by Robert Wilkinson
In a few days we get the second Lunar Eclipse of 2007 at 5 degrees of Virgo-Pisces on August 28 at 3:35 am PDT (3:37 am according to the NASA site). 14 days later we experience the second Solar Eclipse of the year on September 11 at 19 Pisces just 12 days before the Autumnal Equinox at 2:52 am PDT on September 22. Both eclipses will shut some old ways of life down forever (as all eclipses do), leaving us space to embrace the new already waiting for us exactly mirroring what we've prepared for up to now. These will shine a light on closures, courage, and transmutation of energies into personality strengths in our process of "escaping from a narrow destiny," shown by whatever educated us since September 2006's Solar and Lunar Eclipses.
We're still heavily influenced by those eclipses, as well as others before them, discussed in Eclipses Past and Present – A Look At What They’ve Brought All of Us in 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, and 2001. The Lunar Eclipse in September 2006 fell at 15 Pisces-Virgo, very close to the Lunar Eclipse of March 2007. As I've noted about last Autumn's Lunar Eclipse:
As that Eclipse falls near Pluto going stationary direct... expect some unexpected events to revolutionize your life. For those pitting their little will against the Higher Law or the greater evolutionary trend, there will of course be crashes through abrupt and unexpected explosions... Those who have trained and prepared to escape from "a narrow destiny" can do this through being willing to rise to some task or duty, and be joyous in "enlisting in a task which broadens the life horizon"... Mercury square Pluto will spin out those who are negatively oriented in their perceptions and interpretations, and bring about needed catharses to purify us from old corrupt attitudes and practices.
That 2006 Autumn Full Moon Eclipse took seeds of power and beauty and yielded major transformations. The line of greatest development was in honoring our unique way of responding to the Divine Will and finding inspiration in new routines and rituals. For some, it was a liberating ordeal. For others, the unveiling of cloaked totalitarian attitudes. At 15 Virgo-Pisces, we fulfilled a form of culture, and rehearsed and prepared to take the training into the world.
The September 2006 Solar Eclipse fell at 30 Virgo, Mars' degree at the Lunar Eclipse. Thus the Lunar Eclipse set Mars into motion and a) shut down some things forever after the Solar Eclipse, or b) activated things after the Solar Eclipse that yielded major results. Of interest is that those eclipses fell at 15 and 30 degree of Virgo, both said to be the fulfillment of that sector of the sign. Also of note is that the September 2006 Solar Eclipse will be an influence through 2013, another reason to take a new look at its meanings and manifestations.
The March 2007 Lunar Eclipse was a See Saw, with Moon in Virgo opposing a cluster of planets in Pisces. Saturn was also in its long term opposition to planets in Aquarius, showing the oppositions and polarizations we've been through since then. These have forced adjustments, lessons in discrimination and forgiveness. There was also a Grand Fire Trine of Venus at 14 Aries, Jupiter at 19 Sagittarius, and Saturn at 20 Leo. The first of a series of Grand Fire Trines occuring through June 2007, this yielded Fiery lightness, brightness, and inspiration that burned up old forms no longer appropriate to our new direction.
This helped us burn up old rigid attitudes and deepened our spiritual rapport with others. Disappointments have shown us how to navigate polarities leading to Chiron's healing wisdom. We formed unique relationships while dealing with the weirdness of the exact Sun conjunct Uranus and the North Node, yielding revolutionary conditions that freed us for greater activity and expanded feeling capacity.
Jupiter in Sagittarius was the ultimate arbiter of how things developed, since it was the Final Dispositor for all the planets in the sky. In the Grand Fire Trines, it showed several months of a wild ride, where we reoriented and considered or prepared to move to distant places to position ourselves for the long term future. We were shown how to "advertise our inner worth," have faith in ourselves, and be courageous and fearless in our quest for Spirit.
So what does the August 28 2007 Lunar Eclipse hold for us? One major factor is a wide but still powerful Grand Mutable Cross between Mercury at 17 Virgo, Mars at 14 Gemini, Uranus at 18 Pisces, and Jupiter at 11 Sag. This will function more as a strong T-square throwing the void into 14, 17, and 18 Sag, which Jupiter will trigger as it moves through that span late September and early October 2007.
