by Robert Wilkinson
Today is a brief overview for each sign for 2008. It's a year of practical stability as we approach a larger collective threshold state indicated by the coming squares and oppositions. The first half of 2008 shows Mars in opposition to Pluto, Neptune, and then Uranus, while late 2008 Mars brings these transpersonal energies to fulfillment, preparing us for the intensity of 2009. Get things lined up securing whatever is practical and useful for the future, since Jupiter offers protective or expansive opportunities to help us in the wild ride of years to come!
The Martian opposition tensions will release strong polarized forces, but probably not resolve much other than show us how to "tack into the wind" to make progress despite limiting conditions. The first few months we'll have a Bucket Pattern with Mars as the handle, so expect things to intensify.
By the middle of 2008 we have a SeeSaw Pattern, so expect lots of polarization. Don't get stuck out on the periphery, and find ways to triangulate. The last third of 2008 we'll have a Bowl Pattern, so find what calls you and give what you have to dip deeply into life to find what you possess and what you're here to offer to others. Get a sense of humor and become a worthwhile participant in your society at whatever level is appropriate.
What follows is a sketch of what each sign can expect to experience in the next 12 months. If you know your rising sign, or Ascendant, please read that as well. Also remember that this is only the briefest of sketches about a rich field of exploration, and that as a symbolic language, some of this may have to be reinterpreted based in your "local" or individual conditions.
Aries born in March or the first half of April: Get to work sorting out all the initiatives you embraced in 2007. You've reaped the rewards of your fiery enthusiasm, and now it's time to make it work for the long haul. This year you're searching for your place of greatest service. Keep the initiative in your hands, find an appropriate form of self-expression, and accept the power. Be organized regarding health matters.
Aries born the third week of April: Your creativity and way of enjoying yourself are taking new forms. Be discriminating in how you deal with children or pleasures. Play at your work and work at your play. May and June will bring more confidence in what's been happening, as well as returns of old perceptions or health issues. Prepare, since your search for a greater role begins in April.
Taurus born in April or the first half of May: The early part of 2008 shows you finishing up old home and family issues, preparing to accept a more mature relationship to your creativity and/or your children. Time to find a new self confidence. Eliminate all negative memories of your early life, see how the "facts" fit into a larger mythic picture, and enjoy the concrete material rewards coming all year.
Taurus born the third week of May: You'll be digging into deeper issues this year, so monitor the agitation and come up with something that works for you as well as others. Things may boomerang from time to time if you ignore what you need to do up front. Get clear about what role you want to play in the future, stop being timid and seduced into uninteresting activity, and dare to be original.
Gemini born in May or the first half of June: You're rearranging the priorities at home, and need to eliminate negative memories or perceptions that impact your family life. Cultivate a larger vision, sense of humor, explore a deeper compassion, and forgive and forget to whatever degree you're able. Be more mature in your personal interactions, honoring others' sense of responsibility and experience.
Gemini born the third week of June: Loosen up with others and be less analytical and critical about details. Recognize and honor the originality and experience you each have in interactions. Learn all you can about communications, perceptions, and let others get closer. January you finish a long learning phase and begin another. Intuition is high this year, as is eccentricity. Strive for cooperation.
Cancer born in June or the first half of July: A very productive year with new relationship perspectives bringing new freedom. Allow others to open wider perspectives, higher truths, and more work mobility. Partnerships need attention in practical details, new forms of self expression. A new life presents itself in March or April, and you're free to do your thing by May-June. Accept a health discipline.
Cancer born the third week of July: Travel for work and health, face the future responsibly, or research foreign cures for healing. You're learning to be a discriminating steward of values and resources, and since your Sun is caught in the Grand Irrationality, don't get bugged or compulsive if things don't make sense from time to time. Sacrifice imprecise thinking and feeling, allowing originality and uniqueness to flow.
Leo born in July or the first half of August: Welcome to a year of work leading to great payoffs both mid year and late 2008. Regulate excess to take charge of your health, and stop worrying about all the small details of life. Be the precise expression of your uniqueness, and get clear about your true ideals in relationship. Unexpected losses and gains predominate, all of them leading to stable productivity.
Leo born the third week of August: You're still reshaping your self image and sense of purpose, and won't really feel like you're moving forward until May. You can learn a lot from children, play, and being more natural in your self-expression. Be organized and disciplined in your enthusiasms, let go of timidity and uninteresting activity, and get clear about what role you are playing in your world and where it's going.
Virgo born in August or the first half of September: This year you'll reap the rewards of your discipline, and your creativity will grow tremendously even as many things from your past end. You're restructuring your life and vitality, so be mature in accepting responsibilities while letting go of old rules, fears, and limitations that serve no purpose. Take calculated risks. Relationships challenge you to innovate.
