by Robert Wilkinson
The Autumnal Equinox of 2007 occurs on September 23 at 2:52 am PDT, and marks the end of Summer and the beginning of Autumn. The chart done for the that point in time is said to offer a snapshot of the weather we can expect over the next 3 months, both cosmically and literally. It seems that it will be a fairly auspicious Autumn, since there are a host of great aspects and the afflictions are for the most part separating. The Moon on the Angel point conjunct Neptune offering "gifts from Spirit" looks good to me!
The chart shows mid-Leo through mid-Virgo rising for the continental US. London and Amsterdam have mid-Scorpio rising, Istanbul has late Scorpio, Baghdad has late Sag rising, New Delhi has early Aquarius rising, Bangkok has early Pisces rising, Western Australia has late Pisces rising, and Melbourne has late Aries rising.
We see a Sun quintile Jupiter, Mercury trine Mars, Moon tredecile Mercury, Venus triseptile Uranus, Mars biseptile Uranus, and Venus septile Mars. We also have Venus trine Pluto and Mars sextile Saturn. With the planetary distribution as it is, it looks to be a "Splay" Jones pattern, which will bring strong irregular emphases in affairs. In other words, there will be very powerful manifestations that may not fit very well with other equally powerful manifestations.
With 5 planets in Air and 3 in Fire, expect things to light up as well as heat up! There is a definite shortage of Water, so feelings may not be as easily expressed as we'd like. The only Earth planet is Saturn, which is conjunct the South Node. Lots of detail-oriented work, lots of useless worry, and lots of responsibility that either a) teaches you how to show what you know, or b) teaches you what you're not learning from and need to adjust or fix in some way. Just don't get lost rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship. With Mars on the "bankruptcy" degree, expect to be freed from old pressures you no longer need to bear in the areas in your chart ruled by Mars, or ruled by planets in Aries and Scorpio.
Relationships and communications are very favored, and the two opposition-sextile-trine configurations should help us all make headway in the areas affected. We have Mercury-Venus-Neptune forming one, and Mercury-Mars-Pluto forming the other. As you can see, in both cases Mercury is the key, and it indicates that we'll be learning how to use Will and Love, each in their own way, as critical needs arise. Radical new beginnings are promised by Mercury's influence, so learn how to launch new projects quickly, turning away from a past that's already over.
Due to the void in late Aquarius formed by Mercury and Mars, expect events over the next 90 days to impact the collective consciousness when Neptune crosses these points beginning March 2009. Venus rules the Sun and Mercury, and its degree indicates that some will crash due to the unsustainability of what they're trying to do. Still, with so many planets in Fire and Air, it should be a fairly inspired time, and though some constant pressure is shown by the exact sesquisquare of the Moon to the Sun, it can help to bring forth new archetypes and ideals.
On a final note, Venus novile the Sun is a very powerful spiritual aspect, especially since they're in mutual reception. Some things that have been cooking for a long time will finally wander in out of the metaphoric desert, and with Uranus binovile Pluto, some very powerful spiritual forces that have been gestating will also make an appearance across the world. And to bring this full circle, the Moon on the Angel point conjunct Neptune offering us gifts from Spirit through the end of 2007 is going to be a very good thing.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Today September 21 is the annual United Nations 24 hour Peace Vigil.
Here is the link to the site:
Here is an announcement from "," one of many groups that supports the works of the Tibetan Elder Djwal Khul, as recorded by Alice Bailey:
International Day of Peace 24 Hour Vigil
Friday, September 21, groups and individuals are invited to commit specific 15-minute periods in prayer or meditation for world peace. This is a worldwide movement to create a global ceasefire and promote peace and nonviolence.
From every part of the planet there will be a pulse of invocative energy from meditators, a rhythmic call to divinity for the Light the love and the spiritual will needed to enable humanity to bring to birth a culture of peace. Remember this initiative will be just one small part of a much wider concentration of prayers and meditations for peace from spiritual and faith-based groups in all parts of the world.
We at will hold a meditative space between 9 pm and 9:15 pm PDT on this day, and sound The Great Invocation at both the beginning and end of this time period. You are welcome to resound The Great Invocation and meditate with us at this designated time, and as you are inspired.
