by Robert Wilkinson
In Parts 1 and 2 we explored general Spiritual factors of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto bringing forth our Higher Self as we stand individually and collectively at the threshold of a new era. I offered points of particular importance due to major aspect patterns going on in September and October. Today we continue to explore more about the pressure we're under and within, what it means, and how this is impacting certain signs directly.
From January through July, Pluto occupied 28 and 29 Sagittarius, a span we haven't experienced in 250 years, mas o menos. More on the meaning of this a few paragraphs down. In mid-July-August it retrograded back through degrees we first experienced February through May 2006, and again December 2006-January 2007, bringing us feedback from external and subconscious sources about how well we're handling our Pluto purification challenge, and come to awareness of what needs to be adjusted by what's coming to surface.
It will now go stationary direct at 27 degrees Sagittarius on September 7 at 7:54 am PDT. It will occupy that point through the end of October before it again moves thorugh 28-29 Sag in November-December 2007, preparing to enter the unknown zones of 30 Sag and 1 Capricorn in January 2008, sure to be a moment of Cosmic shift.
In September, Neptune moves retrograde from 21 to 20 Aquarius, where it hits its station and goes direct the last day of October. This degree was a previous station, and has been bringing us all "rewards and gifts from Spirit" since early 2007. In September and October, Neptune is still retracing ground from its station at 22 Aquarius, the first time it hit that degree in over 150 years. This has been profoundly affecting the atmosphere, showing us all patterns of Divine Power we'll have to use wisely between the Winter Solstice at 10:08 pm PST December 21, 2007 through the end of February 2008.
Due to things unveiled in 2006, we were challenged to rise to some occasion, show our strength, and use everything at our disposal to deal with "an exaggeration of life-problems" revealing our truth and expanding us. To the degree we did this, we've been reaping rewards from Spirit for moving through crises with courage and strength. Since May, we've been in virgin territory on a collective consciousness level. Whenever the outers enter a zone they haven't occupied for a whole cycle, it introduces new dimensions of transpersonal experience.
June continued the theme of Neptune's stationary RX point, where we learned to build adequate vehicles to demonstrate our spiritual awareness and power. Many of us found we are able to do things beyond what they used to believe, and had to regard the Summer as a training period of self-induced movement and self-discipline.
In July Neptune slipped back to a degree it occupied late March through early May, helping us continue to learn how to practice showing appreciation and gratitude. The challenge for everyone was to demonstrate an "eagerness to learn to live" more fully, richly, and warmly. For some, a "luxurious self-knowing, or self-appreciation."
August showed us how to learn strength and resilience despite forms of adversity and disappointment, especially in the realm of close relationships. For many of us, it was a time of "retiring" from adverse situations so we could capitalize on "misfortune" in order to gain a justification for our Spirituality. Lessons learned then will provide strength for when we must again endure Neptune's transit of this degree between late December and late January.
In May-June, Uranus entered a zone it hasn't occupied for over 80 years, again showing us we were at a threshold state of discovery, revolution, and individuation. Uranus will retrograde through November, so continue to consolidate the awakenings of recent months, internalize them and see how it's challenging you to be more autonomous, inventive, broad-visioned and connected to the life around you.
In 2005-2006 we awakened to a new "higher law" that required that we "walk on" and move into a greater spiritual individuality. This opened the doors to enter a new way of life if we demonstrated courage in confronting ordeals in our search for a higher truth challenging us to stand up for our ideals.
In 2007 we've gotten the results of facing our inner fears and becoming more physically, emotionally, and mentally ready, willing and able to move into a larger realm. We've now proved our worth or qualifications and gotten rewards, techniques of protection and camouflage, as well as opportunities to rehearse our new individuality in dramatic or important circumstances.
In March and April Uranus helped us feel the source of strength behind and around all manifestations, with potential for a "deep, vibrant realization." We could sense in silence to find our gift to offer to our society, something that fills a collective need. It was a time to go inward to find major inspiration. This was a rehearsal for what we'll experience in October when Uranus returns to that degree, this time retrograde showing a greater receptivity to collective energies and/or the "ripples in the pond" returning back to us showing us a greater individuation.
The first half of April was about self-improvement, rebirth and renewal of faith. We'll reap the results of our spiritual efforts along these lines in September, when Uranus again transits this degree. The last half of April we revised some ideas back to source which began to open up a new environment and wider view in August. For some, it meant presenting themself and their works to a public for approval, applause, and wider recognition in the near future. August was when we got the retrograde effect.
