unemployment came through so if I am careful, I’m fine.
Needless to say, the impact on my 2nd and 8th house was great. But there I have lessons to learn. I learned from another Saturn guide, my cosmic brother, Robert Redford never to work for money again.
I learned that other people’s money is available to me if I am willing to look for it. I found out that I don’t need credit cards to survive. I found out that I have everything I need right now. I examine every purchase before making it. I also discovered I got what I really wanted and if it isn’t here yet, it is on the way. I also discovered my greatest gift, which was writing.
Dear Virgo, I hope you use this time to your best advantage. If this is the first time that Saturn conjucntions your sun, don’t worry you will be fine. One of my favorite quotes is good time don’t last forever, but neither do the rough times.
Warmest Regards,
Helen Reading
P.S. I have noticed that 2007 for me has been all about saying goodbye to a lot of things in my past. Comments are welcome.
Posted by: Helen | August 28, 2007 at 04:24 AM
Hi Helen - Lots of good reminders in your post. With Pluto rising, I do often show up as a significant transit to Pluto in people's lives. Glad I could help crystalize and mature your Pluto function, since it is true that as we follow our heart's power of infinite regeneration, miracles and wonder follow. Saturn on the Sun is graduation day indeed!
Posted by: Robert | August 28, 2007 at 08:24 AM
Hi Robert,
Is it any wonder I love to write? The best music I love to hear is the sound of the keys clicking away on my computer.
I hope this post helps other people. More to come.
Posted by: Helen | August 30, 2007 at 02:20 AM
I'm a Virgo with a Cancer Ascendant, and Libra Moon. It's been an EXTREMELY tough 2006! I don't quite understand Astrology but, I sure hope some better energy is headed my direction (umph)
Posted by: G,S | September 03, 2007 at 12:10 PM
Hi G,S - You worry too much for someone so capable and trying to make a beautiful world! I'll bet 2003-2005 was no piece of cake either! However, you've reinvented yourself, know what you value and why, and are rapidly closing a long cycle of wearing chains you no longer need. Be patient, and try to remember the glimpses of optimistic vision you've also had this year, preparing you for things to come. Come to closure on old motives and sorrows, brings things to completion the best you're able between now and mid-November, and examine how impulsiveness or touchiness may have created sorrow in your past. You can re-evaluate much in November, December, and January, preparing for a rapid finish of the old in Feb creating momentum for whole new self expressions in March-April 2008.
Posted by: Robert | September 03, 2007 at 09:00 PM
Hi Robert.
As Saturn enters Virgo, I see the approaching of a transit that I wish to understand better.
During next months SATURN WILL CONJUNCT MY NATAL MARS IN VIRGO. How can we read this conjunction on a symbolic level to get its best effects?. I've seen a lot of scary stuff around it.
For more information, my natal Mars is in my 10th, ruler of st and 6th, in 9º Virgo and in a Natal T-Square with Moon Gemini in 7th and Neptune Sagittarius in the 2nd's cuspid, plus sextile conjunction Ascendant-Node Scorpio.
I mean, symbolic and not complex-in depth explanation, don't want to overwhelm your time, on Saturn-Mars conjunction effects in Virgo for best or worse, and possible "collateral" impacts on Moon/Neptune opposition in the T-Square.
Notwithstanding the future opposition to that erratic Piscean Uranus that already low-opposed the T-Square and made me redefine a lot of things associated with 4th house.
Thanks a lot for your time and concern for everybody.
Posted by: Henry | September 10, 2007 at 03:06 PM
Hi Henry - Disciplined energy. Matured well focused effort. Patient surgical strikes. Reorganized energy. Restrained impulses. You're shifting needs and what you care about, and some ideals are now fulfilled, or you're seeing why they can't be. You're opening to a wider view and more compassionate expression, and probably at the top of your professional game in some ways. Saturn can also bring crystalized forms of whatever it touches, so expect a maturing of self image and self adjustment toward more efficient ways of working. If you've ever needed the patience and persistence to launch your best professional self, this is the transit.
Posted by: Robert | September 11, 2007 at 06:21 AM
Thanks a lot, Robert.
It's soooo different -I repeat- to hear your words than the scary astrologers always looking for cataclisms when Saturn comes into play...Obviously there can be setbacks, but better to know beforehand how to manage it the best way possible.