This Vigil begins at midnight on the morning of Friday, September 21
in whatever time zone you live, and ends at midnight your time Friday night.
We Are The Radiant Life
Revealing the Path to Peace
Blessings of Light and Joy to All World Servers!
The Creators of
Please find 15 minutes today to join in the thoughtform for World Peace. Many years ago Robert, myself, and other "young turks" sponsored a UN Day concert on the University of Texas campus in Austin on September 21. We are not so young any more, but we are still saying "Give Peace a Chance." Much love and light to all, and may we all continue to grow in wisdom, forberance, and compassion. Namaste.
Posted by: dcu | September 21, 2007 at 12:49 AM
Hi dcu - Thanks for posting this. I'm with Felipe and family with Carlos as I post this. We will live to see "war no more." And in the meantime, may the damage be contained with least harm to the good.
Posted by: Robert | September 21, 2007 at 10:56 AM
Hello Robert and family. I was reading comments on this site and connecting with you as you posted this. Havea wonderful day of peace. dcu
Posted by: dcu | September 21, 2007 at 11:08 AM
This looks great. I just hope that I will be able to garner some of this good fortune.
T Saturn is going to be in my 8th house oppostite my N Moon and Saturn at the end of this month, 2nd house.
I am deeply concerned about my financial situation and worry that I might end up homeless. I just found a part-time job, but it doesn't pay enough and is very few hours. I am seeking other work, but my luck hasn't been so great. I keep sabotaging my efforts--compulsion, probably fear driven.
I have also been looking for a new place to move to, but again, I think that I am blowing all of my chances and now what can you tell me about Saturn opposite Saturn/Moon? Does this spell financial disaster, or could it mean that past efforts will bear fruit, since I have been under the shadow of Saturn for a long time trying my best to clean up my karma and improve my life through hard work.
Can you shed light on this? Been through some challenging times in the last month.
Posted by: Patricia H | September 21, 2007 at 05:32 PM
i feel i know where these areas are in my chart. Aries rules over my 10th/11th house and Scorpio over my 5th house.
makes me happy to hear hopefulness in your review...
i have a bit of mercury in my chart.
"Some things that have been cooking for a long time will finally wander in out of the metaphoric desert..."
wonder what those things will manifest as... very curious.
peace be with you robert!
Posted by: robyn | September 21, 2007 at 09:09 PM
Hi dcu - Had a great day, Felipe got off okay, and on the whole I've been wondering why Americans still get worked into a lather by slogans like "General Betray Us" while young men and women die in a useless war. I suppose our political system is living proof of Dr. Johnson's dictum from 1775 that "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
Hi Patricia - We all gather the harvest of our labors eventually, and sometimes when we're least expecting it find something delightful. You're in a long term Saturn opposition Saturn period, so relax. Learn how to make basic decisions, decrease sentimentality and touchiness to mature into a new phase of life, and decrease limitations, pessimism, and "shoulds" to take care of yourself more compassionately. Be less insecure, since it won't bring you what you want. And yes, this transit could bring some very good things to the surface that will perfectly satisfy your needs if you know what decisions to make.
With natal Saturn in Virgo heavily "afflicted" in the 2nd, I spent years worrying uselessly about resources. It taught me to anticipate what's coming, get the training I need, even if it seems not to fit well with my prior self-image, and do what it takes to acquire skills my world needs and is willing to pay for. If learning is eternal, then we may as well be about the business of learning what feeds our bodies as well as our hearts. I once took a part time job with very few hours and it led directly to a full time job AND free training at a skill that made me very much in demand. Get a copy of "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay, do the meditations while opening your heart to their deep truths, and watch what shows up. Shed your fear, open to something perfect for you to present itself in the immediate future, and then say yes to the guest that offers the gift.
