by Robert Wilkinson
In yesterday's article, we explored our Eternal Self, how our Spirit-Soul and Higher Mind are created, and what relationship these have to our body, feelings, and ego-minds. Please reference that article before reading this one as the information there lays the foundation for what we'll explore in this article.
To re-cap, our Eternal Spark, or Monad, is part of a vast field of Light/Life. It externalizes in specific forms to gain experience throughout our sentient existence. When it is moved to exist in the physical, it attracts Cosmic substance of various frequencies to create our Higher Triad of Spirit, Soul, and Higher Mind, as well as their holographic mirrors on denser levels which we call ego-mind, feelings, and our bodies.
We are these 7 manifestations simultaneously. All duality exists on the physical, emotional, and mental levels of existence, but not in our Soul experience. We now pick up on how the Monad finishes creating our two densest bodies.
After creating ego-mind as the mirror to the Higher Mind, our Monad finishes creating our lower triad through attracting the substance of the Astral and Physical bodies, the densest two frequencies of our existence. The Astral body is where ALL our lower feelings exist, largely perpetuated by the desire mind's eternal restlessness and inability to feel fulfilled for any length of time. The physical body is of course the bihemispheric homo erectus we all inhabit with its instincts and inertias.
All of this functions according to the laws of Karma. We cannot create a lower self that is contrary to the tendencies generated in previous human embodiments. We "inherit" our strengths and weaknesses, our wisdom and our blind spots. Our job is to get our lower triad integrated through disciplines of self-realization to know how our Higher Self can best express our Soul and Spirit.
All of these exist simultaneously. We are told someday in the distant future the Earth (and us, of course) will evolve beyond chemical-mineral bodies, and will have bodies composed of pure light substance, as dense to us then as the current scheme of things is to us right now. We will still not be collectively functioning as pure Soul bodies, though we are also told that such lifewaves do exist and that we can attain to that state while in a body on Earth once certain bad habits are transmuted into positive strengths and abilities.
There is no one else in the Universe like you. Each of us is individualized to a greater or lesser degree, but there will never be another one like you. You do have a Twin Flame, but they are not you and you are not them, even though you are One in a greater Life/Light. In the Secret Doctrine we have been told that there were not enough Spirit-Souls for the number of human bodies on Earth at the point of individuation 3 million years ago. That's why there was a split, and why we've been searching for our Twin Flame since the beginning of time. But we are perfect complements, not identical manifestations, since that would be impossible due to Divine Mind's innate economy of energy.
We are part of an infinite and eternal field of Light-Life. There are many within that field we will be forever close to, in harmony with, and reincarnate with over many existences. And of course, other consciousnesses that choose not to harmonize on our frequencies of manifestation will move on to other schemes where they can continue their evolution in conditions perfect for the lessons they need to learn. We learn from other Souls through the duality of pleasure and pain, and are challenged to realize, apply, and get skilled at demonstrating the qualities of our Higher Self, Soul, and Spirit.
That's why seeing things through the eyes of an Eternal being having human experiences can bring an end to our isolation and sense of separation, and accelerate our ability to lessen suffering wherever we are. We have a body, we have feelings, we have a mind, but we are Loving, Wise, Intelligent Eternals.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
And yet we are all one.
Thank you Robert, and Namaste.
Posted by: Rian | September 27, 2007 at 08:51 AM
beautiful dear Robert! always love visiting here and reading your articles :)
GOD bless my friend
good luck
Posted by: AceStar | September 27, 2007 at 01:31 PM
Beautiful..... Robert simply beautiful
thank you
Posted by: michele | September 27, 2007 at 09:34 PM
you have it out.
Posted by: Damien | September 28, 2007 at 07:40 AM
Dear Robert,
Thank you for this article, I feel peaceful after learnign from it.
However, I don't understand how "We learn from other Souls through the duality of pleasure and pain" -- the pain part.
I felt a lot of pain when I was a teen and my aunt let me (and my mother) know she thought I was a no-good person. It still hurts, though I now realize she may have felt threatened by what I represented as a teen adn young adult, a person who was striking out away from traditional family confines. But it still hurts.
I am not sure what I learned from that pain (which still returns sometimes), except to try to be sensitive in my relationships with young people and not be judgemental.
Thank you for listening,
Best -- Nandy
Posted by: Nandy | September 28, 2007 at 09:52 AM
What I meant to say earlier is that you have it, as is. Its still so hard to live in this separation from Source, although I hope and feel we are eventually getting closer.
Posted by: Damien | September 28, 2007 at 11:27 PM
Hi all - Thanks for your praise of this series. I thought it might be useful to understand who we are and how we are made up. We are truly one and many simultaneously.
Hi Nandy - Glad it can help you find peace. The nature of this dualistic reality is that we oscillate between the pain of not having to the pleasure of having to the pain of having to the pleasure of not having to the pain of not having.... A lot of pain comes from attaining our desire, then fearing that which we've attracted will be taken away. Or we receive our desire, but because we didn't expect certain things that naturally accompany imperfect understanding we wind up with more of a problem than a pleasure.
On a personal note, your aunt's judgmentalism taught you to consider the source, and trust your inner knowing rather than other people's opinions. Great spiritual lesson there. Whatever her reasons and/or dysfunctional attitude, it still taught you a lot about breaking free of toxic people. The pain serves as a reminder that life is like that, and you've done a great thing in transmuting that into understanding and compassion for others who may be in somewhat the same boat you once were.
Hi Damien - We're only as separate as we feel. You are one and many at the same time, eternally wandering free to learn and experience all there is to know in any direction you wish. The value of meditation is the connect to source, to whatever degree it can be experienced. And sometimes that gets way deeper and higher than we imagined, but only when we get out of our own way. Keep practicing, and you'll experience things you've never dreamed of.
Posted by: Robert | September 29, 2007 at 08:08 AM
Thank you, Robert!
Your comments gave me a wider understanding of the 'pleasure, pain' cycle, and I have a new way of looking at that.
You are compassionate, and make the time to share with us your insights and knowledge. One reason I keep returning here often.
Bless you!
Posted by: Nandy | September 29, 2007 at 11:13 PM
Great stuff, and thanks for all your writings.
"We are truly one and many simultaneously."
Posted by: Kieran | November 15, 2009 at 06:52 AM
Hi Kieran - You're most welcome.
Posted by: Robert | November 19, 2009 at 10:21 AM