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Robert you always write a long juicy essay when I have a dentist appointment to go to and a car to get serviced and a job to go to where I am acting senior supervisor this week. Sheesh! Is this the craziness and irrationality you were talking about?


Mary, if that is all you've got going down then relax, you don't want any part of my ongoing insanity. I've had work crews not showing up due to babies with pneumonia, cars burning out, assistants being beaten up by both boyfriend and son, in hospital with concussion. Painters I found out were ex-junkies recommended to me and threatenting to walk the 2nd day of painting if I didn't raise their $'s by 67%. And it just goes on and on and on.


Hi Mary - Yes! When things are weirdest, it teaches us the limits of our ability to surf the waves, some of which move in unexpected directions. Expect more irrationality to come, but it's really not all that bad once you get used to it being the state of affairs.

Hi Richard - Well, we each get the insanity that teaches us to maintain equilibrium. I won't bore you with tales of avalanches in my own history, but remember - at some point you'll find yourself watching the movie, and actually laughing at the passing dramas and delusions while opening to the heart of compassion for those who are hurt needlessly by others or whose children are in life-and-death circumstances. Then you'll stop attracting petty extortionists and find assistants who want to help build the business because they value things like diligence and perseverance. Loyalty and hard work may be out of fashion, but thank Heaven they aren't extinct. And the beat goes on and on and on....


so i being a cancer, recently got dumped by an aries.
in the interim, i got my dream apt, regarding aspects to my 4th house of Virgo, the owner is Libra Realty.

strange but true. people are making grand exits right now from my life and have been since July.

making room for more and better people and things to do!?


Next up: Major major client from London is sitting in San Antonio diverted due to weather, may miss our meeting altogether before returning to London. Bleach blonde, internal company, amateur interior decorator kept telling me she had installed laminate flooring in her location, I should do the same. Got the bid went to the owner he just chewed on my arse, probably thinking I am trying to rip him off. Why? The airhead installed cheap cheap cheap vinyl flooring at her location she keeps calling laminate flooring. Complete body armor - where do I find some?


Robert, things not only crazier now, this "destiny producing" energies gave me fever. I am physically having fever today because couyld it be any more intense? Fever, heartbeats, and tomorrow a very important business meeting was set. In secrecy. Not by me though. I am hot today amd fever doesn't go away


I have to drink a glass of red wine every evening after work to relax and to send all this away at least for the evening.


Ok, If I had known this was going to get serious I would have whined more in the first post. My crown being placed was a 12 minute procedure that I waited an hour for. That led to taking my car to the service department and having to rent one over night while they were repairing my car. The rental people located in the car place, wanted to rent an expensive 2008 car to me of course showing me the thrills of driving a new car when my 2006 is paid for and quite adequate for my needs. It took me telling him the dangers of my taking such a car to the neighborhood I work in for him to back off and rent the type of car adequate for two days. Then I had to return a few hours later to sign a repair agreement for a repair that will probably take a plumber's helper to take out a ding that occurred when my mother, an aries backed into my car at Christmas time because she was talking and complaining and not looking where she was going. Whew!, I got back to work finally and was bombarded with downed computers, whining and unhappy campers, and a co-worker/best friend who has lost her sense of humor about not being able to do her job due to the incompetency and lack of forethought heralded by an administration full of cancers of the 1948-1951 I am not in that type of work but,having to transfer all of my car office, to a rental for 2 days in 98 degree weather, was thrilling....


Hi Robyn - Well, it sounds like you got free of an entanglement you didn't need while attracting what you did. Usually when people leave our lives it's a Venus aspect, and yes, it's about making space for people more appropriate to who we are now rather than who we were.

Hi Richard - Now you know to check things out before hanging yourself out on someone else's limb. Hope you're not affirming your major client will miss the meeting. Would think invoking Spirit to make it happen however it can would be a better thoughtform. In this case, not going places you don't need to go will keep away 10,000 worries.

Hi Larisa - Fever is the body's way of burning up toxins and the things that live on toxins. I suppose taking a break and having a glass is a good way to get some perspective on difficulty. You may also need to eat a few grapefruit.