Hi robyn - Well, it's reasonable to be hopeful when we know something perfect for new conditions will show up. Our job is not to mess up the vibe with impatience and discontent (being somewhat expert at both of these in the past!) ;-)
Posted by: Robert | September 22, 2007 at 08:00 AM
Hi Robert,
Wonderful wishes for a most beautiful Equinox! After that the Full Moon....which brings me to my current issues. This full moon conjuncts my SNode 02/56 Aries...(11 15 1959 3:22am Tarrytown NY, westchester co)....and is within 9 degrees of my decsendent...and my Point of 12 Aries ....Sabian symbol..."an unexploded bomb at a social protest"......there are issues work wise bringing this up (conflicts/authority/bully issues-bringing up "the past-wounds")....and I beleive I have finally gotten to the place that I can "hear" my inner voice...("Real power is not in having your way, but in CHOOSING your response")...which is telling me, about controlling my emotions....and I have made a decision to follow that path.
And with that alot of fear is coming up, fear I wasn,t "aware" was there...I feel like Im falling apart...the "old me" wants to run away and not deal with this, as has always happened in the past. There is an inner conflict happening that is very uncomfortable. Is this the Mars/Pluto opposistion of yesterday? ...bringing hidden things to the surface? I have "set things up" so it is impossible to run away...and Mercury rx will be going on in my 1st house. Change in presentation of Self?
Needed to get this out...thanks for the space to write. Namaste
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | September 22, 2007 at 09:15 AM
With 5 planets in Air and 3 in Fire, expect things to light up as well as heat up! There is a definite shortage of Water, so feelings may not be as easily expressed as we'd like.
I just could not resist responding to this one as more hot air from Washington, and my home state.....
Posted by: Mary | September 22, 2007 at 02:49 PM
Thanks Robert!
Happy Equinox!
I did shed some fears over the last 24 hours. I prayed a lot and now it seems that I am turning a corner. (I only read this after I went through all of that--so this is lovely synchronicity or confirmation).
And I am trying to move past touchiness and pessimism. Spent too many years in that place--ready to move on and embrace something new.
Posted by: Patricia H. | September 22, 2007 at 03:44 PM
Hi WHR - Yes, Mars opposition Pluto is bringing up much that is buried, or counter productive, or divertive so we can choose rather than just react, or overreact. And yes, Pluto afflicted plus Saturn conjunct SN can lead to fear if we play to them. 13 Aries is also the "stirring up of a new perspective and a new identity suddenly revealed." Mercury RX on Asc could remind you of old alliances, old connects inner and outer, that strengthen your "communal spirit."
Hi Mary - Yes, we can expect much inspired windbaggery and bloviating from the rich and inert in our nation's capitol.
Hi Patricia - Good that you shed fear. Continue until empty and the tendency either doesn't come up at all, or you can observe the beginnings of the tendency with dispassion and override it with the heart of understanding. And of course, say goodbye to your old self, since it opens the space for a new self to present itself.
Posted by: Robert | September 22, 2007 at 07:18 PM
Thank you Robert....your reply gave me the "rest of the story"....the word (overreact)...was a key, that as i read it....unlocked a door to the past, that I needed to understand...painful as it is......
Dia de los Muertos....
.....snake shedding its skin to follow....
....anticipation of new perspectives....
Grasias amigo...
Posted by: Wild horse running | September 22, 2007 at 09:18 PM
Hi Robert,
Thank you again for all you do. I'm posting instead of just lurking. Autumn is here, time for gratitude and presence. Glory and Blessed Be. Much love and fortune to all who lurk and respond on this board and to all who engage in the inner and outer struggles for peace. Hugs, Big Hugs to all.
Posted by: Lauri | September 23, 2007 at 08:45 AM
Hi Robert,
Thank you for being such a generous beacon. Have a great day and a wonderful, renewing autumn.
PS: I also have saturn (in Virgo) in the 2nd. It hasn't hurt me financially.
Posted by: Rian | September 23, 2007 at 09:07 AM
Hi Robert,
What is is the angel point?
Thanks, Susan
Posted by: Susan Custer | September 23, 2007 at 05:16 PM
Hi WHR - Shedding of skins is a good thang when it's needed. New perspectives are always there, but it is we who must take a new look. De nada, mi hermana.
Hi Lauri - Lurking here is always a safe situation, and I'm also glad you decided to post a comment. Thanks for your appreciation and blessings to all.
Hi Rian - Well, Saturn in Virgo in the 2nd hasn't always been easy, but it's taught me what to value, why, and how to get over useless worry. Definitely has made me a good custodian of practical values and informed about useful service.