You can also expect major developments when the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars cross over these degree spans in Virgo, Sag, and next Pisces. The void shows us symbols of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, people gathering at an outdoor Easter service, and children playing on the beach protected from the Sun. These imply our need to contact the Ageless Wisdom, our "spiritual ancestry," renew ourselves in relationships that help us "come out of darkness and despair," and value what protects us from too great a light or feelings.
Of note is that Mercury and Jupiter are the final dispositors of all the other planets, and they're in square, so expect splits from the past wherever the Mutable signs fall in your chart. Mercury is on a degree of "volcanic eruption," so besides many explosions to come, we will be offered the chance to "break up old complexes" and find our "will to wholeness." Things will erupt in a big way as a result of this, so be as creative and regenerative as you can while things, people, and whatever else whirls through the air around you.
Also of note is that Venus in this eclipse is the same degree as Saturn in the March 2007 eclipse. This should help us find people, resources, and values that make personal the larger lessons of maturity promised by the Grand Fire Trine. If we've "done Saturn correctly" the past six months, we should be able to capture pleasing and enjoyable forms perfect for our personal situations.
For North America, the Lunar Eclipse will have either Leo or Virgo on the Ascendant except for Southern California. This emphasizes the Mercury influence, since Mercury is the dispositor of the Sun, and thus rules the 1st and 10th angles. Though Liverpool will have late Libra rising, the line from London through Amsterdam to Italy east to Moscow and Istanbul shows Scorpio rising. Mumbai and Trivandrum both have Capricorn rising, Bangkok has Aquarius rising, Tokyo has Aries rising, Western Australia has Pisces rising, and New South Wales as well as Melbourne have Aries rising.
Part 2 tomorrow we'll explore more about the qualities of this total Lunar Eclipse, so stay tuned!
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Welcome Home Robert. I assume that you have arrived safely home. Thanks as always for the incredible work that you do. You commented a few weeks ago that you saw things really heating up for the current Administration this fall. Apparently they may get a volcano and "reap the whirlwind." It was actually amusing to hear Karl Rove trot out that ridiculous cliche that he left to spend more time with his family. Phhuulleeezzzzee!!!!
And please tell me that the Dems really aren't going to nominate Hillary. I get seriously nauseous just considering it.
Posted by: dcu | August 21, 2007 at 11:36 PM
Seems myself (Virgo Pisces Moon ) and others included, have been struck by these past eclipses? Why do you reckon she (moon) wants to always do that dance in Virgo Pisces?
What you say bout my 17 virgo sun and my mercury virgo??
To mean what about mercury exactly conjunct my sun?(retrograde mercury)
And the eclipse on my birth moon and sun?
Write a book?
Shut UP?
Sounds.... I dont know.!.Do you? Appreciate any insight ...seems it is coming soon! My 50th this year.....Time for a new appointment for yearly reading.I will contact soon..In the meantime,
donna notmany
Posted by: donna notmany | August 22, 2007 at 09:24 AM
Hi Robert,
I thought I would ask for your insight (as I find your articles very illuninating and they help me move more confidently into the future).
the solar eclipse in Sept07 at 19 Pisces is, I think, close to my first house Mars (15 Pisces) adn Moon (14 Pisces). I am also Pisces rising. I have Mercury and Venus in Aries and Neptune in Scorpio. I am Sun in Taurus (April 22, 1960)
Does this solar eclipse at 19 Pisces mean anything significant for my particulars?
Thankyou for your time and efforts! Blessings,
Posted by: Nandy | August 22, 2007 at 11:51 AM
Hi dcu - Yes, I made it, and am off soon for LA. Finally, this ruthless and immoral administration has now been exposed for its illegal computer hacking of the last two elections. See Bradblog for details. Yes, Karl is spending more time with his family - of lawyers, obfuscators, and manipulators of the legal process, hoping to rope-a-dope his way to a pardon after he sets up what mischief he can for the next election. Hil may be exactly what the Repubs want, since she's easy to attack and the system will remain in the hands of insiders. Our present political theater is starting to look like a variation on World Wrestling Federation bouts.
