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If time is but a measure for human comprehension, then it's yesterday, today, and tomorrow right now; 2012 is past, but it's here today, and coming tomorrow. If it already happened and you didn't like what came up, what would you do differently?

There is so much focus on the gloom and doom; perhaps we make it so by our thought transformations. Every morning I get a "do over" (City Slickers). Every day I start over simply trying not to repeat the things that caused me regret? The world may indeed be changing all around me, but how I view it makes all the difference to my interaction with my surroundings and all living things in it.

I hear so much about the year 2012 and when I add the numbers I get 5, the number of me what I can achieve by the power of positive thinking IS "sheer magic"! It can be difficult sometimes to transcend the daily grind (note grind, wow), believe me I know, BUT (the eternal but) transcend I do if I am ever to find peace within myself and continue to have hope for a better and brighter future. Never mind how long I've been on the planet, everyday "I'm just getting warmed up" (Scent of a Woman)!



Hi Juliet - Well, I'm glad I'm not still experiencing my life as it was 12-14 years ago! Having bought that ticket and taken that ride, I think I will pass as many times as I can in every future life I'm offered that particular ride! ;-) I believe the trick is to stay centered in the NOW, and replace every negative memory or tendency with an altruistic intention for the future. And keep doing that until the old tendencies still. 2012 is only our calendar. It's not the Jewish calendar, nor others still used by whoever wherever. And of course, the Mayans may still be showing us "the end of time," which means something beyond this looking glass that must be better than the nightmare we're staring at right now.

Deborah Smith

I must tell you how much I enjoy your site! You write so eloquently, and there is so much substance, intelligence and throughness to your articles. You should be so proud of your work!! You give so much information!!! and so much really interesting "food for thought and digestion". I really appreciate your work! I stumbled on your site on the 5th this month looking for info on the nodes, and Thank the Universe for guiding me here. I tune in everyday to feast on this wonderful information. So much astrology information and things to learn!! And OH! so wonderful to have a like minded person to tune into on a daily basis. Thank You Robert!!!!! Deborah in OKC


Yeeeees, I agree with Deborah.
Astrology positively understood for common development.


Hi Deborah - Thanks for your kind words. Astrology is a means by which we can explore patterns, and come to understand how things aren't as random as they seem. It offers how much power we actually have to steer our boat of personality away from the rocks and into the current that will take us from stream to river, from river into ocean, and from ocean into the ever flowing stream of time itself.


I think some of us will ascend...up to another dimension. I already feel the evolutionary changes happening within my body and don't see myself as having a physical existence here past 2012.


Hi Damien - I realize you're offering a popular hope for the future, but if the ancient chronicles are accurate, we have much more service to do here on Earth reclaiming its beauty and fruitfulness for future generations. All dimensions exist simultaneously, and we are told that the present goal for us humans is to be at Arhat consciousness 24/7. Until we're there, we probably have more work to do here on beautiful planet Earth.

If 2012 comes and you still inhabit a chemical form, don't sweat it, since evolution is endless and definitely a one-way street. We are told the Earth and all its life forms will eventually occupy non-chemical forms, but the sources seem to indicate that's many thousands of years down the road, which will be our true "graduation day." In the meantime, enjoy the flowers, birds, kitty cats, good coffee, nice breezes, beautiful mountains, and the look of love in the eyes of your near and dear ones. This place is about learning to give and receive love, so we probably shouldn't be in much of a hurry to split, instead focusing on the joy of human existence, with all the weirdness and wonder that entails.


Haha, i'm not really offering anything, just being honest with you. :)


Hi Damien - Not to be trenchant, IMHO we should offer EVERYTHING, since then by Law everything will be offered. Karmic Law takes note of everything, if we are to believe The Magic of Space and our own experience. And of course, honesty is always the best policy. ;-)


Hello Robert,

I wonder about the "nightmare" and "the looking glass"...

I am curious about the 2012 calendar to which you refer. Is there a special version out there and if so, where can I get one?

"kitty cats" - gotta love them.