Hi Susan - 15 Aquarius. The Ox Point is 15 Taurus, the Lion Point is 15 Leo, the Eagle Point is 15 Scorpio, and the Angel Point is 15 Aquarius. These 4 are of major importance in esoteric philosophy, and hold the key to Higher Transformation relative to The Great Work. When the Lion and the Ox no longer face each other, it's Graduation Day and time to go home.
Posted by: Robert | September 24, 2007 at 06:41 AM
Hi Robert.
I've been surprised by the concepts you explain to Susan.
My Asc. is in the Eagle Point. Which is its meaning?.
And which is the conflict between the Ox point and the Lion Point that is worth a Graduation?. Taurus/leo conflict brings what?.
If it's too complex, have you any topics published on this?.
Posted by: Henry | September 25, 2007 at 02:26 AM
Hi Henry - Each of these points' meanings are beyond anything I could comment on, other than saying they are the points of maximum density of the Fixed energies and hold the secret to binding chaos as well as breaking up inertias. It's not about Taurus/Leo conflict per se. It's more about the culmination of The Great Work as known to those who have attained Adeptship throughout the ages. You can find out more by studying the works of Paul Foster Case.
Posted by: Robert | September 26, 2007 at 11:23 AM
Hi Robert,
Just curious about the Neptune-Saturn square I have this fall...what's a positive way for me to manage it? (3/21/71 12:15 am). You suggested that this fall was going to be pretty good for me, but this transit makes me nervous.
Posted by: Christine | September 26, 2007 at 01:38 PM
Hi Robert.
Making a fast overview on this autumn, I've realized that Mercury engages in a "crazy" dance, static position back and forward from the very last degrees in Libra until the first degrees in Scorpio, from early October until middle November, certainly harmonizing with transiting Saturn Virgo and Mars Cancer.
Perhaps is your desire to post something on this, then I would wait for it.
What does you suggest this Mercurian stopped dance from your wise bird-eye seeing?.
If I can enter in personal considerations, this Mercury is gonna square my Cancer Sun (29º)/early Leo (Saturn, Mercury, Venus) stellium in 9th while transiting over my Uranus (3º Scorpio), and more important, dancing stopped in 12th.
So globally the position, if you agree, is very fortunate.
I mean, transits are OK, including those my natal 12th Uranus, but when they challenge specific Natal placements in this way Mercury does with my 9th from 12th...
A kind of challenge?.
Thanks Robert.
Posted by: Henry | September 26, 2007 at 06:25 PM
Hi Christine - Well, Neptune's already been squaring your Saturn for quite a while, and Saturn will be squaring Neptune through next summer. The former has dissolved old fears and security systems you no longer need, while the latter is showing you the gap between your ideal and reality. They are both "generational" aspects, so affect a large number of people at the same time. I would say don't get so detached that you lose perspective, and don't get so driven that you forget to laugh. Disregard the narrow or vague, and focus on how to bring your ideals into concreteness. Also don't forget that Saturn will be trine your Mars the whole time it's square Neptune, great for works and getting it in gear effectively.
Hi Henry - I've already posted a little in the past on the dance of Mercury, Mars, and Saturn during this coming period. I'll post something more extensive on the Mercury RX in the early part of October. It should be a good RX period for anyone with planets in early Earth and Water, and a point of emergent awareness for planets in early Leo.
Posted by: Robert | September 27, 2007 at 11:51 AM
Hi Robert,
Do you have information handy on which years (1900 to 2100) that have 13 full moons and two of them are in the same sign?
Many female leaders have started to get elected in many countries around the world (return of the great goddess?). Are there any signs of significance for this emerging phenomena?
Aldso, could it be part of a trend that west are turning toward eastern spirituality?
Yang and Ying are in perfect balance/harmony at equinox!
Peace and thanks,
Posted by: Jacques | September 28, 2007 at 11:20 AM
Hi Jacques - No, I don't have the info on Blue Moons at hand. I believe women are being elected because Divine Mother energy is getting stronger, perhaps due to Saturn's recent conjunction with TransPluto. And the west has been turning toward Eastern spirituality since Blavatsky opened the doors with Isis Unveiled and the Secret Doctrine.