Hi donna - Well, your Moon won't be stuck in one eclipse after another when the Nodes move into Aquarius-Leo in 2008, so these are the last ones until Feb-Mar 2016. I'd say you've been releasing a lot of energy through your Sun and Mercury, showing what you've learned since 1998. The coming Solar Eclipse will be the last one to force these energies to show and/or let go. Re-read the articles on the Moon's Nodes (soon to be reprinted) to understand more about the SN on your Virgo planets and transiting NN (conjunct Uranus!) bringing a higher law and quality of being forth in you. And of course email me when you're ready for a session and I'll slot you in.
Hi Nandy - I'll compose something on the coming Solar Eclipse next week. For now, it would seem your old way of doing your Moon-Mars-Asc will be shut down while newer revolutionary, individualizing experiences will continue to come forth. The light of Divine Discrimination and Service near your 7th house will be the focus to release your developing natal Pisces energies. This Lunar Eclipse should be great for your Sun, assisting you in focusing your magnetism and getting very clear about what desires you really want and those you don't. You'll attract new things and people as you voluntarily clear out and let go of that which is no longer indicative of your evolved state.
Though Saturn may challenge you emotionally, you're coming out of procrastination and hesitancy and learning how to assert yourself on your own terms in your relationships, without controlling or needing to be controlled. You're turning inward, getting a new understanding and compassion that is the seed of all you'll experience beginning 2009. For now, culminate whatever you need to these next 20 months, since after that time it will all be very, very different for you, probably fairly good given Jupiter will bless you in numerous ways 2008-2009-2010-2011.
Posted by: Robert | August 22, 2007 at 02:17 PM
hi robert
virgo rules my 4th house, yet i have no planets in virgo. its the home house, correct? at least that's how i'm interpreting it.
i've been looking at apts for a month now. im not where i need to be. i was wondering if this eclipse could help me solidify my attempts? what you think? (even with a few planets in gemini.)
Posted by: robyn | August 22, 2007 at 03:22 PM
Hi Robert, just curious on your take on my chart - I am a 6 degree virgo sun /3 degree pisces moon and from what i understand this group of eclipses are happening in my 1st and 7th houses which are the houses where my North Node 19 degrees Taurus in my 7th house and South Node 19 Degrees Scorpio in my 1st house were on my natal chart. Is there any specific meaning for this? Thanks for any input you have. Your knowledge always brings understanding and hope.
Posted by: Lori Lawson | August 22, 2007 at 04:56 PM
Cancer: You're coming to a new view, new way of communicating, and new ways of capturing what you need to sustain your outreaching efforts. Be practical and discriminating in regenerating, and move beyond your worries by seeing a plan and sticking to it. This is an important period for you to renew yourself through work and service. You'll be getting a whole new approach to relationships, and may find yourself attracted to people who are mature, or powerful in some way in their world. July Cancers are still dealing with money, values, or resource issues, and must be less emotional, less personal, more practical, and willing to adjust than they have been in 2006-2007.
I went back to read this exerpt from this blog you did on the individual effects of virgo in the signs. I am really struggling with the meaning of this particular nugget because there are so many crossroads, or cross hairs for that matter. I feeling grateful for your blogs each night that I read them whether or not they are re-prints. Thank you so much for being willing to share your thoughts with us just for the mere clicking to your site. I know that we are all intelligent enough to think for ourselves, but it is nice for someone to say, I will take a stand on this publicly. What a refreshing change in leadership!
Posted by: Mary | August 22, 2007 at 06:53 PM
"Also of note is that Venus in this eclipse is the same degree as Saturn in the March 2007 eclipse... If we've 'done Saturn correctly' the past six months, we should be able to capture pleasing and enjoyable forms perfect for our personal situations."
