by Robert Wilkinson
Besides being a song I wrote many years ago, we are in fact in an "evolution revolution" right now, thanks to the Jupiter square Uranus in effect these many months. We were first introduced to this very revolutionary energy in January 2007, again with Jupiter RX in May, and we are experiencing it for the magical third time right now. I've noted a few electronic crashes this week, indicative of larger forces of change in our world. This is fulfilling a long cycle of revolutionary change to broader horizons, adventures, truths, and timeless views.
We began this journey in Feb 1997 when Jupiter conjuncted Uranus at 6 Aquarius, indicating a cycle of increasing tension opening a new world of transpersonal responsibilities wherever it fell in the chart due to the Sabian Symbol. With 5 planets in Aquarius cutting a powerful and favorable sextile to Pluto in Sag and Saturn in Aries opposed by Mars in Libra trine the Aquarius stellium, this was one of the most positive long range indicators of future building we could have experienced. Thus we must assume that most of the favorable, unique, unexpected, and productive expansive trends we've taken on since early 1997 was due to this configuring in our charts.
The next turning point was the waxing (lower) square of Jupiter at 21 Taurus to Uranus at 21 Aquarius in May 2000. That ushered in an era of disappointment in human relations challenging us to be strong and resilient while searching for what was personally meaningful to us within our culture. Many turned their backs on old ways that could no longer be sustained by ego dramatics.
Then came the opposition om August 2003 from Jupiter at 1 Virgo opposing Uranus at 1 Pisces. This would have awakened a new discrimination and willingness to be practical in pursuing the details of whatever expanding universe we occupied. Having ordered the details, or gotten the work routine, or the discrimination to figure out what fits where in the larger scheme of things, we now have been moving through the waning, or upper, square between these two powerhouses.
Due to the 3 squares this year, it seems to me these represent 3 potential types of fulfillment energy in this larger cycle. The first square gave us a vision of fulfillment connected to the symbols of 13 Sag and 13 Pisces. Both of these deal with courage, one a rebirth into a new form of love that overcomes old set patterns and reawakens the heart, the other a symbol of courage across time connected with using Divine Will perfectly according to our circumstances. We had integration techniques opened, and some found a charisma within or in another.
The second square was with Jupiter RX at 18 Sag square Uranus at 18 Pisces, showing us the value of what protects us as we play with superpersonal energies expressing our uniqueness or genius to others. Many were re-energized by their contacts with nature, and revised their ideas back to source to open a new environment we were within but independent from. We learned self-sustainment techniques, as well as how to question the superficialities of life as our curiosity prodded us toward contact with whatever was beyond our old environment.
We are now at the final square from 16 Sag to 16 Pisces. This is a moment of pause which presages change, so be alertly ready to act without falling into distress at not knowing what lies ahead. Confront your unused power locked up in the cage of your subconscious, examine the inertia of your instincts, and rouse yourself to share your message, whatever it is. It is also possible to learn a lot vicariously right now, so if you're old, learn from the young, and if you're young, learn from the old. Retreat from the world to get an inspiration about your unique gift to share, and don't allow temperament to blow perfectly good opportunities.
There's a lot of tension in the air due to this major square which will pervade the atmosphere constantly through about October 20, especially when the Moon in Sag conjuncts Jupiter and squares Uranus Oct 15-16 and at the Moon in Pisces conjunct Uranus square Jupiter Oct 22-23. The last week of October we also have Venus in Virgo opposed to Uranus and square to Jupiter, making a Mutable T-square throwing the void energies into Gemini. This Mutable T will be triggered again with the Moon in Gemini forming a Grand Mutable Cross Oct 28-29 throwing things into confusion or order, depending on how we handle the cross currents.
The last major volatility connected to this aspect will come Nov 4-5 with the Moon in Virgo throwing the void into Gemini, re-echoing the lessons of the Mutable Cross but with the integrative power of the T. This last will also have a Venus square Pluto, adding to the volatility of the period and fulfilling the last Venus-Pluto cycle begun December 2006 at 27 Sag.
As an aside, each time Venus conjuncts Pluto we get Venusian forms of the Galactic Center energies over the next year. The same with Sun and Mercury each year, and Mars every two years. We got new Martian forms of GC actions in Jan 2007, just as we'll get new 12-year Jupiter forms of GC energies in December 2007. Other long wave Galactic Center conjunctions at the link.
Generally, this 2007 upper square has been hardest for those born with planets between 13-16 Gemini, Virgo, Sag, and Pisces. This affects birthdays in early March, June, September, and December, as well as people with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto in those Mutable zones. Think 1964-67, 1972-73, 1976-79, and 1984-87. It's definitely time to fly your flag of individuality wherever you have Sagittarius in your chart, opening to distant horizons and bigger worlds to explore. Soon we'll be on the way to Jupiter quintile and sextile Uranus, which will help us specialize and productively further whatever corner we're turning now.
On a final note, the next Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will occur June 2010 at 1 Aries square Pluto at 5 Capricorn and in an out of sign opposition to Saturn at 28 Virgo. We'll get a retrograde conjunction at 29 Pisces September 2010 square Pluto going stationary direct at 3 Capricorn and again in an out of sign opposition to Saturn at 7 Libra.
The final conjunction setting a new world into motion falls at 28 Pisces in January 2011, with aspects of faith, hope, and long term realizations also very much in play. Our next Jupiter-Uranus cycle will be very productive due to the sextile from Mars in late Capricorn, offering us major league practical skills useful for surfing the wave through 2012 and beyond.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson