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« Long Range Astrology - The August 2007 Lunar Eclipse in Virgo-Pisces and What It Means | Main | The Secret to Making Our Thoughts and Affirmations More Effective »



I was informed that mars conjunct neptune in my natal chart gives a paranoid belief that others are "out to get me" and that I react irrationaly to this, creating my own pain. How can I be aware and heal this problem.


Hi Barbara - Well, I wouldn't term a Mars-Neptune necessarily paranoid, delusional, or any of the other textbook "meanings." Feelings of paranoia, persecution, or other fear-based illusions can also come from learned subconscious patterns involving Mercury, Venus, or Saturn dysfunctions. These can be ended by training your mind to be discriminating and dispassionate, regarding the feelings that arise as something to be examined rather than acted upon. Even when others ARE trying to sabotage us (and it does occasionally happen in a fear-driven world!) it is better to examine what seems to be the cause of why we are having those feelings and transmute the dysfunction into a skill or strength. Our challenge is to override the negative planetary function into a positive one whenever life presents us with the challenge.

I've written extensively on how to transmute negative emotions and claim your Higher power to guide your body, feelings, and mind into positive states of peace, power, and fulfillment. Just check the archives. For starters, check out the articles of August 5, 15, 19 and July 11 and 17. Also the articles on the sources of human suffering and the antidotes to human suffering. Site google those phrases and you'll get there quickly. Also, irrationality being in the air, don't give yourself too hard a time since that won't solve the situation. I've written extensively about the two irrationality patterns pressuring all of us at present, with several important ones to come next week. There will be more articles to come in the future about how to navigate this weird reality and find peace and understanding, of course. Hang in there, read the material I've suggested, and you may find your point of view shifting fairly quickly. You may also want to read "The Game of Life" by Florence Scovel Shinn since it contains much that can help us with unhelpful mental patterns. Namaste.


Hi Robert

Thanks so much for all of the wonderfully detailed info on the 8/28 Eclipse
It is all very informative, interesting and fascinating. Boy You sure have you hands full with this site!!



Hi Robert;

Thanks so much for the eclipse info! No one explains these things better than you!

These eclipses are really hitting close to home for me; Sun-virgo, Rising-leo, Moon-cusp of gemini/cancer, 8/30/67, 4:49am EST.
Two questions: I am a writer and from reading your article I remembered that the eclipses of September 2006 set me in a new career direction (sports writing) and the eclipses in March gave me my first real opportunity in this area (after diligently working towards it for 6 months). I have continued to work extremely hard to push this up a level or two, should I expect the upcoming eclipses to hit the same area?

And, since around August 1, it has felt like my life is spinning out of control - and in very stressful ways - any chance this will end w/the eclipses?

Thanks! Beth


Hi Cassiopeia - Yes, sometimes trying to keep up with the world is a bit daunting! That said, this is my sadhana so it's natural. And of course, we're all volunteering for the works we do here.

Hi Beth - Well, there are many good interpretations that are too numerous to cover, but I do my best to open multiple perspectives so you can steer your boat through the rapids without winding up on rocks! The eclipse may put the focus on your writing if it activates those sectors in your chart. You'll probably get intuitive flashes about people and relationships that will help you grow in your individuality. 40 turns you inward to find new understanding and compassion, and will affect your career and writing sectors, so it fits. The coming two years will prepare you for what's to come beginning at 42. Expect professional and financial completions these next two years, opening new doors. Also expect the eclipses to take away whatever is no longer appropriate to your evolving self image. Much is out of control due to two irrationality patterns currently at work, which the posts of next week will extensively explore.


Hi Robert, Thanks for the great articles on the upcoming eclipse. My natal saturn is at 3 pisces in opposition to my natal uranus at 8 virgo and my natal pluto at 12 virgo. How will this eclipse affect me? What should I be aware of? Thanks.


Hi Robert...I am a Virgo (8/31/72)and on July 22, 2005 I met my soulmate. Things started to make sense...I was spiritually awakend while in this relationship. It seemed as if we were "riding on the tail" of a comet. His DOB is 2/22/75.