Ha =) Thanks again. The March 3 eclipse was a big deal and solidified a resignation from a very conservative company. And now I work for a game company, for less money, but I'm so much more at home there. I scour these articles because I'm really hoping for a promotion soon, however "we should be able to capture pleasing and enjoyable forms perfect for our personal situations" is very accurate to my situation. It's a world of difference from March.
Hope you enjoyed Austin. We aim to please.
Posted by: Derry | August 22, 2007 at 07:45 PM
i feel some kind of weird way right now about this blog, not only am i a cancer, which the second to last comment starts out with but i am from Derry, PA which is who the last comment is from.
thanks for the insightful comments. ... strange but true.
Posted by: robyn | August 22, 2007 at 08:36 PM
Hi robyn - 4th house is indeed the house ruling the house, home, family, and early life experiences, as well as the foundations for outer success (10th). 4th is the roots, 10th is the flowers. No planets in the 4th means you look to the ruler of the 4th, in your case Mercury. Planets in Virgo "lower square" your Gemini, and show emergent activity, so yes, it's appropriate to get a new living space at this time. The Sun should lighten up your 4th house. As for Cancer and Derry, I believe synchronicity works wonders! To add to things, I was born in PA, and now am just up the road from Derry NM. There are two Derry PA towns - one down the road from Punxsutawney, one just up the road from Millersburg, where a long time friend of the site is from.
Hi Lori - I'm a little confused. This eclipse will fall in your Solar 1st/7th, exactly on your Solilunar axis, but if you have Scorpio SN in your natal first then this eclipse probably falls in your natal 4/10th houses. Until I know what your Asc is there's no way to be more precise. Thanks for your kind words about finding understanding and hope in what I offer.
Hi Mary - Well, I wouldn't want you to struggle too hard! ;-) I realize some of how I express myself here can be obscure at times, but it's the challenge of taking symbols and numbers and trying to translate them into pure energies that we can all understand. Sometimes I don't exactly get it, as it's easy to get lost in abstractions, while other times there are so many possible manifestations it's like trying to capture the ocean in a teacup. Glad you're re-reading some of the posts, since what I say tends to take on new dimensions with each subsequent scan, like my personal readings keep yielding new insights even after 20 or 30 listens. I do believe my readers are intelligent free thinkers, and what I offer here can help everyone understand what's going on and navigate the tides of life according to their purposes and awarenesses. When we're aware of externals, then we don't have to take certain things personally, nor get confused by passing conditions we may not have caused. Glad you like my approach, since the freedom to grow in courage and awareness is our Divine birthright.
Hi Derry - I can only hope and affirm that you will receive the highest and best circumstances for your consciousness to grow and be as happy as you can be. Glad you resigned from being fed crushed stone and found games instead. And yes, for the first time in a long time I actually enjoyed being there, despite it being a very hot and muggy August. I prefer March through May and October-November, but that's just because there always seemed to be magic in the air, at least the years I was there and immersed in the music scene.
Posted by: Robert | August 23, 2007 at 06:06 AM
Hi Robert, my Asc. is 16 degrees Scorpio. Everything I've read says that the eclipses will fall in my 1st and 7th so I'm not sure either. My south node is 19 degrees Scorpio in my 1st house and North node is 19 D. Taurus in my 7th. My DOB is 8/30/66 in Chambersburg PA - I'm confused...please help ;o)
Posted by: Lori Lawson | August 23, 2007 at 06:39 AM
Wow, Robert! you gave me amazing insights, and they relate to my situation. I can't wait to get a reading done with you as soon as I am back in your (western) hemisphere.
Thank you --Nandy
Posted by: Nandy | August 23, 2007 at 09:48 AM
Hi Lori - I thought you may have Scorpio rising, in which case the Lunar eclipse will fall in your 4/10 houses, and the Solar Eclipse to come will fall near the cusp of your 10/11 houses. The Lunar Eclipse Sun on your Sun should be excellent for you to "show your stuff," doing what you already are good at while building foundations for future successes down the road a piece.
Hi Nandy - You're welcome. Email me when you're ready to set something up.