Virgo born the third week of September: This year will be very productive, where the openings of 2007 can be crafted into long range growth and rewards. You're finishing up an old long range karma, and may find your best creativity comes out in seclusion. Home and work interact productively, with serendipity your constant friend from July to October, so open to unique gifts and circumstances.
Libra born in September or the first half of October: Reorganize home, family priorities to take better advantage of rewards you're due for being courageous despite feeling defeated in some life area. Stop needless worry, meditate to get clear about the details of a greater plan and long term motives, and use self discipline to pioneer a new way of living starting August or September. Get a health plan that works.
Libra born the third week of October: Learn as much as you can this year, discipline your mind, interpretations, and speech, and examine your long term goals and ambitions to make sure they are actually serving your sense of purpose. A lot of friendships will shift this year, and you'll see some gifts and unique forms of expression you didn't suspect. You could find power and effectiveness in group work.
Scorpio born in October or the half of November: It's all systems go! This is a year of unique blessings and gifts and important forks in the road, with incredible productivity and harmony in what you do and how you do it. Simplify to find greater enjoyment. Early 2008 is regenerative and re-shaping, May and June are culminative and challenging. New initiatives and focus arise in October.
Scorpio born the third week of November: Take a broader view of what you value and why, and how to use your resources more effectively. Learn how to defer without abandoning or getting into conflict. Inventiveness is favored, but you need to get and stay clear about what role you're playing, and make sure that what you're doing is actually interesting to you. Late June and November are critical turning points.
Sagittarius born November or the first half of December: Rethink future plans, pay attention to details, feel more deeply, and adapt. Find a learning discipline to order higher, broader, and wider understandings. Small opportunities plus organized work habits yield long term increases in wealth. Show mature restraint as you work to secure stable ground. Early 2008 helps you deal with the beginnings of late 2008.
Sagittarius born the third week of December: Your life remains in extremely dynamic transformation. Self restraint, perseverance, and organization offer major rewards. Interactions will be unique and very profitable if you pay attention to details. Overall a strange year, with subtle and profound spiritual realizations. January and February show how to play June. Be practical and don't get annoyed in August.
Capricorn born December or the first half of January: You're on a roll! This begins a 12 year adventure, and what presents itself will be very sound. Your inventiveness is up, as is your enthusiasm and sense of an expanding future. Travel is favored, and every loss will bring a gain. Get a higher, broader, practical truth, future vision, or education. Professional promotions and major opportunities are possible.
Capricorn born the third week of January: You should reap some fine rewards for your last decade of effort and growth, so close out old ways, accept your due, and expand your motives, becoming more inclusive, forgiving, and compassionate. Endings provide protection and liberation, so cultivate a sense of humor and see that you are a custodian of collective values. Intuition peculiar but accurate.
Aquarius born January or the first half of February: You're still immersed in collective impressions, so dream your highest ideal and don't procrastinate or let things drift. You're finding a new maturity or authority in your relationships and learning to spot details you previously overlooked. Be practical in your motivations, and find a structured meditation or affirmation practice. Closures prepare you for 2009.
Aquarius born the third week of February: Pay attention to your dreams, and elevate your motives. Things remain weird, and you're learning to discriminate around interpersonal controlling behaviors. Steady hard work increases your public standing and helps your reputation. May frees you up, June is beneficial, while November challenges you to simplify. Remember it's all about management.
Pisces born in February or the first half of March: You're restructuring all of your relationships, so let go of controlling or being controlled. Get a reasonable health or work discipline. Visibility is up this year, so be mature and have good humor in public situations. Inner tensions show ways you can break through to a new level of effectiveness once you learn patience and decrease rigidity and pessimism.
Pisces born the third week of March: Though it may be a very strange and extreme time, you're preparing for greater effectiveness despite the many forces pulling you in different directions. Perseverance in group work brings gifts and productivity, with rewards for your experience, organization, and discipline. New beginnings in Jan-Feb, great progress in July, with deep truths in October-November.
There are several more articles in the pipeline for what's coming in 2008, so stay tuned!
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
I wanted to connect with you re a private reading, but have been through a roller coaster of unexpected events requiring total attention, since spring of this year. I usually am able to foresee trends and patterns, but have been blindsided by odd events.
Things are somewhat calmer, but I am still very busy. Uranus is right on top of my Ascendant/Mars conjunction. Could this be problematic?
I keep watching to see when it will leave 15 degrees Pisces, but it doesn't. Will it ever? (S)? I will be in touch regarding a more comprehensive reading as soon as the roller coaster is over.