Hi Mary - Sounds like when it rains it pours. I have been there. Also sounds like the repair place and the rental place could have a kickback scheme working. As for dents, well, they do happen as a result of living in close proximity to people who have a variety of driving skills. In LA, everyone gets dinged or worse, usually by people who split. Downed computers I'm familiar with. Like now, when I cannot print charts and cannot load my program onto any system I have. But perseverance furthers, as the saying goes. Many unhappy campers right now due to ongoing aspects "and not much love to go 'round, don't you know this is a land of confusion..." Those Cancers that you mention all have Sun in the same sign as Uranus, and some have a Sun either opposition or square Jupiter while others have a Sun square Neptune. And yes, things are truly heating up all over the place.


I had to print out your article so that I could really do some studying and understanding of the details you have given. I am not an experienced astrologer.

Looking at the big picture, I can see the effects of the various biseptiles, and better understand what was happening, no, maybe see the results of them. I was a teacher last year, of middle school students, math, and it was a change for me from the previous six years, teaching sixth grade. I'd had a hard time trying to adjust my philosophy to the administration concepts for quite a while. Your comment about the "Saturn in Virgo manifesting differently than Saturn in Leo" hit a chord. I was constantly rebelling against the "leadership" of the 'children', and I mean literally allowing children to have the power. My Virgo rising, and Aries sun did not agree with the administration or education system I was submersed into for 7 years. I had several negative events, that, tho I tried to change the way I reacted to them, it didn't work. These events and others, finally made it seem as if I had no choice but to leave.

At maximun intensification May 28-29 I did not submitt my contract for teaching and was blocked by others in getting another teaching position. (Principals will talk.) I take that as a definite sign that it was time for me to move on to other avenues and a new life. Quite scary, since I really do not have a safety net and must act in faith, (as well as do my part).
I am now in training, not compensated, and have had to pass several exams and will another in order to move into my new career, investment professional.

My solar return chart has Jupiter & Pluto in my 11th house,
Chiron, Mars, Neptune, Mercury in my 1st house,
Uranus, True Node, Sun in my 2nd house,
Venus in 3rd,
Moon in 5th,
and Saturn in 7th.

I'm not experiencing the chaos that a lot of people are because I'm at home studying, not out spending money, because I'm out of work. :)
Just confirming your information, as related to me and hoping for a bit of insight from you about the 'changes in destiny' and growth of higher self.

Your aries sun, aquarius moon, virgo rising, friend


After reading these posts thus far, I sense that this time has really shaked, rattled, and rolled many people, which is quite soothing for me considering my life this year has been nothing but weirdness and struggles, which began 5 years ago and progressed to this, I don't so feel alone. Just a couple of weeks ago, I made the decision to totally let go of all the negativity that's transpired with an understanding that all is in divine order, and that all the struggles and weirdnesses are happening for a reason.

I'm looking forward to the astounding effects of the lunar eclipse in the early mornring hours on 08/28 (US time). I need to continue changing...after all, my life has been a never-ending struggle for the past 5 years, so why stop it now?? The worst that can happen at this point is "death". I've already experienced more than I thought I could ever handle as I gave up much of my personal character in order to make things in my life more stabilizing, which ultimately failed. Quite frankly, "death" may be much more appealing to me right now than life as I've known it for a while. So, to the Lunar Eclipse, I'm happy to embrace your activity in all of my houses that my chart will allow...and to "death", I'm ready when you are...and to "life", give me a few minutes to find the appropirate words to describe how I feel that won't be

Yes, I'm laughing...but, it's that psycho-laugh reminscent of the late Vincent Price, especially at the end of Michael Jackson's "Thriller". God, please help me.

(Pisces sun, Gemini moon, Scorpio rising)


Hi Joanne - Quite a few highly qualified public school teachers with talent are leaving the field due to NCLB, problems with student discipline and motivation, and incompetent rule-driven administrators. My sympathies are with you, since I know too many teachers on the edge of burnout due to the above factors. Saturn on your Moon should be good for discipline in habits and learning to get along with less than usual. I recommend you use equal houses for the Solar Return, so if that makes a difference in the house placement, please take note. It looks like you're learning a lot about values and resources, as well as healing yourself, this year. Still, look to the SR positions relative to the birth chart, and of course, the Progressed Moon is how you're experiencing your life. May you quickly find a position more suitable to your talents that isn't so frustrating.