It continued through the first two weeks of May, after which Uranus hit its stationary retrograde degree at 19 Pisces which dominated all of July and the first 5 days of August. It's a degree that has already begun to release some from old "race" karma, where events can be seen with intelligence, synthesizing our previous survey of life into some form of our Soul energy strengthening our bodies.
This has set the theme through all of 2007-2008 as Uranus continues to make this degree significant in our charts. This will heavily impact 2009. We have been and will continue to be "instructed by our Master," so that by accepting our excellence and effectiveness we can move through the unstable imbalances with relative ease. Continue to eliminate all that diverges from your special skills that ultimately are leading you to perfect and enjoy your individuality, on whatever levels you can do this.
There are many dynamic aspects in September and October made by the inner planets to Pluto in Sagittarius, Neptune in Aquarius, and Uranus in Pisces. During early September, the Sun triseptiles Neptune and biseptiles Pluto, triggering the Grand Irrationality spoken of in yesterday's article, just before it opposes Uranus. Expect the first 10 days of September to be very wired and edgy with big decisions to be made.
The Sun makes a quincunx to Neptune the second week, forcing heavy adjustments. This is just before it moves into a long term square to Mars and square to Pluto lasting through the Autumnal Equinox. Other aspects of note in this period are Mars square Uranus and Mercury square Pluto, further pumping the extremes and forcing us to take nothing for granted, slow down, take care of the electrical and mechanical devices we need to, and keep our equilibrium despite the negatives swirling around us. Be a pioneer, have faith in what potential you're seeing, and allow yourself to do your thing in your own way while allowing others the same freedom.
The middle of September gives us a powerful Yod, or "Finger of God," formed by Mercury in Libra sextile Venus in Leo both double quincunx Uranus in Pisces. This configuration involves multiple "expansions through sacrifices" that squeeze us into a narrow focus to fulfill elements of productive "spiritual destiny." Adjust, sacrifice whatever you need to, and get focused on the rebirth process promised by Uranus.
The last half of September we see the huge Sun square Mars, Sun square Pluto, and Mars opposition Pluto followed by Venus opposed Neptune. The Mutable squares and opposition throw the void into 25 and 27 Pisces, so expect catharses resulting from opportunities to purify your personality of corrupting influences as you stand at a cosmic moment of fruition. For some, the power of creative visualization will yield complete dominion over outer circumstances. For others, too much control in the past will yield confusion rather than illumination.
October fulfills the extremely powerful Jupiter square Uranus addressed in the article, Astrology Now in April-May-June 2007 - Jupiter square Uranus, Saturn opposition Neptune. This has been challenging us for a while to get oriented, not explode sideways and allow temperament to blow our chances, and engage our "Spiritual Will" in a way that shows us a new grand or liberating vision we could handle. Obviously every time the Moon moves through mid-Mutable signs this will be triggered, as well as when it moves through either of the two "irrationality zones" discussed in part one.
Other aspects of note in October mainly fall in the second half of the month, when the Sun forms a double septile to the Jupiter-Saturn biseptile mentioned in the previous link, and Venus moves through the Virgo zone of the Grand Irrationality. After that Venus opposes Uranus and squares Jupiter while Mercury retrograde moves through the Libra zone of double septile Jupiter and Saturn. This promises a very strange time in relationships and communications in general, where nothing is moving in ways we think it should and may even move backwards and sideways before it all gets straightened out.
Mainly the energies of this period are dominated by Jupiter square Uranus. As I mentioned, any time a planet dynamically configures with these it sets those disruptive, revolutionizing energies into motion. How we handle this will have major repercussions the first two weeks in September when the Sun tracks the same T-square introduced by Mercury toward the end of August. These are powerful energies that don't give ground easily, so take little for granted, get a simple self-control that helps you concentrate, and bless the passages.
As I mentioned earlier, when the Moon goes through the middle decan of mutable signs, we'll see movement connected to this on-again, off-again Jupiter square Uranus explosive and unpredictable energy which has been fracturing and revolutionizing related areas in our charts. These times are September 3-4, 10-11 (Solar Eclipse!), 18, 25, October 1, 8, 15-16, 22-23, and 28-29.
The Lunar Eclipse of August 28 at 3:35 am PDT at 5 Pisces/Virgo will be especially powerful in September since it's the Full Moon influencing the first part of the month. Also, as you know from reading Understanding The Virgo-Pisces August 28, 2007 Lunar Eclipse Effects Pt. 2 - Scientific and Spiritual Approaches, we have a significant Solar Eclipse coming down on September 11. Please re-read both articles to get a sense of this 90 month long term influence that will be somewhat disruptive, given the Mutable T-square that dominates both eclipses.