I packed up and moved to his hometown and he became an integral part of my life. A mirror image if u will. Things started to get shakey around March 2006 and i sensed something wrong. In August 2006 my soulmate ended our relationship to go back to a previous one.

I feel lost without his light...and my reflection has become unclear. What do all these eclipses in both our sun signs mean for us? I'm searching for some closure on this relationship.


Namaste, Robert !

I note that this lunar eclipse falls right atop my natal 1st house moon at
7 deg. Pisces, along with the NN and Uranus. Would you help me sort out
the symbolism of that with any instructive pointers you could offer ?
If the weather holds, I will be blessed to observe the moon set -at totality -
right into Lake Superior, "The Shining- Big-Sea-Water", for those who remember their Longfellow.
Many thanks, magenta


Hello Robert,

The eclipse on Tuesday will conjunct my Pluto at 4 Virgo and oppose my midheaven at 4 Pisces. Any thoughts on how this will effect me?

Thanks so much,



It is my birthday! I think 08/28 is going to be fantastic. Thanks for your clear explanation.


Hi GoodJuju - I've had a total system crash, so my original answer to you is lost. I suspect the spammers of recent posts have given me a trojan horse. I'm on a new computer, but have lost so much data I cannot answer your question in depth, since I already composed answers that are now lost twice. You're shifting priorities, and will have the opportunity to demonstrate your genius and higher power while building your sense of duty for the future.

Hi Tina - please reference the previous comment. He obviously wasn't your Soul mate or he wouldn't have left for another. You have a "Twin Flame" so purify yourself and become the highest being you can be and you may just attract the one who is yours forever, since they will truly be "your other half." In the meantime, find your "help mates" so eventually you can find your true "Twin Flame."

Hi magenta - I had something composed about "Gitchee Goomie" but it is lost in the system crash. Your Moon will develop, as it is the focus for the energies of the Sun in this Solar Eclipse. Virgo is the Light and power, the Moon is the focus, and so I would suspect that your Moon will be harmonized with the collective Moon, bringing forth the end of discouraging circumstances while showing us how to be illuminated through creative imagination. The Moon is your growth pattern, the Sun the way you do your stuff in terms of this eclipse effect. I'll be posting more about the effect of this eclipse, but the system crash has now complicated my life enormously. May the programmers of trojan horses be plagued by a thousand scorpions in every manifestation.

Hi Pam - It should help you develop publicly and professionally, while demonstrating how to prioritize and organize around your home. Do your Pluto, while growing your public self and professional flowering. I had so much more composed on my computer that crashed.... (sigh)

Hi zoe- Happy Birthday and Solar Return. I had a lot composed, but it got lost to the crash. Happy happy happy. Enjoy whatever endings are to happen, and equally enjoy whatever new openings your imagination brings, especially those which help you to master discouragement.

What I composed for all of you was much more extensive than after the crash. Maybe when foresight is more valuable than the 30-day profit statement...



I am pretty new to astrology and trying to learn all I can. I am an Aries with pisces moon. This eclipse has already affected my husbands family in a huge and unexpected way. I have a gut feeling that there is a lot more coming our way. I have already seen this eclipse affect pisceans greatly - how will this eclipse affect those with pisces moons? Will it have a greater effect for those with Pisces rising?? I would be grateful for some knowledge.


thanks robert for the enormous energy you have put into this site.
i plan on watching the eclipse and have shared your resource.
it seems as though this last year i have been getting very very close to receiving on such a great level and then the rug gets pulled out from under me... I am a taurus and in year of the pig. i just dust off and get right back up and create a new door....
wondering is this all part of this planetary challenge experience? any fruition in sight! (understanding all these 'so called' set backs had purpose) any insight would be helpful...blessings and thanks again


Hi Nicki - I answered your question at the other stream.

