by Robert Wilkinson
With Uranus and Neptune retrograde, we continue to review these "spiritual" forces at work since the threshold states of April through June. Pluto direct early in September and Neptune direct the end of October prepares us to retrace this ground one more time the next few months before they enter unknown zones early 2008. Uranus is still binovile Pluto, offering ways to see the common basis for divergent realizations. In September and October Neptune will manifest rewards from Spirit resulting from our appreciation and gratitude, while Uranus brings rebirth and inspiration in quiet moments.
The good news is that Saturn is no longer opposed to Neptune, ending a long period of tension between our hopes and reality, our dream and the resistance to our greatest ideal. The warning is that once it hits Virgo, regardless of the span, it begins to oppose Uranus in Pisces.
Add Saturn's conjunction to the South Node in Virgo with Uranus being in the same sign as the North Node through the end of the year, and we'll begin to see polarization between the forces of service and deception on a global level, between the progressive dreamers and those who would enslave the future in an avalanche of details, worries, and criticisms.
From mid-May through early August Uranus offered us a "walk with a Higher Wisdom" while giving us opportunities to show our world what we are able and ready to do. Especially in May and June, the outer planets were in unknown zones of Spiritual futures indicated by degree spans not experienced in close to a century or more.
Due to the 2 Solar Eclipses in the past 12 months square Pluto while the 2 Lunar Eclipses conjuncted or opposed Uranus, we're in a future oriented tide of evolution that is closing life chapters and opening new ones where we can become inspired, enjoy ourselves more, and light up our world in ways everyone can appreciate.
Expect more activation that shuts down old ways opening new futures from the current Summer 2007 Lunar and Solar Eclipses, since they energize similar degree sectors of Virgo and Pisces accented the past year. This reinforces the lessons unleashed the past year, with future effects triggered by planetary transits through Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Gemini through July 2010.
When Uranus and Neptune are retrograde, it's a time to review the paths and challenges from Spirit that brought us to the threshold of new beginnings as we take a new look at our ideals, the way we're relating to others and everything that is, consciously and unconsciously, and how we are willing to embrace our uniqueness or genius. Pluto retrograde has shown us how transformations and purifications these past two years have revealed our creativity, made us more efficient or economical in how we use energy, and how to use intelligence to master forms of substance.
In September and October we can see how to move our surity in understanding and self-expression into our world in a creative way perfect for our uniqueness while receiving gifts from Spirit promised by Neptune. We developed resilience and strength of character in August as tools to deliver "spiritual power" in 2008, and are challenged to improve ourselves and renew our faith in September while opening to deep and vibrant realizations in October.
We start the period with Saturn still trine Pluto, cementing and harmonizing the ongoing major life transformations and challenges to purify and get focused. This Saturn in Leo trine Pluto in Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Center has offered us concrete ways to confirm our Fiery Spirit Dharma. This was a long term flood of ways to understand mature liberated heart power through taking responsibility to stabilize new life beginnings set into motion by the Grand Fire Trines.
You can read a little about the long term Fire Trine influence in related to the March 2007 Solar Eclipse in The August 2007 Lunar Eclipse in Virgo-Pisces. Two more great articles that extensively go into the two types of Grand Fire Trines are Astrology for All in March-April-May-June 2007 - A Grand Fire Trine Begins To Light Things Up for Months which focuses more on the middle decan Fire trines, while Saturn in late Leo April, May, June, July, August 2007 Pt.1 – What it means for All Signs focuses more on the late degree Fire Trines.
Toward the end of this forecast period Saturn will begin a Tredecile with Pluto while still biseptiled by Jupiter, as discussed in Part 1 of this series. Tomorrow, in Part 3 of this month's Spiritual Astrology series, we will explore more about the spans the outer planets are in as well as the times when planets will make dynamic aspects to the Invisible Triad, being periods when we are most challenged to cooperate with "Spiritual" energies.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert, this request is not related to this topic, but I wasn't sure where to post it. I was wondering if you would be able to give some information about Mars going retrograde in Cancer on Nov. 15th, 2007 and maybe some insight regarding the effects that it will have on the individual signs. As you know it will be going back into Gemini on New Year's Eve only to return once again to the sign of Cancer. What are your thoughts on this?
Posted by: Cathy | August 28, 2007 at 07:52 PM
Hi Cathy - I wrote initially about the coming Mars RX a few weeks ago in the article, How Astrology Works - Mercury Retrograde in Cancer Heralding Mars Retrograde 2007-2008. Though it's not extensively nor specifically on Mars, it will provide insights about what's coming. As for the effect on individuals, I probably won't compose that article for a while, since there are more pressing matters coming on us like express trains. For example, we have MAJOR Mutable frictional aspects coming in about three weeks when Sun squares Mars opposition Pluto. Then there's the ongoing MAJOR Mutable T-square just finished, with more squares to come in the near future. Lots and lots to discuss.....
Posted by: Robert | August 28, 2007 at 08:42 PM
also unrelated topic: i found a website that states as follows:
Juno is the “planet” that rules the MISTRESS, and not the SPOUSE. Juno has no rulership over marriage, but instead Juno rules the AFFAIR that does not result in marriage. Juno also is ruler of infidelity. A Juno-Venus linkage is the most reliable astrological sign of the mistress and an affair THAT WOULD NOT LEAD TO MARRIAGE.
with my gemini-jupiter-venus conj. would that stand as proof that i most always seem to be the other woman?
just curious about your thoughts on that.
Posted by: robyn | August 29, 2007 at 08:06 PM
Wow Robert, I am really appreciating your articles. Thank you for your insights, including the ones you gave me personally last week. Its great to read things that resonate on a spiritual level and have some tangible ground to them. Keep em coming :-)
Posted by: Magsy | August 30, 2007 at 11:14 AM
Hi robyn - The stars do not make anything happen; we make things happen. Regardless of our Juno position, we can become mates with someone if we choose to do so. You will only be "the other woman" as long as you choose unreliable men.
Hi Magsy - Sure. You're welcome.
Posted by: Robert | August 31, 2007 at 07:28 AM