Posted by: Robert | August 23, 2007 at 10:26 AM
Hi Robert, it seems that all of you understand astrology better than me- degrees, squares, etc. So, what will this eclipse bring for Aries? Especially in Virgo-Pisces... no clue. What do expect? and it is next Monday. Thank you.
Posted by: Larisa | August 23, 2007 at 02:32 PM
Hi Robert,
I second the last post, I've been coming to your site for the last few months.
I love reading your blog and the comments people make. we moved house two years ago and had to leave my job. I was setting up a business but got made piggy in the middle between landlord, tenant and solicitor. That went on for a while then I decided I would go back to work until I could sort things out. Money was tight but I got a great job with ok money but with a big company.
Reading this has really been helpful through some sticky patches. But then 'as above, so below'
isn't that how it goes?
Anyway wanted to take part and to say thanks.
I feel big big changes ahead for me in a positive way.
Can you offer anything significant to me on this information:
Male, Leo, 29, Bdate: 30/07/78
or my daughter born 4 weeks ago 27/07/07 at 7am. (I know 7 is good, right?)
Also, how can I learn about my chart any good sites for total beginners
Thanks again.
Posted by: Michael | August 23, 2007 at 03:38 PM
Hi Robert,
I have my second saturn return on Aug 28th the day of the eclipse. How will this affect me on a personal level and as a chart for this new saturn cycle?
Posted by: shell rae garnes | August 24, 2007 at 05:42 AM
Hi Larissa - That's because it's been my profession for almost 33 years. I should know more than most, or I'm in the wrong field! ;-) The Lunar Eclipse will impact Aries in either the 5/11 or 6/12 house axis depending. For those born with a Sun after 5 degrees, it's the 5/11, so will open new ways of self expression and creativity while shutting down old friends and goals. For Leo rising, if it's after 5 degrees then the Lunar Eclipse will affect the 1/7 axis, opening new work and practical skills while shutting down old ways of relating to others. Still, the possible manifestations for the different signs are too numerous to go into here. We're talking about a book and I just don't have the time, as I'm on the road again in about two hours.
Hi Michael - Glad you checked in. Sounds like you've been navigating your Saturn return and finding out what works and what doesn't. And yes, as above so below, which is why when we change our inner self to mirror our Higher Self, our worldly affairs tend to become first chaotic, then perfect for our learning curve. Glad what I post is helpful, and of course, you're most welcome. Your daughter will soon show that she's in charge, being a Leo. Being born so close to your birthday, she represents your light and integration, so congratulations! She'll come into her power at a fairly young age, sometime in her 20s. You'll be experiencing financial breakthroughs this coming year, and find some powerful relationships that will assist you in your work. By December you should have stabilized many things, but until then, get into shape, do what you have to without rigidity or taking things too seriously, and learn as much as you can, since next Spring you could be up for a major promotion, whatever that means. As for sites, I don't know of any off the top of my head. You can always google terms like "meaning of trine in astrology" or "meaning of Leo in astrology" and I'm sure you'll be taken to a site or two. For study, I would suggest finding a used copy of Astrology for the Millions by Grant Lewi, The Astrologer's Handbook by Sekoian and Acker, or The A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator by Llewellyn George. They all are good, and while they take very different approaches, each provides a wealth of material for the beginner in terms of solid foundational basics. I can recommend others when you're ready.
Hi shell rae - Prepare for a new life! It will have many effects, too numerous to detail here. Look to the houses it falls in, and remember that since it will be in effect for 90 months, take a long view, and move into your life purpose by claiming the wisdom of your experience. As for the next Saturn cycle, do a chart for the exact degree and minute (second, if possible) of your natal Saturn, and you'll get an approximate span that should show you interesting patterns. Depend less on the Asc since it may or may not be exact due to Saturn's slow speed, but take careful note of the aspects between planets and what degrees they occupy, as you can get a lot of valuable info about what's been and to come.