Have a nice day.
Posted by: Henry | September 11, 2007 at 07:28 AM
Hi Henry - Setbacks from Saturn occur when we are not maturing as we should be. When we make Saturn our friend, then we become the voices of sanity and self-discipline in our world.
Posted by: Robert | September 11, 2007 at 08:10 AM
plz i was born in cairo egypt 20-09-1969 or 19-09-1969 my life had neevr been like any others, all had been paradoxes, what predictions can you offer to me? thanks
Posted by: neven | September 16, 2007 at 08:17 AM
Hi Neven - You're a being who vibrates to cosmos, not local conditions. Many things are circular this life, and you are possessed of much youthful magnetism, but are also a wanderer. You lead a magical, unreal existence, but can get too theoretical. Consider yourself a distant wanderer, here to keep a mystery alive. Your life should be stabilizing as we speak.
Posted by: Robert | September 16, 2007 at 05:03 PM
Hi Robert.
I've got a concise question:
This Saturn (in my 10th, regent of 3rd)in early Virgo starts to square my Natal Moon 5º Gemini in 7th, regent of 9th. Not married.
What can I expect (symbollically) about an upper Saturn square pressing on natal Moon for the year to come?. The two "fighters" are ruled by Mercury, I wonder.
I hope there's enough data for a quick overview...
Thanks teacher.
Posted by: Henry | September 17, 2007 at 03:51 AM
Hi, Robert!
You are amazing! I found Your site while looking for eclipses and now I'm jumping between topics here and discovering very interesting stuff. Actually, I feel a bit lost and so I was thinking that maybe You could put up here a chart wheel with these hot spots on it. This Grand Irrationality is very interesting, and also I understood that sometimes there are some "hot spots in the sky" that are important even if stars are already left. I think that the last one is working often on me, because if I'm looking at the stars if something big has happened to me, I don't find anything particular. I'd like to look at the stars through Your eyes, but at least I can soon (if the money ship arrives)order the reding from You!
Meanwhile, if You have a little time, help me to make a present for my friend. He has birthday the day after tomorrow. Give some hint what is in the stars for him. Sun Virgo 25, house 11; Moon Scorpio 2, 1; Mercury Libra 22, 12; Venus Libra 0, 11; Mars Virgo 14, 11; Jupiter Leo 20, 10; Saturn Scorpio 17, 1; Uranus Leo 1, 9; Neptune Libra 26, 1; Pluto Leo 27, 10
Posted by: RR | September 17, 2007 at 05:41 AM
Hi Henry - Actually Saturn is lower (waxing) square your Moon showing a point of critical emergence in how you're experiencing your life and habits. There is a need for fundamental decisions to integrate your duties with your need to take care of yourself. The ruler of your 3rd in the 9th square the ruler of your 9th shows you're opening your lower mind to higher broader vistas of understanding that challenge your old view of truth. Get a broader, higher education, and "thicken the ice" of your sense of the vastness of "All-Truth."
Hi RR - I don't post chart wheels since I haven't figured out how to do that time-efficiently. If I found an easy way I would. This site eats time as it is. As for your friend, he's just had his view focused, and coming to closure on things he's been living since the late 70s. He's at a turning point right now, and will be restructuring much in his life over the next two years. It's a fairly productive time if he can discipline his impulses and not get stressed by the pace of things. He was born with a bundle chart, giving an ability to bring the world to his door if he can just figure out how to build the perfect mousetrap.
A major part of his life ended by Summer 2004. Since then, Sept 2005-06 was a shift in values and relationships, Sept 2006-2007 has been a vision of what could be accomplished if he can find the right methods and not try to sustain something artificially. The coming year will be one of change, where he can fulfill a form of cultural excellence. Something will come into his life and he'll have to deal with the emotional impact, just as things will leave his life. He must do the actions to fulfill the vision he's had in order to receive the rewards next year and beyond.
Posted by: Robert | September 17, 2007 at 06:38 AM
Hi Robert.
Very clear explanation.
Just noticing it's my ruler of 3rd in 10th (not 9th) what conflicts my ruler of 9th (Moon) in 7th.
I suppose the answer is not way far basically from what you said to me...