In the Lunar Eclipse, Mercury opposing Uranus just as the Moon moves through its T-square with Mars and Jupiter will certainly shake some things loose wherever we have the middle degrees of Mutable signs (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius) in our charts. These Eclipses will be the next step in what's been developing since the Autumn 2006 eclipses propelled us all "out of a narrow destiny."
The Cardinal (activating) signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, The Fixed (stabilizing) signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, and the Mutable (distributive) signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Planets in Fixed signs configure dynamically with Neptune, while planets in Mutable signs challenge Uranus and Pluto.
This is a time of adjusting to what we confront due to emotional and practical needs, awarenesses and ideals coming to surface, and making decisions that will lead to more fun, creativity, and higher duties and responsibilities. Though September is dominated by oppositions and squares to Uranus and Pluto, these will bring some things to culmination preparing the way for more pleasant socializing in October when Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Sun will all configure favorably with the other planets.
Pluto continues to put long term pressure on people with birthdays in the third weeks of March, June, September, and December. If you have a birthday during these periods, go to the core of your being and clean up your magnetism to regenerate your heart. Be a pioneer, show self-control, concentrate, and throw off the chains in your mind that keep you powerless. Let go of obsessive or compulsive feelings and people, and purify however you need to, becoming the "captain of your own fate."
Pluto's nature is "economy of energy," and it tends to make our lives more efficient through annihilating obsolete life factors. Banish the corrupt, corrosive, or dishonest elements in your life, and regenerate the seeds of power in the houses it influences in your charts. Pluto's long range influence is presently most personally disruptive to those with a Sun, Ascendant, or planet between 25 and 29 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, and soon will be influencing the last degrees of these signs as well as the first degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, and Libra.
In past months, Pluto's powerful transformative energies have been at 27-28 Sagittarius, where we found the seeds of a new dedication, a new consecration to a collective ideal, and found an “endowment beyond realization…” Recent radical transformations offered us a form of unique, more permanent self-expression. We had opportunities to focus intelligence to master the form of things, and should have come to a more sure understanding of who we are and the core of our being.
These themes evolved toward finding elegant, beautiful, and practical forms to link the best of the past with the need of the present in January, introducing a need for exercise of some sort to become more fit for our future in February. January showed us "enduring elements of understanding as symbols of the community," helping us stabilize and coordinate our life more effectively. These have been important themes from June and will last through November 2007.
February helped us build our conscious determination through persistent endeavor. These were/are the further manifestation of a new power and effectiveness in the houses ruled by Aries, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. Whatever we learned that led to our rededication to a larger goal or purpose in 2006 gave us imagination, potency, detachment, and an ability to anticipate what's coming. This theme continued from March through May, as Pluto sat steady on 29 Sag.
June took us back to 28 Sag, echoing the lessons of January. By mid-July it retrograded back to 27 Sag, where it will stay until the end of October. This is the time to lay final claim to our "sculptor" self, our authentic self-expressive form we've been cultivating since early 2006.
A final note on Pluto. When the outer "spiritual" planets are involved in an eclipse, they will exert a very big influence during the time span of that eclipse. Since Pluto went stationary retrograde last March 29, the day of the Solar Eclipse in Aries. (More at this link), we will continue to see powerful social revolutions changing our world dramatically.
These Plutonic influences were unleashed by Mars' transit of late Sag on the eclipse degree and its conjunction with Pluto January 13. When Mars transited the first two degrees of Capricorn in the third week of January, it began future reverberations that will take dramatic shape December 2007 when Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter are in early Capricorn just preceding Pluto's first entry into Capricorn since 1762 between January and June, 2008. The new evolution revolution should be taking shape in some fairly specific ways. More at this link.
Neptune continues to make life somewhat strange, unclear, or even very weird for people with birthdays the second week through mid-month of February, May, August, and November. If you have a birthday during these times, let go of self pity or feelings of inadequacy, and be resolved to do whatever needs to be done to come out of uncertainty, doubt, and confusion.
Get clear about your role, release drifting through things that don't interest you, and find the light of your highest ideal. At this time in history, Neptune's long-range influence is presently most confusing to those with a Sun, Ascendant, or planet between 18 and 22 degrees of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio.