Juliet :-)


Hi Juliet - The looking glass as in "through the looking glass," leaving us staring at an upside down world where war is peace and violence is an industry, where honor is disdained and those who can smash and grab the fastest are rewarded with power and position, and where war criminal politicians can loot, lie, and kidnap people without any repercussions. Sounds like a nightmare to me. I have no idea which of the two calendars you're speaking about, nor where to find one. Cats rule the world! (Just ask them...)


Hi Robert,

As Juliet stated there is too much focus on the gloom and doom scenarios. I also agree and seek as you all that 2012 and beyond may be a time of enlightning of the planet in the sense of turning our future to a very bright direction.
It may be still a quite long time to achieve the graduation day.

What sources do you have heard from whom you got that information?

It may be that 2012 is just the turning point, a burning of karma and a reorientation.
Maybe some drastic weather changes but not that hard, what do you think?
And may fundamental restrucure of society, such as no usual countries anymore, but a different organization, no more money as we have and tech, but just some improved systems or more simplicity and less focus on that maybe.

I guess by meditation we may have some answers to our concerns and for bright advices for our life directions.

I want to focus also on the positive side. Maybe preparing life for changes, such as those as concerning money, earth changes, lifestyle, but in the end I want to seek a more communal, natural, harmonious and simple more-spiritual based life.

Hugs ans Light for all,
I am also with you all,


I always wonder that by the same way that in this site we search for light, there are very skilled "others" that will try to mantain darkness, and they are aware too of the coming burst of energy.

So I'm sure the New Humanity won't arrive for free. There will be so much turmoil and battle between opposing poles...What's clear, as Robert suggests, is that the world rulers are in the dark side.

Increased killings, genocides, weather anomalies, starvation, real state home property "abolition", paranoid for security in order to control people obsessively (perhaps they are afraid something will occur?)...

Well, God Bless all us, only the Cosmos knows, what I don't understand is which karma are "burning" the souls confined to the Thirld World famines and pandemies, or wars, or refugees "camps", for example. Which is/was their blame?. For we look at this from our "First World" eyes...

True peace for all.


Hi Popplagid - I've always maintained we should not be afraid of numbers. Everything is changing as we speak, and some things are ending very rapidly. It seems overwhelming to many individuals - that's why we're again being offered forms of community. The way we humans have structured our relationship to Earth and each other is unsustainable, so radical change is inevitable. Every 500 years is a turning point in how humanity relates to the human-created command and control systems already in place. This is one of those turning points. There are many sources describing the shifts between subraces and Root Races including "The Secret Doctrine" by HPB, "The Holy Science" by Sri Yukteswar, as well as the larger planetary cycles of change as shown by the conjunctions and turning points of the outer invisible Triad. Some of Rudhyar's works on the larger Solar systemic change cycles can also be useful to study.

I have noted the weather changes are already extreme and are producing radical changes that will impact the entire world. Where we are will determine how hard the impact will be locally. People will be using "money" for some time to come, less and less as the control systems crumble through the weight of their own excesses. Meditation is good for all kinds of things. Focusing on the positives helps us navigate the sludge and stay oriented on solutions and community. And it does seem that we MUST return to a simpler, sustainable way of living in harmony with the Earth and each other.

Hi Henry - Yes, there are those who profit by the chaos, violence, and keeping us all feeling separate from each other and even ourselves. The reptilian brain doesn't die easily, but there are larger turning points in individual and collective evolution that separate those who are devolving from those who are evolving. This Earth has hit a turning point. Humanity is the planetary brain and it seems as though one part of the brain is in toxic psychosis and trying to destroy the body and mind of the planet through ignoring inevitable consequences of destructive behavior. This is manifesting as a healing crisis for the Earth and all its creatures, which is where we're at right now.

Take a larger view of karma. We cannot know why some suffer more than others; it may or may not be the direct result of prior life behaviors. It may be that they are the vehicles so we'll wake up and pay attention to the inhumane behaviors of the toxic ones creating the suffering. It may be that they must directly experience certain things so their Eternal Consciousness will polarize toward the light and away from unconsciousness in future lifetimes.