Posted by: Henry | September 17, 2007 at 10:52 AM
Hi again,
I've retrieved a couple online Natal Chart Interpretations, and I’m confused. One report indicates my Midheaven is Pisces and the other indicates Aries. Of course some of the Planets/Houses are different too. I’m more curious about the Midheaven and how it’s determined; I assume there isn't a standardized method to compute Planets, Houses, and Midheaven. I’d like another opinion, my birth info: September 14, 1958 St. Louis, Missouri, 12:57 a.m.
Posted by: G, S | September 20, 2007 at 05:32 PM
Hi Henry,
I cast your chart using the Placidus house system, and it has your MC at 21-degrees PSC.
I progressed it, and your current MC is at 9-TAU with your progressed Moon in tropical Cancer at this time in September 2007.
Posted by: Theo | September 20, 2007 at 09:12 PM
Last comment from Theo is for you, G.S., not for me.
Only to don't leave it "hanging" without you noticing this.
Posted by: Henry | September 20, 2007 at 11:36 PM
Hi G.S. - First, a note. The author of a comment is posted below the comment, not above. Theo is correct that your MC is 21 Pisces 02. Actually, there is a standardized way to compute everything in the chart. The MC is determined by taking the Universal Sidereal Time, adding the number of hours and minutes after midnight where you are (True Local Time), then adding an acceleration factor and a rectification factor. That gives a Sidereal Time (ST) for your chart's time and place. This determines the MC. That is a fixed constant. The MC never varies regardless of what latitude you're at. You then look up the Asc based in what latitude you're at for that ST. These angles are fixed. There can be no variation on them, since they're based in ST.
How we divide the houses is determined by which house system you use, which I've done an article on explaining the differences. However, the planets are figured by another fixed method. There also is no variation on how they are computed, or which sign and degree they're at. What house they fall in is determined by which house system one uses. It's all very mathematical, and if a chart is computed accurately, it will never vary from computation to computation. Naturally your MC will progress over time through Aries into Taurus and so forth, just as your Asc at 10 Cancer 40 will progress through Leo into Virgo. But your natal MC will always be 22 Pisces. An important aside - you are one of those rare people who because of DST were actually born on September 13 at 11:57 pm CST. So you have two "birthdays." Congrats! I hope you will proceed to double your fun and festivities from now on!
Posted by: Robert | September 21, 2007 at 05:56 AM
Robert you come across as being passionate about your work, and also very accomplished. I’m “wet behind the ears” when it comes to astrology but, you did a fantastic job of explaining the MC and houses. You'll be hearing from me (as soon as I can learn to grip hard enough so that money doesn’t tumble out my hand). I would like you to do a progressed chart for me. I’ve had a few done in the past and the astrologist left me baffled about my life and their ability.
Thanks again, great website!
Posted by: G, S | September 21, 2007 at 01:07 PM
I meant to thank you too Theodore, thanks for the progressed MC and Moon info.
Posted by: G, S | September 21, 2007 at 03:22 PM
I hope payoffs are coming. It is overdue.
Posted by: Larissa | September 21, 2007 at 04:07 PM
I read this and groaned....more.
Gemini: optimistic while seeing the humor in why you have to give up what you have to give up.
I'm sitting here wearing pair of velvet pants with a hole in the bottom wondering if i should get a retail job for christmas...naked, huh robert...
thanks for your excellent posts!
Posted by: victoria | November 27, 2007 at 12:26 AM
Hi Victoria - Some of the great gags in movie history used holes in clothes as either the setup or the punch line (or both!) ;-) I suppose retail is a good thing if you find the right gig. It could lead to other things. And you're welcome.
Posted by: Robert | November 28, 2007 at 12:53 PM
I don't how how you keep track but you do, it is really generous of you to reply to all the posts.:)
Posted by: victoria | November 30, 2007 at 06:25 PM
Hi Robert Just briefly as to not sidetrack the commentries, Saturn is transiting my pluto and opposing my m.c in 10TH HOUSE, I have heeded your advice regarding Mars in cancer and understand its influences in my natal and solar charts. I am also a no.7 and query your explanation on Saturn being ruled by this no.Feel quite steady as to what i have initiated in the 10th house area now.still slowly planning, Hoping saturn wont restrict me in someway.
Well off to take a class . Thanking you for your generosity of spirit Aum Shanti Felita
Posted by: Felita | December 01, 2007 at 01:52 PM
Hi Victoria - Well, though there are some I don't answer, I do attempt to keep up with those who come here with honest questions of relevance to the larger work. We're all in this together, and in my experience, those who do interact here are pretty good people.
