by Robert Wilkinson
Since it's the topic du jour, I figured I'd pull my Eclipse articles together so you don't have to pick through the archives. One thing I've noted - there is a lot of "doom and gloom" out there about eclipses. While they do bring about endings, those finalities need to happen so we can have the space to move on. We can see the direction we need to move toward through what choices we're offered when confronted with challenges to transform.
Not to underestimate this Solar Eclipse, but it is partial rather than total or annular. I infer that to mean it has no real duration except as a partial influence, much like other New Moons but with a different quality for some parts of our world. The real kicker will prove to be the recent Lunar Eclipse, since its influence will last 90 months, if ancient ways of measuring eclipse effects holds true.
Each of these features Mutable squares that will no doubt indicate many things will spin off from other things. There will be braking actions, separations, challenges, but also release in areas ruled by the planets in the squares. In the Solar Eclipse, It involves the Moon and Sun opposing Uranus, with all of these squared by Mars. Thus it primarily affects our Aries, Cancer, Leo, and Scorpio sectors dealing with a Uranian transpersonal individualizing pulse.
It is of equal importance that there is a wide but significant rectangle in the Solar Eclipse formed by Venus opposed Neptune sextile-trined by Mars in Gemini in wide opposition to Jupiter, which is trined by Venus but in a wide quintile to Neptune moving toward the sextile. In this case the "hot zone" activating the rectangle is between 17-22 degrees of Sag.
Take note of when Jupiter and the inner planets cross through this span, since the better possibilities of this eclipse will come forth at those times. Also, since Mars quintiles Saturn, expect unique conditions to offer "liberating ordeals." One has already happened to me since Saturn hit 2 Virgo.
The Lunar Eclipse squares involved the Lights at 5 Virgo-Pisces in wide square with Jupiter at 11 Sag. The Eclipse Sun was binovile Mars while the Moon was in an "11th harmonic" aspect I call the Trielftile, a non-rational aspect just over 98 degrees indicating the need to use a "leap of faith" to overcome a duality by synthesizing or harmonizing something in conflict or dynamic release mode. Thus the Lunar Eclipse was not really "afflicted" per se.
However, the big news to that Eclipse is the 17 Virgo Mercury ruling the Sun and Mars on the degree of the exploding volcano. Mercury is opposing Uranus and square Mars at 14 Gemini. Though wide at 84 degrees and change, it is still square Jupiter which is opposed by Mars. Jupiter does not square Uranus, but coincidentally is about 97 degrees apart, giving another Trielftile.
The implications of all these aspects in our charts is enormous, and too vast for me to comment on how it affects individual charts. If you really want to know more, study the planetary meanings and/or consult an amateur or professional astrologer you know and respect.
Leave it to suffice that it will involve the Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces areas of our charts, throwing much into dynamic release while putting the brakes where they need to be applied. In my recent "liberating ordeal," it involved an Aries with Gemini rising. Definitely a turning of a corner for both of us.
The building, harmonizing energy in the Lunar Eclipse showed Venus in favorable aspect to Jupiter and Pluto, as well as Mars through the 65+ degree Bielftile. Mars was trine Neptune, quintile Saturn, and binovile the Sun, assisting the Mars influence break through to new communication or understanding. That said, ultimately the Lunar Eclipse will cast us all into a wandering, searching, questing mode, and will lead everyone to new forms of fellowship and relationships more appropriate to who we've become as a result of letting go of what's being shut down.
Be honest, have faith, hear the call to renewal, and show fairness in the "marketplace," whether of goods or ideas. Though there may be disappointments, cultivate strength, perserverence, and resoluteness, and remember that universal equality is an ideal but not a reality in our times. Look up for inspiration, while assisting others to reach higher. And keep your wits about you, as well as what protection you need, as the volcanic explosions go off.
Here's The Lunar Nodes and the Part They Play in Eclipses which contains links to the two articles covering the Lunar Eclipse of August 2007.
Here's The Partial Solar Eclipse of September 11, 2007 - A Virgo T-Square Showing Movement To Come Offering Relief which also has an internal link to my article explaining exactly what a Solar Eclipse is, and what it means in general.
And since we are highly influenced by prior eclipses from other years, depending on how long their influence is in effect, here's Eclipses Past and Present – A Look At What They’ve Brought All of Us in 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, and 2001 which offer in-depth looks at last year's very potent Solar and Lunar eclipses that helped us all "escape from a narrow destiny," as well as even older ones still in force.
Enjoy rambling through the park, enjoy the birds and breezes, and remember sometimes even an eclipse can portend a fortunate future. Aum and blessings.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Since you first published the above article, my son had a close call with death due to a botched tonsillectomy postcare and my father passed away on September 4th which was the birthday of my son with the tonisllectomy woes. He is completely healed now, and my father who was having complications of breathing is now in another life and I am ok with it. Now I am doing my best to take care of life and property and make those everlasting decisions of what to keep and what to turn lose of and whether to charge money for some of it or to give it all away for Zero cash. The Foolishness vs thriftiness is my biggest decision now. The year has thus far taken my spouse of 34 years, my father of 56 years, and toyed with my son who is 26. It is time to play now isn't it?
Posted by: Mary | September 10, 2007 at 08:58 AM
Dear Robert, Could you clarify the formula used for caculating how long the effects of an eclipse will last? Thanks.
Posted by: Jessica | September 10, 2007 at 11:07 AM
Now, Since you mentioned it, now I'm curious as to what kind of personal experience you went through since Saturn entered Virgo. I'm not interested in finding out specific details, but what type of experience did you go through- was it negative, positive, completely irrational, spritual, eyc? Maybe, it will help us to better understand what we can expect in our own lives concerning those areas of are lives, which you listed.
Posted by: Lisa Saliture | September 10, 2007 at 02:19 PM
I don't know if you will read this anytime soon but I have one question: Should I put my thoughts/feelings of discontent 'out there' regarding a love relationship before or after the eclipse? I can't find any solid suggestions around.
always thinking...thanks for your thoughts
Posted by: Marianne | September 10, 2007 at 03:51 PM
Hi Robert, I read somewhere that this Virgo Solar Eclipse will effect Virgos for the next 19 years. Is this true, and if so, how was this figure obtained?
For this New Moon Eclipse, my Mercury's gonna be conjuct the Eclipse degree! And for the last Piscean Lunar Eclipse my natal Moon degree (9 Pisces) was within the degrees described as more strongly affected by the eclipse (between 0-10 Pisces). I've read one possible manifestation of this conjunction, would you be able to shed more light on this?
So, I have my seat belt on and mostly a sense of wonder with a little bit of anxiety. I've been doing TONS with my Saturn Return, leading up to it and during it, and also now continuing on.
I've found it amazing what happens when one follows the flow with courage, even if a lot of times during the journey I felt discouraged and lost, but persisted! Synchronicity! And since this Eclipse opposes Uranus, and I'm quite Uranian, here's hoping some Uranus-style comms comes through as well! :)
Thank as always in advance for any advice you may be able to give Robert! Much appreciated and blessed be!
Posted by: Jessi | September 10, 2007 at 09:16 PM
Aloha Robert~
I am new to your sight and truly grateful to have encountered such a powerful spokesperson. May we all strive towards such grace and intelligence! I am aware that you are busy and probably don't need another personal question, but I am silently sceaming for guidance! If we follow the wise guides and flow with this Eclipse (these times) with dignity, then it all seems possible to assimilate. But what if we find ourselves striving for the light and greatest good and still end up crashing, exhausted and swimming in old karma and confusion? Saturn continues to be a great best to clear those old obstacles without so many breaks and bruises?
Thanks for your thoughts!
My birth info: 3/2/72 12:06 am, Colorado Springs, CO.
PS-can you recommend any astrology teachers in the Bay Area who are in alignment with your writings? Do you ever head to Northern Ca to teach/ speak? Thx
Posted by: Lori Soo | September 10, 2007 at 09:51 PM
Hi Robert, just have a quick question about the Solar eclipse today. I also heard that for the last piscean lunar eclipse 0-10 degrees would be most effected and now this solar eclipse is opposing Uranus and falls at 19 degrees here is my question - In my Natal chart i have 3 degree pisces moon - 6 degree virgo sun and Uranus is at 19 degrees Virgo - my north and south nodes are also at the 19 degree mark N-Taurus/S Scorpio? Any input on how all this may work out? Thanks for ANY input. Keep inspiring ;o)
Posted by: Lori | September 11, 2007 at 04:03 AM
Hi Mary - My condolences on so many losses, but glad your son's okay. We each have our times of crisis, and don't determine when they happen, only our responses and state of consciousness when moving through them. Charge for what matters, and give what doesn't to those to whom it will matter. Lightening the load will help you play. Blessings on your new life.