Remember the words of one of the greatest Teachers of all time when asked why a man was born blind, and whether it was his sin or his father's. The answer, to paraphrase, was "So the glory of God can be revealed." WE can be the agents of that emanation if we so choose. On a related note, I am reminded of a true story: When touring a liberated Nazi concentration camp a priest was asked by a journalist, "Where was your God that He would allow such a thing?" The priest answered, "The question is not 'Where was God?' The question is 'Where was man?'"

For anyone reading this who would like to explore more about how karma seems to work, check out Are We Ever Done With Karma which has other links to other related articles. And here's An Essay on Karma and the Quest for Truth.


Hi Robert, I think the whole mayan 2012 thing is really misunderstood...I believe we are heading for wonderful changes and we must all become more spiritual and lose the rampant materialism and greed. Two good books on this subject are The Mayan Prophecies and The Orion Prophecy...these books explain the calender and the importance of the transit of venus amongst other astrological aspects....Juliet may find the information there....blessings to all...lets get cats in government...what a cool world that would be!!lots of love giverny


Hi giverny - I completely agree. The end of this era of greed, manipulation, violence, and insane separateness has to end since it does not address certain fundamental human needs and we've been under the sway of the juvenile delinquents on this planet for far too long. The new era will look pretty good, though of course it will be radically changed from what we have assumed life should look like. We are establishing the foundations of future culture and civilization, and our connectedness with each other will be the structure of a new way of relating to all that is. Right now we're just building momentum despite the deadening inertia of the crumbling exploitive systems. The future of humanity is so bright we've got to wear shades....


Hi Robert.

When you mention "juvenile delinquents" (laughs)you mean the "devolved ones". Isn't it?. Ha ha!.
In fact, when we sepparate, as it's obvious, between "evolved" and "devolved", must we suppose Earth is a school or a battlefield?. Are there 2 factions or all is one?.
I mean, do you think the "toxic ones" serve a Higher Purpose like making the "evolved" evolve?.

As a result of your knowledge, is there any insights if the toxics are perhaps good souls playing his part in a game?. Really hard to accept this concept when viewing their deeds.

Or are they -in an almost "Biblical" sense- condemned forever?.

Or, perhaps, the "toxics" will be the next incarnation of "evolved" people in an eternal Earth-classroom?. No, I don't believe that, most of these people die without having improved themselves nor a little bit...


Hi Henry - In a system where individual consciousness is in process of cultivating "free will" to mirror "Divine Will," there are those who strive, those who don't, and those who obstruct as a result of attachment to fear, ignorance, desire, and vanity. (Our magnetic system permits of positive, neutral, and negative energy). Earth is a beautiful school being sprayed with ugly graffiti by people who refuse to mature into the Spiritual Self. Juvenile delinquency usually is a case of arrested development. Since the evolutionary process does not ever arrest our development, then it must be that ego-mind infused with fear and desire willfully refuses to grow since spiritual growth effectively kills ego (which of course ego does not want!)

While the toxic ones do assist the process of polarization for those who haven't yet found their inner compass, it still falls into the category of "it only takes one fool to keep a thousand wise men busy," just as it takes lifetimes to build some works that are messed up in a New York minute by the ignorant, jealous, or mean-spirited.

For purposes of this discussion, there are no Souls that are "condemned forever." Eventually all sentient beings will find an end to suffering, but only after they experience it long enough. I've long maintained that people don't get it together because they see the Light, but because they feel the Heat. And ignorance will be perpetuated until knowledge is glimpsed and accepted. All beings form tendencies they carry forth across lifetimes. The more we develop the more they show as gifts and skills in future incarnations.

We are told that when Earth goes into a non-chemical state (along with all its life forms) thousands of years from now, there will still be substance as real as what we presently perceive, but it will be Astral substance rather than chemical substance. And we are told that because there is no mineral world, but our Earth still requires a 7-fold harmonic in all manifested forms, that humanity will naturally precipitate into a Higher Refined Humanity and a lower unrefined humanity that will learn from those who are higher, but without the negative polarization we live within today.