Hi trish - Sure. Your lament is common to several I've heard from lately. I believe that resistance to our breakthrough is greatest when we're on the threshold. Sometimes it tests our resolve, other times our attachment/detachment. It always tests our ability to get agitated, aggravated, or angry at human mischief, greed, or stupidity. Yes, everyone on the planet is getting challenged in some pretty drastic (and often irrational) ways. My challenges involve the recent computer crash which has left me with three systems, three printers, and no way to load my astrological software on any system that needs it or print charts from the one that has the software already installed, since it doesn't have connectivity and therefore no printer drivers (trying to download Epson drivers from the site is what bombed my system to begin with!) Sometimes setbacks just challenge us to remember life is for living and loving and not getting bent out of shape by the insanity of how we've structured our world.


Hi Robert,

I love your explanations of the eclipses. FINALLY it is starting to make sense.

Can you tell me how this eclipse may affect me? I have had a very difficult August, with a ton of Saturn conjuntions and felt like I was in a pressure cooker. Nothing in my life is working (career, finances, relationships, energy) and I have seen no way out, feeling very traumatized, depressed, and hopeless. This is not normal for me. My Birth info is 6-4-56 9:40 AM Wiesbaden Germany. 18 degree Leo ascendant.

The eclipse is in my 7th house conj. natal Mars in Pisces. Today I felt like closing my business of 25+ years, giving up on my beautiful home and selling, leaving my partner, and getting a dog instead...all very emotional! ha ha, funny, but not really funny as I am in distress, and don't know how much more I can take.

thanks for your insights, I am new to this site, and you are awesome!

Blessings, Kathleen


Hello Robert, I'm about to have a perfect, cloudless view of tonight's lunar eclipse from here in Seattle. I'm concerned about this eclipse hitting my ascendant of 3.56 Virgo. I also have Mars at 3.10 of Scorpio, in my 3rd house, and I think the ascendant during the eclipse may also be chafing my opposing natal Sun and Mercury, at 15 & 10 degrees Pisces, respectively. I've not had any big surprises from the past Virgo/Pisces eclipses, and I'm wondering if I should be expecting a wallop from this one. What areas should I be watching, and is there a specific way Mars will be helping me?


Hello Robert. Sorry to hear about your system crash. Glad you are back up. Just a quick note to let you know that three of your recent articles were the centerpiece of our full moon group discussion here in the Black Hills. The two on the eclipse and "SLOW DOWN!" were all read and discussed. We had 17 people there. Everyone said that it was very powerful. We all thank you for your time and energy to keep putting it all out there for free.
Unfortunately here in Rapid City we are under heavy clouds, so I won't be able to see the eclipse in a few hours. Don't stay to long in L.A.
Oh, and did I mention that Gonzo is gone? How tragic for our great nation that when the Prez is eulogizing his AG he does not say "He didn't do anything wrong, unethical, or most importantly, illegal." Bush very haughtily says- "Nothing has been proven." That is like Tony Soprano saying "You ain't got no proof." This is indeed a new low for our great country. (sigh)


Hi Robert,
Wow- I have been eclipsed all over the place (Piscean:) and no one has really been able to give me an idea of what it means! This morning I was eclipsed and wonder if anything good can come at all?

The last few years have been an IMMENSE struggle. In fact, I spend most of time working like a dog for no money adn wondering how it is that I have played full out and wound up with nothing. Really, I lost a great deal of money and it put me in an American debt prison. I miss my world of travels and teaching English abroad and being free.

2/20/68 4:55pm Albuquerque NM but I live in Rhode Island.
Eclipse hit my Sun in the 7th.

Thanks for your articles - and also everyone else's questions and answers are extremely helpful.
Thank you so much.


Hi. it was my birthday on 27th in Australia..i saw my first lunar was beautiful..does this mean anything for me...cause im love with my ex boyfriend and i have been trying to win him over to get back..but no luck..i love him and i beleive he is my soulmate..i cant let heart belongs to him..but he is so stubborn! i have become very spiritual and i pray alot...please help


sorry its liz again from australia, i was born 27th aug 1970...i would like to know how this lunar and solar elipse is going to affect me and my love life,epecialy my soulmate who i have been tring to get back and i cant move on without...