Hi Jessica - Solar eclipse influence is said to last for as many years as they are long in minutes; Lunar Eclipse influence is said to last for as many months as they are long in minutes. That's why the recent Lunar Eclipse will prove very influential, whereas this Solar Eclipse may not be very influential at all.
Hi Lisa - As I make clear in the guidelines for comments, we should not post anything here that can be picked up by google. Therefore personal things that involve certain people should not be posted. Leave it to say I unexpectedly found myself dealing with a highly irrational situation with a highly irritable person that threw us both, as well as others, into a major fork in the road. As far as I'm concerned, it was very negative and unnecessary.
Hi Marianne - I would think it's always a good time to let go of discontent. By clearing out the resistance, you create space in subconsciousness to attract something better.
Hi Jessi - No, this Eclipse probably won't affect Virgos for that long, since it's partial and has zero duration. Of greater effect are last Autumn's eclipses, last Spring's eclipses, and the recent Lunar Eclipse. Your Moon and Mercury are both heavily affected by the August Lunar eclipse. Your Saturn return will prove the most powerful influence of this time in your life. Oppositions to Uranus can produce unique manifestations of your individuality through awareness and polarizations in consciousness.
Hi Lori - Welcome to the site. Only ego assumptions crash, or relationships based in ego that have outlived their purpose. We swim in old karmas until we are done with them and haven't done anything to perpetuate them. Only ego is confused. Sometimes surrendering to Divine Mother and being willing to forgive and open to the vast unknown can solve a host of temporary ills. Don't know any Bay Area astrology teachers. I used to live in Petaluma, but that was a long time ago. I'd probably give talks up there, but don't have a connect to anywhere that does those things. Your chart is far more affected by the recent Lunar Eclipse than the present Solar one. Allow your Lunar function to grow, demonstrate it through your Sun and Uranus. Prepare to individuate in many small but significant ways as you flow toward a greater caring and nurture.
Posted by: Robert | September 11, 2007 at 05:52 AM
VERY interesting, from Barbara Hand Clow. Thank you for this site.
A bit complex but I recommend you stick with it - there's some very practical advice coming out of this astrology by Hand Clow. And even encouragement.
Virgo New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse: September 11, 2007Leo New Moon: August 12, 2007
Posted by: Karak | September 11, 2007 at 06:46 AM
Hi Karak - I left part of your comment up but had to delete the rest since what you did is an example of what is NOT acceptable at this site. You didn't ask for permission to repost someone's work whole, and it's so long that it hijacked the thread. You also may have violated copyright laws. In the future, just leave the link to whatever site AFTER clearing it with me. I will not be a party to violating intellectual property laws.
For a personal opinion based in research, with all due respect to Ms. Hand Clow, I do not ascribe to much of what is said about the present "Mayan calendar," since it is NOT the calendar the Mayans actually used, but something of recent creation that resembles the calendar. The present Mayan whatever is not based in the historical Mayan calendar. Please reference my article on this.
Posted by: Robert | September 11, 2007 at 07:01 AM
My apologies Robert - I was sharing something that felt helpful to and I know others. I am sorry I violated your rules. Never again.
best to you.
Posted by: Karak | September 11, 2007 at 07:29 AM
Hi Robert, just have a quick question about the Solar eclipse today. I also heard that for the last piscean lunar eclipse 0-10 degrees would be most effected and now this solar eclipse is opposing Uranus and falls at 19 degrees here is my question - In my Natal chart i have 3 degree pisces moon - 6 degree virgo sun and Uranus is at 19 degrees Virgo - my north and south nodes are also at the 19 degree mark N-Taurus/S Scorpio? Any input on how all this may work out? Thanks for ANY input. Keep inspiring ;o)
Posted by: Lori | September 11, 2007 at 07:36 AM
Hi Karak - It's always good to share useful info, but in our litigious world, it's always best to respect intellectual property rights so there's no blowback down the road. No problem sharing links since it's how we find more info to flesh out our realizations, and I certainly don't have all the answers in our interdependent world. I didn't mean to sound harsh, but when I saw the post it was a bit overwhelming, and I realized she is quite well known and probably copyrights her material. A snippet or two of core material with the link would have been fine. In the future just let me know ahead of time, since I am open to other respected metaphysical views and want the best for all who come to this site.
Hi Lori - Please refer to "Guidelines for Commenting" about double posting.
Posted by: Robert | September 11, 2007 at 08:19 AM
Hi Robert ( and everyone ),
Well drama, drama and more drama for this eclipse.