Hi Felita - Even when Saturn seems to be a restricting influence, it teaches us patience, organization, perseverance, and discipline. These are good tools to have as we navigate life's changes. And of course, you're welcome.
Posted by: Robert | December 02, 2007 at 03:18 PM
Hi Robert,
I had an episode(my mars is in Leo) right on the day Saturn went into Virgo, and i remember telling my partner it must be something with the stars that i'm losing it and getting so fiery!! I can say this for sure that since September i have felt like i have to take responsibility for everything that happens to me and nobody but i'm to blame. I can say for sure that i'm getting more in touch with my true self, however i feel like there is a need to rush and achieve everythign that there is to achieve. My Saturn return isn't until next year, so i was wondering why it's havign such a huge impact on me already!! I'm not fretting over it or anything, just trying to understand the workings of our beloved planets. AS ABOVE SO BELOW :)
Following are my details: Born 12 September 1981, 9.00AM , Kurnool, India.
Thank you Robert, thank you, thank you , Indeed!!
Posted by: Maya | January 31, 2008 at 12:45 AM
Hi Maya - Definitely follow the urge to quicken, since you're obviously preparing for things to come. Saturn is helping you finish up your old "light" and showing you work or training to be done so you can receive what you're due when it crosses your Sun. Jupiter is giving you great opportunities this year as long as you don't do anything risky this April-May and keep all agreements open and above board. Through next birthday seek a more complete philosophical fulfillment through achieving a holistic perspective, get ready for major harmony in 2009, and move into the new two year cycle in May after you're liberated from some old limitation you no longer need to bear.
Posted by: Robert | January 31, 2008 at 12:13 PM
Hi Robert,
This is great assurance. I have this inner knowing that i'll come out good through my saturn return, however seeing some friends who have saturn in virgo go through some tough times has prompted me to do a check close to home. The warning for April-May certainly helps as i'm prone to risking things sometimes!! Like always, you are a blessing. Thank you again.
Posted by: Maya | February 01, 2008 at 03:33 AM
great info....& USEFUL...
love the open letter to virgos...yes, you leo's can breath a bit more now :-)
thanx for sharing & hope & direction
Posted by: michele | October 17, 2008 at 10:41 PM
Dear sir
I Pramod Kumar Born on 08 Nov 1958 at 2257 hrs.Kindly tell how satrun will effect on my lifestyle,Job,House affairs , Health etc.
Posted by: Pramod Kumar | September 08, 2009 at 02:49 AM
Hi Pramod - A planet never makes anything happen. We entirely are responsible for our lifestyle, happiness, family relations, and what jobs we do or do not do. Here we create karmas that work themselves out according to Saturn's pulse. But we have created all of it by how we respond.
You will begin to see you have a major decision to make at the end of October or early November that will determine which direction you're choosing to take between March and August 2010. You have been challenged to take on a new discipline or greater responsibility the past several years.
Since late 2007 you have been learning that if it works for you it's true and if it does not work for you then it is time to let it go and do something else more in line with whatever wisdom you can distill from your Dharma as it's revealed itself since 1987-88.
Right now get the right attitude toward values and resources, cultivate viveka, vairagya, and upeksha. Mature into your innate good fortune promised by your natal Saturn. Embrace a greater adventure or learning discipline beginning the end of September after you have reconsidered what standard you're willing to uphold. Adapt!
Posted by: Robert | September 09, 2009 at 09:00 AM
Hi Robert, This is Anirban Ghatak from India(Raniganj,west bengal). I have been folowing your site for quite a long time.My sunsign is Virgo and I know saturn is about to hit me or hitted me. But I want to know more about this and being a follower of your site I want to know it from you.My birth details are as follows,
DOB: 14 october 1985
Time: 4:30am
location: Raniganj, WestBengal, India.
I just have started my job and only 1yr now in my job. I got effected with this recession also. So please share your thoughts with me. Please tell me about my forthcoming carrer path and collateral damages.
with thanks Anirban.
Posted by: Anirban Ghatak | July 04, 2010 at 08:40 AM
I am waiting...
Posted by: Anirban Ghatak | July 06, 2010 at 01:58 AM