2005 brought evolutionary accelerations, shortcuts to penetrating insights, greater faith, long-range management issues requiring intuitive foresight, and new ideals and ways of expressing them. Much was revealed and repolarized in late 2005 due to Fixed T-squares and Grand Crosses fracturing old ways of doing our being forever. Old ideals and delusions were shattered.
In 2006 we had to rise to some occasion and be of indomitable Spirit. We learned how to maintain those skills in Summer and Autumn, and what was unveiled has led and will lead to rewards from Spirit in 2007, 2008, and 2009, especially when Jupiter moves over the span where Neptune has been this past year. For the most part, September and October will confirm the "gifts from Spirit" and reward us for our faith, courage, and perseverance.
Late 2006 finished the "unveiling" that began in Spring 2005 preparing us to rise to the challenges that mobilized us in January. We've now learned resilience despite difficulties, and our perseverence in finding inner strength can serve us well in August-September 2007, as well as December 2007-January 2008. In March, April, and July 2007, we had opportunities to cultivate gratitude and be open to opportunities to grow safely and happily into our Higher Self through prayer and meditation. These tools of gratitude and appreciation are building our "spiritual vehicle" which will deliver concrete results in 2008.
Uranus continues to evoke revolutionary developments or needed renovations and creative renewing in the houses in our charts ruled by Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Its influence is associated with disruptive and/or unexpected changes that challenge us to individuate. Uranus currently affects most strongly those with birthdays the second week of March, June, September, and December. If you have a birthday during these periods, learn cooperation, flexibility, and try to innovate and synthesize things into a newer, broader view. Uranus' long-range influence is presently most disruptive to those with a Sun, Ascendant, or planet between 14 and 19 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
In 2005 we completed old business and furthered our dedication to a group purpose through standing up for an ideal. We were summoned to rebirth and challenged to "hear the call," after which we quickened the pace and dropped excess baggage preparing for higher responsibilities. We also learned to "fly by the seat of our pants," demonstrating a form of mastery resulting from our dedication to an ideal, our willingness to persevere, and our hustle. We used these skills throughout 2006 in rehearsing what’s now at hand in 2007.
In early 2006 we quickened again, dropped more unnecessary considerations, and got ready to live a new way of life promised by the Uranus retrograde station of last year. We’ve now entered new areas of self-dedication and an awakening by the "conscious mind to the intuitive Soul realms." The keynote is "the capacity inherent in every individual to seek at whatever cost entrance to a transcendent realm of reality." We have now been "guided into the sanctuary," and have been tested in our purity of heart, our awareness, our maturity, and our spiritual "self-mobilization."
This led to greater responsibilities and ways to prove a greater courage and fearlessness. In the past 2 years, we’ve all endured ordeals, re-affirmed our purpose through a higher realization of truth, and are moving into a new faith. Those who were inconsistent, hypocritical, clutching, fearful, or tried to hide from what was being revealed experienced the "emptiness of dread." We've had to move forward while proving our ability to accept the role we have declared our own.
Spring 2006 gave forms of camouflage to those who are leading a "consecrated life." Those protective forms were important in August 2006 and February-March 2007. Last July we rehearsed, preparing for "the battle to come," which we went through in March 2007. These rehearsals will prove vital to our lives in November and December 2007.
Other themes from Summer 2006 included having our personal worth certified and finding protective shielding to avoid unnecessary exposure to harsh social judgments. By November 2006 we should have known beyond doubt which Sanctuary we've entered, what ordeals we've gone through, and what dedication we've committed to. January-February 2007 again forced us one last time to prove our qualification, show courage, use our protective shielding, and rehearse before moving into the unknown realms that began in March lasting through June 2007.
As noted earlier, important aspects concerning these outer invisible influences, "forces beyond our control," are very frequent during September and October, with the major influences being the Jupiter square Uranus being triggered by T-squares throughout September and October. Jupiter-Uranus was exact in May, and now that Jupiter is direct, we'll be in the heart of the storm zone through the end of October.
To reiterate, this is showing us how focused we are, as well as how we can be distracted into sudden sideways explosions. Every time this is activated by the Moon or another planet, get oriented, put your drive in gear, and get ready to show your individuality in a new expansion.
14 through 19 degrees of Gemini are the antidotes to release the Uranian energies productively in September and October, so use discrimination and analysis wisely, be practical, stop fussing, and adapt! The somewhat curious blessing to all of this is that Mars is in the "antidote zone" in early September, so we get to practice the skills we need to handle this very volatile energy in order to deal with it effectively throughout the forecast period.
