featuring Robert Wilkinson
I thought it might be time to offer you a chance to relisten to my interview with my friend Michele Meiche at Self In Light. This was on her Satellite Radio show "Awakenings" netcast on the Cosmic Dimensions site on Nov 10-11, 2007. We covered a lot of ground, and there's a lot of food for thought. The link to the interview is below the fold.
As I originally posted, we covered a lot of material, some astrological, some metaphysical, and there's a lot to consider. While you may have heard it before, it's always good to revisit some core ideas about what makes our times so dynamic and re-image our positioning given what's coming down for the entire world the next 2000 days.
So if you want to re-listen to a couple of metaphysicians cover a wide range of topics, or merely interested in hearing what I sound like, check out my interview and if you're inclined, visit Michele's site afterwards to let her know what you think, and maybe have a listen to her other interviews, as I'm sure she'd appreciate it.
© Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert , Thanking you and Michele for great listening. A complete summary I think of our evolutionary experience, and an espousing of Aquarian principles.
Good for the audible types, listened to this before i went to sleep and my watery mercury absorbed it overnight I think. Felt clearer on the bigger picture. Aum Shanti Felita
Posted by: Felita | January 19, 2008 at 04:21 AM
Dear Robert,
I so enjoyed listening to this. It was very informative. And nice to put your voice to all your words and thoughts. Thanks for making it available. Toni
Posted by: toni | January 19, 2008 at 01:01 PM
Hi Robert!
Today I've heard to your interview in "Cosmic Dimensions" with Michele and I truly recommend it to everybody getting lost "in the data papers" and outside them in the Grand Irrationality ha ha!.
Yes, it's a great description of the nature of the process we're currently into, without the amount of data, that really "catches" the essence for us to know and is a reference point from where we then can get inspired from a higher vision/perspective to revisit our lifes and return back to some specific information in this really, really edgy and weird final 2007/2008 starting period...and what's to come.
Thanks for your words -always sorry not to can attend your talks- and congratulations for Michele for the great interview where none was left aside.
Posted by: Henry | January 20, 2008 at 05:55 PM
Hi Felita - Sure. We spoke today and are planning another interview in the near future. I may also try to post a section of the talks I gave today if I can figure out how to post sound files on this site. Nice that it gave you clarity overnight - great subconscious understanding!
Hi Toni - Glad you like it. Sometimes hearing a voice gives words a quality they don't have on the written page. Will try to figure out how to do more.
Hi Henry - Glad you enjoyed the discussion. I know I covered a lot of material, but sometimes just getting a sense of the larger game can help us play the smaller ones better. By all means, recommend the interview to anyone you think would be receptive, since it's all out there to help generate a more aware and altruistic world. Long term I'm planning to offer some of my better talks over the years for download for a small fee. It's all a question of getting them into digital format and then figuring out how to do it, since emailing them would be impossible give the space constraints. But I hear there are ways, such as post it on a server with password access so that people can download it directly to their computer. I have hundreds of hours of decent material, and everyone that comes to this site will know as soon as I figure out what to do. Of course, like this one, the next interview I do with Michele will also be on web radio and when it's in her archives, I'll do another link directly to it on this site. And someday, I'm sure we'll meet at a talk somewhere.
Posted by: Robert | January 20, 2008 at 07:23 PM
I had a wonderful Sunday afternoon listening to your podcast and now I want more. I will put out the thought for more astrology podcasts - yours or others. A monthly podcast would be nice. I hope someone picks up the ball soon.
Posted by: Susan Custer | January 27, 2008 at 01:41 PM
Hi Susan - Glad you checked in. Will probably try to get more of my talks digitally recorded and posted here, since I have a few hundred that may be of interest. I have a great one on the coming year, but I need to transfer it from tape to computer. Digital recording is next on my list of things to learn. Now that I have the technology and bandwidth, many things are possible that weren't before.
Posted by: Robert | January 28, 2008 at 04:14 PM