by Robert Wilkinson
These occur in an unending sequence, each unique and yet exerting a powerful effect on present and future New and Full Moons, depending on what aspects are made, which points are stimulated, and how they relate to others sharing these points and aspects. This article is another inspired by a question in a comment stream, and gives us much food for thought.
Each Full Moon releases the potential of the previous New Moon. They are "God's Footprints in Time," showing an organic pulse affecting both essence and form. These occur against the backdrop of the other angle patterns, but the lights are primary influences for us life forms on Earth.
They occur with amazing regularity, each showing some planetary patterns left over from previous lunations while introducing new ones. This is particularly true in terms of what sequence of points are activated, as well as the aspect patterns in the outer planets which at times don't change very quickly at all.
Some Full Moons are in the same sign as the previous New Moon, while other Full Moons fall in subsequent signs, lending variation on how the potential can fulfill itself in form. For example, in 2007 we had a series of Full Moons early in the month followed by New Moons later in the same sign. Then we had a sequence of Blue Full Moons, where we had two Full Moons in a month. The month it happened depended on where in the world you live,
The Blue New Moons and Blue Full Moons happen fairly regularly, since these are when we have two New Moons or Two Full Moons in one month. What was interesting about the Blue Moons earlier this year was that the actual time they occurred was determined by the different time zones and different countries, so that several parts of our world had their Blue Moon in different days and even different months.
During those months, the second Full Moon at the end of the month was in the sign following the sign of the New Moon, which spanned the late degrees of Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo during those months in 2007. Since then we've had Full Moons in the middle of the month with the New Moon late in the month in the next sign.
This will shift again in May 2008, when we'll have New Moon early in the month with the Full Moon in the same sign later in the month. It also means TWO Full Moons in Taurus, one in late April and one in late May, thus triggering a "double Wesak" effect. I'll write more on that as it approaches.
The question was raised regarding subsequent Full Moons being affected by previous ones. Of course they are. For an example of a sequence of Full Moons having an interconnected affect, we shall consider the Springtime Full Moons. The Full Moon of Aries-Libra is the first of what have been termed "the three sacred festivals" of the year. The second Full Moon, that of Taurus and Scorpio, is the Wesak Festival, (more at this link) while the next Full Moon of Sun in Gemini Moon in Sag is termed "the Christ Fest."
The first releases the organic energies of Spring. The second concentrates that energy in a form of "Buddha nature," or a new form of love, wisdom, and compassion for the world. The third is where the World Teacher takes the concentrated energies of wisdom and compassion and gives the world new ideas, new interpretations, new views.
These energies in turn play out over subsequent Full Moons, each according to the signs and aspects made at the time. And of course, we have four special lunations involving two New Moon Solar Eclipses and two Full Moon Lunar Eclipses each year which have their own symbology and effects. You can find much more on the long term effects of the 2006 and 2007 eclipses on everyone by going to the link.
For more information about how Lunations work their long term magic in our lives, please check out Full Moon , New Moon, Full Moon, New Moon, Forever Showing Us A Bigger Beat from the site archives.
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Dear Robert What would have been the effect of Blue Moon Aquarius/Sun LEO ON 30/7/2007 iT was the day after my birthday , a freakish wind bashed the car door into my knee wacking it out of place, I realise that the fixed cross was acting quite intesely in my chart at the time , but was curious to know the seperate influence of this moon energy.Great reading .Thanking You Felita
Posted by: Felita | November 28, 2007 at 02:04 AM
Thanks, Robert, for your kind reply!. Very interesting.
Posted by: Henry | November 28, 2007 at 11:21 AM
Hi Felita - The freak accident could be from any number of influences too numerous to explore in a comment stream. Accidents and injuries usually involve natal Mars, prog Mars, or transiting Mars somehow.
Hi Henry - You're welcome. Thought you'd recognize the topic.
Posted by: Robert | November 28, 2007 at 01:22 PM
The last full moon landed at 2 degrees Gemini-my natal sun/mars conjunction in the 8th house. Not to mention Mars retrograde conjunct my natal Venus/MC/Uranus split between the 9th and 10th and what you wrote about the sirius point. Got anything to tell me?
Glad you're back!
Posted by: Jennifer | November 28, 2007 at 05:59 PM
The focus of realization during this time is your Sun-Mars. What needs eliminating, and what needs regenerating? Seems like you're retracing some steps before a new professional breakthrough, or a new life direction.
Posted by: Robert | November 29, 2007 at 11:35 AM
of a fire on the moon
of fox fire and will o the wisp
of misty mornings an sod grass
of rising before the dawn
of moonfire
Posted by: poetryman69 | December 18, 2007 at 04:36 AM