OK Robert.

I hope it won't be kicking apart the subject in discussion here...For sure my Scorpio deepening-pulsion fills my brain with a lot reflections, because for me this is the central issue of the meaning of Human existence itself.

Only one comment: So, as I extract, we have a kind of CONTRACT, or call it MISSION if you want, linked to Earth, to this very place and planet, for its improvement through personal/collective advancement.

So we have a lot of future reincarnations granted by means of this CONTRACT in Earth, not in other parallel places/dimensions except in afterlife resting periods, until the task the CONTRACT demands is finished RIGHT HERE.

My doubt starts when some say that when you achieve the requested evolutional degree you move to related more evolved (and surely more inviting and hospitable) other dimensions or places only God knows where.

Yes, there's a possible answer: Perhaps in Earth there are parallel dimensions and we are only attuned with one of them, that is according to our evolution level.

In that case, the Final Earth you talk about yet exists, there's no real time/space, only happens that we are not able to synthonize ourselves in that wave.

But, in perspective, actually this is a mixture of very
different levels I think should be differently placed: from the toxic and reptilian-brain based predators until the Spiritual Masters and true loving people.

And must we suffer this toxic ones domination reincarnation after reincarnation after another reincarnation "ad infinitum"?. Do we deserve this?. Yes...then it's a kind of CONTRACT with a Higher Force.

Perhaps some humans are here to help the evolutive process, but when talking about different parallel dimensions or waves you'll agree with me, by any means we are compelled to synthonize the same time/space sequence as do experiment the toxics, only that I think we experience our reality in totally different values.

So, past this explanation, you suggest this unconfortable "sharing" the world with the selfish toxic-decadent-soul predators is about to end one day or another.

I think it could be more gradual, it's true too that perhaps the real world is not outside us, it's what we have inside, and the rest is illusion. Except the evil the toxics spread ruining others' rights to live, this is not illusory.

Blessings. Waiting for a burst of Light, in the meanwhile.


Hi Henry - The contract exists within ourselves as participants in an eternal evolution process. Part of that is to learn right relationship with energy, matter, time, space, and other sentient beings. That said, once our consciousness reaches a certain degree of awareness, we do graduate into another realm of evolving life on its own larger, galactic level. But we don't get there by believing we are ascending to anywhere, or better than whatever, or have learned all we need to know. Any sense of duality prevents the ability to know the higher realms. Only after we complete our lessons on the Path of Earth Service do we find ourselves confronted with the reality that our skills are needed elsewhere than here. And yes, there are simultaneously occurring parallel frequencies in our scheme. A dog hears a sound we humans cannot, but all sounds coexist at the same time, regardless of what is hearing them or not. There are space and time. Limitlessness is an aspect of Divine Existence. Perception divides space and time so we may measure experience. Even Perfect Masters of the Wisdom experience space-time, or we'd have no frames of reference whatsoever. And everyone I know, regardless of how aware or ignorant, needs perceptual frames of reference.

Dealing with predators and toxic beings isn't about "deserving" anything. We're all in school together, the brainheads, the heart-oriented, the juvenile delinquents, the teachers, the administrators, the custodians, and everyone else that shows up at a school. While karmas will be perpetuated, at certain points the Earth itself on its own evolutionary path must go through changes, just as our bodies create fever to burn up whatever pathogens threaten our system. Then they go wherever pathogens go when they "die," and we are restored to a measure of health. Sometimes our immune system learns how to counter those pathogens forever, while other times it doesn't. Yes, we are in the same scheme as the toxic ones, and we do recognize different realities than they do. The Earth is at a turning point due to "environmental" realities impinging on our human-created insanity. When the Earth feels the sunburn, it WILL turn over, or find an umbrella. Either way, a lot of old ways will end in the process. Whether gradual or quick or both, "... the times they are a-changing...."