Hi indigo225 - Yes, people are melting down all over. Computers too. Glad you don't feel so alone, since we're all in this together, and many are on the edge of major change, if not in the swirl. Even apparent failure challenges creative imagination, and as long as we keep learning and growing, eventually we find ourselves in better circumstances. I know this from a lot of years of frustration in several life areas. Even as things die, people die, hopes and dreams die, there are others if we choose to look at them rather than what has passed. If this is a dream that is the result of prior karmas and how we respond to these images conditions future existences, then we must distill the best we can from circumstances while doing nothing that would create problems for us or others down the road. I suspect your revolution will make more sense by November.


Thank you Robert. Positive as usual and to the point. I value your time. :)


Robert, thank you for responding.

Although I'm not certain about prior negative karmas in this lifetime, however, I could be reaping what I sowed in another lifetime, which is something I've thought about for a while...I'm just glad it will be done in a couple of months. I've been doing exactly as you said, to "distill the best we can from circumstances while doing nothing that would create problems for us or others down the road"...and if I'm reaping any negative karma in this lifetime, I most certainly have made a point to sincerely apologize to everyone and anyone who needed it, then I let it go, and let God take take over any remaining karma.

This has been the least understanding journey of my life as an adult since I've been following the Light as the "tough got going" in which I continued being lead through some stringent darkness that didn't make sense...I've done all the right things with no correct action in return. I'm glad there's an ending to this...I've already paid my dues many times over within the past 5 years.

Love, peace, and light to all who are experiencing these life changing events...we will prevail.


Hi indigo225 - Sometimes just the fact that we can create new responses when confronting difficulty is generating positivity for the future. Other times what we go through is so we can learn skills with which to help others going through the same thing. Often there is no need to apologize, since the being that created this karma in a past life no longer remembers whatever it was that created this effect. But gratitude, appreciation, willingness, and openness to grow does create a vehicle this life that will serve us well in the future. Doing all the right things may or may not lead to a result in this lifetime, but some of the good we do will most certainly lead to beneficial results in some form somewhere, often this lifetime. And yes, we will prevail.


this is a very interesting topic which for myself a relief dear Robert,as it answers all my questions on all the weird things thats happening around me here...some unimaginable things had happened then again all the reason behind are now fully understood after reading this article...thank you my dear I shall brace, be strong and patience for the next few months ya as more weirdness would happened around....:) last few weeks,despite firing some staff for their shoddy work plus rude attitudes,in the juncture as well to live for my long sought after holiday,suddenly am also starting a relationship with someone who are 12 years younger than me,he s a capri and am an aries... hmmmm...please advise dear Robert


Hi ann - Glad this explains why things are so weird right now. At least this is one factor, along with the Grand Irrationality, the recent Mutable T-square, and ..... Right now it's probably enough not to get discouraged and just keep on keepin' on. Glad that shoddy work and rude attitudes are not being encouraged, since allowing bad behavior to continue is not the way to end it.

As for holiday, I try to make each day a holiday regardless of what I must do, since it doesn't look like I'll ever be completely off duty, as it were, given the state of affairs on this beautiful but troubled Earth. As the hipsters say, "Live well, play well, love well, be well, and bop till we drop." Capricorn and Aries can have a great relationship if Cap realizes there's nothing broken in an Aries that needs fixing, and Aries remembers that Capricorns are dedicated to their work first, last, and always. He has new adventures in store for 2008.


my darling are the best :)..thank you so much for your thoughtful advice..I shall keep along then,living for the moment, beaming smiles ,sending peace and love all round..


im rapidly changing myself into coming in practical &
professional zone.What i thing for coming future will
happen soon .Confidence,success&lucky iam getting to
be.Just only Aquriance must think right &act right. Also some of them said to me Supra-Celestial Beings
will be getting enormous amount of energy only , they think for the good deeds....



Hi tanweer - Blessings be in coming into your own. And I suspect the higher celestial friends observing us are thinking only of "good deeds." Allah Akbar!


hi robert, whats going on with me? my pisces cant seem to make up his mind. all of a sudden we are getting closer. My birtdate feb 1st 1965 and his feb 26 1976. we are spending more time together, when I thought it was over


Hi cindyfrances - Expect that of Pisces. Get used to it. He's got Saturn opposition his Sun until next Summer, so he's working out boundaries, insecurities, power, and all the other Saturn things, plus he's in a crisis of change at present, trying to bring his vision of 2006 into form.

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