by Robert Wilkinson
Originally titled "Threshold," I thought you may want to take a new look at this article which attempts to articulate the tension as we approach a threshold state of consciousness, collectively as well as individually. For your consideration, welcome to a reminder of your love, wisdom, intelligence, and immortality. Enjoy!
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert,
I'm sitting here keeping tabs with to see when Saturn FINALLY goes out Leo (according to the site it is 9:49). It is almost like New Year's Eve, although I drank the bubbly lst night. While I am waiting I am playing an old Disco CD. "AIN'T NO STOPPING US NOW" is playing now.
All I can say is I feel like a kid who has eaten his spinach and now is demanding his dessert complete with the rapping the silverware on the table.
But again, thank you, Robert, a million times. I couldn't have gotten through this dark period without you.
Ok, Professor, I have graduated now where is my diploma?
P.S. I will see you, Robert in Graduate School!
Posted by: Helen | September 02, 2007 at 04:22 AM
Hi Robert!.
Read "Threshold" and is really a verbalization of my inner -a bit confused, right- feeling of something to come and change.
Really wonderful. I hadn't read it in the past, it's just a few months ago I discovered your site.
Better later than never, as we say in Spain.
Posted by: Henry | September 02, 2007 at 05:55 AM
Dear Robert!
If Dancing on the Threshhold
makes us wise and bold,
let new names and forms and waves
show the ways to Sing and SwaY!
Posted by: Svetlana | September 02, 2007 at 08:48 AM
Hi Helen - Yes, I'm also relieved to have made it through Saturn in Leo with my sense of humor, my website, and my sanity intact. Been a long rigor, but I'm probably in better shape in many ways than I was back when Saturn was in Cancer. Been listening to a lot of Elmore James lately. Something about a stinging slide guitar played by a legendary blues shouter than makes me feel good. A good way to bid adieu to Saturn in Leo. Diplomas are issued on the other side by the Trustees of the Universe-ity. The great thing is that EVERYONE gets to go to Grad School sooner or later!
Hi Henry - The sensation came upon me January, and I wrote down my experience and called it "Threshold." Glad you found the site and what I write resonates with you. Absolutely better later than never; it's all goooood! Aum and blessings.
Hi Svetlana - Dancing with Eternity, we move fluidly through energy fields and frequencies, always searching and questing, finding ever new forms that require inventing new ideas and names to behold an ever-evolving Reality that is and is not. And singing is a very good thing. We need more of it in our oh-too-serious world. Welcome to Saturn in Virgo, all!
Posted by: Robert | September 02, 2007 at 10:40 AM
Thank you, Robert. That was exactly what I needed to hear.
So very relieved to finally be done with this Saturn in Leo patch. I was reflecting on my own experiences of the Grand Irrationality, and given the season of eclipses, thinking of shadow and light, thinking about how things and people and places and ideas become associated with one or the other--shadow or light. Thinking about ways we all struggle to redefine light and shadow, personally.
For me, this has been an opportunity to appreciate how limited rationality can be for "making sense" of our small portal into the human experience. The etheric links between us, and how delicate they are, really, depend on how fragile we are, too. Those links aren't and can't be entirely rational. And oooh! it can be so maddening, saddening, and full of hopelessness when it so doesn't make sense!!
Both literally and metaphorically, I feel like this trip through Leo has for me been rewiring (and not entirely pleasantly) my body electric/etheric. Like it's been making the presence of this huge web of senses in my body more ... sense-able? Not rational--more discernable, maybe. That web connects us when we communicate.
So grateful to you and all here, including the deep swimming fishes, the lively traveler fishes, and the gemini dogs,
Black gold of the sun, Nuyorican Soul on the iPod,
om & blessings,
gemini 14
Posted by: gem14 | September 02, 2007 at 01:50 PM
Hi gem14 - You've posted some good insights! We've certainly all redefined where we put our hearts and energies. Yes, rationality is highly overrated when it's not working, or unable to offer solutions as to how to act when nothing makes much sense. I try to remember to surrender to the mystery of the process, and suspend the need to react to things making or not making sense. I suppose Saturn in Leo could have rewired some things related to heart, thymus, radiance, and our "buy-in" to life. If "the heart is the crystal to success" though our ability to strengthen its knowingness, then discernability would be a quality of recognizing how it's reshaped its expression. Aum and blessings to you as well.
Posted by: Robert | September 02, 2007 at 05:40 PM
Mr Wilkinson-your assignment if you choose to accept it is pushing me through the threshold.
I realized that I can afford to book time with you to talk about my career.
Personal email to come shortly.
Posted by: Helen | September 03, 2007 at 04:10 AM
Hi Helen - Cue bass guitar - dum-dum-dum-dadum-dum - cue bongos and flute lead line, bring in brass section doing second lead lines, and we got a winning soundtrack. Thanks Lalo Schifrin. Got the email. Will respond soon.
Posted by: Robert | September 03, 2007 at 07:22 AM