OK Robert.
Much appreciated and helpful insights for me personally.
Sometimes I ask myself how there's people able to live without ever questioning the deepest meaning of life itself.


Hi Robert,

I have two remaining questions.
First is how do you think the "very bright" future will be?
Could you detail a bit more on the solutions?

I see we could be steping into more natural sustainable ways of living, like recycling, growing our own food and making stuff and clothes, but how about cars for example, oil, will a new technology replace or will we have a gap waiting for that, and how about the setting of communities in cities (i only know of a few in rural settings), and how about the existent technology which depends mainly on oil... and the issue of how to substitute money stills seems slow to come with a solution
Unless we move into real self-sufficient rural communities

Second question I ask you, is if you can detail more on the future coming of a non-chemical state for earth? Is this related to a schedule event with a specific date and of a specific cycle. Or will we also start to see a gradual shift into less physicial but still physical states after 2012 and into the centuries coming?

ALl the Light, Popp


So how will WE write it? How shall it read when we look back on December 21, 2012? We certainly have the elements in place to destroy ourselves. The planet has experienced cataclysmic events in its history - polar shifts, ice ages, etc. No one really knows. What the Mayan’s meant with their End-Count calendar will always be up for speculation. It fires the imagination, for sure. SOooo let's write it like we want it. That is what Chris Fenwick did in the #1 Visionary Novel: "the 100th human." You choose...


Hi Popplagid -

The long view is that we are collectively on the path of return for about 10,000 years, after which we get one more "round" of material existence for about 26,000 more years until the BIG graduation day. We are past the densest, darkest, most ignorant period in the past 25,000 years, and from here will "remember" the nature of the electromagnetic creation and the principles of Light, moving on in about 3000 years to even greater abilities and knowledge than can be described here. We do have 20th century minds, which hinder us in our ability to know the glory of what is to come thousands of years down the road when we are unencumbered by our present fogs, assumptions, and delusions.

Solutions are every "spiritual practice" we know and then some. These eventually translate into inspirations, ideas, and ground as things and processes to greet and transform the inertias of the past into more dynamic potential in the NOW. Many will move into a more sustainable reality, but that will vary radically depending on where on Earth we are. Oil is obsolete, and will cease to be used within three generations. There are many other forms of power in development that will topple oil from its present status. Of course, there are barter systems in place, but by and large they don't work effectively for many of the same reasons that "communism" never worked on a practical level, nor did communes. Money is only the commonly agreed upon medium of exchange, and of course what is valuable depends on conditions. A person could have a lot of cisterces in latter day Rome, but the person with a ton of salt was worth more.

Yes to everything about the non-chemical evolved state of planet Earth in the distant future. We're already learning that our apparently solid reality isn't really all that solid, so yes, quantum mechanics will play a part in our view of what is real and what solid actually means. We'll be solid the way we are until a future state where everyone on Earth knows that solid is only a probability. And as I noted, even when the chemical reality no longer exists, there will be a solid reality that will be as real as our present one, just composed of Astral substance rather than chemical.

Hello Chris - Some DO really know, as much has been written that the public is unaware of. What the Mayans meant is not speculative to those who have studied the real Mayan calendar and civilization that created it. And of course, we write the future with every breath we take. If your novel gets produced, I'll watch the movie. However, I'll reiterate that the future IS known to those who have studied the source material translated from the most ancient chronicles on Earth.

Felipe Gonzales

Hola Robert:

The links below may provide some insight on meaning of the December 2012 date of the Mayan calendar.

As you may know there are many different views about this date and what it means. This is just one more point of view.

It might be helpful to remember that the Maya are masters at computing time and the 2012 date is one of many cyclic, ending-starting dates within their calendar. This cycle appears to be a longer one and certainly increases its importance within the larger scheme of things.