Hi Kathleen - Sure. Now if they only made sense to me! ;-) Eclipses affect us all for a long time in a variety of ways. You were in a pressure cooker, and learning how to deal with whatever Saturn rigor you're experiencing. Saturn's been in my first for a while now, and I'm still dealing with being patient, organized, and not agonizing over the impossible load along with things like major computer crashes creating havoc in my life. I am forced to slow down and see things for the long haul rather than the short hit and run.

Since you're at the end of a long cycle, see what you can and cannot live with and do what you must to dump the load. You probably need a change in view, in more ways than one. Your relationships should benefit from this eclipse, since the Moon conjunct your Mars indicates the need for nurture in that area. Maybe you're being given a chance to begin changes so that your future is less burdensome than your past. There's no need for hasty decisions, but it should be evident that changes are already in motion, and it's up to you to plan with an eye to the long view so you don't stay frustrated indefinitely. Try to welcome the hints of positive activity and move in those directions.

Hi Dee - The Sun will illuminate your self image, while old worries and concerns should end. Your Mars is well aspected so it should assist, and it would seem that with Taurus the void you should simplify in order to make your life and future more solid and straighforward. Your Sun and Mercury will grow into new expressions, and have already been in revolution for some time. Eclipses work over time, and usually aren't indicative of dramatic events per se, but work to remove past elements that no longer have any purpose in our lives.

Hi dcu - Yes, well, and more complications that I won't bore you or others with, but this is somewhat of a mess. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to keep it structured this way, since the writing load is becoming oppressive and that's not why I started this cantina. I am definitely seeing the need to begin writing my next book, and that will necessitate changes here in terms of fewer articles and a LOT fewer comment answers. But I'm persevering the best I'm able for now. I saw the Full Moon last night before the eclipse began, but had to crash as I'm beat from the road. And I promise I'll be out of LA as soon as I can after the Labor Day traffic nightmare clears. As for politics, at least much of our national nightmare garbage is slowly clearing, and like a drunk on Sunday morning, our country will eventually see what a disastrous mess these fascist war criminals have made. As for knowing right from wrong, I must paraphrase a quote Jim Hightower made and say "Dubya was born on third base and thought he hit a triple."

Hi Kate - The Grand Irrationality, combined with Saturn opposition Neptune, has put everyone through the proverbial wringer. Eclipses show that some things in life are ending, allowing other forms to come forth. Often we must pursue old initiative until we come to realize we need to go play in other ponds with other people doing other things. The trick is not to let apparent failures (or real ones either!) sour our ability to dream a new dream and make incremental changes to move in that direction. Life is an immense struggle for most of us. The privileged also struggle, but for them it's not about material well being necessarily, though even the wealthy are bound by chains of ghosts and fears. You'll see new responsibilities surfacing soon. 38 is a year of struggle and change, with illumination and integration coming at 39. This is the end of whatever began back at 35. You do well in cooperative new initiatives, and should learn what you like as much as what you don't. Take an unusual view, honor your unique take on things, and with Saturn on your Jupiter the next 9 months, be patient and apply long term pressure on circumstances while adjusting and learning all you can. Saturn is no longer opposed your Mercury, which should help you see a wider vision and not feel so mentally oppressed. It's a new chapter, so please don't allow the ghosts of the past to spoil the new party.

Hi Liz - Happy Birthday and Solar Return. Please stop beating your head against the proverbial wall. You deserve to be courted by someone who sees and acknowledges your beauty and gifts. You can never go back, only forward. Consciousness, like life, is a one way street, and besides, why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you? "Soulmates" are overrated and break your heart. Better to find a "Helpmate" who could be your friend for life. Put friendship first, and stop putting your heart in the care of someone who doesn't care. Be your heart's light, and if you insist on pining for someone who doesn't care, at least stop beating your head against the wall, take the long view, and be willing to do practical tasking while you're waiting for Godot. 37 is the vision year, while the edge of change awaits you Autumn 2008 through Spring 2009. Pluto square your Mercury this year and next shows the need to back off from extreme thinking, see your abundance and what's coming in the next era of your life, get a wider view and a sense of humor, and if appropriate, go back to get a higher education. One more thing - you ARE moving on, with or without him. Take my word on it. You merely determine whether your journey is enjoyable or not.


