by Robert Wilkinson
While I try not to arouse the disputatious inclinations in those who disagree with my political views, this is one of the most amazing articles I've ever read in mainstream media. If WaPo allows you access through the link, by all means enjoy the remarkable account of how Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich walks his Spiritual talk and has also found true love through fantastic metaphysical and spiritual occurrences beyond random chance. If you want a truly magical love story, I have it here.
From the Washington Post, "The Love Song of Dennis J. Kucinich" by Libby Copeland. Great writing, great reporting, great take on what's really happening when we surrender to Spirit. Here's a teaser:
The story of Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich involves: Indian nuns, a bust of Gandhi, a portrait of "conscious light," a mystical opal ring, congressional legislation, an Indian guru and the meeting of souls. Also: Dennis's good friend for decades, Shirley MacLaine, the actress and New Age author, who played host to the couple's second date.
This story will make you smile, since it seems to be a magical love story of legendary proportions with Spirit all around! Enjoy!
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
4 Dec 2007
A thin film of mist on cold water.
Bone dry air on a cool winter day.
Steamy mornings. cold steam.
The lake is steaming in the cold dawn.
Misty wisps on wintry morns.
5 Dec 2007
Veiled seas under clear skies
The night was sharp, clear and cold.
The moon was unreasonably bright.
A bright firefly astride a quarter moon.
Planetshine. Moonshine. Starshine.
A quarrelsome moon.
Posted by: poetryman69 | December 05, 2007 at 07:35 PM
The link does work. We have been fans of Dennis for years. He is proof that at least one honest person still holds office in Washington. It was a great story. It really shows his metaphysical side. Anyone with a bust of Gandhiji in their office is alright by me. Thank you for sharing this, Robert. My wife and I forwarded it out to all of our friends. dcu
Posted by: dcu | December 06, 2007 at 12:40 AM
Hi Robert
There is much hope in the world when "real" people who are in touch with their soul-heart and are able to recognise the syncronicities of life and love, are in positions of leadership. A little sparkle of angel dust that moon/venus conj yesterday.You are a true romantic i think Robert,does your moon trine neptune? You vibrate Neptune in Libra in the 3rd house so well.Right timing for everyone, to remind us of true love and clear spiritual intent. Thanking you. Aum Shanti Felita
Posted by: Felita | December 06, 2007 at 01:49 AM
Hi Robert, this is an awesome story for all of us searchers and a great lesson. Maybe that's the idea - stop searching (and we *do* search) and just be ourselves. What is truly ours by divine right will most certainly always be there for us. I found the entire story on CBS news (I couldn't access the entire WP article). Best, Vahana
Posted by: Vahana | December 06, 2007 at 08:58 AM
Hi all - I figured a good metaphysical love story complete with major synchronicity would be good for our Souls. Yes, my Moon does trine Neptune from the 7th to the 3rd. Sorry the WaPo does things like make people sign up to read, but if you need to, it's a good source. Glad CBS picked it up.
Posted by: Robert | December 06, 2007 at 12:42 PM
I was able to read the whole thing no problem. How cool is that??? I love stories like that. Of course, the tie-in with Shirley is interesting, too. She is someone I admire immensely.
Anyway thank you for sharing. It just goes to show, you never can tell. Don't give up yet on love! :)
Posted by: Valerie | December 06, 2007 at 08:03 PM
Hi Valerie - I would never give up on the only true power there is! Maybe this is a perfect example of how what is called "The Law of Magnetic Attraction" manifests in our world as the Power of Love. When we open to being attracted to that which is perfect for us, miracles happen!
Posted by: Robert | December 10, 2007 at 06:58 AM