Posted by: Robert | August 24, 2007 at 07:35 AM
Hi Robert:
I am born with venus in virgo nearly 5 degrees in my ninth house with mars nearby at 1 degree in virgo.I wanted to know how this lunar eclipse on August 28th in Pisces will affect me.
Venus rules my 10th house where I have 4 planets in libra-mercury saturn the sun and neptune.
How do you interpret this aspect? My birthdate is 10.7.51 and I'm born at 11:14 am (Sag rising)
Thank you very much.
Posted by: janet | August 24, 2007 at 09:47 PM
Hi Janet - It will shut down your old Venus-Mars function so a new one can come forth. The light is in your 9th, and you'll focus the energies through your 3rd house Pisces transits. This will obviously affect all your Libra and Taurus sectors, since parts will end forever, while others will become so "old hat" that you'll be doing them more perfectly than ever before, even if you're not learning a thing in doing that. Jupiter's VERY favorable for you at present, so end whatever isn't true for you any more, and look to the coming 7 year cycle as giving you opportunities to practice your wisdom in ways you've never before claimed.
You were born at a remarkable vintage, but need to open your view of what's possible, get inspired, and not keep throwing blocks on to your imagination. Get a true creative challenge, make sure your values and ambitions are serving each other, and with wide aim and more ambition, you'll still be able to go far and do some amazing things.
Posted by: Robert | August 25, 2007 at 09:25 PM
Your Highness,
Just returned from chicago. 2 Floods in my mother's home. Her 3 brothers and sister (my Godmother) passed away. My cousin/best friend diagnosed with Cancer on the day of her mother's funeral. My mother in and out of the ok now but in deep depression as a baby who has lost her siblings.
I'm back in the desert to finish my work....I hope. The eclipse will be on my 12th house jupiter in Pisces opposing the "volcanic Explosion." Could you tell me what could be in store for me?
As far as the cross, I don't have any planets in Gemini or Sag but sun, mercury, pluto in Leo.
Hope you are enjoying your move.
Posted by: chickie | August 26, 2007 at 07:21 AM
Hi Chickie - Sounds like we've both been put through the proverbial wringer, with my system crash and 3000 mile transcontinental journey reconnecting with my 99 year old grandmother and 85 year old Italian godfather in the past week along with landing in LA to life-threatening idiots making strange maneuvers with their cars on crowded streets the last few hours. The irrationality is almost too much to take at times. I'm sure your mom is having a hard time, since now she is a bereaved parent, which is always a drag. Your Jupiter will be expanded and grown, and so perhaps protection and rewards could be manifesting for you as a result of this eclipse. And I can't wait to get back to the desert. I'll bet we communicate soon....
Posted by: Robert | August 26, 2007 at 09:22 PM
I was born on February 29th 1980 at 2:15am (EST). Can you tell me how this total lunar eclipse affects me.
Posted by: Talishia Caballero | August 27, 2007 at 01:48 PM
Your Highness
Sorry you're GI is so awful(not gastro intestinal:). I swear I'm completely boxed in unable to move! Let me know when you hit the neighborhood....hopefully before the earthquake tomorrow. c
Posted by: chickie | August 27, 2007 at 05:34 PM
Hi Talishia - A leap year child, eh? It will affect you in ways too numerous to list here. That said, you will find a new way of expressing your light and purpose while seeing the light in relationships. You've been through major maturing emotionally the past year, and soon will find a way to express your energies with more discipline and organization. Many old worries and concerns will be gone by this time next year. Value your unique way of seeing things, give yourself more time before you answer demands or questions, and realize you're entering the time of greatest decision and change in a human life, the Saturn Return. Check out that article to see what the next two years will be about.
Hi Chickie - Will be driving through the desert sometime next week, not sure when or what time of day. This computer crash is frustrating at best. Definitely feeling somewhat frozen in place for right now.