What a beautiful lunar eclipse in the Northwest! My Piscean daughter and I watched almost the entire thing (the moon was eclipsed by venerable trees when it was halfway out of the eclipse!). We saw numerous falling stars and I wondered if there was any significance to seeing them during a lunar eclipse. Sure made for a delightful evening!
Take Care, Sonja



Many thanks for the tremendous insights and generous knowledge share.

my entire chart is being set off (5.29.58 3:37 am LA, CA) by saturn and pluto by transit contacting my natal sat. 23 sag and PL 29 leo which are part of a kite/grand trine with venus 26 aries, chiron 22 aquar, and a mystic rect with moon/jup 22 lib.

also have tr. neptune conj natal chiron just for fun. since mars squares saturn natally and the sun aquare pluto, there is almost no part of my chart not lit up at the moment. :D

the eclipse squares my sun 7 gem.

I am feeling like I am coming into my own after a few enormously transformative and epic years and like I've come back from the war.

Since tr. saturn started conj. my Pluto in 03 I feel like I've lived 10 lifetimes and sloughed off as much karmic debris. I am a musician and lgbt community activist. I decided to transition from female to male, quite publicly 5/03 when saturn first contacted pluto. I've contemplated it since age 5.

Talk about plutonian transformation, eh? :D

any observations off hand?

oh-- I live in the northern california redwood mountains-- last night I stood in a moon bath on my deck after smudging and intending and otherwise acknowledging the occasion. it was incredibly silvery and luminescent and magical.

may the illumination light up every heart!


Hi Robert,

I have had the most bizzare relationship with an old friend/flame for the past 14 months. We live in different cities and we agree to get together, then he basically doesn't show up. Literally disappears.... I know there is a strong tie here, but I don't understand what it is all about. He is born Jan 11/62 9 pm EST and I'm born Feb 18/63 1:39 pm EST. So he is a Capricorn, moon in Aries, Virgo rising; I'm Aquarius, moon in Sag and Cancer rising. If you can shed any light on this extremely unusual relationship and what it all means, I would be forever grateful. Tommi.


Hi sonja - Falling stars have been said to symbolize many things, including the death of eminent ones so other eminent ones can take their place on the world stage. Glad you got a show. A friend of mine here in LA who stayed up for the show said it was reddish and beautiful. Perhaps the beauty of an Eclipse that will bring radical change can portend the beauty of the changes.

Hi anders - No doubt the Mars-Jupiter has recently activated your chart in tremendous ways! As Jupiter rolls through the rectangle in the next 16 weeks, enjoy the openings. Saturn conjunct your Pluto HAS helped you slough off karmic debris! And restructured your Pluto in a big way. Of course it probably has a lot to do with your transformation, since Saturn makes things real, and Pluto is our deepest power of the transpersonal seed-self.

Hi Tommi - Well, to state the obvious, it sounds like he's unreliable. I can't really address the complex things in the relationship in a comment stream. He has Pisces on the 7th, so his Jupiter must play a part in his disappearing act. But he does know exactly what he's doing, and has very good reasons for doing whatever, given his configurations. The blockages could be due to your Asc and his Moon, but that's a speculation. You're a friendly, large visioned world servant who probably sells yourself short in many ways. You're also enormously creative, a good sport, and are in a phase of dropping everything that would impede your higher growth. You're very protected at present, and will be starting a whole new two year cycle in October, but then have to backtrack until January, then pick up the movement in March.


I am Taurus with both Moon and Rising Sign in Virgo -- what should I do to counteract potential adversity brought by the Lunar Eclipse of August 28 and from the September Solar Eclipse in Virgo? Thank you.


Hi Rebekah - Relax! The Lunar is more powerful than the Solar. Though disruptive for the next 90 months, take a long view, see what spiritual service you're called to do, and do it with feeling! You'll grow in how you relate to others, while releasing old self images and habits no longer useful for the work you'll be called to do. 2008 will be great for you!


