by Robert Wilkinson
This year's Harvest Moon occurs at 12:45 pm PDT, on September 26, 2007, at 4 degrees Libra and Aries. This lunation will definitely attract those who belong together, while offering a chance for all to be the individual selves with no need for unnecessary compromise or losing oneself in relationship. We will all learn from standing for what we believe in and asserting our truth, whether others approve or not. The trick will be to see it all as a training exercise, where we must do our dance on our own initiative while being "coached" by our helpers, both visible and invisible.
We should continue to receive "gifts from Spirit" for our past efforts, faith, and strength in dealing with our life problems, this providing us all with a foundation for forms of "rebirth" within collective setups. It's definitely a time of training and taming our vital energies to "put on a show," and the guardian angels bringing "relief to a family in the wilderness" will take concrete form thanks to Saturn occupying the Venus stationary retrograde position of late July.
We must commune with other Spirits who share our common heart fire, and many will come to a philosophical conclusion in the Gemini and Virgo influenced areas of life. It's definitely "cut to the chase" time with Mercury sextile Pluto assisting us to see through people and situations to know the truth of the matter. The Mercury trine Mars opens voids at 29 and 30 Aquarius, both major transformation degrees. If we choose to use the understanding and information, we can effectively transform our everyday lives and relationships and emerge from our transitional state living a whole new life with many new relationships.
Mercury also resolves any lingering Mars opposition Pluto issues if we open to the natural boundaries and limits that can help us focus our potential or power in an area of our liking. Semisquares of note are Mercury to Jupiter and Moon to Neptune, effectively putting shallow, exaggerated, or fuzzy thinking into crisis mode. Overall, it's time to play with our allies within safe boundaries revealed after we emerge from our cocoon.
Special aspects of note are the Sun quintile Jupiter at the degree of "the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx," opening doors to timeless wisdom in forms unique to who we are and where these fall in our chart, Venus novile the Sun, and the Moon triseptile Mercury, putting our Lunar affairs at a critical "fork in the road of destiny" relative to our mind. Follow the cooperative collective hints from "fate," embrace the irrational dance between mind and feelings, and open to a pioneering impulse that can propel you toward your ideal.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Wow, how this article resonates with me and what is going on in my life right now! Many thanks for sharing your wisdom, as always it is enlightening and validating and full of Love & Light.
You are amazing!
Posted by: Shelley | September 25, 2007 at 05:07 PM
Your Highness,
Once again your in my head. Someone whom I consider unrequited love that assisted me in a creative project who disappeared has contacted me today by email. He is someone I've felt strongly about just living together even just as friends cuz were so connected. He is an Aries, Leo Rising and leo moon.
Check this out. His MC, Sun, Mercury and Venus conjunct my ascendant. His leo rising conjunct my leo sun and his moon conjunct my leo mercury. Can it get any better than that my friend?
Posted by: chickie | September 25, 2007 at 05:34 PM
As usual your blog is pertinent to the state around us and in us. I do have a question that is general. If one is looking for possible health issues, what house does one look to? The first second third, etc. And I have been told that pluto generally influences physical health issues. Would you mind commenting on this?
Posted by: Mary | September 25, 2007 at 05:37 PM
To clarify my above comments on my friend....I am not expecting him to leave his relationship for me. However not being able to communicate with this person has been very difficult because it's truly not normal for me.
Posted by: chickie | September 25, 2007 at 05:59 PM
"where we must dance in our own initiative."
"attract all those who belong together."
my ideas these days keep breaking on through to the other side... personal ideas that i want to happen in my life.
i really feel like a magician. well i guess i always have been one.
as they say with great power, comes great responsibility."
Posted by: robyn | September 25, 2007 at 10:07 PM
Hi Shelley - You're welcome. I figured it was time to post something about this lunation.
Hi Chickie - That combo would be a great one for you. Enjoy the dance, regardless of whatever form it takes.
Hi Mary - Health is the 6th house and 1st house. Elimination and regeneration are ruled by the 8th house. Pluto has no influence on the personal level, except as mass events or non-negotiable illnesses that force complete transformation of our lives. Most diseases aren't like that. Each inner planet rules an organ as well as a physiological function, so they all rule some aspect of the health. Mercury for health in general, as well as lungs and extremities. Sun rules the heart, back, arterial circulation and vitality, Venus for venous circulation, glandular and kidney problems, Moon for stomach, digestion and absorption, and so forth. Medical astrology is a huge subject and could take lifetimes to master.
Hi robyn - Glad you're breaking through to a more effective self. What you say would imply you need to be very discerning in crafting thought forms, and especially take consequences into account. Our "response-ability" is almost limitless once we get into a groove.
Posted by: Robert | September 27, 2007 at 12:02 PM
robert you're totally correct, and that is totally what im learning (discerning in crafting thought forms).
your interpretation is truly accurate.
its still the cocoon part that puzzles me... i'm waiting to discover that...
Posted by: robyn | September 28, 2007 at 01:24 AM