by Robert Wilkinson
Taking a break from Jupiter, Pluto, the Galactic Center and Mars retrograde, let's reconsider some primary factors in our lives. Though Astrology teachs us what, why, and when the pulses of our Reality manifest, the "7 Sacred Planets" also symbolize greater forces and things. For example, each planet is associated with a color, tone, and Chakra, the bodily magnetic centers that receive and transmit Electric Fire. If you've wondered why the number 7 is so special, you'll definitely want to read on.
Though written a while ago, these articles bear checking out again even if you've already read them. The Seven Rays offers a look at the 7 Pure energies that pervade our system, and infuse everything from our personalities to our Spiritual Disciplines to our friends and professions. By understanding these 7 energies we learn what we are good at, and how we can become better in every way. Though only a brief sketch, by contemplating how these energies are everywhere and we're all using some combination of them all the time we can understand the "departments of labor and skill" in our Reality.
The other article that can reveal many possibilities of higher awareness is The Seven Planes of Consciousness and Matter. This outlines the different frequency levels of consciousness in our scheme, from the densest to the most subtle. Our physical Reality is merely the densest of the 7 frequency zones, and this will guide you through the others. They aren't really levels as much as interpenetrating frequency zones that all coexist simultaneously within us and outside us.
I'll compose something on the correlations between the planets and the Chakras in the future. For now, these two should whet your appetites! Enjoy!
© Copyright 2007 Robert Wilkinson
Thank-you Robert! I look forward to reading this later today and to the new article!.
Posted by: Alexandra | December 15, 2007 at 06:32 AM
Hi Robert.
I've never met nor read a more wise astrologer -and counselor-, so I will rise a question with the only true aim of knowing your opinion.
Do you think Numerology -numerologic readings- is a matter to trust?. By the way, I found some coincidences among my Natal Chart and Numerology, it's only to know your always wise advice on this (my superfilled IX house makes sense with 7 life echoes, my birth data add to 7).
Have a good time!.
PS: I think it's a matter of general interest, I know a lot of people increasingly "e-mailed" by numerologists -true or false-, where I put a brake always being top-based on Astrology itself.
What a wonder if all it's a correlation!.
Posted by: Henry | December 15, 2007 at 06:09 PM
Hi Alexandra - Well, it may take me awhile to get something done, given the other topics now pressing to get posted (like everything about 2008!)
Hi Henry - Having studied/taught both types of numerology, Western and Gematria, they can be "trusted" to offer insights that are only as valid as the interpreter. You should have found "coincidences" since Western numerology entirely depends on Astrological references in defining the meaning of numbers. In Western systems, 1=Sun, 2=Moon, 3=Mars, 4=Mercury, 5=Jupiter, 6=Venus, 7=Saturn, 8=Uranus, 9=Neptune. There are some variations in different schools of recent origin on these, of course, but these are the associations most referenced across time and space. You will find that most definitions of the meaning of numbers correlates with these planetary qualities. Gematria is an entirely different system.
Posted by: Robert | December 18, 2007 at 07:06 AM
Hi again Robert, many happy wishes for you & yours for Christmas & the New Year.
On the subject of numerology I'd like to add my thoughts, experiences & I'd appreciate your feedback.
I have been an amateur numerologist for many years & I always wondered at the ability I occasionally have at "channelling" powerful & appropriate messages for the recipient. I recognised that the individual's numbers once figured were a construct containing energy... a sort of sacred geometry only pertaining to them stored (?) somewhere in another dimension... 4th dimension maybe?
Interestingly whenever I dabbled in reading for a fee I'd totally fluff it & felt exhausted in the process of doing so, a strong message for me which, happily, I learnt quickly.
Take care in 2008 & I hope life brings you a lovely return on the wonderful energy you expend here on Aquarius Papers.
Jules XXX
Posted by: TrumansCat | December 23, 2007 at 03:27 AM
Hi Truman'sCat - Good to hear from you, and best wishes to you as well. Yes, numbers are symbols showing constructions, and occasionally we who "read for" other people combine training and intuition to offer them keys to the kingdom. You definitely learned a major lesson about reading for others through your self-knowledge arising from the obligation that money puts on interactions.
That's why we must carefully weigh what we can do for money, what we can do for love, and not let the money interfere with what we love. It's a marvelously freeing perspective when we truly embrace the fact that we don't HAVE to make money off of whatever, and are free to expand our gifts and talents, which of course leads us to ever greater sense of self-worth and fulfillment.
Thank you very much for the hope you express for me and the site. In 2008 I hope to be able to expand it to a larger virtual center encompassing many different important areas of practical and social-spiritual concerns creating a network for many to come, learn, and connect.
Posted by: Robert | December 24, 2007 at 10:21 AM
Hi, I'm trying to understand the correlation of the # 4 with Mercury. This seems counterintuitive to me. I can't reconcile the earthiness, groundedness, and stability of 4 with Mercury's airiness, changeability, and mutability. Can you please explain? Thanks for your time.
Posted by: Azure Dragon | June 19, 2008 at 12:15 AM