Posted by: Robert | September 30, 2007 at 04:27 PM
Hi Robert,
That's all right. I will look around the Internet - Maybe some Mayan, Vedic, or Chinese Lunar calenders for the moon info.
From another source, it indicated the Saturn(Compeling) Trans Pluto(Repression, Debt, Mortagage, Big business, Profit) brought back:
1) Sudan massacre, Myanmar Protest, South America turning to left/communist, Putin/Russia back to repression, many dictatorships - IRAN, etc.),
2) SubPrime Debt/Mortgage crisis, US Government debt problem is coming soon.
3) Privite Equity groups Mega-Merger and acquisitions, Big Oil/Gas Companies' profit, Warren Buffet, etc. ....
Like to know more about secret doctrine more if you have time. Are 7 Rays that you mentioned in other articles in colors?
How interesting - that I haven't seen a picture
on this site yet ???????
Posted by: Jacques | October 01, 2007 at 11:57 AM
Hi Robert,
Two Consecutive Full Moons In The Same Sign
(No Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Cancer) 2000-2040
2000 Feb19 00 Virgo 51 2000 Mar20 29 Virgo 53
2002 Jul24 00 Aquarius 18 2002 Aug22 29 Aquarius 39
2005 Jun22 00 Capricorn 51 2005 Jul21 28 Capricorn 47
2008 Apr20 00 Scorpio 43 2008 May20 29 Scorpio 27
2010 Sep23 00 Aries 15 2010 Oct23 29 Aries 33
2013 Jul22 00 Aquarius 06 2013 Aug21 28 Aquarius 11
2016 May21 01 Sagittar 14 2016 Jun20 29 Sagittar 33
2019 Mar21 00 Libra 29 2019 Apr19 29 Libra 27
2021 Jul24 01 Aquarius 26 2021 Aug22 29 Aquarius 37
2024 Jun21 01 Capricorn 07 2024 Jul21 29 Capricorn 09
2029 Aug24 01 Pisces 12 2029 Sep22 29 Pisces 57
2032 Jul22 00 Aquarius 30 2032 Aug21 28 Aquarius 34
2035 May22 00 Sagittar 57 2035 Jun20 29 Sagittar 20
2038 Mar21 00 Libra 33 2038 Apr19 29 Libra 29
2040 Jul24 00 Aquarius 48 2040 Aug22 29 Aquarius 53
Any spiritual "sign"ificace?
Posted by: Jacques | October 01, 2007 at 03:30 PM
Hi Jacques - Not sure what Saturn-Pluto contact your info source was referring to. And yes, the 7 Rays all have a color, tone, religion, symbol, etc. Will try to post something someday on them, but it's a very extensive subject. Post coming on the Secret Doctrine. I may put a picture up someday, or maybe not. In 2008 I'll probably re-do some of the look and layout. Also, a big thankew verra muuuuch for the list of Blue Moons by sign (rather than the usual months) for 2000-2040. Probably will incorporate them into a post of some sort. Yes, there would be a "spiritual significance" of a higher degree for those at the end of the sign, and it is also interesting to me that some signs just don't have it over the next few decades. I'm sure the aspects to Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will reveal larger forces of transformation.
Posted by: Robert | October 02, 2007 at 12:02 PM
Hi Robert,
Thanks! I will be looking forward to any future postings on secret doctrine and the 7 rays.
"One picture is ..." or better yet to leapfrog from slides/pictorial materials to Video/youtube since you mentioned your video production background.
Maybe this will be a part of the big transformation coming with more colors of transcendence.
Thanks for bring spirit closer to us!
Posted by: Jacques | October 02, 2007 at 04:40 PM
Hi Jacques - Eventually I need enough time, energy, money, and helpers to springboard what I'm doing into a global "center" for a multilevel social-spiritual meeting place and resource center. And of course videos are part of the long range plan. Will try to start taping some talks next year and make them accessible for a small download fee, since the more sound and picture files I have the more bandwidth it'll cost etc. I have tons of audiotape material I've generated over the years that is still relevant and timely. But up to now it was about getting this launched and maintained, then moving my physical center and the library to a place of safety and peace. Now I'm catching a breath before heading to the Dalai Lama to learn what I can and then finishing the move!
Posted by: Robert | October 03, 2007 at 11:58 AM