Thanks so much, Robert! Just found this site searching for eclipse info, and there's so much great info to browse, I've bookmarked it and will be sure to be doing lots of research here. Hope you'll find time to appear on occasion while working on your book. Best regards to everyone involved here. Great place.


Hi Dee - Well, as the proprietor of this cantina, I feel that I should hang around these parts just to make sure the ne'er-do-wells don't hijack the joint. ;-0 Welcome to the site. You'll find a lot of treasures in the archives, so enjoy the gold mine. As for the book(s), only when my move is finalized. Right now it's about 55-60% and daunting to say the least. I feel like the water's broken and I'm in transition.

Rebekah Shardy

Thank you much for your own generous service to us all! Much success to you and the wonderful site you offer.



i'm a triple libra-- born in 9/70-- and i feel like i went off my path (bad decisions) in june/july 2004. i am now circling around some of those old influences-- will i ever break through to the other side? also, i have since 2002 had an unrequited love for a taurus (born 1971) who is my opposite in many critical (think race/religion) ways-- yet he felt like the closest thing to me i've encountered. will i ever meet up with him again>? is this feeling of connection + the frustration of being on the wrong side real?



My dear friend committed suicide Aug 22. We did'nt find her for quite awhile. She was my exhusbands partner. He and I have spent the last 12 years learning to love and care for each other after a long time of hating each other.

After we learned she had died, I went to him (and my son who lives with him) and stayed and helped him through every step of the process of forgiving her, and planning her memorial. It was amazing. We had it yesterday.

On Monday, aug 27, after we found out she had died and spent a good 15 hours dealing with the gruesome reality, I came home and found a letter from my Dad detailing how and why he is disowning me. It's a blessing as he is a practicing alcoholic and verbally abusive. I had drawn very clear boundaries and demanded he stop treating me certian ways. I'm so glad I took those steps. He said I'm "just like all other women" and many other things.

Through all of this, I've found powerful compassion and even relief. I hated my ex-husband for years. Now I count him among my good friends. I took my fathers abuse for years and now see this as necessary step for personal empowerment and peace. And Holly, beautiful, kind Holly, has brought healing and compassion and forgiveness to a community that doesn't embrace those qualities easily.

This lunar eclipse has been one wild ride. I feel like everything is magical and I"m moving between the spirit to material world.


Hi Beth - You'll break on through once you go to your Higher Self and put that first, and stop bouncing between temporary and conditional points of view. As for unrequited love, why not affirm you're attracting your Twin Flame and keep it magnetized 24/7 until you attract someone available who might just be a friend for life? Why settle for something you can't have? Mostly we long for that which we think will fulfill us on the deepest unconscious levels, but the problem is that no one can do that but us. Study why you think you want what you believe you want and then set aside all those that change. Focus on understanding your ideals, and move into a spiritual practice where you can receive what Spirit sends you that is perfect for you. This is where studying "The Game of Life" by Florence Scovel Shinn would probably be of help to you in your quest.

Hi Charmie - First, my condolences on your friend choosing to bail on this beautiful life. I also know the sorrow of a "best friend" committing suicide, and we didn't find him for many weeks as he lived far out in the country and went into the woods and... Sorry about your dad, since NO ONE is "just like all other women" except in the eye of the beholder, which is a sad projection indeed. Boundaries are very important when dealing with people who don't see us as we are or accept that our decisions might just be a result of sound reasoning and striving for mental health and peace of mind. Glad it's magical, as life can be that way! Welcome to walking between worlds. You're probably a godsend to most of those who are still stunned by the loss.