All in all, September and October will bring much to culmination that began last Winter, while bringing Uranian processes to surface and regenerating and harmonizing the ongoing Neptunian process. Overall October should be fairly great (even with Mercury retrograde!) and many good connections will be formed then. October will harmonize both inner and outer planetary energies, so get ready to expand your address book!
In the past few months we've quickened and opened to new initiatives and pioneering ways of self expression as well as relationships while consolidating our wisdom and building our spiritual vehicles by practicing skills introduced in recent weeks. Having been flooded with energy, now we get to practice the lessons of "significant form," and embrace Divine Discrimination and forms of practical service which are the proving grounds for our maturity and Spiritual Self-realization.
We've finished lessons around "Spiritual linkage through emotional stress,” and the blessings that follow linking the above and below within us as we let go of useless attitudes and actions. The recent conjunctions of the inner planets with Saturn promise a whole new set of rules as well as creative expressions.
Now that we've gone through and finalized the oppositions to Neptune from Leo with trines to Jupiter and Pluto, we've been shown how to open our imagination to being ourselves and our living heart-fire on our own terms. This is refining our depth experience of life at its most profound levels, and showing us how things are connected, or not, and what part each plays in the greater picture.
We WILL continue to receive more rewards from Spirit in the upcoming weeks so yield to the future that already presents itself! The seeds of the future now stand revealed, and took flight between March and June 2007. We've closed out Saturn in Leo lessons while opening many new initiatives resulting from our concentration and purification. Now Saturn in Virgo beckons, and portends much work and service to be done. Aum Namah Shivaya! The great wheel turns, so count your blessings, show appreciation however you can, and get inspired, since there's a lot of work to be done now that we've seen the light!
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Robert, a radiant thanks for your generous giving ! Even when I cannot
fully grasp something, your writings are a constant reminder to consciously wield " the Sword of Discriminating Wisdom " -as best we can -in every aspect of this life. Your posts are like a giant mirror with a detailed instruction sheet taped to it ! With respect and gratitude, magenta
Posted by: magenta | August 29, 2007 at 06:19 AM
Inspiring, Robert. Bless you and bless us all. Love and light, Anne
Posted by: Anne | August 29, 2007 at 06:47 AM
Hi magenta and Anne - Sure. We're all in this together, and this gathering place seems to attract mostly gentle, thoughtful, creative, and loving Beings, so it's all good. So far a very successful "experiment in Truth."
Posted by: Robert | August 29, 2007 at 07:09 AM
Thanks so much for your hard work w. all your posts. I will need to print this one out and go over it.
I just need all this to be OVER. Things are crazy for me and I am not sure how to get off this roller coaster.
Posted by: Nancy | August 29, 2007 at 08:30 AM
Wow. I'm inspired again, Robert. You manage to weave words over a continuing theme... our egos are not our souls, and we are driven, divinely-guided, to learn these lessons before the big Cardinal Bonanza of the coming years. I carry my metaphorical band-aids for my friends that are cracking up along this super-highway of change. The key word for me in today's article is PERSERVERANCE. Farewell to "Ca-ching" and welcome back I-Ching. Many thanks, Jan
Posted by: Jan | August 29, 2007 at 09:48 AM
I don't know that much about astrology so would appreciate any takes on my chart at this time. Yesterdays eclipse was conjunct my moon in the 4th.I believe the solar eclipse on 11th Sept activates my yod apex- Jupiter in the 4th 19 PI 11. Its base is from Neptune 19 LI 0 in the 12th and Pluto 18 LE 2 in the 10th [equal house}.
Love the site and truly appreciate all the hard work that has gone into it. San
Posted by: San | August 29, 2007 at 12:49 PM
Hi Robert,
I am a 29 degree gemini with virgo ascending and pisces moon. I was told to do a full moon ceremony yesterday (which I did) for me forgiving others and them forgiving me.
I want to have the same knowing that I am a powerful presence in my work and personal area as I do feel very confident and powerful in one area of my life, but not the rest.
I am wondering if the full moon/eclipse and or the solar eclipse that is coming might portend the end of this crazy low self esteem stuff from old childhood crapola. thank you for your input and if this is the second time you are reading this I apologize, I thought I sent it once but didn't see it so am sending again. Thank YOU!
Posted by: Khigginsdc | August 29, 2007 at 01:33 PM
Clearly all this has something to do with the swirling confusion of the political situation right now. It would be great to see a politics post relating to these issues.
Posted by: daisy | August 29, 2007 at 10:01 PM
Hi Nancy - Thanks for your appreciation, since the longer analysis posts truly are a lot of work. I wish I could say when it will be over, but it's not going to be for quite a while, which is why we must learn to navigate the shifts of the roller coaster. At least we know we're alive!