Posted by: Robert | August 27, 2007 at 07:44 PM
hello robert,
thank you for offering this service. :)
i was born june 25, 1985.. my rising sign in taurus and my moon in virgo. i've been feeling incredible resistance for the week leading up to this eclipse and just tonight am finding relief. the sep 2006 eclipse really transformed my life. i am curious how should this one effect me.. especially when combined with the solar eclipse in two weeks.
thank you. :)
Posted by: ambre fawn | August 28, 2007 at 04:09 AM
Hi Amber - You're welcome. The coming Solar Eclipse will not be as powerful in its effects as this Lunar Eclipse. Your Moon will be illuminated, and you will release old habits and feelings, finding new friends, goals, and ambitions. You'll definitely see a new light around home, family, and forms of play, releasing some while embracing a larger revolutionary (though probably subtle) vision. Keep eliminating all negative memories from your past, and cultivate true self confidence through a precise mental-perceptual discipline.
Posted by: Robert | August 28, 2007 at 08:19 AM
hi robert
love your insights - words and metaphors that you choose
how much is a reading with you and how does it take place i.e. phone, cd...?
thanks and drive safe
Posted by: geynral | August 28, 2007 at 07:30 PM
Hi geralyn - Well, the whole world's a symbol or ten, so we may as well play with descriptors to open our imaginations! As for readings, check out the link on the left hand side "for personal consultations." That pretty much covers it, and you can email me if you want to continue the process.
Posted by: Robert | August 28, 2007 at 08:31 PM
The Lunar eclipse has occured in my 9th house on my natal mars which is opposing my saturn transit that is about to go into virgo and has just started to go through my 3rd house. Mars is co-ruler of my 10th house which holds a sun-merc conjuntion and jupiter. My natal mars trines my natal uranus in the 4th and squares my venus in the 11th. What effect does the lunar eclipse have on me?
Posted by: Charmaine | August 29, 2007 at 09:43 AM
Hi Robert,
I am a 29 degree gemini with virgo rising and pisces moon. I have been working to release OLD childhood beliefs impacting self esteem in present and was told to do a ceremony which I did on the full moon yesterday (re: forgiving and being forgiven). It is my intention to feel more of the powerful presence I know I am in one area of my life to other areas such as my work and my personal feelings about myself.
Do you see any of this coming about with the eclipse that happened yesterday or the solar one coming up? Thank you for your input!
Posted by: Khigginsdc | August 29, 2007 at 10:43 AM
Hi Robert,
can you please tell me as much info about me...
Female,born 27.08.70 Virgo..year of the dog..born about 3am...
and im in love with a male who is a Libra born 17.10.79.
thank you..
ps.i love your site...and everyones blogs..
Posted by: liz | September 06, 2007 at 03:21 PM
Hi Charmaine - Too much for a comment stream. This is major analysis.
Hi Khigginsdc - Virgo-Pisces is the axis of the Shaman, so no doubt you needed a closure ritual. Eclipses shut down lesser lights so greater ones can shine forth. Welcome to your new life as priestess of things others may not understand.
Hi Liz - Within a year you'll have a whole new self expression as well as ways of enjoying yourself. Loyal beyond belief, you're solid on what's established, but will always need to press beyond the comfortable. You'll be bringing things to completion for the next year, even as you open to wider vision, higher education, or "traveling," whether literal or figurative. People born approximately 9 years apart have different evolutionary paths. There can be great harmony, but only as long as each remembers that the other learns in their own way, and not from each other.
Posted by: Robert | September 06, 2007 at 09:21 PM
My natel moon in 12th house will be conjunct a total luner eclipse on aug 1 08 and I have that connected to a yod in 5th house with venus and 7th house with saturn.
Posted by: Lori | April 17, 2008 at 07:33 PM
Hi Lori - Expect some Lunar function in your life to be shut down so you can get more spiritually focused along Venus sextile Saturn productivity. You may have to adjust your feeling responses, giving up those that lead to difficulty in your Venus and Saturn dominated areas.
Posted by: Robert | April 18, 2008 at 06:17 AM
Hi. I am a sun sign Leo with Mars in Leo and the solar ecipse Aug 1 2008 is hitting my 11th house which has Mars and the Sun in it.
Posted by: Sareena | July 31, 2008 at 11:13 PM