General Clarification, Alignment 2012

Union of Cosmic Mother & Father

What is the Galactic Alignment



Hi Robert,

I guess in some ways my scientific background and aproach to things (although I mantain a deeply spiritual and contemplative approach as well) requires solid proof or feeling for believing in 2012 or any other future day graduation.
Personally, I seek proof or evidence pointing me of that what is happening at the moment and what is the 2012 phenomena all about.
It was like four years ago when I started into astrology. I took a list of birthdates and I noticed that at that time, that my friends grouped by solar signa showed some similarities which later uncovered into the beauty of tracing or studying a natal chart or transits and knowing that it is right, it is something that makes sense and is *real*.
You can feel pluto, you can feel moon passing through the houses, etc..
And we can feel now something happening. Something that may or may not have a peak in 2012. Something that may be starting right now or end soon or later.
Thats what I feel.
I feel in our personal lives, in weather, in earth, in humans all over the world.
Like it was a pluto conjunting the natal sun of earth or of mankind!

I will meditate on what you have said...
Are there references on the cycles for big graduation day you gave me?
On a lot of channelled material (some that I considered serious, such as ra) still consider a 2012 graduation, followed by an "end-time" transition spanning over more two centuries starting and following 2012.
All the best,



Hello Robert,

Wow, I've been a bit busy and did not get back to the forum until today...lots of stuff to read.

I must have misunderstood your comment about the 2012 calendar when you stated "not the Jewish calendar, nor others"...I thought you meant there were two versions of the 2012 calendar and that's why I asked where I could get the "correct" one.

I am currently studying the Principles of Archaelogy and we are actually learning to ready the Mayan Calendars (within a week of this post) - what serendipity :-)


PS. For me "the nightmare" is subjective and while I see the death and destruction as well as the life and growth, I choose to focus on the latter; what we give our thoughts to increases...


Hi Popp - I agree that there must be multiple approaches to assessing what is true for the many, and a lot of stuff out there is smoke, puffery, and glamor. My primary source is and will forever be The Secret Doctrine (unless some charitable Tibetan wants to work with me on translating Volumes 3 and 4 of the Chronicles!). Sri Yukteswar also puts forth a powerful arguments for the Vedas indicating the time line I assert here in The Aquarius Papers. 2012 will be important, but again, it's also merely the mid-point of the "Winter" of the 21st Century, which has its own implications that have nothing to do with "ascension," "transcendence," or any other glamorous assertion justifying our copping out on our brothers, sisters, and the Earth itself. There's still a lot of work to do, whether we want to admit it or not, and relatively few are going anywhere else very quickly. Pluto moves so slowly that it's not realistic to think it will happen in one moment or day and then everything will be somehow different from the continuum of Earth/Human evolution as it's unfolding according to science and the natural chain of evolution as described in the source material. For example, many are asserting Pluto will conjunct the Galactic Center on such and such a moment and it will never happen again. This is utter nonsense. It's been conjuncting the GC for a while, and will continue for a while. "And the beat goes on and on and on and..."

Hi Juliet - Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed! Yes, there ARE two versions of the Mayan Calendar. The Dreamspell one and the real one. I don't know where to get a "real" one, but I'll trust Felipe's reference links above.

Felipe Gonzales

Hola Roberto:

Here's an interesting article that provides an indigenous perspective on the 2012 date. It is significant because the author is a respected Guatemalan who lived among the Maya. He wrote a book called "El Libro del Destino - The Book of Destiny" which I've been reading. It's an expose on Maya spirituality and their calendars published by Cholsamaj, a Mayan press; it is truely remarkable.

The article reads... "Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed. The indigenous have the calendars, and know how to accurately interpret it, not others."...

Read more at The World Will Not End

These teachings correlate with the wisdom that you share on this site. I hope this helps us all to better understand this historic moment in time and the contribution of the Maya as we tread the path towards spiritual transformation.

Paz y bendiciones,


Hi Felipe - Thanks for staying on top of this. You're in a good position to give us the inside skinny on this subject because of your ongoing contacts within the Mayan community and your ability to read these things without needing a translation. Truly, the end of an age does not mean the end of the world. Just as the old world ends for men and women when a baby is born, it's not the end of everything. We stand on the threshold of an era that will seem glorious once we get past the coming wreckage.

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