I have a question as the Lunar eclipse threads into
the Solar eclipse.
I have to say I could write a novel based on the last two years and with the explosive things happening because of these eclipses. Suffice to say I won't burden this forum with my personal problems BUT since we're speaking that the Lunar eclipse is casting much more power so to speak than the Solar eclipse. My question is ...if the Lunar eclipse is going to impact for 90 months ... it conjuncted my saturn in the 7th house ( my marriage is fine by the way :)). It seems to be impacting more enemies than not and my property up north that we're trying desperately to save and hold onto for our children in the future ???? And yet the Solar eclipse impacts nothing natally in my chart except my 8th house Chiron ??? But its been a whopper of a last 24 hours
anyways ????
So I'm confused ....
Any input about how these cycles will play out would be really appreciated.
Posted by: Melody | September 11, 2007 at 08:28 AM
P.S. Sorry I meant to also ask but forgot - since the Lunar eclipse hit my natal Saturn in my 7th and is obviously setting the stage for further events. 90 months worth ?! My query also is how is the stage being set by this with Pluto about to finally enter Capricorn ( Saturn being its ruler ) which is my 6th house and with then conjunct my South Node at 5 degrees. What does this augurs?
Trying to connect the dots ...
Posted by: Melody | September 11, 2007 at 08:45 AM
Robert, you answered the "Lori soo" that posted before my question? That is a different Lori-I figured the two got confused that is why i posted again. Thanks
Posted by: Lori | September 11, 2007 at 10:02 AM
Hi Melody - The 7th is the house of partnerships AND "open enemies." Your Saturn will be impacted for many years to come, as well as the houses it rules. As for property: there are some struggles not worth the effort, so if it becomes a draining slog to hold on, it's probably better to sell the problem and buy something that's not so draining. The Solar eclipse will activate your Chiron, calling you to your highest Self. The effects of Pluto on your SN will be glimpsed when Jupiter rolls over it this January.
Hi Lori - Please accept my apology for the confusion. The first was signed Lori, then the ps by Lori Soo (on the byline), and then your post popped up. I assumed they were posted by the same Lori, since it was the signature on the first post and the next one. Your part of the answer is: Your chart is far more affected by the recent Lunar Eclipse than the present Solar one. Allow your Lunar function to grow, demonstrate it through your Sun and Uranus. Prepare to individuate in many small but significant ways as you flow toward a greater caring and nurture. Thanks for clarifying which Lori you are, since there are several who have visited the site recently.
Posted by: Robert | September 11, 2007 at 11:48 AM
I'm sure this is a really basic question, but could you tell me how to figure out where the Sun is in my chart right now? I read that I could find out how the Solar eclipse is affecting me by looking at where it fell in my chart. Is there a simple way to do this? Thanks for any info. I love this site btw, I read it often and always appreciate the info.
Posted by: Amy | September 11, 2007 at 02:44 PM
Hi Amy - You look to your rising sign and degree. Then going counterclockwise put the same degree of the next sign on the edge of each subsequent house. If 15 Gemini is on the Ascendant, put 15 Cancer on the 2nd house cusp, 15 Leo on the third, 15 Virgo on the 4th, and so on. Then since the Sun is 19 Virgo right now, look to wherever the sign Virgo is on the house cusp. If your Virgo house cusp is less than 19 degrees then the transiting Sun is in the house before that one. If the Virgo house cusp is more than 19 degrees than the transiting Sun is in that house.
Posted by: Robert | September 11, 2007 at 03:32 PM
Hi Robert,
To clarify (briefly). I am the Lori Soo of the Lori "confusion". Sorry to tie up the lines with personal questions. I assume that my portion of the reply ended w/ info on Bay Area teachers, and not w/ advice on handling the eclispes? Hopefully we can rally support and funding for you in the Bay Area if you are interested in speaking here (any takers in the audience?). Will look forward to your wise words in the future. And with respect to your time and energy, will retreat into observance and learning...thanks for reminding us to look beyond our personal crises toward a greater community worldview.
Lori Soo
Posted by: Lori Soo | September 12, 2007 at 01:08 AM
Hi Lori Soo - Yes, the response ends with me having lived in Petaluma and being open to doing talks and sessions in the Bay Area if/when something workable could be set up wherever. The community is one of the three "refuges" from the pandemic human tendency to get lost in various kinds of suffering. When we find our true spiritual community it provides us feedback, connectedness, and encouragement to pursue becoming our Highest Self. And Mahalo to you.
