by Robert Wilkinson
I've had a lot of questions about the nature of human nature, i.e., what exactly is our "Spiritual Self," and how does our ego fit into the larger scheme of our evolution? While this could fill a hundred books or more (and has!), today I'll offer a brief overview of what's up with us on visible and invisible levels, and how we should view the various spiritual and human parts.
We are all Divine Sparks within a great Light/Lifewave of a Universal Consciousness that manifests to us as Spirit. Pure Spirit Itself is an aspect of what we call "God," or All-That-Is. Its nature is Power, Love-Wisdom, and Intelligence in Action. That Limitless Light is the larger field within which our Flame is sustained. Our Inner Flame is Eternal, Its growth is infinite, and its radiance never weakens. It is whole unto Itself, and is never separate from All-That-Is.
During its evolution through various views of Self-Realization, the Eternal Divine Spark that we are is pulled by its own nature to manifest in different frequencies of form. That's part of being an Eternal Intelligence. Welcome to human-ness, itself but one of many forms we will experience throughout Eternity. There are many more subtle frequencies where intelligent life manifests than we suspect. Even the Solar Intelligence at the center of our solar system has a Sun to which it turns for light.
Anyway, back to how we get here. We are told by the ancient and venerable source material in The Secret Doctrine, translated by HP Blavatsky, that ALL beings in this scheme of things, whether mineral, vegetable, animal, or cosmic substance, have 7 bodies, of which the physical is merely the densest. When our Eternal Self is moved to experience itself apart from All-That-Is, that Spark of Spirit that we are emanates and magnetizes chitta, or "Cosmic Substance," attracting to itself holographic forms of its nature both subtle and dense. We are One and yet we are also many.
The non-dual Spark we are has been called the Monad. It approximates a unique form of what I've heard termed "Our Father-Mother God in Heaven Which Is One Indivisible." We cannot know That directly, but we can know our unique experience of That. When our Monad is moved to manifest, the emanation creates the higher subtle bodies and then the denser lower bodies. The frequencies of attraction move from the subtle, higher, purer forms to the denser and lower frequency forms, all of which exist simultaneously, much like a 7-toned evolving harmonic, or a 7-colored evolving vision.
The Upper Triad is composed of Atma (Spirit), Buddhi (Soul), and Manas (Pure Mind). These are mirrored holographically as a "lower Triad" of body, feelings, and ego-mind. Atma(n) is pure Spirit, the Spark that ignites pure inspiration that is felt through the higher, subtle, refined feelings of the Soul. The Soul is the vehicle with which we experience pure Love on its own level. It is said that the Buddhic level of existence is where "Heaven," or "Devachan," exists. On Atmic and Buddhic levels there is still no experience of duality, since the pulse hasn't yet reached the Manasic level of Mind where duality exists. All duality begins in the mind.
Our Soul experiences only inspired Love. Our Soul is never confrontational and has no negative feelings. It is our higher or more subtle and refined "feeling vehicle" just as our Astral body is the more dense and unrefined feeling vehicle. The Soul knows ONLY the highest feelings, and is never split from itself or Spirit. That's an impossibility given the nature of the human emanation, our 7 vehicles, and how we incarnate. No part of us is ever separate from anything else in the universe.
The Soul's function is to Love, its nature is Love, its expression is what we call compassion ("fellow-feeling"), connectedness, and is what infuses higher thoughts with love and united-ness. There is no inner conflict on a Soul level. All conflict exists only on an egoic level, the level of duality. The Soul does not recognize duality, as its nature is the pure undiluted experience of Love. The Soul can feel the sorrow of humanity as well as the suffering of sentient beings, but experiences only compassion arising from strength of heart and an unending experience of Love.
The next denser subtle body is the Higher Mind, which naturally finds its complement in the lower mind, or ego-mind. The Higher Mind is where our Higher Self exists, that part of us which has noble ideas and ideals it believes is the highest and best self it can manifest as a human. Our Higher Self wants to express our Soul's inspiration.
Ego mind, on the other hand, is the shadow of the Higher Mind. Ego mind is separative, judgmental through sequence and selection comparisons, and is heavily influenced by the desire mind, which exists at the densest levels of the lower mental plane. In any case, when our Monad attracts the substance of our Higher and lower Minds, duality is created in us.
Part 2 will explore how our Higher Triad relates to our ego, personality, and the other parts of our human experience.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert, thanks for this I was reasoning with a friend of mine regarding this very subject earlier this evening.
I'll make a more serious post when I get a moment but for now if I could just say thank you for your articles.
Love and Light to one and all
Posted by: michael | September 26, 2007 at 03:36 PM
Hi Michael - Sure. Hope you enjoyed part 2 as well. We are many and one simultaneously.
Posted by: Robert | September 27, 2007 at 12:08 PM
my dear friend Robert, it would be great if you would clarify what it really means to have one's ruler return to its sign - its implications i mean. i had jupiter in its sign (and my ruler) all this year and some more months to go but i felt no impact, what is it they say - same day new &*^% or new day same &*^! :-) other astrologers create such a hype around things like this which you don't and i thought it may be good to ask u, thanks !
Posted by: abacus | September 30, 2007 at 03:53 AM
Hi Robert,
How wonderful that you linked today’s article to these. This really does set my thinking cap a little more square!
Earlier this year, another person I read wrote of the Twin Flame in their newsletter, and it had me contemplating knowing mine. After reading the way you have explained it, I am intrigued to learn more!
Also I had never put it together your referring to “The Secret Doctrine, translated by HP Blavatsky”… something else I’ll look into! Do you recall if this work makes reference to, in some way, the Akashic Records?
I’ll definitely be reading this pair of articles again. As one had said “..above all else, get ye understanding..” It is so refreshing to have access to the myriad subjects you tickle our minds with!
Thank you,
Posted by: K. | November 14, 2009 at 04:32 PM
Hi K - I'll probably boost these to the front page in the next few weeks, since they do address core material universal for the human condition. HPB's work was THE work introducing the Akashic Records to the western lexicon. Just realize she wrote in the 19th century for 19th century minds, and her writing style was a bit hectic and digressive. Still, she's the gold standard for Source Material. As for Twin Flames, there's so much misunderstanding about them that I do what I can despite the stifling glamor and illusion around the subject. I do believe that we can NEVER find our Twin Flame in anything other than a deep and genuine friendship. That's why regardless of all other assertions by those who believe they know about such things, we should always cultivate friendships since that's the only way we'll ever come to meet the external form of the Beloved. Another way to view it is that over the long run, if they're not good to us and for us, and we good to them and for them, then they're not the Twin Flame. Soul Mate perhaps, but the Twin Flame is an entirely different thing than a Soul Mate.
Posted by: Robert | November 19, 2009 at 10:19 AM