Dear Robert
Enjoying all your wonderful teaching.
It just came to me a thought I would like to share. I remember reading about Jesus and hope this is correct, "Since the beginning I AM".
Reflecting on the eclipse and the great order in the universe, I believe the same applies to so many seemingly unrelated events. From the beginning this eclipse has been on track to occur as we experienced on 28 August 07 along with all other incredibly timed experiences although some may say random.
The synchronization of all things since time began, I believe is as Jesus words describe himself "Since the beginning I AM".
I hope I have conveyed what I am trying to express.
Kind regards and Love


Hi Sam - Glad you're enjoying the cantina. "I AM" is a powerful affirmation. For those new to the game, the "I AM" movement originates in ancient sources. Mark Prophet was the originator of the movement, which got hijacked by.... In any case, the principles work just fine, and as we all become the I AM then we live in the "I and I," which the prophet Bob Marley spoke extensively on.

Tommi Hanley

Hi Robert,

I just wanted to say thanks for responding to my email - I tend to think that I won't get a response, so rarely do this type of thing. I'm glad I came back to check it out and thank you again for your insight.



Hi Tommi - That's what makes this site different! I'm glad to be hosting an eclectic and wonderful global community who try to offer what we can to those who stop into the cantina. I hope you'll check back in again, since it's all given in the intention of helping you to help your world as best you can according to whatever your Higher Self knows is your best song to sing.


Hi Robert, Thank you so much for all of the wonderful information you share. I seek your guidance about the lunar eclipse that took place on Aug. 28. The eclipse hit my IC at 3 Pisces. I also have my natal Saturn at 3 Pisces opposing my natal Mercury at 3 Virgo. Can you talk about the significance of an eclipse hitting the IC? I am also aware that Saturn will stimulate this degree in mid-October when it hits 3 Virgo. What should I prepare for? Thanks.


Hi Jessica - NN on the IC shows you'll be developing new roots in the future. You'll express them through the Mercury skills you've already developed. Saturn entering the 4th is an excellent time for establishing a home, a foundation for long term future successes, and eliminating all negative memories of the past from the subconscious.


Hi Robert,

Just wanted to say thanks again for the great reading back in June. I have been following along and rereading it ever since and it has been very helpful in navigation. It was kind of funny that the night right before the lunar eclipse (the 27th) was the first time I have played music in public for many years..with a new band consisting of 3 Pisces and 1 Virgo. Nice. Hope all is well in NM.


Hi Robert
Wonderfull web site sharing the info on Lunar eclipse with husband. It helps us to understand some of the restlessness, things ending, new beginings. We don't know what country to live in let alone what direction to move woth our family.Very unsettling ,yet lots of intersting new nibbles of work for me in a completely new direction,doing readings and reiki... its still taking form. Even my friendships are changing. And old family wounds starting to come the the surface.
Husband is - Leo 11/8/60 from New Zealand
Little old Pisces me 10/3/63 from E London
I am finding meditation a useful way to keep from thinking about'the solution'.
Husband keeps swinging from lets move to Devon to, moving to NZ to going back to HK (we both lived there for a number of years).Hes going through challenges at work too.
Back to my


Robert, this site more and more brings me validation and guidance. Thank you for responding to my comment, I shouldn't be surprised that you also lost a friend to suicide and also didnt' find the person for a long while, but it is jostling to learn the similiarities humans share, even in these devistating situations.

Another amazing miracle that's emerged from the ashes of these tragedies is my new found ability (and I can see it in others as well) to have total acceptance in the moment of whatever comes your way. It's amazing, so that even in the deepest pain or grief, there is deep peace.
Does that make sense?

Thank you for your support and I can't thank you enough for this website.

Peggy Sparks

Hi, Robert I am new to this site but I love this article about the eclipse on Aug 28th. I have a question I hope you can answer. My mother has been going through many difficulties over the years. The areas of her life that have particularly been troubling are her finances and health. She has gone through extensive back surgery and battled and beat breast cancer better than anyone I have known. However, she has been going through two lawsuits for the past few years. The one related to her back injury is supposed to be ending soon, but it seems to keep stalling. My question is do you think that the eclipses on Aug 28th or September 11th will help move the settlement along or possibly delay it? Her DOB information is 12/18/59 at 4:32 pm, New York City, NY.

If you have any insight into this matter it would be appreciated. Thanks so much. Have a good weekend.