Posted by: sara | December 29, 2007 at 05:21 PM
Hey Robert,
Listening to Awakenings right now on cosmic dimensions.... to have you back on in the new year :-)
thanx for this little preview of 2008----so true for me....lots of creativity....stepping into new realms and expanding out...or, maybe in!!! :-)
hope all is in a good flow for you.
Posted by: michele | December 29, 2007 at 09:05 PM
I was so fixated on getting work done before Monday, I forgot to thank you for all the wisdom you so generously share, and to also wish you and all here a Peaceful New Year, Blessings & Harmonious Resonance with our Cosmic Reality in 2008!
Posted by: sara | December 29, 2007 at 10:16 PM
Hi Robert, 2:09 pm 1/7/82, Fullerton, CA here. I feel mangled right now. By everything...domestically, socially, creatively, professionally, there any hope. I know Pluto and Jup are moving into my sign this year. I think/feel Neptune sitting on my natal midheaven is still going rounds. Thanks.
Posted by: Damien | December 30, 2007 at 12:34 AM
Hi Robert, I still have not recieved a chart but I am looking forward to my new way of living, next August September. I have felt sure that it was on the way.
Much Love and Gratitude to you and peace for this coming year!!
Posted by: marie | December 30, 2007 at 01:00 AM
Looking forward to new Awakenings. Peace and Blessings throughout the new Year.
Posted by: poetryman69 | December 30, 2007 at 05:12 AM
Robert, thanks for your insights which were a big support in the year gone by. Hope everything is well with you and whatever life situation you are in may God be with you !
Posted by: ABACUS | December 30, 2007 at 07:41 AM
Hi Robert,
Thanks for keeping me sane with all these great insights over the past two years!
I wrote you an email to schedule a reading. Did you receive? If not I would like to schedule a reading!!!
Thanks and Happy New Year to you. May it bring blessings to all!
Love and Light
Posted by: Tahera | December 31, 2007 at 01:50 AM
Hi sara - Whenever it's time to connect for a personal consultation, email me. Uranus on the Asc usually brings a roller coaster, as well as liberating conditions and life revolutions that free us to live our higher law. It finally moves past mid-Pisces by February, but try to see it as a long term influence that continues to work its magic even after the exact conjunction, which merely marks the starting point. Thanks for your blessings.
Hi Michele - Glad you checked in. Will be glad to come back on the show in 2008. I still haven't downloaded what we did the first time due to impossible circumstances these past few weeks. We can catch up by phone in the new year. And I'll be in Santa Monica doing talks on Jan 20, so be there or be square (as we used to say in the 60s!)
Hi Damien - There's always hope when we get out of our own way and allow our Higher Self to drive our boat rather than random hitchhikers. With Jupiter on your Sun, the Friend is at the door. It's your job to open the door and invite them in, or go on the adventure with them. I'll bet you have an entirely new perspective by this time next year.
Hi Marie - Oh well, postal service is not what it should be! I still haven't found the duplicate tape, so I'll have to do another, or just do sound files and email them to you. Sorry the postal went postal on us. Blessings to you, and thanks for your patience with a process not under our control.
Hi poetryman69 - May you have many more poems come forth in the coming year that inspire and comfort those who perceive (and even those who don't!)
Hi Abacus - You're quite welcome. May God be with All of us!
Hi Tahera - Yes, I got the email. Been busy trying to do charts for people AND do these articles. Will try to answer my emails that have stacked up the next few days.
Posted by: Robert | December 31, 2007 at 08:36 AM
From the sound of it - i might be getting pregnant this year... lol
i'm a cancer!
Posted by: robyn | December 31, 2007 at 10:07 AM
Apprantley this year is not a good year for education becuase there will be major personal issues going on. I read that elsewhere.
I was born on April 22, which makes me a Taurus, right ?
Posted by: Melissa. | January 01, 2008 at 12:25 AM
and theres a probelm with that... Im doing yr 12 next year !
Posted by: Melissa. | January 01, 2008 at 12:26 AM
Hi robyn - Well, there are many ways to "get pregnant." ;-) I'm still waiting to "give birth" to a book that's been planned for several years, so to some degree I feel like a very pregnant elephant!
Hi Melissa - EVERY year is good for education! In fact, personal issues are happening with every breath we take, whether we're aware of them or not. The times we're most distracted by "personal issues" are exactly the times when we should concentrate on learning what we have to learn so we can detach from "personal issues" and become our Higher Self. No internal or external thing should be able to deflect us from doing our Being. Yes, you're a Taurus, and should do fairly well this year. Not sure what "doing yr 12" means.
Posted by: Robert | January 01, 2008 at 07:48 AM
I mean (year 12) : Grade 12. In high School.
Posted by: Melissa. | January 02, 2008 at 03:22 AM