Posted by: Robert | September 12, 2007 at 05:48 AM
Hi there robert
I hope this mail finds you well
I wonder if you could help with a really frustrating situation regarding my home & house move.
I have beeen living in a refuge following my troubles with my ex earlier in the year. I have been accepted for temp accomodation and should be moving in the next couple of weeks. logic says to move. however, i also have the option of returning home to my old flat with better security and new and better adaptations. I'm alittle old in the tooth to make the wrong move with my child. I feel the new area would be better for me. but something is making me question this move. Please could you give me some insight on this matter. i
keep having a dream that something bad is ging to happen. I'm not sure if i'm just anxious about moving forward. the new place is in a better area but will be temporary for a couple of years until my perminant home comes along.
my old flat is now being modified with a new kitchen and Bathroom and the council havbe even offered to decorate. all this because i have a case against them which i'm taking to court. I've been living in the refugee for 7mths now and really don't want to make a mistake in this area of my life. in addition, my old home is on a estate. the new one maybe better in terms of enviroment.
kind regards
23,8,1971 13.55 pm lon Uk
Posted by: hypnotic poison | September 16, 2007 at 06:01 AM
Hi HP - Welcome back. I would think a move to a new location could provide a renewal of your light. It all depends on your willingness to open to the new potential, whatever it may be. That said, it may be that you need to remember that we are all wanderers in this world, and must keep in mind what is transitory and what is "permanent." There may also be a pecking order in the new situation which will require figuring out rights and duties, expressed through tactful reserve. But if you keep your focus on that which endures, you may avoid crashing into those you don't need to. That's why knowing it's temporary is a good thing. The dream is showing you your subconscious anxiety about the unknown. Why not just realize nothing "bad" will happen, but your life will move forward and you have a choice how to position your attitude. As for going back to the old flat, it seems there's already tension there. I think if you are receptive to inner knowing, and surrender to being led to a life renewal, that you'll know exactly what to do. If there is a way to disengage from conflict while doing the right thing, that's good too. In any case, it seems you need to open to deep receptivity since a life phase is ending. There's a Mutable T-square right now, so if you can, defer making a decision until you've pondered this from the angle of taking into account ALL the positives to each, and all the potential negatives to each. Then listen to your heart for its knowing. Think in terms of the future rather than the past or even the present. Make time your ally, and Saturn will bring you authorship and power born of experience over the next 9 months.
Posted by: Robert | September 16, 2007 at 08:23 AM
I'm concerned about my 15-year old daughter (1/17/92, 9:13 pm, Somerville, NJ) who has been having problems with depression and anxiety from no apparent cause, which was helped by medication started over the summer. However, now with the stresses of school, it has started again. The Sept. 11 eclipse was exactly conjunct her ascendant at 18 degrees Virgo. I've been unable to find out the ramifications of this in my internet searches - any advice would be appreciated. Thx, -Laura
Posted by: Laura | September 16, 2007 at 05:18 PM
Thanks so much.
I think i know it's time to move forward.
kind regards
Posted by: Hypnotic poison | September 17, 2007 at 03:15 AM
Hi Laura - Anxiety can come up for a lot of reasons. Depression seems to be the "depressing" of legit feelings, which is why it often shows as a flat affect. That's why sometimes I believe it's sorrow, not depression, that is manifesting, when we struggle to find a voice that doesn't seem to be there. There is much to be sad about in our cruel, indifferent, and harshly competitive world that can be overwhelming to an adult, much more so a teen. 15 is an anxiety riddled age anyway due to hormonal fluxes beyond anything that happens when we're adults. She's going through a shift in values and who she wants to relate to, and struggling to find the boundaries of a new vista. She'll open to a much wider view this coming January.
When an eclipse conjuncts an Ascendant, it shuts down something of the self image or instincts that existed prior to the eclipse. As I've noted, this Solar Eclipse probably won't be as long an influence as the preceding Lunar Eclipse, whose Mercury fell on your child's Asc. Perhaps dialog, reflection, and exploration of alternative views and interpretations can help her "break up old complexes" by finding a "will to wholeness." She may need to "find her voice," perhaps through keeping a journal. Virgo rising can be worriers anyway, especially with Uranus opposed mid-Virgo last year, this year, and next. She may also need relaxation exercises and (without knowing her personal situation) a decrease in anxiety-provoking substances in her diet, like refined sugars. I found eliminating some things from my diet helps me be a lot more calm.
Posted by: Robert | September 17, 2007 at 05:46 AM