Hi Christine - Sure. I'm glad the tape can keep yielding more and more insights. They're like that, even the 20th or 30th listen. Just make sure you make a duplicate! Welcome to your public re-entry into the performing world. All is great now that I'm off the road for awhile. More travel to come in Oct-Nov seeing the Dalai Lama in NY and then finishing the move from LA.

Hi Kathy - Aum indeed! Not knowing can be good, since the quest can lead to clarity. Old wounds coming to surface is good, since it offers the chance to break the link between old pain and suffering so you no longer need to "drag the bag." We live in a vast collective uncertainty, which is why we must learn gentle forms of personality self-discipline so we don't drive our Dharma into a ditch. We'd get out anyway, but why go there to begin with? New directions offer renewal, hope, and exercise, regenerating our aliveness. Open without resistance to being offered clear signals about where to go and when, and try to remind his Majesty not to push the river. He's now learning Divine Discrimination from Saturn's patience and rigor. Join in accepting the Divine signal you know will manifest, and remember that you just might be delivered into the perfect situation for what is to come.

Hi Charmie - I suspect a lot of people lose good friends to forms of suicide, but it's a tough thing to talk about, since it's such a drag. And yes, death does force us to accept what's happening, since it's fairly non-negotiable. It also forces our Higher Self to remember not to lose focus, waste our precious time, or take relationships for granted while we're here in a body. Peace can also come from accepting the inevitability of the process while being aware of the unconditional Love that could come forth if we allow it. It's all part of Spiritual maturity. And of course, you're welcome. We're all in this together.

Hi Peggy - You've asked too complex a set of questions to be answered here. Generally, eclipses shut down the areas it touches. The Lunar Eclipse will no doubt impact her life by bringing closure to whatever areas it falls in her chart. I will say that Jupiter on her Jupiter now, her Sun in Nov-Dec, and her Saturn in Jan-Feb 2008 favorable to her Venus, Neptune, and Pluto should bring liberation and well-being freeing her for a new series of life adventures. Opportunity is all around for her to have a new life in many areas if she opens up to Jupiter's expansive and abundant view.


Hi, my birth date is 9/9/57, 8pm, Louisiana (the top of the boot). I have been unmistakably affected by the eclipses and my interest in astrology has been heightened. Not to the point that I am guided by a daily horoscope, but to the point that I know that the Global Astrology affects me much as you have described and I think your information is great and informative. Please give me your insight into my situation as this month's eclipses begin. The last one, Sep 11, ended a situation that I should have had the courage to end sooner, and I had no regrets. Now,however, a lot of changes are pending, and my drive/energy is up and down. What can you tell me?


Hi Nicole - I can't give thorough analyses in comment streams. This one falls on the cusp of your Solar 5th/6th houses, so expect things to shut down and recombine in the those parts of your life while opening new visions of work, both personal and social. No doubt you'll have some new initiatives that will help you regenerate, just as you'll have new sensitivities, friends, and goals to care about. Fluctuations are common these days due to the Grand Irrationality triggered 7 times a month along with 21 times a year minimum. And don't forget Mars opposed Pluto.


Thanks. Can you elaborate on Mars opposed Pluto. Are you saying that is my personal situation (birth chart info)? Feel free to email me.


p.s. I just googled Mars opposed Pluto--doesn't look good!:)


Hi Nicole - No, it's nothing personal. The Mars opposition Pluto is generic, something we all have been dealing with for several months. It affects where it falls in our charts, as well as Aries and Scorpio houses and planets.


I have Sun In pisces in first house, Moon in Aquarius, and Aquarius rising ; Saturn and Venus in Aries in Second House, Neptune in Scorpio in 10th house, in my Natal Chart. Going thru' a double whammy period with marriage with a Libran (has Saturn in his First house and Mars in his 7th house) and career transition not going smoothly due to lack of moral support. How do I handle the Saturn-Mars in Virgo in my 7th house of relationships, because my willpower is continually getting challenged by negativities?
Thankyou for showing me some direction! Birth Date : 9/Mar/67, 4.35am Bangalore,India

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