Hi Jan - Glad you're inspired. Truly we're not the ego with its fears and confusions, and the stronger our automatic referencing of the Higher Self and Soul, the clearer we get about our lives and how much power we have to control our responses to life's changes. It's good to be a first aid squad for the roadkill along the way, and yes, truly perseverance furthers! And many welcomes to you as well!
Hi San - It would seem the eclipse will help you let go of old public worries, and grow in your benevolent and compassionate foundations. Of great importance is Uranus conjunct your Jupiter, revolutionizing your vision and ability to live life as a grand adventure in consciousness. The Yod is far more impacted by Transiting Uranus than the coming Solar Eclipse, which should help you exteriorize the individualizing impulse renovating your Jupiter function. You're here to bless and be blessed, protect and be protected, and have a direct feeling line to the collective consciousness. And of course you're welcome.
Hi Khigginsdc - Good ceremony for you to do, since Pluto is purifying your Light/Life and helping you become economical in how you are illuminated and illuminate others. Your Moon will grow from this eclipse, which you will demonstrate through what you let go of in your self image, as well as following through on some service or task to be performed to correct some problem in your world. It will certainly give you changes to let go easily of old worries and concerns and nit-picking of yourself through embracing a wider more nurturing compassion. You're sort of "remothering yourself," which will make you less worried and more practical.
Hi daisy - Well, occasionally I post political commentary, but for the most part I avoid such things as the comments tend to get very strident and polarized. I used to do a lot of political blogging at another site, but got tired of busting corporate and governmental corruption and lies and watching the beat go on and on and on. So I'm taking a long break, pondering a new voice when I again pick up the microphone, and hope to focus more on positive solutions to coming urgent needs. The present system is so busted that "all the king's horses and all the king's men won't put (this dying system) back together again," to paraphrase the old nursery rhyme. I may try to do something about the political irrationality in the future, but for now, there are other more pressing things to write about. Like the coming Solar Eclipse.
Posted by: Robert | August 29, 2007 at 10:46 PM
Robert-I have been silently and religiously reading your site for some time
and never have I commented until now. I must say you are a Divine and Beautiful gift from Spirit for your tireless service to others through the cosmos and Its message to us all. YOu are so right on. I am a psychic medium,and have been getting messages for my clients about this hullaballo in the skies and when I read your precise and loving words,it is validation to me on the "messages" that I get for others. You are valuable ,kind,and here for a great reason! Thank you,Namaste
from a sagg with gemini ascendat-whooo eee! Light and Love,Sarah
Posted by: Sarah Winslow | August 30, 2007 at 03:43 AM
Hi Sarah - Glad you checked in, and that this site can serve as a backstop/sounding board to verify your impressions. Also appreciate your thoughtful encouraging words. Sometimes it's strange being the "cosmic weatherman" for the world, but at least I'm more accurate than my counterparts on tv! ;-) As was once said, "How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at alllllll......"
Posted by: Robert | August 30, 2007 at 07:21 AM
Hi Robert, I need you now. Tell me is it a good time to make a major move? Is it a good time now to prepare for a major shift? Thank you.
Posted by: Larissa | August 30, 2007 at 05:47 PM
Hi Larisa - For Aries, it's always good to embrace the new rather than agonize over the old. And when the old is stripped away, there's nothing left but start something new, whether a new function in the old situation or a new situation entirely. And I will remind you that comment streams, even with me, are not a great basis for life-altering decisions. Too many complex factors to address in a public forum.
Posted by: Robert | August 31, 2007 at 08:01 AM
Robert, I must thank you for the incredible education I am receiving from you and all of your insights continue to inspire and give me hope. I was wondering if you could comment at all about the fact that Neptune(transiting my 3rd house) is exactly square my 20 degrees Saturn in Scorpio in the 12 house and widely squaring my Pluto in Leo in the 9th and conjunct my Mercury in the 3rd. At this time I realized that the eclipse we just experienced was conjunct my Moon in Pisces in the 3rd house as well. Needless to say I am meditating and mostly staying quiet as my mind feels like it's going a bit crazy. You said in reference to Neptune that "it has been bringing us all "rewards and gifts from Spirit" ... and I can feel that at times but nothing seems clear. I am in search of the message and the lesson and would appreciate any comment you would care to give.
Again, thank you for your amazing contribution to us all... you truly make a difference!
Posted by: Merrily Garrett | August 31, 2007 at 03:54 PM